thesupremewizard · 1 year
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Scroll 06.
It took awhile, but eventually some
knights came to save me. as i was
being untied, i felt a pit in my heart.
i thought i had fallen in love. i
thought i had found my place in
society once more. i followed the
instructions everyone gave me,
and still...nothing...well not entirely
nothing. while being untied, i snuck
a glimpse of the knight's face. he
was a dashing man, i'll say. i felt
the same way about the witch.
enticed. i don't know if he'll turn
out to be like the witch or not but...
only time will tell. while he was talk-
ing with so other knights while
seizing the witch, i heard a slip of
his name. "leo", they said. that knight
who's been sneakily looking at my
posts. the knight who's posts are all
about...his lord. huh. i might have to
wait a while.
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
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Scroll 05.
Today i asked that girl from the
stalls of the town if she would
accompany me to dinner. she said
sure and even offered to cook. her
food is quite delicious, and she
even offered me a pastry right
there. only, when i finished eating
it i got dizzy. i'm writing this while
i am in a dungeon being hung
upsidedown by my ankles, a gag
in my mouth, and a boiling witch's
cauldron right in front of me. i
can't use my wand because she
stole it, and I cannot cast an incan-
tation because of the gag. no
wonder her food tasted so
succulent. anyway, someone
come help me! she's about to con-
sume my magic!
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
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Scroll 04.
I went into town today to buy
some fresh ink and paper. i could
feel odd glances being stolen, and
it was quite uncomfortable. while
outside, a wonderful aroma brought
me over to the stall of a woman no
older that i. she was gorgeous, her
eyes and hair twinkled like the stars
that fall every so often, and upon
gazing at her, one could tell she
was a favorite of the heavens. we
exchanged a few words, and her
voice was sweet like the pastries
she ever so delicately crafted; her
laugh as calming as a sudden sun-
shower gracing us all with cool
during the heat. my heart is beat-
ing fast still from that encounter.
what is this strange feeling? it is
like something i've longed for yet
never knew.
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
one day you will be forgiven . you must open your heart to the world before it will open to you . start small , meet some local wizards ; then you can come to the knights' barracks ! he he
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Letter 03.
I suppose you are right. is it time to
cease the endless hiding? perhaps.
it's highly likely you were right. for
things to change the way i want
them to, first i must be open to
change. i must take the reigns and
drive this myself. thank you, kind
p.s. you're sneaky, dear leo. ♡
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
go on walks more often ! visit the town , make wizard friends . you are confined only by the walls of your mind , dear thagreor .
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Letter 03.
I fear i cannot. i made a promise to
the townspeople that i would not
show my face down there again. i
have brought them so much ang-
uish that they convulse at the mere
thought of me. though i do tre-
sure the sentiment, dear Anon,
it is their very grudge that traps
me here. i wish they could some
day forgive me, and i could fight
for their kingdom again, but ev-
ery one, including the King, has
given up on me. magic has failed
them once. how would they deal
with it if it happened again?
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
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Scroll 03.
I hope one day that i may leave this
wretched tower. i'm forced to cower
away in this stone prison because
the extent of my abilities is feared
...i wish i could someday be in love.
i wish someday that person will
come to steal away the darkness
and fear, my heart along with it.
a lonely wizard.
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
qizaed pleae tache me a spell I'm a new apperentice wizard I knoew to ned to know the spells thank you
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Letter 02.
Tis simple, really. if thy apprentice
wishes to know, then thy appren-
tice shall. the most common spell
casted is a simple level 1 light in-
cantation. it is achieved by harn-
essing light and balling it up, un-
like some other spells which re-
quire you to create it out of no-
thing. the incantation is triggered
through words, as the word sug-
gests. but to really give it magic,
you must imagine it with all of
your might. the words to this
incantation varies on your com-
fortability and skill levels. try any
word in any language that relates
to "light". your words have to be
overflowing with magic, yet drip-
ping calmly like a serene fountain.
you must know what you want be-
fore you initiate it.
warm regards,
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
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Scroll 02.
Ignoring hateful commentary as i
feed my owl. he is a smart fellow, i
taught him to speak. his favorite
foods are snake flesh and rat car-
his name is ephraim.
he does not like knights.
p.s. do not interact if you
are a certain . . . “lion-
heart knight.”
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
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Letter 01.
I take that rather offensively. such
big talk for someone who can't even
begin to mutter a basic fire rune.
knights like you always choose to
take the most dangerous path in-
stead of following the path of what
is given to you already. you haven't
had the feeling you get when you
conjure something out of nothing.
not everyone can be a wizard, but
everyone can be a “knight”.
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as a devotee of his lord , as a knight who has fought his way through life with calloused hands and the tip of a blade i find the outlook of some wizards truly narrow minded . live as you wish , and let others as well . . .
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
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Scroll 01.
Perfecting a spell has never been
curse thy alchemists who've never
touched wands. throwing ingredi-
ents in pots haphazardly.
curse thy kings and lords who work
themselves and their subjects to the
bone, often never knowing freedom
but having the will to give all of it.
curse thy knights who work under
the king, using metallic weapons
laced with iron but not a single drop
of magic.
and curse thy fairies, who are born
with nature at their whim, fluttering
about aimlessly.
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thesupremewizard · 1 year
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Scroll 00.
Was frolicking in the whispering
woods one mystical night, looking for
shed baby unicorn horns, when i
stumbled across this “mobile phone”.
on it, i've discovered this application.
after many reveal spells and incanta-
tions, i figured out how to set up
this...“tumblr blog”.
so hello my dear apprentices, beasts,
and othercreatures of whimsy...
although it is not my true name, you
may call me thagreor, the supreme
(tagging guide under cut)
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#✒️ ; wizard's letters . . .
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#💗 ; wizard's love letters . . .
- love suggestions + thank you
#✨ ; important documents . . .
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