thesewords-mydiary · 6 years
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We’ve all seen fandom events for popular ships, but what about all those amazing pairings that for some reason tend to get overlooked in the fandom? There are some ships we absolutely love and the lack of content for them can be frustrating.
So we decided to try and fix that! This is a weeklong event specifically for rarepairs* in the ASOIAF/GOT fandom. It will run from June 24 - 30. To help inspire you, we’ve come up with two prompts for each day; a trope prompt and a dialogue prompt. You can use either the trope or the dialogue to create any kind of fanwork you want; fics, gifsets, edits, fanart, anything. Feel free to to use both prompts if you like, but only one is necessary.
Day One | June 24
Fake Dating  
“They’re coming- kiss me!”
Day Two | June 25
“Tell me this when you’re sober.”
Day Three | June 26
Love Letters  
“I thought you were a dream come true.”
Day Four | June 27
5 + 1  
“Fight me.” “You’re so small though.”
Day Five | June 28
Salty Teens AU  
“Is that what you’ve been doing? Trying to make me hate you?”
Day Six | June 29
Arranged Marriage  
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
Day Seven | June 30
Free Day
Post your work on the day corresponding to the prompt and tag us @asoiafrarepairs and use #asoiafrarepairs or #asoiafrarepairweek (no spaces) so we can reblog it! We also encourage you to post your pieces to our ao3 collection as well.
Happy creating!
*For the purposes of our event, we’re defining a ‘rarepair’ as a ship that has fewer than 500 total fics on AO3
**gif generously created for us by @lyannaestark
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thesewords-mydiary · 6 years
Jonsa writer looking for a beta
Alrighty y’all. I have about 30 half written Jonsa fics, a bunch of Jonsa fic requests in my ask box and another 15 or so Jonsa fic “ideas”.. none of them are posted because I’m overly critical of everything I write. And I’m having a hard time hammering some of my ideas out in the manner that I would like to. I need a beta. Please? I need someone who will be able to read over my stuff for grammar issues/continuity mistakes before I post them... or maybe even someone who will read my stuff and tell me to suck it up and post it. I’m annoying myself with this crap and I neeeeeeeeed some help. Anyone interested?
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:
extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example
entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.
S H A R E D  with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E  to do it. 
Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
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Mark your calendars, y’all! We’re about to do a thing. 
March 1 - March 31, 2018 is going to be all about bringing the Jonsa feels. Each day of the month will feature its own topic, and all of the fan made things are more than welcome to be submitted! Fanfiction, fan art, fan videos, metas, etc. Have fun with it! You’ll just need to tag your submissions with #31DaysofJonsa so that we can reblog it all here! 
*If you’re posting any of your works from this event to AO3, please feel encouraged to add them to the collection we’ve created for them! CLICK HERE to go there!*
Now, to the fun part. The topics!! I made sure to add all of the topics that were submitted, plus a few that we admins wanted to see ourselves to the list. Share them, reblog them, prepare for them as you see fit. Check them out below:
March 1: First Kiss March 2: Scars March 3: Bodyguard AU March 4: Bedding March 5: Dreams / Nightmares March 6: Falling for each other on a trip March 7: Anniversary March 8: Proposal March 9: Friends with Benefits March 10: Accident March 11: Snowball Fight March 12: Telling Jon she’s pregnant March 13: Protective Ghost March 14: Bandaging Wounds March 15: Inspired by a song March 16: Hopelessly romantic Jon March 17: Betrayal March 18: Trapped Together March 19: Inspired by a favorite quote March 20: One thinking the other is dead March 21: Doing a “typical couple” thing together March 22: Zombie / Apocalyptic AU March 23: Get smutty with a kink of your choice March 24: First… anything 😉 March 25: Parenting woes March 26: PTSD March 27: Sneaking around March 28: Goodbye before battle March 29: Going on a holiday together March 30: Sickness March 31: Workmates
I cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with!! ;) 
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
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So… we’re changing the dates of our month long Jonsa event. There are quite a few events for our fandom happening in the month of February, so in the interest of giving everyone who wants to participate the time to do so, we’re now going to do 31 Days of Jonsa!
