theteeviichannel · 8 years
Ever wonder what happens AFTER we do a drunk challenge? Well for the most part, it ends with me (Viv) throwing up and sobering up but for Tina...well, it's a completely different story. One that involves Mexican sheeps, cute dog names, and Jesus.
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theteeviichannel · 8 years
Awww damnnn back at it again with the drinking games. It's like we never really learn but all things are better when you're doing them drunk (most of the time). So enjoy watching us play the ol' classic game of bingo and jenga under the influence!
(Side note: Hey fam! Sorry for the lack of update on the blog but definitely subscribe and check out our youtube channel where there’s more recently posted videos!)
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
Hey fam!
Sorry for lack of content (both videos and blog wise). We’ve been extremely busy with school and work and haven’t had the time to film anything. However, we are planning to come out with videos around the holiday season so anticipate it! :D See you soon!
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
I don't know how to put on makeup. Clearly. But being a bad bitch is about being confident in you and your flaws (and trust me, I got myself a ton of flaws). It ain't all about makeup ok? Hope you guys enjoy this fun take we had on doing a makeup tutorial but not really tutorial.
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
A special thanks to our close friends Ashwin and Nishat for helping us out! 
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
This is as cringe-worthy yet satirical as it gets. 
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
Tina’s Drama Review/Rant
Ok I’ve been watching quite a lot of k-dramas lately and I’m really picky with what I watch as well. So here are a few that I want to give an opinion on: Angry Mom, Heal Me Kill Me, She Was Pretty, and Sassy Go Go.
Angry Mom
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No doubt, this drama was freakin’ good. The plot was very well written and the characters were amazing. All the main characters were likable (you’ll notice that character factor plays a main part in whether I like a drama or not), not to mention the mom is a complete badass. We rarely get to see female leads actually take action when something goes wrong. They either whine, cry, or freak out and not do anything. This main character basically uses her fists whenever she can and I love it. The character development in certain people were amazing. I just love everything about this drama (but also, Jisoo). 
Heal Me, Kill Me
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Now, I initially really liked this drama because I thought the story line was interesting plus, it brought up the awareness of mental illnesses... well, specifically dissociative identity disorder. I have mixed feelings about k-dramas putting in mental illnesses into the mix. I mean, sure, it’s great that they’re recognizing mental illnesses, shining some light on the issue and making people aware of it but more often than not, they romanticize and glorify these mental illnesses in a way, but that can be just me. I grew to really like the different personalities the main character harboured within him and when you really get to know why each was created, you start to feel for each of them. In a way, (maybe I’m just expecting too much from this drama) I wish a love line wasn’t tangled up in his memories. For some reason, I had thought Oh Ri On was the other child in his memories but no, it turns out to be Oh Ri Jin. Like, wow, out of a coincidence, they meet and of course this starts the whole memory ordeal and he falls in love with her at the same time. How typical. I never really came to like Ri Jin that much. She just came off as annoying at times for me. Lastly, I felt the drama just drag on for too long. Around probably after episode 11-12, I started getting tired of seeing Do Hyun and Ri Jin together all the time. I never really felt anything for that pair. If it was kept strictly as a work partner kind of relationship I think I would’ve enjoyed it more (but of course someone’s gotta fall in love). I eventually started skimming through the drama. So it ended up being a meh drama for me. What really made the drama was Ahn Yo No and Oh Ri On’s connection and that’s what really kept the drama alive for me. I don’t know. Like I said, I’m really picky. 
She Was Pretty
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Ok, I know the drama hasn’t ended yet but let me tell you something. In the first episode, I really liked the main character, Kim Hye Jin. I liked her never-give-up personality and she seemed very humble about everything. But then once it got into the second episode, she starts losing her charm for me. When she tries to avoid Sung Joon, she freaks the fuck out when really, she can just stay calm and avoid contact with him (AT LEAST NOT LOOK HIM IN THE EYES). She just couldn’t seem to get her shit together after that. And then the fact that she wanted to quit her job was also ridiculous and stupid. She says it’s not because of him but because of herself. I literally had no words for her. IT IS BECAUSE OF HIM BECAUSE YOU’RE MAKING THIS A BIGGER ISSUE THAN IT NEEDS TO BE. She was good at her job but then he enters the workplace and ohhhh noooo she forgets how to function! Because of her character, it really ruined the vibe of the drama for me and I ceased to watch it after quickly skimming through 3-5. Shin Hyuk’s character is a quirky and odd one that’s for sure and I loved his character (although it’s too bad I can’t bring it in me to continue watching this drama, or else I would’ve loved to see more of him). Her friend is also the realistic one who always seems to try to get Hye Jin out of the shit she’s put herself into. My friend ended up telling me that Ha Ri falls for Sung Joon and I thought, “Damn right she does! She put her friend into that position!” I felt not pity for Hye Jin. Really, I didn’t. If you had enough balls, you just need to face Sung Joon and you wouldn’t have to bury yourself in a bunch of lies. You had this coming. I have no idea how people managed to truck through the first few episodes because I lost interest after 2. Despite me really liking Seo Joon and Siwon, I can’t even bear to go through more of Hye Jin’s stupidity. Her character was just too damn annoying to continue watching. 
