therealjeangrey · 3 years
Augmentation in product engineering
To run a few internal projects, it is essential to have extra hands-on engineering support. Augmentation in project engineering refers to the practice to adopt outside personnel so that you can augment the company capacity. You might find a temporary spike in the work owing to newer programs and projects. You might need to deliver products to a distant place for which you might require temporary assistance.
Hiring permanent staff in this regard is considered to be wastage of your resources and money. Choosing engineering staff augmentation is worth mentioning in this aspect as it will offer a helping hand in moving forward. There are a plethora of business enterprises that need to outsource about 20percent of the staff through an agency or contract. It offers protection to the employees and businesses from work loss or drastic spikes.
What is augmentation?
Augmentation offers a helping hand in hiring engineers at a consulting firm or product engineering agency. It provides a suitable opportunity to the business enterprise in extending the team. Though these employees will work on the payroll of the agency, they will work as an integral part of the team of the client.
Read more information about: App Modernization Services | Product Engineering Services
Speaking of project engineering, the business enterprise will hire a team to create mobile or web applications. Within the augmented team, it is possible for the team to enhance the software engineering team's size.
The staff augmentation model will act as an alternate to the managed solutions. It provides a suitable opportunity to the business enterprises in fixing the bugs, thereby keeping the digital products updated to work in closer collaboration along with the in-house team.
How augmentation is helpful for your business
In the business landscape of today, it is essential to ensure that mobile and web applications will be ahead of the curve. To achieve this, it is essential to have technical talent, which will grow and maintain digital products.
There is a vast assortment of business organizations that will encounter limitations in the budget and time, along with the challenge to find the developers with the prerequisite skill sets. Owing to the project's temporary nature, it might be challenging to hire in-house engineers. Staff augmentation is considered to be the best solution in this regard. Augmentation is useful for the business in a variety of ways, which are enlisted below:
Enhanced control
Augmentation provides the optimum choice to control the project during different times. It helps in executing the regular monitoring. Once the project is outsourced completely, you will encounter difficulties monitoring the project quality and project progress, since it depends on the outsourced team.
By choosing staff augmentation, you will be capable of placing augmentation staff to improve the project efficiency. In addition, it decreases the security risks and privacy, which might occur during normal outsourcing.
Faster time to market
During the faster-paced digital world, if you can launch a product earlier, you can beat the competitive edge successfully. Choosing augmentation solutions is worth mentioning in this aspect as it will help in saving an ample amount of money.
The staff working at the product engineering agency will be capable of completing a specific project with utmost speed. The software engineers are capable of understanding the ways, to deliver a specific value in a righteous manner. The project managers have the prerequisite experience in ensuring that the project results will match the priorities of the clients.
Enhanced flexibility
Augmentation helps in enhancing and reducing the team's size, catering to the needs. It plays an integral role in reducing the productivity of the team with extra manpower. The experienced agent will be capable of making it happen faster. You should decrease the engineering team's size, owing to the market's fluctuations, as the project enters the specific maintenance phase.
Counteract Attrition
In different situations, the staff augmentation's needs will enhance, owing to the unexpected attributions. The staff augmentation provides the optimum choice to the business enterprise to ensure that the delivery team and project management do not become stagnated. Augmentation is worth mentioning in this regard as the business enterprises are staffed during different times. The professionals' will be capable of utilizing the expertise and skills in a large arena effectively.
As you opt for augmentation over the regular hiring methodologies, the business is sure to procure a lot of benefits. It can seek access to experienced and highly skilled professionals. Besides this, it offers a budget-friendly option to hire, interview and recruit the regular staff. It is essential to concentrate on the skills, which are necessary for the specific project.
Augmentation has become the prime choice of the potential audience as it helps in burning a huge cut off from the pocket. Hiring software developers is worth mentioning in this aspect as helps in saving an ample amount of money on infrastructure, recruitment, and employee benefits. The staff augmentation allows you to enjoy real-time collaboration.
At times, a specific project needs specific technology and language. Augmentation in product engineering provides the optimum choice to fill the specific skill gap. It is convenient, as the skills cannot be found easily in the local talent pool.
You do not need to spend an ample amount of resources and time to train the in-house employees, as you try to acquire the external developers, which accomplish the project's technical requirements. Staff augmentation depends on the engineers' talent to offer value to the customers. Hence, you can be ensured that you will work with the most expert staff.
