#visage [ look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it ]
thepraetor · 11 months
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I would shun the light, share in evening's cool and quiet Who would trade that hum of night? For sunlight, sunlight, sunlight But whose heart would not take flight? Betray the moon as acolyte On first and fierce affirming sight Of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight I had been lost to you, sunlight And flew like a moth to you, sunlight, oh, sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight Oh, your love is sunlight But it is sunlight All the tales the same Told before and told again A soul that's born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight And at last can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
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audreyselwyn · 5 years
tag dump!
|   ❛  thread00?.  ❜   (  ?.  )
|   ❛  featuring.  ❜   (  ?.  )
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kaedwenistout · 3 years
part 4 of the tag dump :{
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laurelserpent · 4 years
updated tags bc i’m too tipsy to write 
#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     ch. study    ┋     ❝   she was a secret garden and her walls were very high   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     aesthetic    ┋     ❝   look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     visage    ┋     ❝   she had the kind of eyes that predisposed you to support her every endeavour   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     sp.   ┋     ❝   i will not apologise for being devastatingly beautiful   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     musing   ┋     ❝   her heart was wild and full of magic   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     memes   ┋     ❝   come over and spend a little time with me sometime   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     daphne replies   ┋     ❝   all the kids want owls they’re dead useful carry yer mail an everything   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     playlist   ┋     ❝   music ; a magic beyond all we do here   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     promo   ┋     ❝   talented brilliant incredible amazing show stopping spectacular never the same totally unique   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     starter call   ┋     ❝   mutuals only please . multi’s please specify muse   ❞#[ TAG DROP ! ]#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     ooc   ┋     ❝   could I * bee * anymore chaotic ?   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     bee replies   ┋     ❝   you have now reached the q and a portion of my ted talk   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     psa   ┋     ❝   things that matter   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     edit   ┋     ❝   I probably put off doing productive things to make this   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     munday   ┋     ❝   the artist formerly known as daphne greengrass  ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     desires   ┋     ❝   the mirror of erised shows not your face but your heart’s desire   ❞#✧・゚*   [   🐍   ]     HC   ┋     ❝  we no longer bother to make the distinction between events in real life and the events in our heads   ❞
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audrreys · 4 years
tag dump !
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therealvagabird · 3 years
The Zodiac of Auma-Maan
AKA: I made a star-sign chart! It references some occult setting themes I’ve used in several contexts. Feel free to find your astral avatar, as dictated by the ancient sages of the far galaxies...
Many species across countless reaches of time and space have crafted their own mystical star-charts to attempt to bridge the material and the divine. Yet the eldest and most powerful of all these zodiacs is held to be that of Auma-Maan, the star-cycle of the Ur-Aum, also known as the Dawn Celestials. Understanding of the Auma-Maan can enlighten one to many patterns within the fabric of creation, peeling back time and energy like the petals of a flower bud to expose the secrets within. To dissect the endless tessellations and trines of the Auma-Maan zodiac would be an infinite endeavor, and so what follows is the simplest form adapted for human use.
Jan 6 – Jan 20: Dormin, the Colossus
Lord of winter, Dormin bears similarities to legends of the Jotunn or other such elemental giants of Earth. He sleeps throughout the stellar cycles and is awakened only in times when all other things die or lay dormant. Thus is his warpath unchallenged when he arises at last in might. Those born in the time of Dormin are resolute and unflagging, with a fire burning ever in their chest, even if they appear outwardly stoic.
Jan 21 – Feb 3: Avaka, the White Horn
An omen of good fortune, Avaka is a mysterious being sometimes said to be bestial in appearance, though none know much more than that. Common traits of Avaka are the majestic horns it bears on its head, and that it moves like a rushing winter’s wind. Avaka appears to the worthy during their darkest times, glimpsed at the edge of one’s vision and thereafter forgotten, but forever imprinted upon their soul. Terrifying to the ignorant and the ignoble, Avaka is the enemy of evil spirits and inspires those born under it to be as enigmatic and powerful as it is.
Feb 4 – Feb 19: Vui Wanai, the Everborn
Sometimes called the “Fey” on Earth, Vui Wanai is the Ur-Aum representation of a “precursor god” to the Vuwana, the Everborn. The Everborn are a eusocial race of adaptable plantlike beings which were known at the dawn of time for their great magics, growing from among the youngest of the old Pentarchy into a powerful empire. Those born under Vui Wanai are attuned to nature and can never be cut off from it.
Feb 20 – Mar 5: Ka, the Leviathan
The great beast of the abyss, Ka symbolizes the unknown, the powerful and unfathomable forces of the outer dark, and the might of the gods. Ka is both a creator and a destroyer, and an aspect of the incomprehensible power of the tides of fate and nature beyond mortal skeins. To be under the dominion of Ka is to have the opportunity for untold power, but also for untold ruination – though fear of the unknown will never prove insurmountable.