Sassy Go Go
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This drama is a typical school drama I suppose. Average kids vs. rich kids kinda thing going on. Plot seems a little bit lost in the drama at the moment. The cheerleading aspect doesn’t seem as strongly emphasized as it should be. Love line wise, I feel like the writers are completely torturing us. I’m all for Yeon Doo and Ha Joon together but we all know she’s going to end up with Kim Yeol. And I feel really bad for Ha Joon because you can tell he never really had anyone reach out to him like that before except for Kim Yeol and Yeon Doo. Will he give up the girl for his bro? Or will he pick the girl over bro? I DON’T KNOW. But honestly, if Yeon Doo doesn’t feel the same way I’m just gonna be devastated lmao. The poor baby ;_; And can we all take a minute to talk about this bitch, Soo Ah. Kwon. Soo. Fucking. Ah. I am so tired of her bullshit right now. I really wish I was in the drama right now because I would’ve whooped her ass back home. I feel absolutely NO PITY for this girl. Sure, she’s under immense pressure from her mom but you have morals. This girl has no morals. She steps over everyone and everything in her way and there’s just NO REMORSE. If she kept walking into that lake, I wouldn’t have stopped her. I’m so tired of this bitch. 
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
Sometimes, Hollywood movie cliches can be a little ridiculous. What would you do if you were in a horror movie?
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
Vlog #9: BIG BANG MADE Concert in Toronto
It's been a long time coming but we finally got to see Big Bang live! We've been fans of Big Bang since their debut and to finally see them perform live is surreal (we're still completely starstruck just seeing them live in person). Fair warning, this video does contain a lot of screaming. This is not intended to be any official fancam, more so just clips that we can look back on and remember the amazing memories from this concert. Plus, if you ain't screaming at a Big Bang concert, you ain't doing it right.
Highlight Moments: Start of the concert: 5:04 Bang Bang Bang: 5:45 Parts of Stupid Liar: 7:10 Parts of Haru Haru Acoustic Ver. (Concert Remix)(dat fan synergy tho): 7:50 Parts of LOSER: 8:41 Talk intermission (wanna see my....BIG EYES??): 9:07 Parts of Seungri's Solo (Strong Baby): 12:33 Parts of Daesung's Solo (Wings): 13:31 Parts of TOP Solo (Doom DaDa): 14:29 Parts of Taeyang's Solo (Eyes, Nose, Lip): 15:03 GD&Taeyang GOOD BOY: 15:38 Daesung's Drum Solo/intro to SOBER: 16:08 Parts of BAE BAE: 16:17 Second Talk Intermission (little heart show your love): 16:37 Parts of Fantastic Baby: 22:23 WE LIKE 2 PARTY: 23:00 Closing Concert/Bang Bang Bang Encore: 23:30
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
CNBlue 2nd Album - 2gether Album Review
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CNBlue oppas lemme be your Cinderellaaaaa LOL jk but we take a look at how their recent album fares with our standards mehehehehe
Track 1: Cinderella
Tina: The first listen to this song (which is suppose to be their title track) didn’t really catch onto me. Well, compared to Can’t Stop, it didn’t grab me immediately. After a few listens though, the chorus got more and more catchy and I think that’s probably the only reason why I like the song to be honest. MV Spoiler Alert: the girl likes to turn into a single, blingy-as-fuck shoe.
Viv: It’s an upbeat sorta song. Most likely talking about a girl who’s caught his attention but disappeared after 12? XD and now he’s out looking for her. I like the vibe of the song, it’s very fun to listen to and I’ll probably come back to it randomly when it pops into my head.
Track 2: Hide and Seek
Tina: Nothing special about this song to me. Pass.
Viv: This takes a bit of a jazzy element/blues and puts it into the song. Umm..Other than that there’s nothing really special about the song...:\ (and trust I really wanted to say more about this song LOL) The chorus was nothing that picked up all that much from the rest of the songs...if that’s a way to describe it? XD There wasn’t really a catchy verse or a beat to make it stand out.