A wide assortment of staff augmentation in product engineering is worth mentioning in this aspect as it offers an outstanding solution to different staffing requirements. Staff augmentation provides the optimum choice to reduce the business enterprise's scalability. You will be capable of running the product of different sizes.
Through staff augmentation, you will be capable of scaling the workforce's size, catering to the demands. It plays an integral role in diversifying the solutions. It offers enhanced quality solutions with enhanced expertise. You will find an enhancement in the return on investment in no time as you opt for augmentation in product engineering.
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therealjeangrey · 4 years
Software testing and its types
Software testing refers to the process to check if the actual software matches the expected needs. It helps in checking if the developed software is free from the detects. 
Software testing involves the execution of the software components with the aid of automated and manual tools for the evaluation of different properties of interest.
The ultimate goal of software testing is identifying different gaps, errors and missing requirements. The Software testing companies need to perform software testing because it helps in solving the errors and bugs, present in the product before its delivery.
The proper testing of the software helps in checking high performance, security and reliability, which helps in saving a lot of time and provide the desired satisfaction of the customer. There are different kinds of software testing which include:
Functional testing
Such kind of testing includes the testing of different functional aspects of an application. If you are willing to conduct functional tests, it is a prerequisite to perform testing of different functionality. 
Through functional testing, you can check if it is possible to achieve the prerequisite results.
There are different kinds of functional testing, which include integration testing, unit testing, smoke testing, end to end testing, acceptance testing, regression testing, sanity testing, interface testing, black box testing, white box testing. It is possible to perform functional testing with the aid of automation and manual tools.
Non-functional testing
Non-functional testing refers to the testing of different non-functional aspects of the product, which include usability, reliability, performance, security, to name a few. It is necessary to perform the non-functional tests after the completion of the functional testing. 
Through non-functional testing, it is possible to bring an improvement in the quality of the software to a greater extent. Functional tests provide you with the option to make the process of software development a grand success.
There are different kinds of non-functional testing which include the load testing, security testing, performance testing, compatibility testing, failover testing, scalability testing, usability testing, stress testing, volume testing, efficiency testing, compliance testing, maintainability testing, endurance testing, efficiency testing, disaster recovery testing, endurance testing, internationalization testing, and localization testing.
Besides this, there are different kinds of software testing which includes:
Unit testing
In this kind of testing, it is necessary to perform the testing of every module or component of the software. For the performance of such type of testing, it is essential to have the programming knowledge. Hence, it is possible for the developers only to conduct such kind of tests.
Integration testing
Once you have integrated the modules, you should make sure to check whether the combined modules are working together. Such kind of testing is referred to as integration testing.
User interface testing
Such kind of testing includes the testing of the user interface of the application. The ultimate objective of user interface testing is checking if the user interfaces are developed, according to the requirements, as specified in the given document. By conduction of UI tests, it is possible to make the UI of the app more attractive and user-friendly.
End to end testing
It contributes to being the functional testing of the whole software testing. Once you have successfully performed the testing of the entire application, it is referred to as an end to end testing.
Accessibility testing
Such kind of testing is performed to check if disabled people can access the product. For such kind of tests, you should check whether the disabled people are capable of using the specific product.
Visit here: Vulnerability assessment services
Beta testing
This kind of testing is performed before the release of the application. It is conducted in the real user environment by a lesser number of the potential audience to ensure if the software is free from errors and whether the software is functioning smoothly. 
After getting constructive criticism and collective feedback from the audience, you can consider introducing specific changes for the effective development of the product.
Alpha testing
Alpha testing contributes to being a kind of testing, which is conducted for looking for different problems and errors in the whole product. Testers perform such type of testing in the last part of the development phase. This type of testing is performed by developing a virtual environment, which looks like a real environment.
Compatibility testing
Compatibility testing includes checking the compatibility of the software with various web browsers, operating systems, hardware, network environments. Through this kind of testing, you can check if the developed software app is functioning properly with various configurations.
Ad-hoc testing
Ad-hoc testing contributes to being a type of testing which is accomplished in an ad-hoc way, without the use of any documentation, plans, test cases, and systems. It is challenging to find bugs and errors without the use of test cases. However, it is possible to detect different technical problems through the ad-hoc test.