Mar 6 – Mar 20: Akshia, the Vessel of Plenty
Likened to the cornucopia of classical myth, Akshia is a legendary invention said to hold the keys to true genesis. Akshia represents unfettered abundance, infinite resources, and boundless energy. It is associated with birth, creation, and life. Individuals born under Akshia can likewise expect bounty to flow their way and tend to have larger reserves of energy and good luck than most. Akshia is among the most powerful of the Terran signs and can be invoked for wealth and prosperity. The most powerful of races throughout history have placed the sign of Akshia upon the hulls of Genesis Engines as a point of ritual.
Mar 21 – Apr 4: Amon-Bal, the Horned Hearth
Incarnation of the home, the balance of nature and humanity, and the bounty of the divine. Most often represented by an ambiguous figure crowned with great, twisting horns, Amon-Bal has sometimes been mistaken for a demon or other fel creature of the outer dark. In truth, Amon-Bal stands for sustenance, fire, family, and other basic necessities which sustain mortal races long before they ever ascend to the stars. Those born in the time of Amon-Bal are often of temperate attitude and simple pleasures, but will not shy away from doing what is necessary to take care of them and their loved ones.
Apr 5 – Apr 20: Eanlil, the Egg
Eanlil is a powerful concept, representing dormant power which has yet to come into fruition. It mirrors the collective consciousness of sapient species, the biospheres of entire worlds, or the harmonic fields generated within the hearts of stars. Eanlil is perfect balance and unlimited energy, yet unborn and unrealized. The “Egg” which this astral avatar inhabits is the same type from which the Celestial Dragons were said to have been birthed. To be born under Eanlil is likewise to have limitless potential, and often a tendency to attract power in turn.
Apr 21 – May 4: Khar-Nin, the Primordial
Great beast of the deep earth, Khar-Nin is a personification of the raw forces which shape planets and entire terrestrial landforms. Khar-Nin embodies eternal change and the clashing powers of creation and entropy within the cosmos. While not so tied to life and the cycles of nature as some other avatars, Khar-Nin still grants those born under its sign the blessings of endurance and perseverance. The Primordial is strength, eternity, and power.
May 5 – May 21: Insar, the Demon
Insar is a distillation of all those traits which define demonkind, both positive and negative. Standing for selfishness, chaos, destruction, and mutation, Insar is also a patron to passion, survival, and change. Still, Insar is often regarded as one of the darker signs, and those who hold its power are said to be prone to demonic behavior in turn. None would deny the efficacy of such attributes, though one must always be careful that ambition is put towards constructive ends, and does not lead to ruination.
May 22 – Jun 5: Orhirat, the Eternal Serpents
Also referred to as the Orhirati in plural, this sign is oft represented by two snakes devouring each other in an eternal cycle. As such, Orhirat symbolizes rebirth and eternity, not unlike the ouroboros or the taijitu. Raw energy is held within the Orhirat, and it is often associated in turn with the Celestial Dragons and their boundless power. Those born under Orhirat are often subject to extremes of passion – love, anger, and the like. They attract energy and produce energy in great abundance, making them vivant and willful with the force of their personalities.
Jun 6 – Jun 20: Ohol, the Conquerors
Human interpretations of Ohol tend to evoke images like the Wild Hunt, great figures like Genghis Khan, or other ravagers which come upon galloping steeds and lay waste to their foes. Ohol is an elusive concept which contains many contradictory elements within it – pain and pleasure, love and tyranny, chaos and unity. A popular depiction of Ohol is a pair of beautiful yet terrifying riders on horseback. Those born to Ohol likewise can be prone to flairs of passion, great ambitions, and a love of life’s pleasures. Terran warlocks are fond of invoking Ohol for all manner of rituals, being that it is among the most powerful signs that can manifest on our world.
Jun 21 – Jul 6: Praven, the Mariner
Patron to the intrepid, the enduring, inventive, and the adventurous. Praven is an ill-defined figure who nonetheless seems to uphold many of the traits and skills lauded by seafarers, void-sailors, and all those who ply the treacherous expanses. Rewarding those of great skill and discipline with the boons of freedom and fortune, Praven is among the most powerful avatars which can be invoked upon Earth.
Jul 7 – Jul 22: Itamn, the Chitinous
A representation of the “precursor god” of the Kitan, another of the Pentarchy and considered among the most intelligent races in the cosmos, having long since ascended to a higher plane of existence. Itamn takes the form of a titanic, crab-like creature, and is a patron to science and arcane study. Those born in the time of Itamn are often highly erudite and adept in learning.
