#Harellan { 2 }
thepraetor · 10 months
who? @harellanx where? a lotto gelato notes: doing the randomize top songs thing and got i don't care by fall out boy
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"I— How much do you remember?" It's weird, how there is a chasm between those who remember or not. A big wide gap, where those who do remember are different, and the ones who don't are left to pick up the pieces. In a way, she hopes Harellan doesn't remember, his fate far more unpleasant than hers. But she knows neither of them it's that lucky. "You know what, ignore the question. I did say that today was my treat, right?"
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felassan · 1 month
On this Gamestop listing for an Xbox copy of the game, the text contains some more information on the Deluxe edition etc items.
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this post became really long so I put it under a cut. :)
Text reads:
"Dragon Age: The Veilguard Rook's Coffer Edition - Xbox Series X Unite the Veilguard and defy the gods in Dragon Age™: The Veilguard, an immersive single player RPG where you become the leader others believe in. Pre-order* to receive the Blood Dragon armor cosmetic for all three classes: Warrior, Mage, and Rogue. A throwback to previous Dragon Age games, the crimson stains on this armor will never fade Obtain a variety of weapons and armor, including curiosities from a forgotten era with the Deluxe Edition. You’ll receive cosmetic weapon and armor sets for the Warrior, Mage, and Rogue classes as well as cosmetic armor sets and weapons for each of your 7 companions. That’s 3 armor sets for Rook, 6 weapons for Rook, 7 companion armor sets, and 7 companion weapons – saving Thedas never looked so good. 6 Weapon Appearances For Rook. Cosmetic Only. - Stave of the Fallen Kingdom - Bow of the Fallen Kingdom - Spellblade of the Fallen Kingdom - Blades of the Fallen Kingdom - Aegis of the Fallen Kingdom & Sword of the Fallen Kingdom - Maul of the Fallen Kingdom 1 Warrior Armor Set Appearance For Rook. Cosmetic Only. - Armor of Bellanaris - Ghellara Helm 1 Mage Armor Set Appearance For Rook. Cosmetic Only. - Revas Robes - Circlet of Awe 1 Rogue Armor Set Appearance For Rook. Cosmetic Only. - Harellan's Bolts - Katriel's False Face 7 Weapon & 7 Armor Set Appearances For Companions. Cosmetic Only. - Bellara's Nerve - Ringlet of Sorrow - Davrin's Resolve - Plate of the High Constable & Beacon Edge - Emmrich's Mystique - Staff of Incessant Gaze - Harding's Focus - Sunderbow - Lucanis's Gall - Heartpiercer - Neve's Fervor - Cat's Eye - Taash's Might - Grief Features Rooks Edition Includes: Light-Up Lyrium Dagger, Rook's Card Deck, Enchanted Die, Glass Potion Flask, Cloth Map and Quiver, Dragon Age™: The Veilguard Companion Litho Print, Thank-You Letter Unite a Battered World - Thedas is home to storied factions like the heroic Grey Wardens and Tevinter's rebellious Shadow Dragons. Rally the Veilguard - Unite a team of seven companions each with rich lives, deep backstories, and their own expertise and unique abilities. Become the Leader Others Believe in - Select from different races and combat classes, customize your appearance, and choose your character's backstory"
first, I like the Fade pun in "the crimson stains will never fade" hh. :>
second, we talked [here] about how the deluxe armors look ancient elfy, and the description here calls them "curiosities from a forgotten era". the weapons blurb tells us that the weapons are "of the Fallen Kingdom" - given the appearance of the items, presumably this Kingdom and the era is Elvhenan, before it fell. this is confirmed in the names of the armors for Rook - Bellanaris, Revas and Harellan are of course elven words.
from this info, we can see that the bottom right weapon is a staff. the top left is a shield (here's another shield from DA:I with "Aegis" in the name for reference. the word means protection or backing, and also a shield or breastplate type thing associated with mythological features like Athena), and in sword-and-board style it comes with a sword. we know that each of the 3 classes in the game will have "two distinct weapon types". it seems like the names of these 6 weapons might note what these are: [dual] blades and bow for rogue, sword&shield and 2-handed (e.g. a maul) for warrior, and staff and "spellblade" for mages. the latter is 👁️ for me as I've been wondering what the second weapon for mages is for ages now. it was like "wands? floating spellbooks like some mage NPC enemies in DA:I?" but maybe it's these "spellblades"? ^^ which is also the name of one of the 3 mage specs. :D
Bellanaris: 'eternity' (see: Var Bellanaris in DA:I, the elven burial site. Keeper Gisharel: "Var Bellanaris. "Our Eternity."")
Revas: 'freedom' (one place it crops up is the secret greeting to enter Fen'Harel's sanctuary in Trespasser. Ar-melana dirthaveren. Revas vir-anaris.)
Harellan: in Dalish use, 'traitor to one's kin' (see: Codex Entry: The Rebel God). its root-word is related to harillen, 'opposition', and hellathen, 'noble struggle', so the ancient elven use of this word is maybe more along the lines of rebellion than deception.
Armor of Bellanaris and Ghellara Helm? Harellan's Bolts and Katriel's False Face? Revas Robes? for the Circlet of Awe, maybe on qunari Rooks it shows as vitaar as here, or it doesn't show due to their horns.
