li-li-chen · 5 years
IA4003 Research, Recording and Presentation-The Visual Diary.
In the park(London)-visual Diary.
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ia4003-seminar-blog · 5 years
A zine a third year made. I liked the combination of colours in expressing heat, holiday and relaxation. The solid coloured paper links the images together and hold a similar feeling of warmth. The zine as a whole paints a picture of the experience
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                                                        LISBON TRIP
The Field Trip in Portugal was a memorable time of more experimental approach than ever before. The sun, the people, the atmosphere helped to open into new possibilities of capturing the beauty seen around. 
The places of focus were: the Botanical Garden, Sintra (colourful castles, the town on the hill), narrow, hilly streets of Lisbon
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Study Trip to the V&A: Interaction Design week5
Group Li, jasmine Tez Yu, Cheon Young Park,Giwoo Lim.
1. I don’t know what’s real any more!
A key concept in video game studies is immersion. This refers to the feeling of getting lost or absorbed in a fictional world. We might think of getting caught up in the suspense of a thriller, or caring about movie characters as if they’re people we actually know. What different types of immersion do games create? Do they attempt to get us engrossed in a plot or empathising with characters? Might there be types of immersion unique to games – does enjoying moving around a virtual world count? Are there any games in the exhibition that seem to actively resist immersion?
1. The game uses nature's virgin forests and ancient ruins to create a fascinating scene, and the changes in the seasons have given me a deeper experience of the game. Adding the melody and rhythm of the background music makes the game more vivid. The character's movements are very smooth and smooth, allowing me to feel the physical movements that cannot be experienced in real life.
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2. Journey, this game is the same as the name of the game. I want to experience a journey, through walking and ancient magic (flight) to experience different means of transportation. The runes collected during the journey of finding ancient ruins gradually formed a scarf that enriched the character with a mission that allowed multiple people to participate and experience and interact with their peers. Explore the world together. The clothing is very elegant, this part of the game maker has done a lot of real research, even directly to the desert value test, including the foot movements, the foot touches the sand when the situation is recorded, so in the game experience Let the visual senses bring realism. Part of the real part of the virtual game mix makes me more immersive.
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3. Like, the virtual world allows me to experience the experience that cannot exist in real life. When I am in the virtual world, I not only experience different worlds but also experience the stories of the current characters, just like living in a different life. This kind of experience gives me different perspectives, so I like activities in the virtual world.
4. I feel that each game has his own different story and game experience. I don't feel which game resists the immersion of the virtual world. This part is directly related to the individual's recognition of the game.
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Welcome to my seminar blog! I’m kickstarting all the fun with my summer project work. For the Pickwick Blogs brief I invented a witch called Agnes. The Blog can be found here: https://justyoureverdaywitch.tumblr.com/. Below is a gif I made of Agnes doing some funky magic.
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I didn’t manage to fill up a visual diary as well as I wanted as I was super busy in America. These are some of my favorite drawings however... 
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Research, Recording, and Presentation: Editing Seminar 2.
In today’s seminar we continued exploring editing. We each brought in another 25 photographs and then grouped and arranged them according to typology, chronology, and continuity - mostly in groups of five photographs. We considered content, composition, colour, texture, tone, shadow, and framing.
References to check out:
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seminarblogemb · 5 years
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I found this guy Bruno Munari very interesting and would like to get my hands on those Discovery of circle/sqaure/triangle books. I like this idea of following a general shape or basic idea and see how it relates to the world instead of pursuing specific subject that interest you. I suppose one is bound to make things very related to the specific circumstances you are in, in my case very westernised, this way you will make connections outside of your own situation. Also it lets you almost follow your practise as a viewer, instead of strictly being the curator.
And the curiosity he shows in his work is very inspiring.
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callierepps-blog · 5 years
Materialise (expose) Week 1
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Some inspiration for exposure work by Guido Spanocchi 
On Friday we were given our assignment and word, expose. Within our group, we had to start brainstorming ideas of different processes within art and design that relate to this word with a focus on the workshops in knights park. We were also asked to write ideas on metaphorical or emotional connotations of this word and chew on what exposure means. While thinking about methods that could relate to exposure, we initially thought about using the darkroom, etching, screen printing, mainly workshops that exposed materials to light, acid e.t.c. We then continued to consider doing things like sandblasting in the 3D workshop and leaving things outside exposing them to the weather and documenting it. This then led us to the idea of performance and how a performer is exposed to an audience. I thought this might be good for us to look into as we had to make a 10-minute presentation on this theme.
On the more subjective side of the word, we thought about things like keeping secrets or telling the truth and how being exposed can either make a person feel uncomfortable and vulnerable or how it can free them from the burden of keeping something hidden, i.e. coming out as gay. when we split the workload at the end of the day we decided that 2 of us would look at the practical making side of things and the other 3 would explore the interpretive end of the spectrum.
