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people act like brits are all polite and everything but never forget that we have a night where we literally celebrate the guy who tried to blow up parliament by running around in creepy ass masks and setting off fireworks and screaming some sort of satanic chant together
Tell me about it, Brits are rude. We’re just politely rude and passive aggressive.
Also I hate fireworks night so much. So. Much. I work with animals and spend my whole week around it worrying about them.
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broke: The Great British Bake Off has no conflict
woke: while The Great British Bake Off is refreshingly devoid of the usual man vs. man conflict, it is filled with conflict of other varieties, notably man vs. self (the contestants vs. their knowledge of baking) and man vs. nature (the contestants vs. the time limit)
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Artwork in Bristol by Lanie Rose (link to her instagram in source)
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There are certain force multipliers in the US that increase the scale of its problems; we do not have prisons the size of small towns or police officers walking around with AR-15s in Britain. But George Floyd showed that police do not need guns to take life. Floyd’s chilling final cries of “I can’t breathe” are not only the same words uttered by Eric Garner as he was being chocked by police officers in New York in 2014, but also by Jimmy Mubenga who in 2010 died on a plane on a Heathrow runway while being restrained by three immigration officers (an inquest into his death found he had been unlawfully killed, but the immigration officers were later acquitted of manslaughter). In 2017, 20-year-old Rashan Charles also lost his life, this time in Hackney, east London, after being restrained by a police officer and choking on a package of caffeine and paracetamol in his mouth. That same year, another young black man, 25-year-old father Edson Da Costa, died in very similar circumstances to Charles, just down the road in Newham. The inquests held into both Charles’ and Da Costa’s deaths ultimately cleared the arresting officers of responsibility. We could also discuss Sarah Reed, or Sheku Bayoh – the names go on and on.
The last time a police officer was successfully prosecuted in the UK concerning the death of somebody in custody was in 1969, when the Beatles were not only all alive, but still together. That year, two Leeds city police officers were involved in the death of David Oluwale, a homeless British-Nigerian man who they had repeatedly targeted in an attempt to drive him out of the city. The officers had taken to abusing Oluwale whenever he was spotted, and famously wrote “Wog” by his nationality on his arrest sheet. When Oluwale died after being in their custody, they faced charges of manslaughter. During the trial these charges were dropped to assault. The police officers were convicted and sentenced to just three years in prison. Half a century later, there has not been a single successful prosecution for anyone who died in police custody since.
Though the numbers of deaths following police contact are thankfully not as bad in the UK as in the US, we should be anything but complacent when it comes to our own structural problems with racism or policing. Institutional racism exists at every level of our criminal justice system, from who gets stopped and searched, to who gets arrested, to who gets charged, to who gets convicted.
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To all my black followers and friends, stay safe.
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Don’t call yourself a fashion fan if you don’t know who this is
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my aunt just posted this on facebook and i want everyone else to see it
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Hey all, sorry I haven’t been exactly present recently on this blog. My university has closed down due to covid19 (I’m a final year student) and I’m having to crack out a dissertation and 2 assignments alone with the realisation that my graduation is gone, all the jobs I was working towards on this degree are gone, plus the inevitable worry about health of me/family/friends. So.
I hope you understand and are having fun looking back through some of my older posts. Hopefully I’ll be more active in a couple of weeks when my deadline is over and I’m bored in isolation.
Stay safe, stay home, stay healthy.
Do something dumb that brings you joy every day, be it a workout, tending to a plant, drinking a supersize mug of tea, cuddling a pet or sticking googly eyes on random items around your house (if you do this, I want pictures).
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The panic over COVID-19 causing people to hoard shit unnecessarily means I can't find medical supplies (like disinfecting alcohol wipes) without paying an obnoxiously exorbitant amount.
Generally healthy, able-bodied people don't need masks, exam gloves, or alcohol swabs to protect themselves against COVID-19. But chronically ill people and their caretakers do need those supplies to live their everyday lives.
Calm the fuck down and wash your fucking hands, ableds.
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What is our deal with toilet roll?!?! My local ASDA has everything else but not toilet roll
Of all the things to stock up on? Tinned food - loads, tissues- plenty, medicines - fully stocked
Toilet roll? None.
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If anyone wants to know anything, ask away
soft asks to get to know people
what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
what calms you down?
what’s something you’re excited for?
what’s your ideal date?
how are you?
what’s your comfort food?
favorite feel-good show?
for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
compliment the person who sent you this number.
fairy lights or LED lights?
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
what do you want most in the world right now?
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
what would you say to your future self?
favorite piece of clothing?
what’s something you do to de-stress?
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
what movie would you want to live in?
which character would you want to be?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
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I’m curious now, What does your kitchen look like? Or what does the typical British kitchen look like?
I guess that’s the point, I’ve never had the idea that there really is a typical british kitchen. Everyone I know has fairly different styled kitchens?
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when the story is just not working, but you keep writing anyway
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Ok so weird question but
I’ve been watching a lot of vine compilations recently and most of them are American and I have a question for any American followers
Do all Americans have the exact same kitchen?? Because they all look the same.
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Bake Off 2k18
I’m not going to do a mass shitpost event today so here’s a few thoughts watching the first ep:
-when briony said she looked like Michael McIntyre and nobody denied it I snorted because it’s damn true
-I don’t care what that was supposed to be but the pink blob looked phalic
-prue was wearing half a game of kerplunk around her neck and nobody can convince me otherwise
-I felt like terry might tell me to collect £200 for passing go at any moment
-Imelda was physically shaking at the final judging and all I’m saying is if Mel and sue were there, they’d have stopped the filming and helped her calm down
-terry on a horse called Amy that refused to move was an underrated moment
-prue said that shit about ‘it’s worth the calories’ again and I still hated it. This isn’t dieting, it’s baking
-when Paul called that one guy chubby I thought he might get sued but that doesn’t seem to have happened
-manon calling them ‘wheelie wagons’ was damn adorable
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