Compatibility testing
Compatibility testing  services refers to the checking of the software with various web browsers, operating system, hardware, network environments. It is useful in checking if the developed product is working properly with various configurations.
Browser compatibility testing
As indicated by the name, browser compatibility testing is useful in checking the compatibility of the browser and web application. In addition to this, through this kind of testing, it is checked if it is possible to access the web application from every version of the web browser.
Backward compatibility testing
By performing such kind of testing, it is possible to check if the updated or latest version of the app has compatibility with the previous versions of the web browsers and operating system. Such kind of app is updated specifically for matching the style and software of a modern and newer environment.
Performance testing
Testers perform such kind of testing to check if the software is offering a good performance as per the demands of the potential audience. There are different performance testing tools available in the market, which analyze the performance of the application.
It would be best if you remember that it is necessary to perform all the kinds of software testing for a particular project. The type of tests you need to run depends on the software; you are going to develop.
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therealjeangrey · 4 years
Top 7 Software Testing Companies in USA
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Looking for software testing companies in USA to outsource your QA and Software Testing Services the check out the top testing companies list here
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therealjeangrey · 4 years
Top Software QA Services & Analysis
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therealjeangrey · 4 years
Introduction to the Drupal Unit-testing
You have added features to the site a few days later the customer called and told me that nothing works. You have 20 hours stuffing code and a bunch of times and go on klatsaete forms of testing to get everything working, but the brain perceives nothing and end up on the site added a broken piece. Or maybe you have a complex module with a bunch of interconnected functional, well or small, but with a lot of choices. In general, you have millions of reasons to come to the automated testing.
Use of automated testing can get rid of piles of routine operations on a regular functional testing code. To test the available AutoComplete forms and checking the result, control user access to various sections of the site and functionality, and much more.
What can we offer to test Drupal?
Testing modules and functionality in Drupal module by using SimpleTest. And, with version 7 is included in the kernel, so look the other way and do not make much sense.
To install you need to set Drupal and that the server was accessible library php-curl, with which the module implements parsing of pages. Once the module is copied to the server, you need to patch the kernel, the patch file is located in the root folder of the module. To use it you must click on the server from the root of the site:
patch-p0 <{path-to-folder-with-modules} / simpletest/D6-core-simpletest.patch Then you can just activate it in the tab with modules and you can view a list of available tests on the page admin / build / testing.
How does the SimpleTest?
In the beginning, it scans the folder modules in search of available tests, if it does not matter whether or not the module is active, the user sees and tests themselves and can not fulfill them including the corresponding module.
This is achieved thanks to the fact that, before starting the test SimpleTest creates a virtual installation of Drupal with a later and running. Already it activates the necessary modules and themes, which may differ from the installation of the current site. Further, in the software testing outsourcing services process tested caused a page or function, after which they validate and generate output information about the success or failure of the operation.
By the way, for each function testXXX setUp runs every time before performing the test.
The first test
Thus, we conclude the flood and move on to practice. In the first test we examine the creation of material such as Page, which is available in all installations. To do this we need:
Create a test file with the name imya_modulya.test and save it in the folder with the module. The file name specified in the tough SimpleTest.
Next, create the test itself:
<?php class OurModuleTest extends DrupalWebTestCase { / / Helper function, which we will generate a text with blanks and Blackjack protected function randomText ($ wordCount = 32) { $ Text =”; for ($ i = 0; $ i <$ wordCount; $ i + +) { $ Text .= $ this-> randomString (rand (4, 12)). ”; } return $ text; } / / Information about the test, which is displayed on the page of tests. public static function getInfo () { return array ( ‘Name’ => ‘Page creation test’, ‘Desc’ => ‘Testing page creation’, ‘Group’ => ‘Our tests’, ); } public function setUp () { / / Set the required modules $ Args = func_get_args (); $ Modules = array_merge (array (’help’, ’search’, ‘menu’, ‘node’), $ args); call_user_func_array (array (’parent’, ’setUp’), $ modules); / / Set the right user permissions $ Permissions = array (’access content’, ‘create page content’, ‘delete own page content’, ‘edit own page content’); / / Create a user with these rights and enter into the system $ User = $ this-> drupalCreateUser ($ permissions); $ This-> drupalLogin ($ user); } / / Testing a page public function testPageCreation () { $ Params = array ( ‘Title’ => $ this-> randomName (32) ‘Body’ => $ this-> randomText (), ); / / Call a Page Page $ This-> drupalPost (’node / add / page’, $ params, t (’Save’)); / / Check if the received input $ This-> assertText (t (’Page @ name has been created.’, Array (’@ name’ => $ params ['title'])), t (’ Page creation ‘)); } } ?>
Clear the cache and go to the page admin / build / testing. Now, there we see the drop-down tab "Our tests", which is available in a single test "Page creation test". By putting a tick on him to fulfill it. after the information is available to us "19 passes, 0 fails, and 0 exceptions". The fact that we wanted.