March 1 - March 31, 2018 are the dates that you need to remember! Each day will feature a different topic, and all of the fan made things are welcome to be submitted those days. Fan videos, fan art, fanfiction, etc. Have a hay-day! You’ll just need to tag your posts #31DaysofJonsa so that we can reblog it all here! 
The topics list will be released soon so that everyone has ample time to get their things done. If you have any specific topics that you’d like to conquer or see conquered, PLEASE let us know by January 25, 2018 so that we can include them. Just post your topic ideas in the comments or send them to us via a message (CLICK HERE to do that). We want to make sure to include our fellow fans in the planning of this as much as we can!
Thanks for understanding when it comes to the change of dates. We just want to make it easy for everyone in the fandom to be able to participate without having to choose between anything! :)
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
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So. We’re hosting a thing, y’all. Mark February 1-February 28, 2018 on your calendars! Heart month shall be Jonsa month this year. Each day will feature a different topic, and all of the fan made things are welcome to be submitted those days. Fan videos, fan art, fanfiction, etc. Have a hay-day! You’ll just need to tag your posts #28DaysofJonsa so that we can reblog it all here! 
The topics list hasn’t been entirely hammered out yet, but that will be finished and released within the next few days. If you have any specific topics that you’d like to conquer or see conquered, PLEASE let us know by January 15, 2018 so that we can include them. Just post your topic ideas in the comments or send them to us via a message (CLICK HERE to do that). We want to make sure to include our fellow fans in the planning of this as much as we can!
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
I’m down for this!! I’ve seen one kind of like this get started by someone but it hasn’t been updated in like a year. I don’t remember the name. 😬 “Come and See”? I think it was? I loved it, but like I said, I haven’t seen an update in a long time.
I’d love to take a crack at this prompt if you’re ok with it?
Jonsa Fic
I need smb to write a Jonsa fic where Ramsay wins the battle of the bastards and captures both Jon and Sansa. He realizes their feeling for each other even before they do and starts to torment them.
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
Joined this lovely collection group today!!! <3 Cannot wait to read some of these fics, and I’m so excited to get to contribute!! 
Question for fellow fic writers :)
If I wanted to start a Jealous Jon collection and have people contribute to it on AO3, is that something you guys would be interested in? It feels like jealous/suffering/angsty Jon is a serious favorite right now, and it could be fun to challenge ourselves to come up with a bunch of jealous one shots, especially when we’re trying to hit 3k. Thoughts? @vivilove-jonsa @myrish-lace-love @staresmutherfuckily @jonsa-creatives @ladymd @thewolvescalledmehome @amymel86 @thesewords-mydiary @winterwaffle @ladyseasauvageofhousesantorini @jonsasnow @kittykatknits @sansasjons @tiny-little-bird @everythingjonsa @manbunjon @wind-in-the-weirwoods @jonnsansa @scullylikesscience @what-would-ww-do @letjonsnownap
If there already is a collection just lmk and please tag whoever you would want to contribute!! This could be fun! 
Update: Decided to pull the trigger and just create it lol here’s the link!!  http://archiveofourown.org/collections/jealous_jon
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
i can’t believe friday, september 1, 2017, is nineteen years later. the last scene in the harry potter books.
this is it.
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
This would be so much fun... I'd love to do this.. 😁
anyone want to co-write a jonsa fic??? with sansa and jon sleeping together before he left for dragonstone and that slice of misplaced fear and desperation (with jon’s safe return uncertain) brought unimaginable repercussions. and… by co-write i actually mean turn my idea into a fic i can read. YoY
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
today is fanfiction writer’s appreciation day, and I thought about what I wanted to do for today, but I decided that the best thing I could is this.
here’s for the writers that didn’t receive any asks today
here’s for the writers that didn’t make any appreciation list
here’s for the writers that weren’t mentioned anywhere
here’s for the writers that aren’t popular
here’s for the writers whose fics are never rec’ed
here’s for the writers whose fics have a low kudo/commenting rate
here’s for the writers that don’t get reblogs/likes
here’s for the writers that abandon their work half way because they think it sucks (spoiler: it does not)
here’s for the writers that were bashed for whatever they wrote
here’s for the writers that feel like giving up 
here’s for the writers that feel anxious when they post a fic
here’s for the writers that struggle to write
here’s for the writers that never publish anything
here’s for all writers. No matter who they are, what fandom, what ship: you guys are amazing and you make fandom a better place. 
