theopenuniversity · 4 years
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9/12/20 | my course books came for february. the covers are lovely!
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theopenuniversity · 4 years
Just finished first year of study at open university, and have an 87.5% average! So proud, considering everything that’s gone on in the past year and bit
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theopenuniversity · 4 years
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So glad I managed to get an extension on my assignment! My tutor was so understanding, and she gave me until Monday to get it done and submitted, which I couldn't be happier about!
Absolutely not a pretty or aesthetic study photo, but this is the reality of my desk during a planning session for any essay. I really wish critical analysis on sources got easier, but it's been 3 years and I still struggle - does anyone have any advice?
Song of the session: Lowagg - Ethereal
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theopenuniversity · 5 years
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The exam that marks the end of my second year is fast approaching, seems like it's really crept up on me this year! Cant believe I'll be starting my third year in October!
Started making study packs for the three topics I've picked for the exam, and started of course with Homer. The Iliad is so fascinating, and if any of you haven't read it I really recommend trying it out! To be the oldest surviving work of western literature and still be relevant in today's world has got to mean something📚🔪🏺
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theopenuniversity · 5 years
Student finance has been approved! All ready to start my last module of my degree in October, very excited to be a graduate! PPE has been a challenging, interesting and very varied degree and I’m looking forward to seeing where it can take me in the future 😊
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theopenuniversity · 5 years
Open University
To anyone interested in studying with the Open University but not quite sure if they're good fit, I'm just about to finish my 2rd year of part time study, and I wanted to share my experiences.
*study schedule is set out in clear week-by-week checklists on the website. It's super easy to follow and you feel super accomplished when you check off everything for that week!
*semi-regular lectures that you have complete free choice to attend in person, or if you have a busy schedule can instead book in with the online lectures instead.
*both of my tutors so far have been very helpful, and happy to answer emails without ever making me feel as though my questions or concerns werent important - something I know a lot of people doing distance study struggle with is emailing their tutors with questions, but I promise you, tutors with the Open Uni are lovely!!!!
*fees are significantly lower than traditional university.
*for most modules, theres a choice in study beginning in October or February, depending on your personal needs and availability.
*most importantly, and the thing that sold it for me, was the ability to study part time. I have a full time job, which meant traditional university wasnt an option for me, but studying part time means I can work toward my degree AND pay my rent!! For those who do have the time however, full time study is also an option.
If anyone has anything in particular they'd like to ask, or even just to chat, my inbox is always open. Please feel free to talk to me, studying alone is lonely and I'd love a friend!!!📚��♥️
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theopenuniversity · 5 years
Hey! I'm considering PPE with the OU this October! Is there anything I should know? What do you think of the course? What's been challenging so far? Dont feel obliged to answer the questions and thank you for taking the time to read! I hope your studies are going well and I hope you are well too!
Hey, I’ve enjoyed the course as a whole so far, I have just one module left to go! The first year modules have changed since I started and I think they look a lot more interesting than the one I did so I’m quite jealous!
The economics module at level 2 was quite challenging and definitely needed a lot of time to understand all the content but it was interesting. There was a lot to take on and I think I probably struggled to apply the theories to the TMA questions properly. I found the level 2 politics module was really good too (probably my favourite module of the degree so far), philosophy wasn’t my cup of tea so I’m not doing it at level 3, but I know loads of people have done the level 2 course and really enjoyed it.
The level 3 politics course I did has also changed but it’s similar to the ‘Modern Political Ideas’ course. I personally didn’t enjoy it just because it was all online and I found it really hard to take the info in and engage with it. It was quite disappointing because the level 2 module was so good but I know there’s a different politics option available so I’d probably do that if I picked again because it comes with books. I’m starting the economics course in October which I’m really excited for!
I hope that’s helpful, let me know if you have any other questions I can help with and good luck with your studies 😊😊
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theopenuniversity · 5 years
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Working on Homer’s Iliad module in my textbook this afternoon, cant wait to sink my teeth into the next assignment! This is one budding classicist who wants at least a 90🙏🏺⚡
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theopenuniversity · 5 years
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Working on TMA03 today in school while the children are at their outdoor education lesson.
So. Much. Paper!
Last night I transcribed a recording of a narrative interview I held with one of my colleagues - a half hour interview turned into 4 hours, 7 pages, and nearly 5,000 words. My whole assignment is only 3,000!
Desktop background by @emmastudies
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theopenuniversity · 5 years
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Taking a break from uni work to enjoy the late afternoon sunshine and recharge with a soft serve. Anyone else remember when these really were 99p? Gone are the days lmao😂
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theopenuniversity · 5 years
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Finishing up the notes from this week and started doing past year’s exams
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theopenuniversity · 6 years
Anyone done a course at open university? Please let me ask you questions!
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theopenuniversity · 6 years
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23.06.2018 done with my final exam ✨
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theopenuniversity · 6 years
“The simple fact is that people who achieve excellence in their fields didn’t just have a dream. They got up at 4:00 am to practice on parallel bars or had to forgo other desirable activities and paths in order to get in six hours of violin practice a day, or stayed off several million absurd writing advice blogs with their overheated little cliques that dispense useless regurgitated maxims and empty praise and decide to actually confront their own thoughts on a page. Or they read Beowulf and Dante carefully and deeply when they didn’t see any point, since all they were interested in was Sylvia Plath, because someone of more experience and wisdom told them to do so. I don’t know whether we’re overly lazy, stupid, or childish these days. But the idea of preparing oneself for excellence has somehow disappeared. So – my advice to dreamers: Don’t just follow your dreams. Earn them. Do what it takes to achieve it. Work for it. Don’t just sit there and dream because if you do, it will never, ever be yours.”
— Harrison Solow, Don’t Follow Your Dream (via crimsun)
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theopenuniversity · 6 years
My degree
I have registered (actually ages ago) to do a BSc (honours) in Health Sciences with the Open University. It will take me six years to complete but it will be worth it. And I’m determined to remain mentally stable for it.
My student loan got approved two days ago so it’s actually happening. The study materials for the first module I’m taking are available from early January but the module does not start officially until February.
The first module involves looking at modern health topics, it has 6 assignments to do and I think an end of module assessment.
I bought some notebooks today to write my notes in and I’m going to start buying things like pens and highlighters.
I am so excited to do this, science is something I’m passionate about.
It’s about 2 hours study a day so I should be able to cope with it I hope.
Can’t wait!
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theopenuniversity · 6 years
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my textbooks for DE100 arrived before christmas :)
last module (TU100) sent out the textbooks in stages but it was very linear whereas this module is bouncing around the books from week to week
i like that they sent me a module map outlining everything i need to do each week, something i can tick off and complete. i might get stickers to put on each section when i complete
they also sent an assignment guidance booklet that outlines the questions for all of the assignments and the exam which is great imo because i can plan ahead on what i want to say for everything and mull it over and pick out things from the textbooks ahead of time in preparation rather than rushing around when writing like i did last year
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theopenuniversity · 6 years
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