Jul 23 – Aug 6: Ekhissu, the Chimera
Embodying change, the power of the unnatural, and the complexities of opposites and the harmony and discord they bring in equal measure. On Earth, Ekhissu is often represented by the Greek chimera or the Persian lamassu, though more traditional depictions tend to bend the mind with their alien anatomies. Ekhissu shows the strength to be found in things which are not always considered “natural” and is a patron to science and invention. However, adversarial concepts war within Ekhissu. Those who can find harmony within themselves will find a wealth of creativity and focus born from the synthesis of their internal struggles, while those who fall prey to discord will become monstrous and unthinking.
Aug 7 – Aug 22: Sol Rosol, the Ruler
Depictions of Sol Rosol among Terran cults has diminished much since the ancient days. The visage of the Lion Lord was subsumed into more palatable sky-gods and humanoid avatars. Among the earliest humans who were made privy to the secrets of the Ur-Aum magics, Sol Rosol was regarded as one of the most powerful and fearsome avatars of all the celestials. Drawn as a great lion-headed warrior in solid armor, with the tail of a monkey and holding a flaming scepter, Sol Rosol stands for divine rule, tyranny, beneficent leadership, warfare, and peaceful prosperity all in equal measure. Those born under its sign are often destined to lead and can look to Sol Rosol for their providence.
Aug 23 – Sep 7: Anu, the Child
Representation of birth, beginnings, purity, curiosity, imagination, and innocence. Anu is often interpreted as the “child” to Panduma’s “mother”, though in truth Anu embodies the beginning of all things. The limitless potential and endless diverging paths which remain un-congealed with every new beginning are held within Anu, and it forms the start of all reality, just as entropy forms the end. Those born under Anu often maintain a childlike wonder throughout their lives, and may benefit from mental elasticity and curiosity even into their old age – the greatest boons of childhood.
Sep 8 – Sep 23: Panduma, the Mother
Aspect of fertility, love, and plenty. On Earth, Panduma is associated with mother-goddess figures and harvest matrons. To the Ur-Aum, Panduma is an embodiment of biological cycles, such as those expressed in reproduction, which are of obvious importance to all lifeforms, as well as the passage between life and death, which also maintains balance in the world. Panduma is a patron to civilization and order. Individuals born under this sign tend towards traditional values, loyalty to their families, and are rewarded for their hard labor with great bounty. Also one of the most powerful of the Terran signs, Panduma bestows the resolute with good fortune.
Sep 24 – Oct 7: Terthon, the Winged
Symbol of the air and the power of flight. Terthon is notable in that, within the rune-tomes of the ancient Pentarchy, Terthon is depicted as a divine flying machine as much as (if not more than) any biological winged creature. To beings like the Ur-Aum and the Ga-An, Terthon was a representation of their birthright, their mastery of the air. To other species, Terthon symbolized that which they coveted, and the promises of progress and technology. Invoking Terthon or being born under its sign grants lightheartedness, inventiveness, agility of both body and mind, boldness, and other virtues held both within the winds and by those beings which sail upon them.
Oct 8 – Oct 23: Volk, the Hunter
Patron of hunters, tamers of beasts, and the like. In Ur-Aum spirituality, it was the essence of Volk which compelled various intelligent species to tame other creatures rather than just slay them. Likewise, Volk grants power to those who hunt to survive or to fell terrible monsters. In this way does the great hunter symbolize balance in the natural world. To have Volk’s blessing is to likewise be given the guile, strength, and wisdom to uphold this balance. For occultists, one of the most notable spells of this sign is to summon the Hounds of Volk – terrifying beings from beyond the skein of the void, who nonetheless are beloved for their great loyalty and focus.
Oct 24 – Nov 6: Kur-Ana, the Abyssal
Precursor sign of the Anaman race, also known as the Nameless Things. Among the oldest races in the cosmos are the Nameless, who were spawned from the effluvium of entropy produced as a by-product of other life coming into being. Kur-Ana is a reflection of the virtues held within Anamani Annihilism, their sacred theology. To follow the tenets of Kur-Ana is to embrace pain over pleasurable distractions, to not fear the darkness and to feel equal compassion for all things. Some xenodaemonologists of Earth have posited that certain lessons of Annihilism were uncovered and embraced by the precursor cults of certain near-eastern religions, though these are just hypotheses.
Nov 7 – Nov 22: Nammu, of the Oceans
Sign of the oceans and all great waters, from the primordial puddles which later give rise to entire worlds of life, to the astral glaciers which hold within their hearts secrets incomprehensible. Of all the essences in existence, water is among the most powerful. Nammu shares traits with many sea gods of Terran lore, being both a bountiful provider and a bitter destroyer. Those born to Nammu’s sign often hold within them the strength of the sea, along with its deceptive nature.