Now log out the user and then try to perform the test. To do this, create another test and call it testAnonymousPageCreation. From the previous test code will be different only in that we run before running $ this-> drupalLogout ()
/ / Test create page anonymous user public function testAnonymousPageCreation () { / / User Razloginivaem $ This-> drupalLogout (); $ Params = array ( ‘Title’ => $ this-> randomName (32) ‘Body’ => $ this-> randomText (), ); / / Call a Page Page $ This-> drupalPost (’node / add / page’, $ params, t (’Save’)); / / Check if the received input $ This-> assertText (t (’Page @ name has been created.’, Array (’@ name’ => $ params ['title'])), t (’ Page creation ‘)); }
Now the result of 29 passes, 5 fails, and 0 exceptions. However, this is not the result, which was worth getting. In this case, you need to check whether the user’s access is blocked to this page, this will be a successful test, this will modify the test:
/ / Test create page anonymous user public function testAnonymousPageCreation () { / / User Razloginivaem $ This-> drupalLogout (); / / Try to get the desired page $ This-> drupalGet (’node / add / page’); / / Check the server response to error 403 (Access denied) $ This-> assertResponse (403, t (’You have no permitions to this page .’)); }
Now the result: 30 passes, 0 fails, and 0 exceptions. Ok, now we know that unauthorized users can not get access to the creation of pages.
Visit here: Mobile app testing services
What’s next?
Next we have to teach myself to write code right away with the tests. SimpleTest provides enough functionality to solve many problems.
First, it helps to formalize the problem, because for the test to prescribe a clear success criteria.
Second mistake will be detected earlier and a fix will be spent significantly less time because there will be the exact information where and under what conditions the error appeared.
Third excluded mass of routine operations, in which to make a mistake and miss something important. And most importantly, always nice to know that everything he wrote is working as intended.
A small bonus
There is a set of small and major problems and issues related to testing with the help of this module, which you or come across or not, but we warn you:)
SimpleTest can not test JavaScript, therefore the functional jQuery, dynamic content spoofing, etc. test will not work :( The list of available tests (Assertions) is available here: http://drupal.org/node/265828 To form the module must be called View $ this-> drupalGet (), instead of drupalPost (). Example:
$ Params = array (’sorting’ => ’sorting_value’); $ This-> drupalGet (’find / wine-ratings’, array (’query’ => $ params));
Tests are available for inactive modules.
Establishment types, etc. should be brought to a separate module, and write all the necessary procedures in module_name.install.
If you create a separate module for testing, then the file should be added module_name.info hidden = TRUE, then the module can be invoked in the tests, but will not be available in the list.
Nodecomment module conflicts with the module comment, so you should edit the profiles \ default \ default.profile and remove it from the default settings.