Keep writing.
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
“I Swear It”- Chapter 2
“6x04 Missing Scene #2 - Night Terrors”
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, their background stories or the world in which they live. That belongs to George RR Martin, HBO and all other affiliates. I do not claim any of those as my own creations. This is simply a work of imagination. Furthermore, all characters in the story are consenting adults (at least 18 years of age).
Rating: Mature Characters: Jon Snow, Sansa Stark Fandom: Game of Thrones, ASOIAF Relationship: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark
Below is another "missing scene" between Jon x Sansa set in episode 6x04.
Mentions of Ramsay and some of Sansa's sufferings at his hands. Eludes to rape. So. Trigger warning. It's only vaguely mentioned a few times, but it's mentioned nonetheless. 
I’ll put it below the cut.
She has night terrors.
Awful night terrors that are not really night terrors at all. Memories . Ramsay comes to her in the dark, hovers over her. His ice blue eyes gleam with pure elation as he uses his own body to mercilessly invade hers and the tip of his favorite daggers to cut away at her skin. He leaves deep lacerations that will become scars and a fear that will surely never stop haunting her.
Sansa never wakes from these terrors screaming. Through months of living with this ruthless torturer, she has learned not to outwardly show pains or fear. She has learned to cover them up. She has learned how to keep quiet because the opposite of quiet only means that he is winning. It has taken constant practice, but she has perfected the mask that she knows she must wear to survive in this cruel world. Even in her sleep, Sansa Stark knows that she must always continue to wear it.
And so she wakes from her night terrors -- memories -- gasping, holding her furs tightly to her body, guarding it from the onslaught of attacks that have chased her into her sleep. Her screams, thank the gods, do not follow her from dream world to reality.
On this night, however -- her first at Castle Black -- they do. Sansa wakes with a start to a darkened room, hearth burning low, and her mind immediately betrays her. Is she back in her prison chamber at Winterfell? Has she imagined her escape, her travels, her reunion with Jon? Is he here with her? Her body still aches terribly with the injuries inflicted upon it over the course of the moons spent within Ramsay’s grasp, and she finds herself screaming as terror grips her with a strength that she will never get used to.
Her vision blurs, her lungs ache, her entire body hurts, and though she hates herself for giving into it - for allowing her mask to drop - Sansa cannot find the strength to quiet herself.
She is not sure how long this continues - her eyes squeezed tightly shut, body curled in on itself, but she is soon aware of quick movement… another person in the room coming to her, stopping to stand above her. They remain speechless for a moment before they begin calling out to her, the voice deep but gentle… and she knows that it can’t be him. Ramsay would never be gentle in a scenario such as this. He’d take the opportunity given to him - her momentary weakness - and he would pounce upon her like a mountain lion would upon his prey. Hurt her because he could. Because this made him happy.
No. This could not be Ramsay, she thinks, as her mind slowly comes back to itself. She deliberately forces herself into silence and opens her eyes - Tully blue gaze meeting Stark grey.
“Jon,” she says, relief washing over her. Her chest rises and falls with pained gasps for more air, her hands grip the furs around her for purchase.
“Are you alright?” He whispers it after a moment of hesitation. His eyes are wide as they silently rake over her, concern painting his features. “Are you hurt?”
She’s silent for a few minutes, gathering her wits about her. Her throat and her chest burn the way they always did at the end of Ramsay’s visits to her room in Winterfell, and she wonders how long she’d been screaming. Jon has been with her mere hours. He must think her mad.
“Yes. I’m quite alright,” she nods, though she knows it’s silly. Sansa is obviously not alright. She forces herself to sit up - wincing in pain as she does so, as old injuries and a stiffness brought on by her nightmare slow her down. She watches Jon’s hands reach out, ready to help her, but they finally grab at the air and he forces them to fold into themselves. He’s afraid to touch her. “Night terror.” The answer is pathetic, she knows, but she doesn’t know what else to say. She realizes only now that there are tears on her cheeks. “I’d… thought I was somewhere else.”
