thequeer07puss · 4 hours
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thequeer07puss · 4 hours
Demeter, goddess who mourned
And Aset, goddess who grieved
Console our sorrows, wipe off our tears
Hold our hand as we walk through the pain
Great ladies of sorrow, hear our prayers, don’t stay deaf to our voice
Hear the voices of your grieving worshipper
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thequeer07puss · 1 day
I think that in a sense Hera made a better parthenogenous child than Zeus because Hephaestus was born illegitimate from parthenogenesis AND got crippled but he still managed to earn his spot among the Olympians by restraining the Queen of Olympus herself, while Athena just took a seat at the Olympian table from birth without earning anything and failed to completely restrain Zeus in that one plot where she was involved in his overthrowing so I’m afraid Hera won in the parthenogenesis game guys
Hera as a goddess of legitimacy and a force of legitimisation
A lot of stories featuring Hera (not that many, to be honest, but the most famous ones) portray her as relentlessly attacking both gods and demigods sired by Zeus, which has partially inspired people to think of her as a “jealous wife” archetype, but most of these people ignore the main thing that Hera represents: legitimacy.
Hera as the goddess of marriage rules over legitimate unions, and as a result, may choose to pursue those who betray these kinds of unions in some kind of way. An example would be the speed with which she withdrew her sponsorship of the hero Jason why he broke his oath of love and loyalty to his wife Medea in favour of a crown which he was no longer eligible for.
Speaking of Jason, Hera was pretty much his only patron deity during his quest for the Golden Fleece, which was started as a way for him to claim his rightful place on his father’s throne, and this sponsorship started as soon as Jason’s quest started. No prayer was prayed, no offering was offered. Hera just showed up as soon as Jason’s quest for legitimacy started, and helped him as soon as he proved himself to her by carrying her (in the form of an old woman) across a river.
Also, Hera is a goddess who is known for testing the worth of both gods and heroes, especially when they are destined to enter Olympus (her home and domain), and especially when they were born out of an illegitimate union on either her or Zeus’s part. The torments endured by the various children of Zeus at her hand, and even her own (for the purposes of this essay I will take Dionysus, Apollo and Hephaestus)
Apollo’s ordeal started even before he was born, as his mother Leto has been denied the right to give birth on any island attached to the land, and was relentlessly chased by a giant snake. Here Hera imposes herself and shows her might as the definitive and legitimate wife of Zeus (Leto was Zeus’s previous wife), and brands any child born from Leto as being under her in terms of status. When Apollo is born and slays the serpent Python, Hera is then forced to recognise that his trial is complete and that he has a claim to the Olympian seat.
Hephaestus and Dionysus
Hephaestus was conceived as a kind of revenge plot against Zeus for conceiving Athena on his own, from the sacred bed which he shares with Hera, but without her input or approval, which prompted the goddess to do the same in order to restore the balance of power within their marriage, and to show Zeus that if he could make a child on his own, then she could too.
However, when the infant Hephaestus was born, it was either Zeus or Hera herself that hurls him down from Olympus, however godly he may be, crippling him in the process and forcing him to EARN the right to re-enter Olympus (kind of like how Hercules in the Disney movie was debuffed so that he would earn his way back into Olympus), which he ultimately achieved by capturing Hera in a golden throne (literally trapping her with one of her most sacred attributes).
Dionysus’s trial begins where Hephaestus’s comes to an end. Having met Hera in his childhood and been rendered mad by her which led to him being rescued by Rhea (whom I assume here to be Rhea-Cybele, whose cult has some of the mad and wild attributes of Dionysus’s), he must have already taken notice of the tests given to him by the goddess, and was waiting for an opportunity to finally take a seat among the Olympians after having established a very respected and feared mystery cult among mortals, so when he heard that Hera was captured by an angry Hephaestus, he jumped on the occasion and coaxed him into following him back to Olympus, where both would finally get recognised as legitimate both in the eyes of the gods and of Hera.
Hera and the sons of Zeus
Hera’s tests mostly seem to affect her husband’s illegitimate Olympian sons, as can be evidenced by the lack of trial for goddesses such as Artemis or Athena. Why is that so?
Personally, I think it’s because sons in Ancient Greece were more valued in society: they could inherit their father’s property, they had claims to the throne and could be seen as heirs to it in case their father somehow resigned. So Hera branding these sons as reformed illegitimate sons could be a way for her to negate their claims to their father’s power and nerf their chances of growing too powerful at the expense of her legitimate children (Orphic Dionysus was literally said to be Zeus’s heir, and would have been had Hera not told the Titans to dismember and eat him), while checking if they are still fit to set foot on Olympus after that serious debuff.
But that’s just my thoughts, I don’t have any source or academic paper that confirms this.
A rule of thumb when analysing Greek myths is that they don’t exist in a vacuum and that as entertaining as they may seem, there is something more to them most of the time, and that is especially the case with a goddess who has a history as long, rich and complex as Hera. It’s really a shame that people only see her as a mean shrew when she has so much more stuff going on, but I guess that with pop culture this complexity has to be diluted and thus misinterpreted by people who don’t have the religious and cultural context of these stories.
