thesetison · 7 years
I thought that I would [eventually] attempt to catch up on the flood of post-s4 behind-the-scenes pics and videos and all of that, but I think I just have to admit at this point that I’ve fallen too far behind and it isn’t going to happen.
So with that in mind, I think it’s officially time to put this blog into hiatus. If I’m still around when news of whatever’s next breaks--be it s5, another special, or whatever else they could possibly throw at us--then I’ll be back here posting about it. I’ll still be around tumblr in the meantime, so if for some reason you have questions about anything, you can still feel free to drop me an ask and I’ll reply privately.
Before I go, I just want to say thank you all for sharing the s4 setlock journey with me, and I truly appreciate all of the love that you’ve thrown at me along the way. It really was so much fun sharing this with all of you.
Until next time, friends. xx
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thesetison · 7 years
Hello ! You still active on this blog? Because new pics have been released. Do you know if it's usual for a tv show to do that weeks after a season ended ? Or at least for Sherlock ?
Hi, sorry, yes I am technically still active here, though I know I haven’t posted anything since before TFP aired. I def needed a bit of a break after the emotional rollercoaster of new content and the constant vigilance of the prior 8 months or so. But I am here still. (And I do need to get around to reblogging a bunch of the post-TFP stuff that I’ve missed. Maybe I’ll try to catch up on that a bit this weekend...)
As for your question, yes, it is pretty common for more promotional images to be released after the show finishes airing. Usually there aren’t a ton of them, but a few will pop up--typically stills that were too spoilery to release beforehand, extra shots from photoshoots, behind the scenes pics, etc.
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thesetison · 7 years
Hi, wasn't there a scene filmed near the cliffs with Talalay as the director? That wasn't anywhere as far as I know...
I’m assuming you’re talking about Porthcawl, which we did see as part of the scenes where Mary is travelling through Norway, etc. in TST. The long pier, the rocky shore, and the boat marina were all from that location.
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thesetison · 7 years
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[HQ] (3000×2000)It’s not a game anymore. Two days until The Final Problem. #Sherlock (x)
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thesetison · 7 years
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HQ version of today’s promo pic (x)
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thesetison · 7 years
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thesetison · 7 years
Hi, how do you blacklist things? Ive looked through all my tumblr settings but couldnt find a blacklist option. Xx
Unfortunately, it is not a built-in feature for tumblr. You have to download an extension called xkit for either Firefox or Chrome. (There’s also one called tumblr savior, but I haven’t personally used it.) Once you’ve installed xkit, there will be an option at the bottom to Get Extensions. Add the one called Blacklist, and then in the settings you’ll be able to add whatever words or phrases you want to hide on your dash. 
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thesetison · 7 years
wait can u please tell me what day and what time the screening is??
The screening is tomorrow (Thursday) at 6:15 pm GMT.
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thesetison · 7 years
Any suggestion of what to block if i want to avoid spoilers from the screening (like, i dont even want to know if people liked or not and i dont know how to stay out of tumblr)
I’m in the same place as you–I don’t want to see other people’s impressions either. In that case it’s probably safer to avoid tumblr and twitter as much as possible if you can, and that’s what I plan to do, but I also have set up a pretty extensive blacklist, too, just in case (because like you, I know I won’t be able to stay entirely away). Here’s what’s on my list:
tfpfinal problems4e3s04e03finalespoilerreviewpreviewarticlepressbfiscreeningsurprisetwistrugpullshock
I put an asterisk after all of those on my blacklist so that it catches variations on them as well, so you’ll probably want to do that, too. (Otherwise, it will catch “spoiler” but not “spoilers”, for example.)
My other two pieces of advice would be to blacklist things we know from setlock or other episodes are likely to be part of TFP and possibly appear in reviews–Moriarty, Eurus/Euros, sister, boat, beach, etc.–and to blacklist people’s urls, as needed. I’ve blacklisted a few people who I know for sure are attending the screening, just in case, and I’ve also blacklisted several people I follow who I know commonly post untagged spoilers. With all of that, you’ll definitely end up hiding things that aren’t about TFP at all, and inevitably something might still slip through, but it should definitely help a lot.
ETA: I forgot to say that you should also be sure to tell xkit to check author blog titles and usernames for blacklisted words if you blacklist any people, otherwise it won’t catch their posts.
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thesetison · 7 years
Re the bfi screening, is that the whole episode or just a preview?