“You had two more terrors before this one,” he mumbles, deep in thought. Jon’s eyes find hers in the dim light and he hesitates for a moment before sitting himself on the edge of the bed by her feet. “Do you get these often?”
Sansa shakes her head, reaches up to wipe her tears away. “Not to that extent. I’ve never cried out because of them.” She looks down into her lap, forces herself to breathe in and then out deeply. “They’ve only recently started. I’m sorry for waking you.”
“Don’t be,” Jon says. He tips his head, trying to catch her gaze with his own. When she finally looks back up at him, he fixes her with a look that she knows is sincere. “You have nothing to apologize for, Sansa.” He pauses, licking his lips. It’s obvious that he has much to say, but is worried about possibly offending her. “Shall I wake Brienne? Do you need to speak with her?”
She shakes her head quickly. She knows that if Brienne is to come in to help her, she is going to force herself to stand guard for Sansa all night. The poor woman barely slept over the course of their journey to Castle Black. “Let her rest. She needs it.” Seeing him nod in silent agreement, she makes an effort to smile in response. Sansa grabs at the furs again, wraps them around herself and begins standing from the bed on unstable legs.
Jon stands as well, offering a hand to steady her when he sees her nearly tip over. “Where are you going?” He looks nervous, and she supposes he has every reason to be. Here she is showing up out of the blue and keeping him awake all night with screams of terror. She forces herself to not think on it further and begins walking slowly to one of the vacant chairs by the hearth.
“I just want to sit by the fire for a bit. I can’t very well go back to sleep at the moment,” Sansa replies, wrapping the furs tightly around herself as she settles slowly into her chair. She winces as she sits down and she doesn’t miss the distressed look on Jon’s face in response.
She notices the pallet he’s made for himself on the floor in front of her - a makeshift bed - and his sword at the ready beside it. She feels guilty for having him sleep there, but he’d insisted upon it earlier. Ghost moves from his spot at the head of the pallet and repositions himself next to her. She smiles, grateful for the additional comfort.
“You really should have someone look you over, Sansa,” Jon says, settling himself in the chair beside her. He runs his hands through his hair, exhaustion marking his features and then fixes her with a look that Sansa can only describe as gentle though she feels a decent amount of dread creeping up her spine at the sight of it. She knows what he’s going to say - again. The same thing he and Brienne and Podrick have all been saying to her since they’d arrived as Castle Black earlier. “I know that you’re hesitant, but your injuries could be quite serious. I could tr-”
“No,” she cuts him off, nearly shouting to do so. Her breathing has become erratic again, and she hates herself for it. She isn’t even sure when it began again. What has happened to her beautifully crafted mask? Why is she unable to keep it on in the presence of Jon? The mere thought of someone looking at her, touching her, makes her want to vomit. She drops her forehead to her knees which are curled up in the seat with her and forces her feeling of panic to retreat inside herself again. “I’m...I’m not comfortable with it. I’ll be alright with a few days’ rest. You’ll see.”
Jon eyes her wearily, but he’s unwilling to argue. He doesn’t know exactly what happened to her in Winterfell - no one does - but she’s told him enough that she’s confident he understands her need for him to stop pestering her about this at the moment. He nods after a little while, and she knows that he regrets it immediately. She watches his gaze flicker from hers, to the ground, to the fire, and back to catch hers once again. “I’m only concerned about you, Sansa. I want to help you, but…,” he pauses, looks down at his hands. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable in trying to do so. So please just, tell me how you need me to help. Whenever that may be. I’ll do it.”
She smiles at him, settling back into her chair and finds herself breathing easily for the first time all night. Knowing that Jon is here for her, that he isn’t going to push or manipulate her into allowing him to do what he wants to do, that he would gladly take the frustration of not being able to do what he wants to do in order to make Sansa feel and know that she is safe… this means more to her than anything else in the world. She gets to have a choice. She gets to control her own life and decisions for once.