I wonder if more specific than ancient elven, these 3 bonus armors are related to Fen'Harel and his followers specifically. The Rebel God codex is about Solas ('harel). a heroic rebel against tyranny and slavery is someone associated with freedom. Fen'Harel's friend Mythal in the form of Flemeth is is Asha'bellanar, the woman of many years, and -anaris crops up in his secret greeting. if you wanted to, you can read into the three armor names a Fen'Harel connection. I could see a scenario where you might like, find these armors in the Lighthouse or something. maybe a codex or item description which associates them with followers of Fen'Harel or Mythal. (here I am just speculating for fun ^^)
Ghellara is a new name or word. it could be elven, as we have "Gh" in e.g. "Ghilan'nain" and "ara" as a sound crops up in the language a lot.
Katriel (🥺...) was an Orlesian elven bard and lover of King Maric, from The Stolen Throne. she hid her true identity from him, like a "False Face". her name and lore has cropped up in other item names before, like Katriel's Grasp. ahh, this is making me so excited to find and read all the other item names and descriptions in the game :D these flavor texts are fun and often super interesting 👁️
the 7 weapon and armors for the companions also have interesting names. they have 1 bonus weapon and 1 bonus armor each, and I wonder if the names of these items were chosen as they relate to their personalities, storyarcs, backstories, abilities etc. ((I'm overanalyzing and reading waaay too much into the names of these items just for fun, don't take this post too seriously, wild speculating is just fun to do. ^^))
Davrin: Grey Wardens need to have resolve to do what they do, and for a warrior 'resolve' has tanky connotations. we know Davrin is bold, and you get the impression that Davrin stands firmly and determined from lines such as "Nobody dies on my watch! For the Wardens!". As for High Constable - this is the rank of the Grey Warden who is second-in-command to the First Warden. historically during the time of the griffons, they were also the order's aerial commander. in recent times, they have also become the public face of the Order, acting as the ambassador to the High King and leading local recruitment. Maybe this is Davrin's specific Warden rank? if so, this is our highest-ranking Grey Warden companion yet, and I'm sooo curious to see the relationship and interactions between him and the First Warden. Davrin is also described as charming - perfect to be a public face and ambassador right? :D I also wonder if the historical role of aerial commander for that rank is part of why Davrin is the guardian of Assan. (also, there are some neat thoughts on the design of Davrin’s 'defaut' armor here. that post talks about the in-world griffon rider and irl aerial elements of his outfit design. :>) Or maybe he isn't yet, but can become this rank during the game? as for beacon, it has the connotations of light, hope, and towers and high places. when all seems lost during a Blight, the Grey Wardens come and save Thedas. I guess Beacon Edge is a sword. ^^
Emmrich: we have seen Emmrich holding a staff which does have an incessant gaze. a skull cannot close its eyes, and will 'look' for eternity. Mystique suits a gentleman necromancer who is a member of a mysterious order.
Neve: fervor is intense and passionate feeling, almost like zeal. Jessica alluded to this part of Neve's character during the Companion Q&A panel at SDCC. she described Neve's loyalty, dedication and great love for Docktown and its people. Neve is "really really fighting for those people", and Jessica loves how she has "that kind of a passion" and how she has "dedicated her life" to that and the other vision for Tevinter that she really sees. John mentioned that Neve is pushing back and fighting back against the Tevinter mageocracy and slavery. I guess fervor refers to these traits and beliefs of Neve's. Cat's Eye reminds me of horn-rimmed glasses (tell me that wouldn't be Neve's style in a modern AU hh?) and the imagery of a cat on the streets of Minrathous, ever-watchful from the shadows. it suits a detective from a big city with a dark underbelly. ^^ Feline senses are strong and sensitive - an investigator would never miss a clue at a crime scene or be caught unawares, yknow?
Harding: a Scout needs to be focused so that they do not miss anything when scouting. there is the imagery of a scout focusing on their surrounds, or looking at a far-off horizon. a marksman needs focus for their arrows to hit their targets. Harding has been focused on chasing down Solas for many years at this point in the timeline. focus is also a game mechanic in DA:I. we accumulate focus by killing enemies and when the bar is fully charged, the Inquisitor can use their Focus ability. maybe this refers to Harding's new magical powers? maybe mechanically in gameplay she can use them kind of like how focus in DA:I? as for Sunderbow, of course Harding is an archer. Sundermount is a mountain, and you can talk about "sundering armor". but what "sunder" really makes me think of is 1). the Altar of Sundering that was found in the Deep Roads in Ortan Thaig. it summons a Fade creature and is a source of magical power. why did the dwarves, who don't use magic, of that place have such an altar? 2). Sundering, the sacred mace wielded by Luthias Dwarfson, a famous Ash Warrior.
Legend says the mace was not crafted by hand, but instead hatched from an egg high in the mountains and then carried by birds to Luthias as a wedding gift from the Lady of the Skies. When Luthias dies, dwarves arrived to carry him to Orzammar to be buried as one of their own with the Stone. Sundering was to lie at his side, but the mace could not be found. Stories say the birds reclaimed it and will deliver it to another hero in time.
3.) various dialogue Solas has with Varric in DA:I.
"Dwarves are the severed arm of a once mighty hero, lying in a pool of blood. Undirected. Whatever skill of arms it had, gone forever. Although it might twitch to give the appearance of life, it will never dream." / "You truly are content to sit in the sun, never wondering what you could've been, never fighting back."
Solas: "Do you ever miss life beneath the earth? The call of the Stone?" Varric: "Nah. Whatever the Stone - capital S - is, it was gone by the time my parents had me." Solas: "But... do you miss it?" Varric: "How could I miss what I never had?"
