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I would also like to acknowledge my little brother. He has been there with me through it all. I am so lucky that God blessed me with a best friend and buddy for life! I will always be there for you and I love you so much!
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I am so incredibly grateful for the relentless support I have received from my parents. They were there for me when no one else was, and I feel so lucky to have them. I honestly don't know where I would be without them, and I will never be able to express how thankful I am for their never ending support, love, and encouragement. Love you so much!
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Positivity Point 4: Quotes and Poetry
When you’re having a bad day or are in need of encouragement, I recommend reading some inspirational quotes or poetry. I personally draw strength from profound writings. I will post some quotes that give me hope, as I would like to share them with you. This really helps!
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Positivity Point 3: Other People’s Opinions Are Irrelevant
When you’re sick, you realize the fragility of life. It sounds pessimistic, but the reality is that you don’t know how much longer you have on this Earth. This is why it’s important to truly live each day like it’s your last. Stop caring what other people think about you. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Once you let go and start living the way you want to live, doing what you love, and saying what you feel, the world will respect you for it. The world will listen. Even when you’re sick, your voice still matters. Use your power to raise awareness and funds for your illness. You will be making a positive difference about something you care about, and potentially saving others from suffering. Spreading this kind of positivity will make you happy. Trust me.
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Positivity Point 2: Surround Yourself With Positive People
I cannot stress enough how important it is to surround yourself with positive people! This is important when you’re healthy, but especially when you’re sick! It’s okay if someone doesn’t understand what you’re going through, but if they don’t support you, then that’s not okay, and they need to go! Bye-bye! It is also very beneficial to connect with others who are going through the same thing! They will make you realize that you are not alone and you will have a lot in common! Additionally, I realize that some friends may not support you. This says much more about them than it does about you!
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Positivity Point 1: It’s The Little Things
It truly is the little things that make all the difference when you’re sick. Give yourself small things to look forward to, such as ordering makeup or clothes online, or even video chatting a friend. Things that didn’t mean much before, start to hold more value. Basically, treat yo self! You deserve it!
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How To: Positive Mindset
Staying as positive as possible is crucial to your recovery. I know it’s hard, but I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. Something positive that I have gained from this journey is realizing my strength. I never knew what I could survive until I was put to the test, and discovered just how strong I was. I’m not special. Everyone possesses the ability to be strong, and to persevere. You must make a commitment to yourself to be strong. Being sick can make you feel out of control, like you have no say in your own life. Don’t give your illness that kind of power. The one thing that can’t be taken from me is my inner strength, and I capitalize on that. Every day when you get up in the morning, you don’t know what that day will bring. You don’t know how much longer you’ll have to suffer before being free from the shackles of illness. That is one of the scariest feelings in the world. You must use this fear, and convert it into strength. This was the best decision I’ve ever made, and is the only way to live, not only when you’re sick, but every day of your life. It’s all up to you.
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Hello and welcome everyone! My name is Isabelle and this blog is going to encompass everything from information about Lyme Disease, it’s co-infections (Babesia, Bartonella, Erlichia, Mycoplasma, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Anaplasma, Tularemia), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), my personal story, and maintaining a positive attitude through it all. My aim is to educate, inspire, and encourage all those who read, not just those affected by these ailments. Perseverantia ad finem optatum. Perseverance conquers all things.
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