Nov 23 – Dec 6: Zagaya, the Spear
Avatar of warfare and warriors. Long have been the millennia past since the Ascended have had to stoop to base warfare, but the struggle of conflict is never so far removed from the hearts of sapient beings. Battle is both an addiction, a lust, as well as a necessity at times – when horrors lurk always in the outer dark. Though mortal fighters may often prefer to trust in the strength of their own hands, or the favor of their personal conqueror-gods, Zagaya is always looking down upon them. To be held under Zagaya’s sign is to be a warrior true, even if one is so fortunate as to never know battle in their lifetime.
Dec 7 – Dec 21: Path, the Thunder Bird
Embodied by the lightning bolt, and herald of the storm, Path is a being of pure power and sometimes likened to the Celestial Dragons – most ancient and mighty of the primordial beings which shaped the cosmos. Path brings both destruction and creation, terror and exultation. Though not malevolent, all should be careful when dealing with the Thunder Bird. Those born during the time of Path are likewise noted for their sheer drive and natural ability in all that they do, no matter what stands in their way. Path is also among the mightiest signs to invoke upon Terra, due to our world’s astral positioning, and is considered among the greatest sources from which star-paladins can channel their power.
Dec 22 – Jan 5: Paramis, the Devourer
One of the darkest and most terrifying of the zodiac signs, Paramis is likened to the demons, the void-parasites, and the Hungering Blood. The house of Paramis is death, deception, and conquest. Paramis’ power lays in adaptability, using your opponent’s strengths against them, and always pursuing your own growth and empowerment. Despite this, Paramis is not considered “evil” in the confusing cosmology of the Ur-Aum, given that Paramis is held to be a tester, a tutor, an embodiment of survival, and one of the beings which brings about the end of kalpas. Paramis is also one of the most powerful signs that can be invoked on Earth and is a favorite of the most daring warlocks. To be born under Paramis is to have the will to survive at all costs, to fear nothing, and to crave everything.
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vulpesse-arc · 4 years
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FIVE SMOOCHES  !  ✿  not accepting. @ioniacriminal​  has whispered:   five times kissed :'>
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THE FIRST KISS IS A GAME OF CAT AND MOUSE, a chase of warmth and sin that she deftly controls with each movement that she performs and each word that she pronounces: he is thus allowed to come close only to be afterwards pushed back, he is lured into the fox den only to be afterwards cruelly denied and the vulpine creature would have easily spent the entire evening playing this heartless game if only she had not realized that, mayhap, she wanted him as much as he wanted her. A DULCET SIMPER AND A MELODIOUS PURR, the vastaya dons herself with the elegant demeanor of ancient goddesses of love and lust, ethereal creatures capable of giving and taking in equal measure   ──   But for today, she has taken enough away from him, and with the generous nonchalance of someone who’s bestowing a blessing ‘pon a lamentable soul, she cozily crawls into the arms of the half-beast to reward his desperate efforts with a KISS THAT TASTES OF HONEY AND DEMISE AT THE SAME TIME. It’s ephemeral, almost too innocent to be given by such a wicked creature and it lasts much less than she has formerly intended   /   It leaves an odd taste ‘pon the edge of her hungry tongue, it leaves her longing for more.
THE SECOND KISS RESEMBLES THE SILKEN BLOSSOMS OF SPRING, for it is delicate and unforgettable, the kind of amorous gesture that violently carves itself into the very marrow of a lover’s bones. Plush lips linger against each other, strictly deny the crestfallen possibility of an end and fight against all odds in pursuance of being conjoined yet again, in pursuance of feeling each other with growing intensity and passion, in pursuance of being given the precious chance to blur the entirety of the outer world into monochromatic nihility. HER HEART CONSTRICTS within the fragile confines of her bone-wrought cage, fights against those poignant feelings that are ought to grow stronger with each moment spent together and it comes to ultimately resemble a seething serpent: she feels vulnerable in his arms, she feels stripped of the unholy sovereignty that she has arduously conquered with claws and fangs  ( no longer a crowned queen, merely an enamored princess in the welcoming arms of her knight in shining armor  )  . Her instincts howl against her deafened ears and although her fingers do push into the scarred flesh of his shoulders in a desperate attempt at CLINGING onto a semblance of sentimental stability, the she-fox does not shy away, does not run away    /   She leans forward again, stealing yet another kiss.  