Dwarves as they are in modern Thedas are a sundered arm, unconnected. They are apart from themselves, and from their parents, the Titans. their connection to the Titans broke when the Titans fell; without the Titans, they can't be "taller". if Harding's new magical powers has something to do with the Titans (see: Valta), I wonder if the "sunder" in "Sunderbow" refers to this.
Taash: there isn't much to go on here, but "might" makes sense for a mighty dragon-hunter, and a dual-wielding warrior has more damage-dealing warrior connotations (raw strength) than a more tanky-type, shield-bearing one. "Grief" makes me so worried 🥺 is Taash okay? what is she sad about? is there a bereavement in her backstory? who or what did she lose? what is Taash grieving? please, my heart hurts.
Bellara: you have to have nerve to be a Veil Jumper, a group that only accepts those brave enough to face the dangers in Arlathan Forest including its reality-warping magic. she's brave, optimistic, energetic, an adventurer; daring in her knowledge-seeking quest and desire to find out what's true and what isn't. she just sees a problem and wants to solve it. :) Sorrow.. we already know that Bellara has seen a lot of tragedy in her backstory, and that her optimistic outlook is sometimes a mask to hide the fact that she's hurting and in pain. like with Taash my heart hurts and I wonder what happened in her past 🥺
Lucanis: "heartpiercer" is a great name for the knives of an assassin that always find their mark and kill them. he always gets the contract done, and strikes fatally and with precision. he also pierced all our hearts 💘💘 (heartbreaker.. 🥺?) "Gall" is really interesting.. it has multiple different meanings and connotations. brazenness, temerity, bold behavior, audacity (I'd guess these are the meaning here). bile. great misery, suffering and bitterness. an open wound. to harass or harry.
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teamdilf · 4 months
Iris struggles during the crossing to the Free Marches on her way to visit her brother.
The deep, ominous voice of the Nightmare speaks aloud, as if projecting its voice across the entire region - or perhaps it’s merely using some spell to project itself into their heads. The creature has cruel words for them all, and as much as she tries to drown out the Elven the demon speaks to Solas for the sake of his privacy, she does catch a word: harellan. Traitor.
A past pain, she tells herself. Solas has never told her how old he is, but her guess is that he’s in his mid-40s, given that he was once a soldier. The Nightmare must be taunting him about something that occurred in the past.
It’s not her business. None of the Nightmare’s comments are any of her business, so she forces herself to ignore them all - refusing to dwell on what the Nightmare had to say about Varric’s fears for Hawke or Blackwall’s feelings about himself.
Her turn comes. The words sear themselves onto her rapidly beating heart. “The Herald of Andraste. Your clan didn’t think you were enough as you are; do you really think you can lead the inquisition to anything but ruin?”
“Why don’t you show your pathetic face and I’ll ruin you?” she mutters, rolling her eyes, ignoring the whispers in her head that the demon might be right.
She’s just an elf. A Dalish elf who had never so much as spoken to a human before leaving her clan, yet she is to be the saviour of Southern Thedas.
They could have done so much better than her, could they not?
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dirthara-an · 2 years
Go on anon and send my muses mean messages to rile them up.
If they loose their composure, you win!
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roguelioness · 5 years
So I've noticed some interesting stuff while playing Heroes of Dragon Age.
1. The "great war" of the ancient elves, the one that eventually lead to the formation of the Evanuri pantheon, was against the Titans. It lead to the foundation of Arlathan.
The Forbidden Ones chose not to take part in the war, and were cast out (by the Evanuris).
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[Did the Forbidden Ones eventually go on to become the Forgotten Ones? No mention of the Forgotten Ones in the game so far.]
2. Nightmare's words to Solas in the Fade: "Dirth ma, harellan. Ma banal enasalin. Mar Solas ena mar din." means "(speak/tell me, trickster?) You have learned nothing. Your pride will be your death."
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(there's nothing that correlates to "Dirth ma, harellan" so im leaving it in brackets).
Sharing it on Tumblr cause I found it interesting!
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thedreadgay · 4 years
fuck it, i’m making my own: a dragon age elvish dictionary
part 2 of 3!!!!
check out my elvish tag or send me an ask if you’re curious about anything, and use your browser’s ‘find in page’ function to make it easier to find something specific <3
A-G || H-Q || R-Z
hahren: elder
halam: end
halani: help
hamin: rest
hanin: knight
harel: lie, deception, trick
harellan: trickster, traitor
harillen: opposition
hasa: twirl, spin
hasamima: snowflake, lit. ‘twirling ice’
hela: struggle, fight
hellathen: noble struggle
him: become
-in: additional, rather than multiple, which is -is
inan: once
i’nansal-in: ‘one who is another blessing’ or ‘my child’s blessing’, grandson, grandchild (masc)
ir: i am, first person pronoun
iras: where
irassal: wherever
-is: multiple, rather than in addition, which is -in
isala: needing, need
ise: fire
ise’thenera: veilfire
la: and
lan: person (fem)
las: grant, give
lasalin: to conceive, lit. ‘give blood’
lassyl: to birth, lit. ‘give air’
lath: love
lathlan: ‘one i love/one who loves me’, lover, paramour, partner (fem)
lathlen: ‘one i love/one who loves me’, lover, paramour, partner (neutral)
lathlin: ‘one i love/one who loves me’, lover, paramour, partner (masc)
len: person (neutral)
lethal: kin
lethal’him: ‘one i became kin with’, a person who has become family in the many ways one can become family; found family, marriage, etc.