Track 3: Roller Coaster
Tina: Again, nothing great about this song to me. Pass.
Viv: This song is almost exactly the same in terms of feels/vibe as the last song. Can I say it’s very...mellow? This is more or less like a background kinda song if you really wanna put some sound to a quiet room. Neutral is how I’d describe it; nothing significant stands out in this song.
Track 4: Domino
Tina: Sometimes, CNBlue uses English and it just sounds weird but this time around, at least the lyrics make sense. I liked the sound of this song more compared to the last two songs so far. It has a slight hipster vibe to it with the beat/synths to it which is probably why I ended up liking it.
Viv: Ou a definite, clear change from the last two songs. As Tina said; the beats/synths used in this song are really unique in sound and makes it very nice to listen to. Maybe it’s because the last two songs were so bland that this one was a really nice change XD But either way I like it as well.
Track 5: Hero
Tina: Just sounds like a generic pop-rock song. (Notice that the songs I have no interest in I have nothing to say for them LOL)
Viv: I’m afraid I’d have to agree with Tina on this... LOLL it’s so very blatantly generic.
Track 6: Drunken Night
Tina: This song is probably my favourite out of the entire album. It’s upbeat and it’s perfect to blast when you’re heading out for the night. It’s also something I can relate to LOL but it’s basically a feel good song.
Viv: I also really like the upbeat of this song. Perfect for those summer party nights. Like a patio near the beach or something XD I think this would place second for me on this album (the first probably being Domino).
Track 7: Catch Me
Tina: Again, this felt like a pretty generic pop-rock song to me. Nothing really hooked me into this song.
Viv: I think this is slightly better than the other song Hero? I mean if I had to choose XD I liked where the chorus was going but it wasn’t enough to really catch me...
Track 8: Hold My Hand 
Tina: This song I imagine you going out on a date with the bae and you just wanna HOLD THEIR HAND and frolic in a field of daisies. But not enough to pull me in. I will not hold your hand Yonghwa, sorry.
Viv: WHY WON’T YOU HOLD MAH HAAAAANDD??? D: For some reason it’s very Christmas-y in feels for me. LOLL Or really uptown, Manhattan. It’s a really lovey-dovey, whimsical kinda song. All sunshines and rainbows. It’s...okaaaay?? Idk not something I’d listen to daily XD
Track 9: Control
Tina: Nothing special about this song to me. Next.
Viv: Ehhh....Yeah nothing really all that special for this track...:\
Track 10: Radio
Tina: This is probably my second favourite track on this album (I wish they promoted this or Drunken Night ;_;) Just a good pop-rock song to me compared to their more generic sounding ones on the album. It makes me wanna get up and jog around my block but I won’t. The song has its rock moments then it has this like breakdown and then it goes back to rock and then it has like this slight dance-ish vibe to it then it’s just rock and I mean, it sounds all over the place but it keeps it fresh and interesting.
Viv: Hooohhh....I like this one too! I like the build up and the dancey electronic bits in this song. I can totally imagine this to be a party anthem song for CN Blue fans XD I like the mix between the electronic house music and rock sounds.
Track 11: Footsteps
Tina: This song felt a little more on the rock side than being pop-rock fusion. It’s a pleasant song and it’s nice with the little guitar break in the middle. It’s a nice song but not enough for me to add to my library.
Viv: Like Tina said, I also feel like it was more rock than pop-rock. It’s a nice song, but not something I’d listen to daily either. I’m pretty sure for those of you who are more into the rock genre, you’d like this song a whole lot more than I would (rock is a genre of music I seldom listen to; I still do but it’s very rarely I’d find a song I really like).
Final Thoughts
Tina: This album’s tracks are literally a hit and miss for me. Half the songs I liked and half the songs I didn’t like as much. No song was bad, but a lot of songs did sound generic pop-rock. My two absolute favourites on this album were Radio and Drunken Night. My rating for this album would be a 3.5/5. Their previous work (whether it be an album or mini album, etc.) I would have more songs I liked compared to this one. This one was just average to me.
Viv: I don’t follow CN Blue all that much so I never really get wind of the songs they release unless they’re REALLY good (Can’t Stop was the last song I had heard from them and that has caught onto instantly). Maybe cuz the songs they promote don’t interest me enough to make me check out their entire album? I know that sounds bad but really though, that’s what promo tracks are supposed to be right?? That being said, even so I only find two or the three tracks out of an album of 11 to my liking. So my rating is a 3.5/5 as well. The songs I really liked were Radio, Drunken Night and Domino.