THE THIRD KISS POSSESSES THE SAME ENDOWMENT OF THE TEMPESTUOUS STORM, of the unforgiving thunders and the wrathful waves, for it lays ruination to everything it touches, for it cannot be tamed nor can it be reduced to utter submission. By now, the fox has ultimately grown accustomed to the luscious taste of his lips against her own, to the warmth of his tanned skin against the pallor of her own, to the sensation of being naught but a lonely flower in a much bigger field where the lions roam   ──   And where the LONELY WOLF has the unfair duty of keeping her safe. She is well aware that she has already kissed him enough times, she is well aware that she has already allowed her lips to sanctify more than just his lips, she is well aware that she has already claimed every inch of skin and every beat of his heart... Her claws have dug into his flesh, her tongue has become a profane temple where his name is whispered and sung and moaned and the entirety of her statuesque body has become both a feast and a sacrifice for the hungry maw of the solitary wolf  ( all to quench desires that go beyond humanity, desires whose ardent intensity can be solely comprehended by beasts  ) . And yet, even as her large breastbone swells with ragged breathes and beads of sweat creep down her bent spine, even as she rests in his arms and she presses against the bare muscles of his fatigued body, even as she can still feel his scorching warmth within her, she cannot hinder herself from searching for his mouth yet again   /   This time, his taste is different. This time, she can perceive her own sweetness ‘pon his tongue, as well.
THE FOURTH KISS TASTES OF BLOOD AND ANGUISH, it feels agonizingly heavy ‘pon her slender shoulders and forces her to wonder whether they are doomed to ultimately collapse underneath this tremendous weight. Rose-thorned digits are marred in warm crimson, delicate features of porcelain are stiffened into a vexed expressionism and melancholic concern swirls within the arteries and ventricles of her ichorous muscle with violent ardor: it is not the first time that she sees him covered in fresh wounds and it certainly won’t be the last. Eerie silence thus falls ‘pon them whilst she continues to carefully clean each laceration, applying herbal oils and hand-crafted potions to ensure that the weapons of his foes won’t cause any infection to an already fatigued body  ;  silken bandages are applied with the utmost care, not a single inch of flesh is ignored and after what feels like centuries, her job as a healer finally comes to an end. He avoids looking directly at her and, if she could, she would have done the exact same... BUT HER HEART BLEEDS AND WEEPS in front of his agony and this is enough to momentarily subdue the resentment bubbling venomous within the most profound depth of her ribcage. The she-fox thus leans forward, tenderly cradles the sides of his swollen and bruised visage into the palms of her delicate hands and leans forward in pursuance of gently pressing her lips against his own   /   It is an innocent kiss, one barren of carnal passion or feral lusts, one that is solely laden in the pristine desire to be by his side and PROTECT him from any type of danger lurking out there  ( FOXES ARE SPITEFUL CREATURES, they do not forgive others easily  ) .
THE FIFTH KISS IS PAINTED IN THE PASTEL PIGMENTS OF SUNRISE, it’s the kind of kiss that poets write about in their poems and balladeers sing about in their joyful songs. It’s a lazy kiss, one performed by simpering tiers that have yet to properly vocalize the first thought of the day and that are still swollen from the few hours of tranquil slumber  ;  it’s a gentle kiss, one that is oftentimes interrupted by soft coquettish titters and by loud unspoken complaints, a playful kiss performed with eyes closed and that lingers in the border between ravenous passion and amorous laziness  (  it would be so tremendously easy to transform it into something more carnal and fulfilling and yet, there is warmth in the simple act of brushing tiers together without ulterior motives )  . The sun has long begun to creep into the bedroom and even the comfort of large and heavy blankets can no longer shield the sleepy fox from the cruel luminescence of the day  ; she complains, whines and huffs under her breath and comfortably cradles herself into the arms of the wolf, burying her visage into the crook of his neck in order to pretend that she still has all the time in the world to indulge in this idyllic moment, in this moment that belongs to them and them alone... But, is that the truth ?  Do they really have an entire lifetime to spend together or is she simply deceiving herself into believing that  ?  Her hold around his muscular figure tightens, her ichorous muscle painfully flutters underneath her breastbone and Ahri has to instantaneously chase away all those nefarious thoughts about their divergent fates. The ghost of melancholia paints the world in colder pigments, in darker shades   /   No longer, does she seek the comforting darkness of the faux night, for she now crawls closer to him in pursuance of desperately claiming his lips yet again  ( it’s alright, it’s the destiny of every monster to fight against fate, after all ) .  