lia: flower
lin: blood, person (masc)
linavare: a life-or-death oath, lit. ‘blood oath’
lothlen: forgotten
ma: you; my (probably defined by case, context, or both)
maehah: ‘elder mother’, granny (fem)
maehahlin: ‘my grandmother’s blood’, maternal great aunt/uncle
maehahren: ‘elder mother’, grandmother (fem)
maelin: ‘my mother’s blood’, maternal aunt/uncle
mala: your or you’re (defined by case)
mamae: mother, parent (fem)
mana: please
mar: your (defined by case)
masel: good
masel’dys: congratulations, lit. ‘good luck’
melana, melava: time
melanada: all time, lit. ‘inevitable time’
melar: here, now, present
mellavar: on time
mi: blade
mi’durgen: diamond, lit. ‘stone blade’
mien: short blade
mien’harel: rebellion, a violent call to justice
min: a partition, something that separates one thing from another
mindar: the veil, lit. ‘divider between states of being’
mir: my
mirlin: ‘my blood’, sibling
mima: ice, lit. ‘water blade’
na: is
nadas: inevitable, something that must be
nae: no
nal: thing, matter
nan: revenge, vengeance
nedan: lost
nehn: joy
numin: cry
nuven: say; speak in the sense of expressing something, rather than sharing knowledge, which is dirth
olam: the world in the broader, ideological sense; different from the world as in land, which is vhen’alas
par: skitter, scuttle
par’as: skittering, scuttling
penshra: an insult, possibly akin to ‘bumbling fool’
quena: why
qunlen: qunari, lit. ‘qun children’
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dirthenera · 5 years
Master Prompt List For Dirthenera Pairings: Solas x Lavellan or platonic anyone.
General prompts list from this post.
“how much did you drink?”
“aw, you’re so cute.” Read here
“what did you do?”
“i asked if you were having a party. i didn’t tell you to have a party.” in backlog
“this is the opposite of what i told you to do.”
“well, it’s the thought that counts.”
“wait, no, don’t take kissing away from me.”
“okay, where are all my jumpers?”
“oh, you’ve started stealing my socks now?” In backlog
“yeah, okay, but i’m cooler.”
“you owe me a kiss.”
“how did you get in here?”
“for starters, that’s impossible.” in backlog
“how did you fail a survey?”
“yeah, well, if you weren’t so drunk maybe i would.”
“that’s not even fair.”
“you promised me a cookie!”
“did i ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?”
“ew, that is so sappy, i might vomit.”
“i’m not playing truth or dare.” Read here
“you’re not very intimidating.”
“i love you.”
“well the probability of that is 0, but you go ahead.”
“that was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” Read here
“why don’t you take a picture? it’ll last longer.”
“maybe not.”
“why the hell is there glitter everywhere?”
“well, i’m pretty irresistible.”
“how much money would you give me to flip this table, right here, right now, in the middle of class?”
“detention? again?”
“why don’t you just go?”
“no, it’s not like that.”
“if you cared about me, you wouldn’t do this.”
“it doesn’t matter anymore.”
“what’s the point?”
“fuck you.” Read here
“you should’ve said that yesterday.”
“don’t lie to me.”
“i swear, if you say another word, i’ll leave.”
“change in mind or change in heart?”
“it’s over, it’s done, just leave it be.”
“why do you keep bringing it up?”
“we can’t go back in time, so stop trying to reverse what you said.”
“you say you’ll stop, but then you keep doing it!”
“maybe in another world.”
“why are you like this?”
“stop making empty promises!”
“what about us?”
“don’t say that.”
“i’m done. we’re done.”
From Misc Prompt Lists
1.  “ There is nothing quite as sublimely unsatisfying as infatuation.“ Read here
2. “Bite me” Read here.
Prompts from @the-solavellan-archive​
We are the Dalish, found here.
And never again shall we submit.
 Fly straight and do not waver. –  Vir Assan (“Way of the Arrow”)
Bend but never break. –  Vir Bor'Assan (“Way of the Bow”)
Together we are stronger than the one  –  Vir Adahlen (“Way of the Forest”)
 Keepers of the lost lore – The Keeper teaches Lavellan the history of the Dalish.
“(The Vallaslin)  reminds us that we will never again surrender our traditions and beliefs.” – Lavellan chooses and/or receives her Vallaslin.
“The end of the journey" – Lavellan sees what the Orlesians did to Halamshiral.
Someone to look up to. – An elven hero Lavellan admires.
Harellan – A young Lavellan hears a scary story about the Dread Wolf.
Lethallen – Lavellan’s closest friend.
Andaran atish’an – Something that gives her peace.
Dareth Shiral – Lavellan says goodbye to a loved one.
Prayer – Lavellan asks the Gods for advice.
Hahren – Lavellan’s favorite elder.
Shemlen – Lavellan’s first encounter with a human.  
“We try to keep hold of the old ways, to relearn what was forgotten.” – Lavellan enters a ruin of her people.
Among our people – Lavellan attends the Arlathvhen.
Da'len – Lavellan takes care of the clan’s younglings. Read here
Nuven'in – A childhood dream.
Vhenadahl – Lavellan meets city elves for the first time. In backlog
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thepraetor · 11 months
who? @harellanx where? pyramid of cestius when? night 2 notes: crying and screaming
"Harellan?" There is surprise on her tone as she approaches the demigod, a tentative smile growing on her face as she does. It is a surprise to see him, when she had been looking for him everywhere and has been unable to find him until now. Still, she is glad to see that he has not fallen prey to the darkness outside the base camps shields. "What a surprise, I didn't see you in the Otherworld."