And finally an extended version of the class DrupalWebTestCase, which added additional functions and features:
class ExtendedDrupalWebTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase { protected $ admin_user; protected $ users; / / Helper function, which we will generate a text with blanks and Blackjack protected function randomText ($ wordCount = 32) { $ Text =”; for ($ i = 0; $ i <$ wordCount; $ i + +) { $ Text .= $ this-> randomString (rand (4, 12)). ”; } return $ text; } / / Change the current theme protected function setTheme ($ new_theme) { db_query ("UPDATE {system} SET status = 1 WHERE type = ‘theme’ and name = ‘% s’", $ new_theme); variable_set (’theme_default’, $ new_theme); drupal_rebuild_theme_registry (); } / / Generate file name to display a folder that is outside the temporary folder and SimpleTest can view the data after cleaning. protected function getOutputFile () { $ File_dir = file_directory_path (); $ File_dir .= ‘. / Simpletest_output_pages’; if (! is_dir ($ file_dir)) { mkdir ($ file_dir, 0777, TRUE); } return "$ file_dir / $ basename." . $ This-> randomName (10). ‘. Html’; } / / Write page protected function outputAdminPage ($ description, $ basename, $ url) { $ Output_path = $ this-> getOutputFile (); $ This-> drupalGet ($ url); $ Rv = file_put_contents ($ output_path, $ this-> drupalGetContent ()); $ This-> pass ("$ description: Contents of result page are". L (’here’, $ output_path)); } / / Write the last on-screen display protected function outputScreenContents ($ description, $ basename) { $ Output_path = $ this-> getOutputFile (); $ Rv = file_put_contents ($ output_path, $ this-> drupalGetContent ()); $ This-> pass ("$ description: Contents of result page are". L (’here’, $ output_path)); } / / Write variable to file protected function outputVariable ($ description, $ variable) { $ Output_path = $ this-> getOutputFile (); $ Rv = file_put_contents ($ output_path, ‘<html> <body> <pre>’. Print_r ($ variable, true ).’</ pre> </ body> </ html> ‘); $ This-> pass ("$ description: Contents of result page are". L (’here’, $ output_path)); } }
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therealjeangrey · 4 years
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therealjeangrey · 4 years
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therealjeangrey · 4 years
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therealjeangrey · 4 years
What is the benefit of Test automation and why should we do it?
Software and application development involves rounds of quality testing. Still, development companies end up delivering defective products. Testing engineers thrive on exploring the defects in software or an application at its earliest. However, some issues are impossible to eliminate. Such instances are more familiar with the manual testing process. It is the reason for which development firms emphasizes on automating the Testing process.
Test automation enables a company to ensure the optimum accuracy with their products. Development companies even hire a Test automation company to ensure seamless Testing across the development lifecycle. It helps them identify and eliminate all the defects at the earliest. Consequently, companies can reduce the time-lapse in delivering a product to the customer. Continuous Testing helps a development company to ensure the qualitative aspect and the performance of the application and software. 
Read more about: Software testing companies
Speaking about manual Testing it involves human intervention. The process involves manual efforts in offering combinations, result comparison, and documenting the observations. Across the development phase, manual testing gets repeated several times, as changes appear in the source codes or changes in the operating ecosystem. Changes in the hardware configuration are another instance that paves the way for the repeat of the manual Testing. 
 Automated Testing enhances the accuracy in your products 
The best automated testing tools have the capacity to record and throwback all the pre-planned activities. It compares the results with the expected behavior, consequently documenting the success or the failure. 
After the implementation of an automated test, testers can easily repeat the test cases. It can even cover up scopes that it is impossible to accomplish through manual testing. 
It is for this reason that quality test managers rate automated essential as one of the critical factors to develop perfect application and software. The automated Testing takes the development project closer to success. 
Even if the benefits in automated Testing are beyond the scope of a debate, it calls for extensive investment. Though it is not a challenge for large software development companies, it is a threat to the startup and small development companies. 
Even for big companies, automation testing escalates the overall development expenses significantly. Comparing this threat with the possible benefits in test automation, companies still emphasize on automating the quality testing process. It implies, they reap the sweetest value in return of their investments. The best Test automation company will help your organization deliver superlative products within the minimum time. 
You can optimize the test coverage to the maximum extent 
The best part about automating quality testing is that it enhances the depth in the testing process. Besides, it helps you to conduct a variety of testing, using the same framework.
 Automated Testing can quickly identify the cons that go unidentified with manual testing. Most importantly, you can conduct extensive testing, seamlessly across the entire development process. 
Thus, you can eliminate the defects at its earliest, rather than waiting until the completion of the development process to take the necessary remedial measures. Some defects become so stringent that it is almost impossible to eliminate at a later stage. 
In that regard, automation testing brings a welcome relief from this threat, helping you to ensure the optimum quality of the development. Research suggests, after implementing the automated testing practice, development companies have managed to reduce the hardships in development significantly. 
They are taking lesser time in completing the development, and still, they are coming up with the best grade development. Thus, automated Testing helps you to escape the threats of wasting time, effort, and resources on defective developments. 