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asven440-blog · 7 years
Incubus : A Really Long Short Story Written For a Friend, Kade
Incubus Nina C. Ev ...Beauty is hidden behind a mask of ugliness, and ugliness is the only place that reveals beauty... None of the women Sarael had ever touched could resist him. He had a strange kind of pull, a magnetic attraction that very few of the female gender could resist. He could have had the men if he swung that way, a few of his brothers did but he preferred the women. They were so much more...satisfying. The woman who sat facing him was one of the more satisfying ones. She was beautiful  in that semi ethereal way that most women were. She had blonde hair, wide blue eyes and the most innocent smile he had ever seen. But then again,didn't they all? Sarael had no interest in what she was saying, in fact he could barely contain his loathing for her as she spoke. The woman's name was Sandra. Sandra. There was nothing  special about her name. Surely he would not remember it later on when he was done with her. All the human women Sarael knew were forgettable. Predictable. That made his task a lot easier but sometimes, he wished he would meet someone as promising as his Nadia had been. Nadia was human. Had been, in fact, until he had killed her. That was the eternal curse of his kind. They were created to destroy the things they loved the most. Nadia had been the only woman to resist him. She had the sight  and so she could see right through his glamor and masquerade. It was a pity he had destroyed her. Sandra was still talking about...something when Sarael decided it was time he fed. He had listened patiently to her all night, a tell tale glaze over his eyes but Sandra did not seem to notice. She was in love. When he helped her into his car, Sarael was a gentleman. He spoke slowly to her, almost like he was cajoling a child. This was all part of the act. He reveled in the knowledge that no woman would be able to reject him. That kind of knowledge was power. **** Sarael breathed in, taking in the scent of the woman pinned under him. Her hair spread out across the pillow like seaweed and in the faint glow of the alarm clock, she she looked like an angel. He touched her cheek, stroking the supple skin with the palm of his hand, savoring the moment before he fed. "I love you," the woman moaned, clutching at him as if he were a beacon of light in some endless darkness. Sarael did not reply her false affection in kind. He had no need to. He yawned lazily, registering the ache inside his chest. The chasm that demanded a sacrifice to be sated. Sandra gasped. Her eyes were still closed but if she had opened them she would have been met with the most terrifying sight imaginable. The angel who had charmed her into his bed was now a demon. Sarael had changed, his glamor peeling back like cracked leather to reveal the monster underneath. His eyes were luminous yellow slits in his head, a serpent's eyes. His jaw had stretched back so wide it was nearly level with his forehead. He leaned in closer to Sandra and took a deep breath, as if he were enjoying the scent of some exotic flower. The woman opened her eyes at the last minute, the ancient primal instinct that stirred in all of us telling her that something was horribly wrong. She screamed, seeing the horrible visage that pinned her down by the arms. Sarael carried on breathing in, he savored everything: the screams, the struggling, even the last moments when the woman's soul was torn away from her body like a thin piece of cloth. Sandra had stopped struggling. The woman who lay on the bed was no longer human. Sarael felt exhilaration and disgust at the same time. The thrill of destroying something as pathetic as the human woman's body. Her eyes were milky white pools, empty of all expression and her fingers clutched the sheets under her in some vain attempt at salvation. He hated to see them like this. After he had fed on them. Sarael knew he was a thief. He had taken the best part of this strange creature, leaving behind a hollow, almost unrecognizable shell. His remorse left him soon enough. This was who he was and there was no changing that. He realized, with some small measure of satisfaction, that he enjoyed breaking his victims. ****
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ponytailmcgee-blog · 7 years
tag drop !!
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Enchanted By a Voice [Kyle x Olympia]
I finally, at long last, finished my last ockiss17 prompt! Took me long enough, sorry for the long wait, @nebularogue! 
So here we have for Day Six: Hesitant Kiss: my Kyle Shepard (again) and @nebularogue‘s Olympia King. I brainstormed some settings and decided to have this scene take place after ME1 and a little bit before ME2. I might one day to write a part 2 to this scene because Olympia is up to something but since this is from Kyle’s POV, he doesn’t know the inner workings of her mind. So hope I wrote her well, @nebularogue, and thank you for letting me use for this story. :)
While Kyle enjoyed a good drink every now and then, he was never fond of shady or sleazy bars that simply screamed out half their customers were criminals as well as the same message being extended to the owners and most of their staff. The more innocent or less nefarious employees were the ones that often got screwed over in terms of payment, benefits, and the types of customers they had to deal with. And as much as he wished to change their situation or uncover a way to bring the unsavory bars under more legal or fair ownership, he couldn’t save or help everyone. A fact his friends often had to remind him from time to time.
However, here he was, at another seedy club to find a thug who was extorting from a neighbor of his. While Ivy stayed with the Alliance as the first human Spectre after Sovereign's attack on  the Citadel, he, Izzy, and Ivan spilt up to work their own goals until Ivy would call upon them for support once more. Last he heard of Izzy she was in Omega with that mercenary named Nydo and Ivan was off doing God-knows-what. As for himself, Kyle travelled to Ilium and dedicated his skills set to help others. Ilium may be a luxurious, breathtaking place but there were often serpents lurking about in every nest of paradise.
One of these snakes was Billian Tulk, a batarian thug and loan shark who was known to prey on the desperate, the poor, and the needy. His rates were outrageous and his system was designed to eventually force his victims to concede and either offer up their services or someone else in their place for indentured servitude to work off the debt. It was Tulk’s way of receiving free labor for as long as he wanted. But compared to Kyle’s past experiences and meeting a Reaper, Tulk was small potatoes. Besides, he was use to dealing with low-lives like Billian Tulk.