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felassan · 5 years
If you're feeling up to it of course, I'd love to read your interpretation of the name Vaharel. I think Vaharel is an Emerald Knight and I named one of my character's birth clan after them. :)
sure, and thankyou :) this sort of thing is prolly my fav kinda question !!
Vaharel: Vaharel was a revered elven hero from the time of the Dales, likely an Emerald Knight, famed for leading the capture of the human city of Montsimmard - not long before the then-Divine’s call for a second Exalted March. A Life-Tree was planted in their honor and remembrance, in an area that came to be known as the Emerald Graves. 
The Dalish use harellan to mean “traitor to one’s kin”, and harel itself variously means “dread”, “lie”, “to trick” or “to deceive”. Added to era as in Era’harel it means “demon-mage”, as in the entities which are similar to Arcane Horrors. Not the nicest slew of meanings and connotations. However, per the Rebel God Codex entry, harellan does not appear in any elven text that can be dated as being from before the Towers Age (3:00 onwards) - and in order to be an adult fighter around 2:10 Glory, Vaharel must have been born during the Divine Age. Although at this point in time Fen’Harel was indeed known among the elves as Fen’Harel, the Dread Wolf, I like the possible inference that Vaharel was named during a time when harel and associated words were not ascribed such completely negative meanings. As we can read, the ancient root-word is related to harillen (“opposition”) and hellathen (“noble struggle”). The connotations here are more along the lines of rebellion - particularly ones with good causes - and even a call for justice - albeit a violent one - given how it seems to have percolated down through the years to modern City Elves and their concept of mien’harel. I like to think Vaharel’s parents named them with these latter sorts of meanings in mind.
It’s a stretch but I take va as a short form of var (“our” - Varharel flows off the tongue poorly or more clumsily in comparison), meaning that to me Vaharel means “our revolutionary”; one who will bring justice and challenge the system. Vaharel’s parents must have had high hopes for their child. Arguably they lived up to these hopes, being remembered as a storied hero, and - for a time, at least - enacting elven justice/vengeance upon humanity for their ancestral crimes against the People, via the conquering of Montsimmard.
[msg refs this post]
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rowhanna · 5 years
Writing Prompts
Below is a list of Writing Prompts I am actively doing. Choose one and send it my way and I’ll do my best to write it from the POV of my Lavellan Rowan/Rowhanna that my fanfic is based off of. (Crossed out ones have already been done or already requested)
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1. And never again shall we submit.
2.  Fly straight and do not waver. –  Vir Assan (“Way of the Arrow”)
3. Bend but never break. –  Vir Bor'Assan (“Way of the Bow”)
4. Together we are stronger than the one  –  Vir Adahlen (“Way of the Forest”)
5.  Keepers of the lost lore – The Keeper teaches Lavellan the history of the Dalish.
6. “(The Vallaslin)  reminds us that we will never again surrender our traditions and beliefs.” – Lavellan chooses and/or receives her Vallaslin.
7. “The end of the journey" – Lavellan sees what the Orlesians did to Halamshiral.
8. Someone to look up to. – An elven hero Lavellan admires.
9. Harellan – A young Lavellan hears a scary story about the Dread Wolf.
10. Lethallen – Lavellan’s closest friend.
11.  Andaran atish’an – Something that gives her peace.
12. Dareth Shiral – Lavellan says goodbye to a loved one.
13. Prayer – Lavellan asks the Gods for advice.
14. Hahren – Lavellan’s favorite elder.
15. Shemlen – Lavellan’s first encounter with a human.  
16.  “We try to keep hold of the old ways, to relearn what was forgotten.” – Lavellan enters a ruin of her people.
17. Among our people – Lavellan attends the Arlathvhen.
18. Da'len – Lavellan takes care of the clan’s younglings.
19.  Nuven'in – A childhood dream.
20.  Vhenadahl – Lavellan meets city elves for the first time.
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These come directly from The Solavellan Archive.
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dirthara-an · 3 years
Should you ask them? Companion vers
On the off chance, that your Inquisitor muse recruited Souveri (Dirthamen), Harellin and Harellin into the Inquisition, they will dutifully provide their skill and knowledge to the cause. (Albeit with varying levels of complaining) However, their applicable skills are not always the most productive choice. So here's a handy guide of when to defer to one of them for help:
1. Should I take them along on political missions in Orlais?
Souveri: Yeah, sure! That nice old mage, might seem like a mild-mannered sweet old hahren, but he got sharp eyes and will be a steadfast ally in treading the treacherous waters of The Game.
Harellin: There are probably better choices, but at least, you don't need to worry about getting stabbed in the back, with him around.
Harellan: .....only if you want to start a war.
2. Should I ask for their help in requisition missions?
Souveri: If it is about getting materials from various beasts, or rare herbs, he will be very cross with you, if you don't even ask him for his advice. In any other case... don't even bother.
Harellin: Eh. I mean, he'll get the job done, but he'd much rather stay in his garden.
Harellan: Is it dangerous? Like potentially lethal even? Let her loose first and then follow in the trail of destruction, that she leaves behind.
3. Should I ask for their help in espionage missions?
Souveri: You will find yourself surprised at how much secrets he will uncover for you, if you only so much suggest, that you need them..... just don't bother asking, how he found all that out.
