During the spring break I decided to focus on developing the animatic. The last uploaded one was a dummy version, sketched. I wanted the final piece to adress the theme that I chose. I wanted to emphasise the beauty and importance of nature. The man just before death sees reality in a more vast way. The timing seems to be imaginary. I used watercolor, guache, color pencil to show the characteristics of nature which is gentile, sensitive and essential.
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The fourth day of workshops with Viv Schwarz, after final decisions about the rules, the aim of the game and theme there was time to make a final version.
In a team of four each of us got different tasks to do. We had relatively very little time, from the beginning and after some small changes we had over four hours to finish. That was a challenge as none of us was confident about the style so most of it was spontaneous. I’ve changed the rough of the board so there could be more locations, I’ve decided to make the spin wheel digitaly, which we called Spin the bottle!. That saved lots of time. I chose vast, neon colors and black background so it resembled city at night. I also thought that the use of different fonts could work well as on the streets signs vary significantly. The bottle on the spin wheel was drawn with crayons. All of that had to be on thicker paper so it looked more aesthetic. I also made the score cards and the instruction with the same colours as the wheel, the same style so it was unified. Each time I wanted to print anything I was asking the members of the team if the design was fine. However I wish all of us did the same as in the end there was no control over the visual side so it was unified. In my opinion the game had too many yellow elements. I also made the counters, at first I wanted to cut actual people from the paper and draw all details. Then the team adviced to make a simple overlay. So I chose two colours, each for every team, and they were in different positions so it was easy to identify particular players. In the end they looked funny as were a caricature of lively, energetic adults ready for night adventures.
When we finished the design we played the game. We found it very good, it was exciting, the hindrances, extra tasks made it interesting and challenging. However it was very easy to understand. The orders on the squares were funny as described situations from real life which could happen to all of us. Each player created then own story and the competition between the teams worked very well. Also the ways of moving the counters varied, someone could spin the bottle when landing on the particular square, use the tube or just use the dice. The destiny cards added more variation, more fun to the game.
It would be great to make more elements on the board like street lamps, ponds, people having fun, graffiti, pedestrian crossings, more buildings so it was busy and resembled the city at night even more. There was not enough time to do that tough.
What is the most relevant, the game was playable, interesting, funny and enjoyed by other people.
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The Workshops with Viv Schwarz were very immersive. Above is captured the process of creating one of multiple ideas on the board game.
The first favourite idea was about setting player in a team work as a rat trying to safe all family by collecting elements necessary to build a boat.
The final idea that is about to be developed further is called: NIGHT OUT. That is a narrative of student friends going out at night, players write their own story while standing on different squares, choosing different paths to desired places, being involved in funny situations.
In the game there are two or four players. There are two teams and each draws three locations. The aim of the game is to reach each location by EACH player once and then go back home. 
The colleagues who have never played the game before found it were very exciting, funny, collaborating. They liked the idea of involving different way of playing like: spin the bottle! or scissors, paper
What can be improved: Each team might reach chosen locations by only ONE player however there would be much more locations on a larger board. 
Moreover there would be even more fun if included mini games like noughts & crosses, true or dare etc.
The narrative worked very well as on each play the story of players differed, there was always something new happening to friends going out for a night. That was funny and the audience could emphasise with the characters 
From the beginning to the end I found the work in a tam, solving problems together, testing, varied perspectives very beneficial. In a relatively short time I was very involved in a process and the team created a very satisfying effect.
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10 seconds animation, prompt: Watch where you step
Made in Adobe Photoshop. 
I wanted the character to interact with the still background. However it had to stay exactly the same at the beginning and at the end. Then I decided to tell the story of a giant, adorable monster which by accident destroys the ceiling and worried tries to fix it. The audience found it very satisfying as all pieces come back to the same place and the giant runs away in the end.
The sound was all made by myself except from the shot gun.
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                                              PLAYING NARRATIVES
Discovering how beneficial is a team work with the various ideas, what are advantages of testing own work made in a short time
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                                                      LISBON TRIP
Fast sketches when walking in Lisbon during the Research Week. I was walking beautiful, colourful, narrow streets and trying to capture what I saw around me, and there was a lot to look at. My main aim was to not to worry about the effect but experiment with new tools, just try things out, thinking: let’s keep also that what I would find ugly. What is interesting, later I liked the most those fast, inaccurate, imprecise, expressive works. 
Experiencing that really changed my way of thinking about the illustration practise, I felt much more motivated than even before, more courageous and I saw surprisingly excited.
It was an eye opening, memorable trip
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                                                        LISBON TRIP
The Field Trip in Portugal was a memorable time of more experimental approach than ever before. The sun, the people, the atmosphere helped to open into new possibilities of capturing the beauty seen around. 
The places of focus were: the Botanical Garden, Sintra (colourful castles, the town on the hill), narrow, hilly streets of Lisbon
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                                                ANIMATIC DUMMY
Dummy animatic which needs to be developed further, 
Adaptation of Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce
Focus on sound, pace 
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                                                   LIFE DRAWING
Recent drawings from the Wednesday practice. More exploration with the tool, different approach to capturing the surfaces of the room and the figure
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Testing the sequences, orders of the adaptation of Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge on the screen
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                                                 PENGUIN AWARDS
Ideas of book covers for the competition, also those which don’t work very well
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                                           IDEAS THROUGH IMAGES
The three seconds long gif illustrating the article: ‘How millennials have put a spoke in the wheels of Britain’s bicycle shops’ by Jamie Doward, www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jan/12/mille
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I haven’t expected such a beneficial and intensive time on expressive life drawing workshop with Niall Laverty. The model was incredible as well, as his gestures, body and facial expression gave drawings life. It was satisfying going out of the comfort zone when learning from each previous sketch, like in my case that was trying to exaggerate more. Cutting works surprised me with accurate forms. 
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                                          EVERYDAY CONNECTIONS
Final choice of fife photographs. Urban life, closed, stuffy, grey, flat.
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                                        EVERYDAY CONNECTIONS II
system arranged in order to occurrence
At first I was in Tate Modern, then went outside at night (London obviously), next day I took pictures in Kingston around Knights Park, got home and finally walked to the river side
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                                        EVERYDAY CONNECTIONS II
way of putting things to groups according to how they are similar
urban surfaces
bowl/feed me
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I was amazed by impressive collection embracing completely new to me, differently approached video games. Especially interesting was exposure of process, ideas, sketches and what actions where taken to get ex. references. Also issues around games industry made me even more curious about the subject which from them I will see from a different perspective.
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