As predicted, the said batarian was downing shots one right after the other, while making a pass at one of the bar’s singers and clearly failing. Unsurprisingly, he did not take ‘no’ for an answer. “C’mon, baby, is it the extra eyes?” he cajoled to the human singer, whose brown eyes flashed menacingly when he reached out to grab her.
“No, it’s because you’re a lout and won’t leave me and other girls alone when we tell you to!” She bent the batarian’s hand back, almost snapping his wrist if Tulk didn’t have the foresight to quickly draw his arm back in time, forcing the singer to releaser her grasp on him. “Excuse me, but I’m up next and I won’t let you make me late.” Tulk cut her a nasty glare and was about to try his luck one more time yet more aggressively when Kyle beheld the opportunity to step in and distract the thug.  
“Billian Tulk?” he voiced, making his presence known. “We have to talk.”
The said batarian whipped his head around, six four eyes boring murderously at him as he temporarily forgot about the human singer. “About what?” came the snarl.
“You know of a Miss Seveej? Received a loan from you and later paid you back, including interest. And yet, you claim she still missed a fourth of the payment?” There was no way Miss Seveej neglected to pay in full, she documented all her finances carefully and was known to be meticulous—if her small bonsai plants were any indications of her great attention to detail as well as patience.
The loan shark shrugged. “She made an error with her numbers so she still owes me 4000 credits. And that salarian is lucky I’m not ratcheting up the interest rate.” He gulped down another shot, continuing to keep a few eyes on him. Kyle then noticed the singer hadn’t let and was watching them both, curiosity etched on her fair, sharply structured features. “And what is all of this to you? The arrangement between me and Seveej is none of your damned business!”  
“First of all, Miss Seveej is my neighbor and a good friend of mine so when she became my client, your deal became my business too. Secondly, it’s common knowledge you’re involved in other illicit activities, which I am certain the Ilium authorities would love to hear about if they caught wind of your hidden behavior.” Tulk was a man of vices and besides alcohol, he was also fond of dealing with stolen property on the black marker and illegal gambling—mainly centering around two people duking it out on a fighting ring.
The lines in the batarian’s visage deepened as he scowled, a tic starting in his jaw. “Careful there, human. You’re treading on dangerous territory, threatening me like that. Who do you think you are, Commander Shepard?”
At the opening, Kyle had to grin amusingly. “Well, my last name is Shepard and I’m good terms with the Commander Shepard. Maybe I should have to stop by and see how everything is doing around in Ilium.” Out of the corner of his eye, the dark haired singer smirked, evidently pleased to watch Tulk be outplayed. She even shot a thumbs-up while mouthing ‘thank you’ to him. He smiled back in returned.
The enraged, crossed glower was immediately dropped and a more nervous, serious expression flashed on Tulk’s ridged visage, all four eyes a little bit wider than they previously were. “Wait, you actually know that Spectre? And you’re related to her too?”
Technically. He just so happened to share a last name with Ivy, Ivan, and Izzy but that was irrelevant at the moment. So Kyle continued to smile, unsettling the loan shark even more. He didn’t need to utter anything, the silence alone was enough to provoke Tulk to reconsider his offer. The batarian quickly rummaged for his datapad and once found, punched a few buttons before sliding the holographic pad over to Kyle for him to view.
“See, your friend Miss Seveej is off the hook now. Full payment to me, just like she claimed and you asked for.” Kyle would have been skeptical if he wasn’t witnessing the proof with his own two eyes and there was slight tremor in the thug’s voice when he spoke. Guess he didn’t have to go hard on the criminal after all.
“Good,” he replied, feigning indifference. “And if I hear you’re bothering Miss Seveej again, I’ll come back and next time, I won’t be so nice. Are we clear?” There was an edge in the last part, his dark eyes narrowing as a warning signal towards the rather anxious batarian.
“Crystal, as you humans say,” came the sullen reply. And without another world, Billian Tulk finished his remaining shot, paid his tab, and fled, not before shooting a lecherous fleer at the singer, who scowled in response.
“I’m so glad you chased him off,” she told Kyle promptly once Tulk was gone. “He has been an annoyance to me and all of the singers for about a week.”
“If he returns and continues to harass you or anyone else, let me know.” He handed her his business card and she took with an intrigued look, studying the glossy words imprinted on the front.
“Nice to see people doing good these days.” She ran her thumb over his card, brown eyes peering curiously up at him, as if searching for something. “So Kyle...Shepard, want to stay a little longer and watch my performance? I guaranty you haven’t heard a voice like mine.” The way she uttered his name seemed like there was a private jest between them but only she remembered it while he was in the dark. The corners of her lips tugging up into a playful, witty beam and despite his reservations, Kyle had to admit she had a lovely smile.