Harellin: He can be useful, especially if you want someone gone.
Harellan: Contrary to what common sense would dictate, she's an absolute pro at covert information acquisition.
4. Should I ask for their help to make prisoners/enemies talk?
Harellan: She will make them talk. No worries. Just don't think too hard about the Geneva convention, while she's at it.
Harellin: Just leave him alone with them for about half an hour and the will beg you to let them confess, as long, as he'll go away!!!
Souveri: Uh... so here's the thing.... he will make them talk... that's for sure, just.... you better not have a weak stomach, if you're gonna watch that.....
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elfrootaddict · 5 years
Now You Know - Chapter 3/8
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DESCRIPTION: Experience (my first) Lavellan’s thoughts and feelings during the final cut scene of the Trespasser DLC. Including her experience when she loses the Anchor.
Chapter 1 ¦ Chapter 2 ¦ Chapter 3 ¦ Chapter 4 ¦ Chapter 5 ¦ Chapter 6 ¦ Chapter 7 ¦ Chapter 8
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To all those in Solavellan Hell,
I have written this to not only express my emotions but to hopefully capture some of yours, too.
After completing Trespasser, and going through the hell that is the final cut scene, I had to do something. So, to help myself work through it, I’ve written (my first) Lavellan’s thoughts and experiences down during the DLC’s final cut scene.
This is my very first FanFic, so I hope it doesn’t turn out completely terrible. *fingers crossed*
Happy Dragon 4ge Day!
WARNING: Chapter 6 contains a moment of distress and gore. Read with sensitivity and discretion.
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You suspect I have questions? If there is an understated question in the whole of Thedas to the Fade, Solas, this would be it. 
With the anchor subdued, Lavellan uses a trick when in battle to calm her mind. But in spite of that, adrenaline is surging through her body and her heart is beating so fast. His gaze on her makes her legs feel weak. She wants nothing more than for him to hold her and tell her how much she means to him. How much he missed her.
With a steady voice she asks, “How were you able to control the Anchor?” 
Solas solemnly replies, “The same way as when I stopped it from killing you at Haven… although I am stronger now. The mark you bear was bestowed upon you by the Orb of Fen’Harel,” he pauses. “My Orb.”
Lavellan nearly loses her balance. 
His Orb?!
Within a split second, everything starts to make sense and all the puzzle pieces start to fall into place. 
He’s the Dread Wolf. He’s Fen’Harel. Mir Harellan!
She feels her stomach drop. She has to hold back the need to regurgitate from the shock of reality. She is no longer looking at her vhenan, but a living legend. All the tales from the Dalish comes bounding over her. 
She can hear the voice of Keeper Deshanna, “They trusted Fen’Harel, and they were all betrayed. And Fen’Harel sealed them away so they could never again walk among the People.” 
But like a much needed cool breeze on a hot summer’s day, the tales of Fen’Harel in the Crossroads reminds her that the Keeper was wrong. They got it all wrong. 
Lavellan manages a quiet and simple response, “You’re Fen’Harel.” 
She can hardly believe the words coming out of her mouth.
“I was Solas first. ‘Fen’Harel’ came later,” shuffling his feet. “An insult I took as a badge of pride. The Dread Wolf inspired hope in my friends and fear in my enemies… not unlike ‘Inquisitor’ I suppose,” looking mournful and downhearted. “And now you know.” 
Turning away from Lavellan, he breaks eye contact. He can barely look at her. “What is the old Dalish curse? ‘May the Dread Wolf take you’?”
Lavellan also looks away and far into the distance, falling deep into thought.
She thinks back to what followed that night after their kiss on the balcony. It was never far from her mind's eye. 
His fingers running through her hair. Fanatically embracing and kissing every inch of her. As if the world was going to end the very next day. All his reservations tossed to the floor. Just like their clothes. 
Despite discovering who Fen’Harel really was in the Crossroads, she still feels used and betrayed. Was he just using her to get what he wanted?
He is the only person she has ever been with. He is the only person who understands her heart, mind and soul. 
When she was younger, before being Keeper Deshanna’s First, there had been a few flirtations amongst other Dalish elves when their paths crossed. But they were innocent and usually led to nothing.
But with Solas…
Shaking her head in disbelief she replies despondently, “And so he did.”
“I did not. I would not lay with you under false pretenses.” replies Solas looking at Lavellan for some kind of reassurance for his decision. 
But you felt withholding the truth from me was better?
Lavellan’s patience is wearing thin. She is so incredibly sick of his games and treating her like a child. She is more than capable of handling the truth. Despite how much he means to her, she values the truth above all things. 
He made this decision for her. He never gave her the opportunity to decide for herself if she wanted to take no part in his life. He stole that from her.
Still looking away from Solas, she responds angrily, “But you lied to me. I love you,” and in desperation she asks. “Did you really think I wouldn’t have understood?”
Solas drops his head like a child being scolded and quietly says, “Ir abelas, vhenan.”
“Tel’Abelas. If you care, give me the truth.” insists Lavellan. 
Turning away, Solas looks out onto the horizon. He is going to tell her everything. 
He starts walking closer to the edge of the ruins and looks down onto a forgotten, decrepit and lost elven city below. She follows him and listens intently. It feels just like the days of Skyhold. Just another one of his adventures. 
Except, it was now his story. 