Automated Testing helps developers and testers function efficiently 
The task of testers is to complement the developers. However, in the manual testing practices, these professionals seem to contradict each other. It is where automated testing can benefit your business the most. The framework identifies the most subtle defects in development. 
The best part is that testers need not wait until the end of the development process to find the areas that demand correction. They will forward this note to the development team, as the development process keeps flowing. 
Thus, developers need to reverse and rectify smaller defects, rather than to address significant cons with the development at a later stage. Thus, test automation brings better collaboration and coordination between the development and the testing teams. 
It boosts the morale of both these categories of professionals. Eventually, an organization can come up with foolproof development, within the last time. 
Eliminates the chances of wasting time, effort, and resources 
If you have to optimize the business revenues, you need to prevent the waste of resources. It would be best if you focused on streamlining the workload that will help you to optimize efficiency. 
These days, development companies need to deliver applications and software to their customers within the minimum turnaround time. So, there is no other way than enhancing productivity. 
Test Automation addresses this call in the most relevant manner. The seamless Testing helps organizations eliminate all the faults at its earliest, without the development process, losing their momentum. 
Thus, organizations can save their time and resources, developing certain products at its earliest. The rise in productivity and efficiency enable the organization to handle multiple projects at a go. It offers a significant impetus to optimize the revenues, and consequently, it enhances profits. Thus, automating the testing process is a compulsion and not a matter of choice. 
Even if an organization gets manifold benefits of automating the quality testing process, it is a highly complex process. Hence, you must approach the process with adequate preparation. 
You must develop a comprehensive plan to approach automation testing. For example, you should identify the appropriate tools and the right workforce. It would help if you foresaw the possible barriers in the path, and you should be ready with the solution. 
Approaching the process with adequate planning, you can certainly overcome the hassles and hardships. Consequently, materializing the dream to automate the quality testing process will not be a big deal. 
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therealjeangrey · 5 years
6 Metrics to Measure DevOps Test Automation
Can speed and quality go together?
As we know, the DevOps approach strives to achieve this through parallel efforts at software development and operations readiness.
Keeping these 2 competing processes in lock-step is achieved by enforcing Quality Gates at the end of every step of the SDLC process, with clearly defined and calculable entry and exit criteria, as well as the clear responsibility of who is handing over and who is taking over the application.
 These Quality Gates help to ensure that defects are logged and fixed within each step, and not allowed to flow further downstream. 
To enforce the quality gates rigorously and comprehensively, software testing starts early as well.
 So the role of testing experiences a left shift, entering the picture right at the beginning of the SDLC rather than later, as is the won’t in the traditional method of linear (aka “Waterfall”) development.
 This also achieves the purpose of speeding up the entire development and implementation process. Test Driven Development, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Deployment all help achieve this speed, as well as assure quality.
Monitoring these processes in ensuring speed and quality is the DevOps dashboard that tracks the entire process, spot bugs at an early stage, and helps experienced user spot trends early. Therefore, one of the critical steps in integrating the testing with the other two processes would be building metrics on the DevOps dashboard based on the project objectives.
The metrics should aim to assess the following
Deployment success rate – the customer-facing quality metric
App error rates for each Phase
Incident severity surfaced at each Quality Gate
Outstanding bugs (aka Technical Debt)
The metrics can help improve the understanding of the impact of a specific release as well as the response rates of the different teams to fix the bugs in the release and handle them better in the next.
At Indium Software, while the automated testing framework for the DevOps environment, iSAFE, speeds up the testing process, six metrics that help further improve the process to make it more efficient and effective include:
Lead time for the start of test automation services how quickly test automation can start is an area for constant improvement. In a typical engagement, the functional team writes the manual test cases and hands over to the automation team. With a 2% shift in Requirements for each calendar month of the project life, all delays will create a misalignment between the application and the automated test suite.
FTR (First Time Right) percentage and Reverse Flow Metrics How many times can we get it right the first time (FTR) is another measure, calculated as a percentage of the overall automation effort and tracking the number of times FTR was achieved. The reverse is also kept track of – that is, how many times did we have to go back for clarifications to the Dev or Product management team, or even to a previous stage in the development lifecycle. This can, of course, be improved by better involvement at the time of design.
