with our new president in office and already signing executive orders that diminish people and compromise the values i stand for, i've been having an extremely difficult time coping with our new administration. i've gone through phases of complacency, bitterness, rage, depression, grief, paranoia, sometimes experiencing all of these things at once.
i know that i am not the only person struggling right now. recently, i've been delving into my art, attempting to make sense of everything, trying to process it. last night i realized that many of my friends were doing similar things: writing, making music, painting, drawing, etc. just to process what's going on. i realized how much power resides in this. art challenges people; it enriches us; it promotes understanding, conversation, and healing.
the people united's goal is to provide artists a space to speak and be heard. i would like to feature different pieces from a wide variety of artists reflecting on or processing the election and our new president. there will be a physical copy of the zine and all of the submissions will be archived digitally on this blog. if you have anything you'd like to contribute, whether it be audio, visual, written, etc. (any medium of art is fine), please submit it to [email protected]. i am convinced that a collective production of art would be beneficial to those who contribute or read/listen/interact with the art.
again, if you are interested in participating in this collective effort of resistance, please submit by friday, march 31, 2017, by emailing your submissions to [email protected]. any medium of art is awesome; just do whatever speaks to you and what feels right to you. the important thing is getting our art out there so we can create an environment that promotes healing, understanding, and unity. resistance and solidarity is so crucial during these times.
sending love & strength, cori amato hartwig...i can be contacted through ask box or [email protected]
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