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jamieau · 6 years
[ 10. Under Siege ]
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Shambling corpses poured from the castle in a neverending rush, it seemed. At the foot of the village. Jamie didn’t have experience in leading attacks, but the archer looked to him anyway and Leliana remained with him. He nocked an arrow and lit the tip on fire, then called for the others to do the same. “Aim for the path!” he commanded. Further ahead, Caspar, Alistair and Sten made ready with the melee fighters. Morrigan stood back, ready to attack from a distance with the archers, and the mabari hounds guarded the perimeter, ready to catch any stragglers that got past the front line defenses.
The battle was arduously fought for hours upon endless hours. Wave after wave of undead pushed towards the village, even coming up from Lake Calenhad, but through their preparations, the village of Redcliffe was able to make its stand through the night. By morning, the villagers lamented their losses, but counted themselves as blessed to be alive when they had thought death was certain. Almost immediately after ensuring everyone was alright, Bann Teagan approached them to meet him up by the windmill. He intended to lead them through a secret passageway, when the Lady Isolde, the Arlessa, rushed down the path with a personal guard. Teagan’s presence was requested alone, and Jamie had a bad feeling about that. They had little choice, though, and would sneak into the castle regardless. If Arl Eamon was in danger, they needed to rescue him.
“Fenedhis*. You were sent by Loghain to poison the Arl, tell me why I shouldn’t put my fucking dagger through your throat right now, harellan**,” Caspar hissed, his eyes narrowed in disdain. One hand curled around Jowan’s throat, pinning him up against the wall, and the other held a dagger pointed just beneath his chin. Jamie was all for speaking to the man civilly, but he rather liked Caspar’s approach and let the other lead the investigation as to what the hell happened in the castle, and why undead were pouring from it at night. The blood mage confessed to having escaped the Circle of Magi and being bribed by Loghain to poison the arl. He also explained that the undead were not his fault, but that of Connor, the Arl’s son. He had become an abomination-- a demon possessing a mage’s body.
Jowan had been hired by the Arlessa to teach Connor magic in secrecy for fear of having the boy taken away to the Circle of Magi, which Jamie saw as a major flaw in the whole Circle business, but kept that to himself for now. The only way out of this mess was through it, and Jamie felt a shiver swim along his spine when he thought about it.
Undead corpses ravaged the castle, but they had the monumental task of hacking through them to get into the main castle. It wasn’t easy, as even the war hounds wanted to attack them, but they managed to make it through with minimal injuries. They even found a few survivors locked away in rooms of the castle. When they finally reached the castle’s main hall, the faced guards that were under the influence of the demon child. In order to free the boy, they needed to use blood magic, or risk wasting more time and getting mages from the Circle. With the Blight quickly spreading, they had little choice as Lady Isolde offered to sacrifice herself for the sake of her boy. It was with little joy that Morrigan entered the fade and faced off with the desire demon that had rooted herself in the boy.
With the castle finally freed from the hold of the demonic possession, the undead were finally gone for good, although the Arl was still deathly ill. Bann Teagan urged them to seek out the Sacred Ashes of Andraste, a quest that many knights had failed before. Jamie and Caspar weren’t keen on the idea, thinking it a colossal waste of time for what seemed to be little more than Andrastian legend, but Teagan ardently believed he knew where they could begin their search based on the renouned author, Brother Genitivi.
With little choice on the matter and much reluctance, they accepted their task and left Redcliffe. It would be some time before they returned.
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ]
*Fenedhis- common elvish curse
**Harellan- traitor to one’s kin
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vvakarians · 7 years
6 and 2 for any of your DA kids (I love them all)
I’ll do it for all my mains, just for you :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What is their preferred weapon?
Original Canon kids:
Warden-Commander Tauriel Mahariel (Hero of Ferelden and Queen Consort): Big Mama Bear has a Giant Fucking Sword, which is really just a big Greatsword named Arlathvhen.
Senior Warden Cassiopeia Cousland (Queen of Ferelden): Local Blind Bard prefers her daggers most of the time over her bow, their names are Diplomacy and Mercy. 
Ophelia Hawke (Champion of Kirkwall): Lovable Asshole has an actual Halberd as a staff, and it’s name is Justice (they wanted to name it Little Shit but Fenris forbade them from doing so).
Halcyon Hawke (Former Knight-Captain, Princess of Starkhaven): Eldest Hawke Sib uses a sword and shield. The shield is the Amell crest one given to her by Leandra, and her sword is some Kirkwall noble sword she looted when they came to the City of Chains, aptly named after her late mother. 
Hero Hawke (Former Tranquil, Pirate): Twin to Ophelia uses a dagger and her fists almost 1000% of the time, her staff is usually just for show. Her daggers name is Bloodletter because it’s a terrible pun since she’s a blood mage.
Calliope Lavellan (Herald, Inquisitor, and Reincarnation of Falon’Din): White Haired Death God has a few preferred weapons depending on the time of the story. During Inquisition and Trespasser it’s a Sulevin Blade named Enasalin that has a Master Dragon Slayers rune embedded into it. In between DAI and whatever the next game will be, they train with a halberd to which they name it Felassan.
Second Canon kids: 
Warden-Commander Aviel Tabris (Hero of Ferelden, Lover of Divine Victoria):  Small Nb Bard Boy prefers his bow given to him by Leliana before he left to find a Cure for the Blight, it’s name is Heartstring. 
Warden-Constable Heracles Cousland (Right Hand to the Commander): this Big Man loves his sword looted off of Howes body, it belonged to his father and he calls it Second Chance. 