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
Junho (2PM) ONE 1st Solo Album
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2PM’s Junho has finally come out with his own album! Take a peek to see what we thought of the album~
Track 1: Fire
Tina: First track and I already like it. JUNHO USE TO BE MY BIAS SO THIS IS GIVING ME ALL THE PAST-BIAS FEELS RIGHT NOW. His vocals are a lot more softer in this track and man, it just feels like he be SERENADIN’ MEH. Hopefully, this track can serenade you too ;) LOL
Viv: I’m lovin’ that pop R&B feel of this song. It’s a groovin’ song that just makes me think of like a late night cruising in the city. Or just cruising in general. LOL But I’m sure he’s singing about how a girl that’s caught his attention has lit a fire in him. So if you want to express the overwhelming feels for that bae (or...potential bae) then tell em YOU GOT DAT FIYAAH. XD
Track 2: So Good
Tina: The intro kinda cracks me up. It brings me back (way back) when 2PM was still new and Junho fucked up on his English real bad to the point where it was hilarious (even imitating Rain’s “I’m so esssssittedddd”) NOW LOOK AT HOW FAR YOU’VE COME JUNHO. This is suppose to be a feel good, upbeat song but I’m not completely feeling it that much.
Viv: Correct me if I’m wrong but this is the title/promo track right? -vaguely seen the mv being posted...LOL- Obviously a very upbeat, fun party song. It does a very good job at setting that mood but the part where it reaches to the chorus (”baby you’re so good toniiIIIight”) Idk, the way he sings “tonight” sounds really weird to me LOL. Like it falls short of the hype feel of the song.
Track 3: Don’t Tease Me
Tina: Before I listened to the song, my first impression was that it was gonna be a sexy time song and he be like, ‘aw shieeeet don’t tease mehhhhhh (tryna be lowkey thirsty)’ but I thought soooo wrong. This was not a sexy time at all and it made me sad. It was upbeat and fast paced and it’s probably still along the same lines as I was going for except less thirsty and more like... ‘girl I wanna be with you but you giving me mixed signals’ shit. Probably.
Viv: LOLL Omg I had the same misconception as Tina before listening to the song. From the title I thought it’d be a sexy time song too LOL. And like Tina, I was a little let down by it being otherwise. The upbeat and fast pace of the song threw me off. It’s very like...Bruno Mars’ “Run away baby”? And yes, I can only assume from the few English lines that it’s about a girl giving him mixed signals. Overall...ehhh not really my kind of song to listen to regularly.
Track 4: Don’t Go Home
Tina: It almost bordered on a jazzy vibe to me but I’m gonna say this is more pop than jazz. It’s probably far from jazz actually. The only reason I say jazz is because of the beginning. This song sounds playful in a way because he’s probably begging her not to go home and leave him alone (I WOULDN’T, LIKE DAMN WHO WOULD LEAVE THIS FINE MAN HOME ALONE). I feel like if this actually took on a more jazzy tone I would like it more. But right now, it’s kinda meh. It’s aiight..
Viv: I loved the jazz vibe it had going on as well but yes, as Tina said, there is that mix of pop in it. It’s not too bad of a sound but I do love my jazzy songs like Tina (we have VERY similar taste in music kay? LOL) Hmmm idk...I mean if I had a top 5 list for this album, this can possibly make it into like #4 or #5?
Track 5: Close Your Eyes
Tina: I literally looked up to see what the title meant from the Korean title and it said Close Your Eyes and MANNNN I STARTED PLAYIN’ THE SONG AND I GOT ALL FUCKING GIDDY. YOU KNOW I LOVE MY SEXY TIME SONGS. Junho be seducing me and shit like fuccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (leaves room to calm the fuck down).
Viv: AWWWW HELL YEEEEE BOIIII. THE SEXY TIME SONG WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOOOOOOORRR~~! Man when dat beat dropped from that initial intro bit. Just yes...ALL THE YES. -BODY ROLLS- Junho’s vocals are just BEGGING for a sexy time track and HE DELIVERED.
Track 6: Like A Star
Tina: This song gave me this vibe of like... Junho saying YOU ARE LIKE A STAR I BELIEVE IN YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE GREAT and I’m just like, thanks Junho ;_; It’s kind of has cheesy, ‘I Got You’ and ‘I Will Always Be Here For You’ kinda vibe and I like it okay I LIKE IT.