“Oh, you don’t have to do anything special and bes—”
She snapped her fingers at a server nearby and flagged him down. “Get this man a drink. It’s on the house. He scared Tulk shitless.” She then turned her attention back on Kyle. “What do you usually or prefer to drink?”
Rather reluctantly, Kyle sat down and answered. “Gin and tonic, please. Nothing too fancy.” The waiter departed briskly to fill out his order, rendering Kyle and the singer by themselves once more. “And I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name, Ms.—”
“Olympia.” She gifted him another smile, this one completely charming and purely arresting. He wondered why she was spending so much time with him, a virtual stranger who just so happened to shoo a thug and loan shark away? Surely simple goodness or kindness weren’t rare in Ilium, of all places. Or maybe he was reading too much into her behavior and getting him a drink was her way of saying ‘thank you’.
Once his drink arrived, Olympia excused herself to get ready for her shift, all the while telling him to enjoy the shower. After about ten or so minutes later, Oympia appeared on the stage, dressed in a stunning purple and white sequin dress with a matching flower tucked behind her ear.  While her arrival brought on countless of cheers, puckish hollars, and woohooing, all chatter and noise ceased instantly when Olympia began to sing and weave her melodious spell on them all. The song was peppy and sassy, matching her lively, upbeat, and straightforward voice and words, fitting the tone of the song oh so well. She didn’t portray herself as ‘the girl next door’, a sultry temptress, a rowdy, spunky rebel, or a force of nature who destroy you and everything you hold dear should you cross her—simply a young woman who wasn’t perfect nor pretending to be. He liked her style so much to his surprise, he ended staying until her warbling act was over and she had a break. Almost immediately, she made a beeline for him.
“I see you decided to stay longer. Was it just my singing?” Olympia bantered, sitting down across the table from. She flagged down a waitress, muttering her drink to them before returning her sparkling gaze at him. “If so, I’m flattered.”
“I’ll admit, I’m not one for music but I didn’t want to leave while you were still singing. I guess your voice entranced me.” Kyle chuckled, swirling the liquid around his glass prior to taking another sip. “It’s been a long time since I enjoyed music like that.”
“Now I am even more flattered.” When her drink arrived, she thanked the waitress and took a huge gulp of champagne, a gasp of relief escaping her as she swallowed and savored the alcohol. “Nothing wets a dry throat better that this club’s champagne. You should try it.”  
“Maybe next time. I already had two drinks of gin and tonic and that’s my limit for today. Besides, I have to head back to Miss Seveej and deliver her the good news in person.” Olympia’s face softened when he mentioned his client’s name, an appreciative gleam in her chocolate brown eyes.
“Of course,” she agreed, nodding, “don’t let me stop you. I’m sure she’ll be happy to learn she’s no longer under that slimebag Tulk’s thumb.” She went back to drinking her champagne as he asked the server from earlier for his check, receiving the bill on his omni-tool. He paid promptly and started to rise from his seat when Olympia swiftly got up to sit down next to him, holding her arm out and halting his actions. Without explaining right away, she simply plucked the white and violet flower from her hair and secured it into his front jacket pocket, tucking the stem of the blossom firmly inside. “A little token to remember me and this club by, in  case you want to return for some fun instead of business.” Flirtation rang coyly in her tone but her winsome, genuine smile was what struck him more and seized him fully. And before he could even reply, she leaned in, hesitating at first, and brushed her lips against his cheek, the kiss light and soft like butterfly’s wings.
When she pulled back, there was a different impression flicking her unwavering gaze, one Kyle couldn’t place but decided not to dwell on the notion right now. The kiss was unexpected, but not unwelcomed. He was more surprised than anything else. “Well, thank you, for the flower and er, the kiss too,” he managed out, feeling his face flush for no reason at all. Why couldn’t he been smoother and in control, like he usually was? He never blushed at a kiss since he was a teenager. “And no worries, I’ll be back. Wouldn’t want to miss any more of your singing.”
Her assertive, amiable, and charming self reappeared, immensely pleased by his words. “I sing on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays and usually in the evening and nights until closing. I hope to see your face this Thursday.” She sent him a little wink and picked up her champagne flute, departing to converse with the singer who was proceeding her prior to waving him farewell as she sauntered away.
Shaking his head in amusement, Kyle exited the bar to find a sky car top head home and deliver the wonderful news to his salarian neighbor. Whoever Olympia was, she was an intriguing woman and probably the only reason he would step foot into that seedy bar again. He wasn’t even aware how much he was stroking or fixing the flower in his jacket pocket during the ride home, marveling at its softness and beauty. There the blossom remained until he finished his business for the night, placing the striking, vibrant flower on his nightstand, its faint fragrance filling the air and evoking memories of his jaunty encounter with Olympia, a singer from a shady club that didn’t deserve her talents. Thursday would come along soon enough.    
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