Valentyne Hawke (Champion of Kirkwall): Fast Rogue Boy loves his Daggers that his father left him in Lothering, they are named Silvertongue and Toothpick, can you tell he has a bad sense of humor.
Sybyll Hawke (Viscount of Kirkwall): Gentle Blood Mage actually doesn’t use much of their staff, which is pretty menacing even when strapped to their back; unless it’s an emergency they have a set of sewing needles that are really sharp along with a razor blade that they pilfered from Varric’s shaving set that they use their blood magic with. 
Hezekiah Hawke (Hunter of Slave Masters): Lean Beef NB uses a Valo-Kas Iss that they won in a game of knivesies in the Hanged Man, they didn’t name it yet and are always open to suggestions, as long as they aren’t...vulgar (looking at Valentyne)
Honi “Honey” Adaar (Herald, Lady Inquisitor): Everyone’s Favorite Qunari Babe uses a Archon Staff that she hasn’t really come up with a name for, but her spirit sword that she uses she has come to call Andraste’s Fire. 
Ayashe Lavellan (First of Clan Lavellan, Inquisition Spy): Inquisitors Best Friend uses the Accusers Staff that you can get in the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, and has named it Harellan. 
What kind of fighter are they: defense focused, offense focused, balanced, or flexible?
Offense focused: Calliope Lavellan, Honi Adaar, Heracles Cousland Valentyne Hawke, Halcyon Hawke, Tauriel Mahariel, and Ophelia Hawke.
Defense focused: Sybyll Hawke, Aviel Tabris
Balanced: Ayashe Lavellan, Hezekiah Hawke, Hero Hawke, and Cassiopia Cousland 
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damnshems · 7 years
[haaaaaaair] (x33 if that has been taken already: go for the legs ;D )
Send me a word to learn about my muse’s physical features! - Not accepting
Thanks @scytheforhire I am finally going to do this now after accidentally deleting it 543665 times and giving up! Sooo... Why not both! 8D 
Darcia has long, snowy white curls that are soft to the touch and shine in the sunlight. They are wild, springing up unevenly as she mainly just leaves her hair to do its own thing (unless Harellan puts her foot down). Her messy curls are perhaps her most identifying feature. 
Her eyebrows and lashes are also white, albeit a slightly darker shade. Her brows are styled in a soft curve, and sometimes unnoticeable against her fair skin. Her lashes are long enough to cast a slight shadow on her cheeks if the sun is in the right spot. Being an elf, she has no other body hair. 
Darc actually has quite long legs, despite her small 5′2 frame. They are slender, perhaps just slightly too far on the side of bony, making them look unhealthy. Although, her passion for dance strengthens her legs and prevents them from being too fragile. They are smooth to touch from the various oils she lavishes on them, and her gait is usually graceful - despite how excitable she always seems. 
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sirladysketch · 8 years
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*update*-- Commission slots have been filled, thank you guys! <3 If you missed out and are interested in getting a pup, PM me! /edit
Hey everyone!
I am officially opening up commission slots for the Dread Pup plush! I have five slots open on a first-come, first-serve basis (and I already have 3 tentative orders, so act fast!) They’re $50 + shipping, and if you’d like some further customization, we can talk about that, too.
How does this work?
If you are interested, please PM me here, or message my page on Facebook to let me know that you’re interested. I’ll send you my Paypal account info, and once I receive payment for the plush ($50), I’ll add you to the list. Again, these are first-come, first serve. I’ll be working on them as orders are confirmed, and each pup usually takes a few days to make.
I’ll send you an email to confirm that your order has been placed, send you pics as it’s in progress/an estimated completion date, and let you know what shipping will be once the plush is complete (and I have the address you want him shipped to). Once he’s shipped, you get a tracking number to watch him make his way home to you. <3
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I do not own this pattern, nor did I create it. This is a modified version of @sewdesune’s adorable werewolf pattern which you can purchase here. If you want to make your own Dread Pup, go for it! You can sell what you make from her patterns, so long as credit is given and linked back to her for the pattern. I absolutely love her patterns, so if you like sewing at all, definitely be sure to check out her page!!
Also, I have three very, very helpful cats. While I try to keep them off of my projects and I use a lint roller to get as much fur off as possible, their hair does end up on the fabric from time to time. Please be aware of this if you have cat allergies!!
Although I’m only opening up for five slots right now, if there is enough of an interest I may create a waitlist/notification list of when I open up for another round of commissions later on. I do have a new plush design that I am patterning out at the moment, however, so it might be a while before I open up another round of pups. I’m also working on a light-up orb variation, although that’s a ways off for now.
Last but not least, I make plushies in my free time and I have a full time job (yay hour-long commutes), so I progress may be a bit slow during the week. I appreciate your understanding in advance!
What are my options?
You have a couple different options:
Base fur color, accent fur color, paw pad colors, and poses. If you’d really like a combination that you don’t see listed (like eye colors, or him holding a different object), PM me and we can figure something out!
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I just realized this might be helpful:
1. Dark grey fleece, light grey fleece accents, light pink paws, ball pose
2. Light grey minky, dark grey fleece accents, hot pink toes, touch the toesies
3. Dark grey minky, light minky accents, light pink toes, Orb pose
4. Black mink, red eyes, pink paws, Hugs for Harellan
Anyway, I think that’s it! Thanks for your interest, friends. <3
Also wow, this post was lonnggggg I’ll reblog a shorter one with the list once I start getting orders.
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