It should be the whole episode, afaik. I haven’t seen any indications that it wouldn’t be.
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thesetison · 7 years
Hi :) I've just noticed the commotion regarding Lara Pulver listed in the cast list on the dvd preorder page and I was wondering if she was anywhere near setlock?
(Re: this tweet, with Ruther’s caveat here) 
We definitely never saw Lara anywhere. That doesn’t mean they didn’t sneak her by us, but as far as what we actually saw, no, she wasn’t around for any of filming.
Even with the possibility she slipped by us somewhere, I would take that news with the largest grain of salt just because that site is not very accurate. For example, here’s their cast list for the s3 dvd:
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Russell Tovey, Pano Masti, and Amber Elizabeth were all in s2 and made no appearance at all in s3, yet there they are on the list for s3. And it’s not as if they just put up the list for the wrong series by accident either--Lars Mikkelsen and Alan Bond appear in s3 but not elsewhere. They clearly just have bad info. It’s quite a bit of a mess. And that’s why I didn’t even bother posting it here in the first place--the likelihood that it’s wrong is pretty high. 
Altogether, I would say that while it’s possible that Lara’s back, I would consider that super, super unconfirmed.
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thesetison · 7 years
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It’s something we’ve never tried before – the first of its kind – and keen eyes and ears around the world will be waiting in anticipation to interact with the great detective himself. Tonight’s #SherlockLive promises to be an adrenalin-pumping rollercoaster ride for more than just the fans enjoying it!
At 8pm, fans of BBC One’s famously eccentric detective will get the chance to solve a live and exclusive 30-minute Sherlock case on BBC One Twitter and bbc.co.uk/sherlock. In a BBC drama first, Sherlock writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss will be tweeting live as Sherlock Holmes, interacting directly with the audience as they help to solve the case. Audiences will pit their wits against the world’s finest sleuth as they use their powers of deduction to take part in their very own moment of BBC Pure Drama.
At BBC Wales’ digital drama team, we’re used to creating interactive experiences for drama fans, but this takes things to a whole new level. We’ve never before had the co-creators putting their brilliant brains together live in front of the whole world.  These masters of character creation will join writer Joe Lidster, who’s dreamed up tonight’s plot, fully aware this could take off in any direction. Exciting? Yes. Terrifying? Absolutely – in a good way.
It’s an idea we’ve had for some time – I’ve just been waiting for the right opportunity to try it out. What could be better than bringing together sheer genius and testing Sherlock against the rest of the world? Sherlock Holmes’ unique style of deduction offers a fascinating format to play with, and social media means anything’s possible.
Sian Davies, who has spent the past month producing this, spent hours working with Joe and the Senior Producer Alice Rothwell to work out the painstaking structure of the script. Christmas was put on hold for us, as we worked non-stop to make sure we went live before episode three goes out on Sunday. What exactly could we achieve in approximately 30 minutes? What would give us enough depth for everyone to be stretched, while keeping it entertaining? Don’t forget, Sherlock Holmes is notorious for being easily bored.
When I approached Steven and Mark with the idea, with Hartswood Films’ Series Producer Sue Vertue, they swiftly saw the chance to have some real fun with this. For them, it’s also a chance for Sherlock Holmes to show his true character as he responds to the tweets that interest him. We don’t know what people will ask and we have no idea yet how he’ll respond.
We do know the demand for more Sherlock is sky high. We also know people want to test themselves and compete with him – but he’s the world’s most brilliant mind, so can they come anywhere near? We’ll find out tonight.
Jo Pearce Creative Digital Director, BBC Wales
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thesetison · 7 years
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thesetison · 7 years
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thesetison · 7 years
Hey! I was just wondering- was Amanda involved in any of the tfp scenes? I saw somebody say she was seen filming for tfp but I can't remember seeing this?
We know that she filmed on July 20 and July 27. Presumably those are for TFP, as we were told that they wrapped the last scenes of TLD on July 7. 
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thesetison · 7 years
I remember you blogging about the MP scene shot at Ogmore Castle, with Sherlock and Mycroft and the little blonde girl - do you think the girl is Eurus?
That’s definitely possible, though that (unconfirmed) report also said that she says Mary, and I’m not sure how that would connect. But we’ll know in just a few days either way...
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thesetison · 7 years
Hi, do you know when the press screening for the final problem will be? I'm just wondering when we can't expect to start seeing reviews for it.
The BFI screening of TFP is on Thursday at 6:15 pm GMT.
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