Thank you for reading if you made it this far, and may Hera bless you.
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thequeer07puss · 10 days
Hypnos's energy goes through His devotees.
When your friend sleeps upon your shoulder, that is Hypnos alongside you.
When your partner dreams of you, that is Hypnos with you.
When you wake up to your beloved pet laying on you or near you, that is Hypnos with you.
Hypnos is sleep, Hypnos is dreams
He is personification of concepts, divinity of these things, he is
You face Hypnos in the eyes when you close them with rest on your mind
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thequeer07puss · 10 days
Not just Hellenic pagans, but all pagans too
hellenic pagens should be allowed to build temples again and also they should be tax exempt and also completely state funded
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thequeer07puss · 10 days
hmm? whats that pile of seashells, you say? OH you mean my aphrodite altar? yeah no theres other stuff there fam we iust really like seashells
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thequeer07puss · 11 days
𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐈𝐫𝐢𝐬
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Fleet-footed Iris, swift as the storm,
golden-winged goddess, I call out to you.
Daughter of Thaumus, ancient one of the sea,
and bright-lit Elektra of the thunderhead,
sister of the fearsome Harpies, I honor your might.
Iris of the rainbow, many-colored goddess,
handmaid and herald of deep-eyed Hera,
yours is a duty needful and grave;
messenger and courier, you speak with the voice
of all Olympus–the Trojans and the Argonauts
did tremble at your words. Harbinger of hope,
goddess of the new day, I pray to you
Source: Underflow - Prayers to the Gods of Olympus
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thequeer07puss · 20 days
Human beings exist for the sake of one another: so, either teach them or endure them. Οἱ ἄνθρωποι γεγόνασιν ἀλλήλων ἕνεκεν: ἢ δίδασκε οὖν ἢ φέρε. --Marcus Aurelius, Meditations VIII.59
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thequeer07puss · 22 days
On the nature of madness (channeled from Dionysus)
Madness is the fury of a mind unrestrained
The mind, free from the restrictions of logic and conscious thought, rages and claws at the bars of its enclosure, jerking the body hither and thither and burning away the foundation of what makes us human until it leaves behind nothing else but an untainted soul
Fools and madmen often look the same, but the madman speaks deep truth, inspired by nothing else but the holy communion between them and the world beyond the veil, while the ramblings of a fool are as valuable as, well, fool’s gold: they seem sage and precious to keep, but can poison you if applied to real life
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thequeer07puss · 24 days
i shouldnt be at the club i should be at a monastery. illuminating texts and shit
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thequeer07puss · 24 days
Dedicating exercise to Lord Ares is so wonderful but my muscles are just aching. I’m excited to see results though. I hope to be getting some good muscle from working out like this
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thequeer07puss · 24 days
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thequeer07puss · 24 days
Helping people in the name of the gods is one of my favourite devotional activities
What uncommon devotional activity do you like to engage in? Let’s share!
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thequeer07puss · 24 days
What really hurts about religious discourse is how much we all have in common. I know being a Hellenist brings me unfathomable levels of warmth and comfort that I can’t find anywhere else. And I know there are people of other faiths that feel that way with their deities.
There’s so much emphasis on who is “right” or “wrong”, but I don’t believe there’s one truth for everyone. We all have such different lives and paths. The way religion is used as a weapon of hate and not a tool for love and compassion will always sadden me.
I may not personally worship every deity of every religion, but I acknowledge that the feeling of spiritual fulfillment that other religions give people is real. That is enough for me to find love in my heart for them all.
If Allah can bring you that feeling, THATS BEAUTIFUL!! If Jesus can bring you that feeling, THATS BEAUTIFUL!! If any deity of any faith can bring you that feeling….THATS BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Personally, I don’t see my religion as an undeniable truth for everyone. I see it as spiritual connection that brings me love and warmth like no other. I know Lady Aphrodite is real in my heart, because I feel her. I can never give you an equation or a fact that proves my feelings, but I know it’s true in my life. How could you look someone in the eyes and tell them they’ll be punished for seeking love and warmth?
I know I’m just rambling, but I just wish we could live in a world where religion wasn’t a competition of who is right, but a way for us to find more beauty and fulfillment in our worlds.
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thequeer07puss · 24 days
Hypnos kisses the heads of His trans devotees every night btw
Someday may our dreams be reality
Hypnos shall always love us
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thequeer07puss · 24 days
Some quotes from King Hades:
“Nothing makes you "worthy" of worshipping. It is you the worshipper, in your active decision to worship, that make your own worth”
“I represent the Underworld, the only place humans have never seen, and where they will go after they die. I represent my realm, and what is better unseen than the future?”
“Humans fear me not because I represent some nebulous future like Apollo makes them see, but the final, ultimate promise that one day they will cease to be”
“Orpheus does not overcome death by strength or by wits, but by sharing the simple human experience of his love and grief”
“The only true way to keep our passed on loved ones alive is by moving on. Dwelling on the past will only kill them more”
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thequeer07puss · 24 days
how much parents issues do you need to ask literal ancient gods if theyre proud of you asking for a friend
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