Automation Code Coverage How relevant was the automation in a continuous delivery situation, how much of the application code was covered by the automation is another measure that helps evaluate the efficiency of the test automation effort.
Percentage of In-sprint automation how much of the automation was completed within the sprint, and how much was picked up later by the automation team. Improving this metric forces quality in a large number of root causes:
Maintainability and responsiveness measuring how modular and reusable was the automation and how many times did it need to be rewritten can help improve the test case scripting to cover more variations.
Use of VM/ Containers for Testing In Production (TIPping) DevOps requires the testing team to make use of the integration between the Development and the Operations, to the extent of being able to spin up a machine for testing the Pre-Production code by restricting access, and to then switch it to full production mode, OR quickly roll back by reverting to the old status – measuring the efficiency with which this is achieved also is an important metric for DevOps test automation.
Quality of backlog grooming and stability of use cases within the sprint
Level of detail of the user stories, which allows the automation team to start automation in parallel to the coding
Level of involvement of the automation team in the sprint meetings
Quality of the automation framework design and modularity allowing speed of automation
Amount of API testing (faster, more robust) vs. UI based testing (susceptible to changes in the UI and P4 defects).
As a best practice, the Indium functional tester details the manual test cases such that it can be automated directly into iSAFE.
These metrics help keep the process efficient and achieve DevOps goals. They help reduce the time taken for QA test automation services, and also identify new areas that can be automated. ROI of automation comes from the ability to execute the automation suite early, fast, and frequently so that issues can be fixed before being found by the end customer. The metrics given above help you find the bottlenecks to help achieve that end goal.
View the original source here: https://www.indiumsoftware.com/blog/devops-test-automation/
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therealjeangrey · 5 years
The Basics of a Quality Assurance System
The Basics of a top quality Assurance System Quality assurance could be a systematic method followed by organizations and companies to try and do a radical check on the merchandise and services they supply to customers. This method ensures quality and satisfaction to customers. This method is incredibly vital and runs during a systematic manner; but, it doesn't offer associate absolute guarantee of quality!
We as clients use customer service and merchandise offered within the market. however what percentage people make sure that no matter we have a tendency to ar shopping for is of quality? the foremost vital factor recently could be a storing house that we have a tendency to simply get through storage facilities.
once it involves storage units and their quality, you must 1st make sure that the facilities give quality services. It shouldn't be the case that no matter you retain in these units gets spoiled and you've got to suffer a loss.
To avoid such things one ought to select facilities that have quality assurance processes running in their units.
independent software testing services company could be a routine method that ensures the standard of merchandise and services delivered to the purchasers. you'll conjointly term it as a producing method that involves testing of merchandise and services right from the start. If you're progressing to keep your unused things during a storage unit, then you must make sure that the ability provides the subsequent quality services:
* It ought to be totally lit. * The storing house shouldn't be engorged. * Things ought to be organized and unbroken properly. * The place ought to be termite-free and pest-controlled.
* Climate-controlled units ought to be truly the method they need been mentioned and not simply a verbal assurance.
The main intention of the standard assurance method is to keep up the standard of services and merchandise a business ought to give to ultimately meet the necessities of the purchasers. This method or system truly follows:
* Calculation of knowledge * Archiving info * Uncertainty estimation
* Emission calculation
This system is additionally designed to handle several alternative things that follow thereby:
* This technique provides regular checking services in order that there's correctness and completeness in services. * It brings out the errors and addresses them for any quality maintenance.
* It conjointly keeps on documenting the information and records the standard management method.
Now, the question you will raise is that what all come back below quality assurance method? this technique truly regulates the entire process of an organization, organization, or a company right from the start until the top. just in case of a producing unit, it keeps a check on quality of raw materials, assemblies, production, investment, finance, and delivery to the specified areas. this is often the sole system that keeps a check on each department of an organization. the entire would like of this technique is to stay on rising in each space of quality, thereby increasing revenue.
Therefore, implementation of quality assurance method ought to be done, through that observance and analysis of everything during a company would fetch the required result. just in case it happens that you simply don't get what you desired, then another analysis and check of the preset objectives becomes an essential would like. So, as a client, it's vital for you to see the standard of product or services that you simply ar going for. this may provide you with the data of the responsibleness level and assurance of the items you're investment on.
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