“I’m afraid of the night,” she finally whispers, tears springing to her eyes. “I endured many horrors in the nights over the last several moons.” She hadn’t expected to give him that information, though she knows it wouldn’t be hard for him to piece together. She’s also not ready to disclose anything else just yet, and she’s glad to see that Jon doesn’t look willing to press her for an elaboration.
She watches him closely for a moment, takes in the way his nostrils flare and how he takes special care at guarding his expression so as not to terrify Sansa himself. After another moment, she lets one of her hands escape the furs wrapped around her, pushing it into the divide between them and finds his surprisingly warm hand waiting on the other side. He spreads his fingers just enough for her to grip each of them with her own and gently squeezes them in protective reassurance.
“Those horrors won’t find you again,” Jon whispers back, a fierceness in even his quiet tone. It’s a promise. She knows it. “I’ll make sure of it.”
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
Two Quick Jonsa fic-related questions/requests from y’all!
I’m currently finishing up the second chapter of my Jonsa “missing scenes” fic, “I Swear It.” (Link Here) This one takes place in 6x04 just as the last one did, and I’m working on another one from the same episode as well as one from 6x05 simultaneously. Oops. Are there any “missing scenes” from 6x04 or 6x05 that you wish had taken place on screen? I’d love some more feedback on this as I don’t want to skip anything that my fellow Jonsa shippers would have liked to see.
I’m also debating starting a few modern au fics. I’ve been reading a bunch of them and have been itching to try it as well. Anyone have a prompt or two? :) 
Here’s the link to my ask! Or you can just reply here! :) Thanks for the feedback in advance!! 
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
“I Swear It” - Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, their background stories or the world in which they live. That belongs to George RR Martin, HBO and all other affiliates. I do not claim any of those as my own creations. This is simply a work of imagination. Furthermore, all characters in the story are consenting adults (at least 18 years of age).
Rating: Mature Characters: Jon Snow, Sansa Stark Fandom: Game of Thrones, ASOIAF Relationship: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark
Summary: A collection of drabbles and oneshots - missing scenes - with Jon and Sansa. They will range from 6x04 to the present season, and may be out of order from time to time as I will write one when a prompt is submitted for it or when an idea strikes. Hope you don't mind that! xxoo
*Below is a "missing scene" between Jon x Sansa set in episode 6x04.
Mentions of Ramsay being "a monster” and the fact that Sansa has “injuries.” No graphic details. Just that.*
Also posted at AO3.
Chapter 1 - 6x04 “Missing Scene” #1
He shows her to the Lord Commander’s chambers quickly following their reunion in the courtyard, his brow furrowing in concern as he feels her lean heavily against him, her limbs trembling as they move slowly up the stairs and toward the door. He has no idea what has caused her to flee for The Wall, but he’s positive that it is something that will not be pleasing to learn of.
Her lady knight - Brienne of Tarth, as she’d been introduced to him - follows them quickly to the chambers, concern painting her face as well, and Jon knows that something is not right.
“Lady Sansa,” the knight says, stepping forward, quite obviously ready to shove Jon from the room if she is commanded to do so. “We must get you warm… and dry. Your,” she pauses, her eyes moving to Jon and back again. “Your injuries need to be properly assessed now that we’ve arrived safely.”
Jon’s eyes widen, his gaze quickly roams over Sansa’s face, taking in her immediate blush and the way that she makes a point of looking everywhere but into his eyes.
“I’ll be fine, Brienne,” Sansa replies, a tone of finality taking over. She pushes herself out of Jon’s protective hold and she smiles reassuringly at them both. It’s as though a mask has been slipped over her face. “I only need to spend some time in front of a fire.” She glances down at herself, a look of disgust crossing her features before she covers it up once again. “And perhaps a bath. Go have a rest, Brienne. I’ll be safe here.”
Brienne looks nearly ready to argue, a war waging behind her eyes and that makes Jon tempted to ask her to stay. Duty wins her inner battle, however, and the knight nods before disappearing through the door once again.
Jon brings his hesitant gaze back to Sansa as soon as they’re alone again, and swallows hard against the lump of dread forming in his throat. “Injuries,” he inquires quietly.