During the week I brainstormed some more on my own and started thinking about the idea of translucency and things being semi-exposed. This gave me the idea to look into oriental shadow puppetry. I also considered the idea of working with tracing paper and photocopy transfer and (less feasibly) x-rays.
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yesheeeeeeee · 5 years
20-09-18  Summer Project Review
Lucius - Lucius’ blog was created on tumblr and it was called “Ramblings of an Alien”. The character was a South Asian 19 yr old girl. The blog was “a day in the life” of a teenage alien living on Earth. There were visual elements on the blog where Lucius had created visual art of the character and her girlfriend. It was interesting to scroll through as it was a very good way to present a character. The fact that it was an actual blog added very relatable elements to it. Plus, being a south asian myself it was nice to see some representation in Lucius’ character.
George - George’s summer project didn’t have a blog but he focused on the narrative side of it and had a bunch of digital drawings to support the story of his character. It was incredibly entertaining as his character was not something that I was expecting. George’s story was about a bike, which had one wheel that was bigger than the other and it was the last bike left on the bike rack (suggesting that it was the one that nobody wanted). George portrayed the emotions of this bike incredibly well as he did not add any facial features to the bike at all. All emotions were portrayed through the piece of writing that he read and the detail plus compositional elements in his digital drawings. e.g the weather told us a lot about how the bike felt in situations etc.
Joe - Joe’s character was called Bradley and was a character that had life with mythical creatures like fairies. In Joe’s tumblr blog, he had adopted this collage style when posting photos. He had incorporated and stitched together photos of himself, landscapes and drawings. The mix of media added to the mythical aspect I think which I personally enjoyed. Joe played around with composition and scale which kept things interesting and playful.
Rina - Rina had developed a character called Agnes. An Ex-Colonel who had fought in the dark war. Rina had beautifully developed character who had a full backstory which was incredibly interesting. Agnes’ parents were actors and her sister was a dancer. She was 34 years old and had a girlfriend who was a werewolf. There were many many elements that were included in her story. It was incredibly detailed and busy which was interesting, however it caused me to not connect with her character. Magical powers was also a running theme in her characters blog. What I liked was the fact that Rina had different blog entries for different characters so that we could get another persons perspective. An interesting thing I picked up out the way that Rina worked was that she draws the characters first and develops a story from the outfit that they’re wearing.
[Gotta ask her for her name] - This character was called Mr Salty. The character design was the best! I did a quick little sketch of it. It was a fish business man living a human life. Kinda like Bojak Horseman, the character had a human body but the head was a fish head. Mr Salty had a family to support, a wife and a new born baby (that was fully human). The element of the fish head is what makes the  blog stories so interesting and entertaining, especially the fact that nobody questions the fact that Mr Salty is part fish.
Eliott - The character that Eliott created was a 17 yr old living in Japan. The blog that they created was very aesthetically pleasing which was also reflected in the lifestyle that the character had. Everybody in the village had apparently fled and so this 17 yr old was all on their own and was surviving by eating the veg from the gardens of other people. It was a blog of the characters life on their own. Elliott portrayed the characters life as peaceful and tranquil and not lonely at all. It was almost as if they enjoyed being alone. The blog had drawings of food that the character cooked and songs that the character was listening to. It was very mellow and sweet.
Brennan - The character that Brennan created was a time traveller from 2190. His character had a purpose behind his life which was attention grabbing. His character had come back to the past in order to buy music on the black market because in 2190, music was banned. It was a great story and I feel like elements of the character were inspired from himself, which was cool.
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elliottsseminarblog · 6 years
a clip from our presentation (3/4)
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Seminar Blog (09112018)
Experience and Present: Storytelling
Assignment) 100-word-long story: A Meeting on a Lonely Road
One boy was walking along a road. Twilight. Chill silence filled the world as if there is no one but only the boy was in the street. Indeed it was true. The boy was on a lonely road, shedding tears in sorrow; his beloved little puppy, Lily, was just gone forever.
“ If I could see her again...”
Muttered the boy in a murmuring voice. Then suddenly, ominous wind passed through the boy - he sensed a presence of someone behind. As he turned back, immediately he faced a stranger: a tall, slender man in raven-black coat.
“I believe,”
the man said, gently,
“you wish to meet again your dearing pet, Lily. Sweetie, don’t you?”
I know how to.
The man gave his hand to the boy, as if he is saying to follow. The boy grabbed the hand, unconsciously, accepting his ask.
Finally the road became completely alone.
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beyres · 7 years
Walk cycle. Carnaby street.
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Recent Segments caught around Kingston and Brighton, 25th April-2nd May
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Reverse materialise presentation
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samglynn111-blog · 5 years
Response to Yannis Kronenberg Chalk Board animation work. 
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