Viv: A pick me up song from your bae (if your bae being Junho bias) LOL It sounds like really sweet song and I can see a lot of Junho fangirls just being all mushy and appreciative of this song (unfortunately he ain’t really my bias...so lucky you fangirls LOL)
Track 7: Crush
Tina: Just a song about him confessing his love for me. (Kidding, I wish though) The intro gave me a very rock kind of vibe and I was right. It was more rock compared to the previous songs so far. However, it just didn’t stick with me. I think his voice is too pop to go rock?
Viv: I didn’t expect Junho to go full pop rock for this song. It’s very catchy in some parts, like leading up to the chorus. But I didn’t really like the part where I think he says “I crush on you”?? Sounds like he’s saying that but ehh. I’m so picky with my pop rock genre of music (and I like listening to a wide variety of genre)
Track 8: Insane
Tina: The beginning part of this song reminds me of some mainstream songs but I just can’t put my finger on it. Maybe OneRepublic or Imagine Dragons feel to it (only very slightly?) but I could be wrong. This was an ok song. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t enough to pull me in.
Viv: I thought it was very OneRepublic (or maybe even Cold Play??) I like the feel of the song, something a bit dark and a little intense? I think this song can work for an angsty ost. LOL Not something I’d listen on a daily though.
Track 9: Good Life 4 Me
Tina: Junho, you could have just used ‘For’ instead of ‘4′ but it’s ok. This song, Junho attempts to rap. I don’t know, it just felt weird to me. The singing portion of it fit him more than the rap portion. If he had a feature (Verbal Jint or Tablo maybe) it would’ve been a lot better.
Viv: Junho rapping....hmmmmmmm...... Ehhhh....Yeah I’m not really feeling it. Like Tina said, if it featured someone like Tablo or Verbal Jint then I would’ve probably liked the track a bit more? I thought his singing portion bit was a little...ear ringing after a while...LOL if that’s a way to describe it.
Track 10: Pressure
Tina: The little “PRESSURE~” part in the beginning was kind of unnecessary but overall I like this song. It sounds like a song I would play when I’m probably studying for shit LOLL literally, the pressure. This is a good song for workouts too in my opinion. PRESSUREE~~
Viv: Totally can picture this as a workout song. I’d use it as a part of a workout playlist (”don’t give up”, very motivational ...if I actually DID workout LOL)
Track 11: Believe
Tina: A like that he ended the album with a slow ballad song. His voice sounds amazing when it’s for slower songs. The background with the piano and strings blended beautifully together and it just compliments his voice. I liked this song. A lot.
Viv: Ouuu I like the piano and cello instrument for this ballad. Awww the lyrics are very sweet and touching too. I feel like this song can probably make a girl cry (probably already has out there LOL). But I like the softness of the song; if anything I feel like it can lull someone to a very nice sleep. Like Tina said, Junho voice just sounds so nice when he sings slow ballad songs.
Final Thoughts
Tina: A lot of albums that I review, they always end up having half the album consisting of generic sounding songs in their respective genre but with Junho, although half the songs I didn’t end up being a huge fan of, they were all different in terms of vibes and it just made listening to it more interesting. I kind of already know Junho kind of has this specific sound when he writes/produces his music and they don’t sound like the generic pop/rock songs. For the most part, I thought he did a good job putting this album together. I’ve had past knowledge of him writing and producing his own stuff but they were always Japanese singles, etc. and to finally have his own album, it’s pretty cool. His hard work paid off. I would give this album a 4/5 and I would recommend Fire, Close Your Eyes, and Believe.
Viv: I agree with Tina in how even though a lot of the songs on this album didn’t stick with me, at least they sound significantly different from each other. I don’t follow 2PM or Junho all that much either but I’d have to give it to him for producing and writing these songs himself. I don’t know, I feel like I’m still being hard on him for giving this album a 3/5. Like Tina, the songs Fire, Close Your Eyes, and Believe were songs I really liked from this album.
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
We have the lamest sense of humour...
We’ve been planning this for a while and finally, our League IRL series is starting off with Soraka! 
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
We head downtown to try out Han Ba Tang! A Korean pub with bomb ass food and to further satisfy our Korean food needs we walked down the street to Lee Nam Jang afterwards XD Apologies for the shaky ass camera because we were all hella hungry.
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
Rochelle be treatin’ this like some sorta vacay trip. 
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
“I believe I can fly.”
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theteeviichannel · 9 years
Coffee Shop Worthy Song of the Hour: #1
I’m Afraid - Lily M.
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