Sitting herself slowly into a chair in front of the fire in his chambers, Sansa tries in vain to reassure him with a grin. “She’s unnecessarily worried, Jon. My ankle is a bit swollen from my… escape.” She lifts the bottom of her skirts slightly, showing him her ankle which is more than a bit swollen, and quite bruised as well. Jon’s brow furrows, and he crouches down beside her to look at it. “Theon and I jumped from the battlements at Winterfell, you see, and I twisted it when I landed. I’ll be fine.”
“This is not fine, Sansa,” he says, gently guiding her ankle to bend and move in his hands. He shoots her an apologetic glance when he hears her sharp intake of breath, but continues to try to work out the stiffness he feels in the joint there. “There is no maester here any longer. Sam Tarly -- my br-friend -- has traveled to the Citadel for study to become the next. It looks very badly sprained.” He pauses, his eyes traveling up to her face again. “You jumped from the battlements? You are lucky to have survived a fall that high.”
Sansa nods, looking away from him and into the fire. “I had to, Jon,” she bites back, her tone turning cold and forceful. “Ramsay… he’s a monster.”
“Ramsay...Snow?” Jon’s confusion is evident.
“Bolton,” she corrects with disgust. “His father legitimized him.” Sansa pauses, a thoughtful expression taking over her face. As though she is trying to read Jon, make sure of his loyalty. He must pass the test after a moment because she eventually decides to elaborate. “Littlefinger, after he helped me escape Kings Landing and then took me to my Aunt in the Vale… he brought me to them - the Boltons. He made some sort of deal with them - sold me to them, forced me into a marriage with Ramsay… for an heir and an alliance between our families. For power.” She swallows hard, shakes her head as if to rid herself of awful memories. “Ramsay is a monster, Jon.”
Jon licks his lips, his hands on her ankle stilling for a moment. He consciously tries to keep his eyes upon her face, not wanting to upset her further by allowing them to roam. Though he wants so terribly to search her for more injuries. He now knows that there are more - has a feeling there are many more.
He has no idea what to say to make this better. No idea what he is supposed to do next in a scenario such as this. Jon’s mind quickly goes back to Sam, and to Gilly. To the way she’d suffered at her own father’s hands; to the way Sam adamantly took care of her, knew exactly what to do to help her. Oh, how he wishes Sam were here now. He would know exactly what Jon should do to make this better for Sansa. Because as far as Jon can see, all that seems right is to march south and kill both Ramsay Bolton and Baelish with his own two hands.
“So there is more than the ankle, then. He hurt you,” is the first thing to come flying from his mouth and his face conveys how stupid he feels in asking.
Sansa’s lips tick up at the corners, a sad smile of sorts showing itself. “Yes,” she whispers, eyes shimmering with tears. “I cannot go back to him, Jon.”
“You won’t,” he says fiercely, his hand reaching for her own, taking hold of it. He means it. He has spent so many years praying to gods he has no faith in for the safety of the family he’d left behind. He lived and died believing them all either dead or close to death. Raised from the dead not a full two days before Sansa comes to him in this way, Jon cannot help the thought that perhaps she is the reason for it. She is why the god of light that the Red Woman is always going on about saw fit to return him to the state of living. She is quite literally the answer to his prayers. He resolves himself then, to learn from Sam in this instance. He will see to it that Sansa is safe and taken care of. He will adamantly stand beside her no matter the cost. “I’ll protect you, Sansa. I swear it.”
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
Fellow Jonsa fandom members:
I want to keep the spirit alive in my Jonsa-loving heart, so... I need some prompts to work on. I’ve noticed a decline in fics being written on AO3 over the last few weeks, and it makes me SO SAD. I need to contribute. We NEED to keep our spirit alive, y’all. I believe in them now more than ever, but I’m seeing fellow members of this lovely fandom be put down by *others* and their spirits being crushed, and I just can’t take it anymore. Let’s keep build each other up, y’all. Keep sharing our hearts and creativity and ideas with each other. Seriously. So..... here’s what I’ve got right now and what I’m collecting prompts on...
I’m starting a “Missing Scenes” drabble fic collection for them (episodes 6.04 to present season). I have a few written/being edited. They’ll likely be out of order because I’m just going to write them as they come to me. Definitely submit a prompt or two within this category if you’d like! I’d love to write some stuff.
I’m also down for some oneshot ideas outside of these. I’m always down for those, and sometimes they build themselves into something longer. (shout out to @danibwills ...your modern au prompt is kind of building into something longer in my mind. I will be filling it!! Just trying to build it as much as I can before I start posting things)
Longer multi-chapter ideas. Maybe there’s something you’ve been dying to see someone take a crack at writing? Throw it in my inbox.. I’ll try to fill it!
Let’s keep creating, you guys. For real. Share ALLLL your Jonsa feels with each other. And throw some stuff into my inbox, please? 
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
Prompt #1 -
Reply to “I can’t quit you” prompt given by @ludholtzjj in response to “Give me the first sentence of a fic. I’ll write the next five.” For Jonsa. 
Disclaimer #1: I wrote quite a few sentences more than the 5 that the prompt called for. I’m not used to tiny drabbles. Oops! Hope y’all don’t mind!
Disclaimer #2: I do not own any of these characters, their background stories or the world in which they live. That belongs to George RR Martin, HBO and all other affiliates. I do not claim any of those as my own creations. This is simply a work of imagination. Furthermore, all characters in the story are consenting adults (at least 18 years of age).
Rating: Mature Characters: Jon Snow, Sansa Stark Fandom: Game of Thrones, ASOIAF Relationship: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark
Also posted at AO3.
“I can’t quit you,” he growled, his mouth against her neck, his cock half buried inside of her.
Sansa drew another growl from him when she had the audacity to throw her head back against the door they were currently pressed to and laugh. Her skirts were bunched up around her waist, small clothes discarded, he was thrusting into her as if their lives depended on it… and she’d laughed at his words.
He was simply answering the question she’d asked him only moments before they’d begun their latest tryst.
“If this...arrangement between us is such an awful idea, Jon Snow” she’d begun, arms crossed in front of herself - guarded - in typical Sansa fashion, “Why do you allow me to lead you to my chambers each night and then proceed to fuck me upon each and every surface in the room?”
He’d been silently thinking (read: brooding) the entire way down the corridors to her chambers, as he did most nights, after again asking her if what has been transpiring between them for the last three moons was perhaps the wrong thing to do.
When she’d responded with her very blunt question, Jon had stood silent… shocked and frankly turned on by how quickly she’d shot her rather crude answer back at him. She was obviously frustrated with his repeated question, and he felt stupid for asking it. But he couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that what they were doing together felt the exact opposite of awful to him. The guilt of sneaking around with his half-sister -- no, cousin -- for as long as he had been had stopped weighing down on him moons ago. Was there something wrong with him? Wasn’t he supposed to feel guilty for it? 
He didn’t.
Instead, Jon found himself craving the end of each day so that he could sneak off to Sansa’s chambers and make love to her until they were both completely sated, then tiptoe off to his own chambers before sunrise each morning. He couldn’t get enough of her. He was addicted to her, and he thought himself strange for not feeling badly about it. His only hesitation was the thought that maybe Sansa had reservations about what they were doing. He would halt things at the first sign of it, for Jon’s only concern was always her. 
There had been no signs of issue from her, however. Least of all when she pounced on him in the next moment - pulling his clothing from his body before he’d even had the chance to shut the chamber door behind them. Now here she was, hitched up around his waist, sweaty bodies gliding against each other. Regret seemed to be the last thing on her mind.
“Can’t…,” she repeated with another breathy laugh, shaking her head at his constant fearfulness of her changing her mind. She squeezed his hips with her thighs, moaned loudly at the feeling it gave, and tugged his hair enough to force his gaze to meet her unwaveringly stern one. “I refuse to quit you, Jon Snow.”
“Aye,” he agreed, his mouth ticking up at the corners, bringing his lips to her forehead, kissing her there. “And I refuse to quit you, Sansa.”
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thesewords-mydiary · 7 years
(Trying very hard to chase my writers' block away. Send me some Jonsa or Chair stuff!)
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