thetuacrackcorner · 4 years
100 Follower Party
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Guess who hit 100 followers! (Now 109)
This girlll
And I wanna be sappy for a sec and thank all of you for your support on my blog. Even though 100 isn't a large number in the whole scheme of things, it's still a lot of people who enjoy what I put out. And for that, thank you guys so much for encouraging me to keep on moving forward.
In honor of this achievement, I've decided to throw a little party (as one does) Down below, I'll have listed the requirements and things that you get to do at the party!
To request, I only ask that you reblog this post! You don't have to be following me to request something, although it'd be nice.
All requests must be one of two fandoms. Up until now, I've only been writing for Harry Potter.
Now, I'm officially declaring that I'll be writing for the Netflix series Julie and the Phantoms, also. We'll see how I feel about writing for them full time, after the party.
For now, requests are open until the 14th at midnight! I may decide to change this depending on how many requests I get.
I'll happily write any gender pairings! You just have to specify pronouns in your request, or they'll probably be she/her!
I'll list the character's I'll write for below, along with "genres" I'll write for.
Harry Potter || Ron Weasley || Fred Weasley || George Weasley || Draco Malfoy || Neville Longbottom || Newt Scamander
Hermione Granger || Ginny Weasley || Luna Lovegood
Luke Patterson || Alex || Reggie || Julie || platonic!Flynn
Fluff || Angst || (some) Smut
Make sure to mention that it's for the party, or it'll get put with my other requests!
Party Games:
1) Moodboards
You send in a request specifying a house, houses, or character, you'd like it to be for, and the situation.
Ex. Slytherin moodboard for a summer wedding
Ex. Being best friends with the Weasley twins
Ex. First date with Luke
2) Ships
Send in a description of yourself (however long you like) anon or not, and I'll pair you with someone! You'll also get a small headcannon with said character. Make sure to state from which fandom!
3) Blurb
Because I take forever getting requests out, you can send in a blurb idea! This way, I can get lots of people done in a small amount of time. They will be significantly shorter.
4) Reaction
Send me an imagine, fic, etc. and I'll give my honest opinion of it! If can be yours or someone else's. (Just make sure it's one of the previously stated fandoms)
5) Request requirements
If you request for Harry Potter, make sure to include what house you are in, etc.
When requesting for Julie and the Phantoms, make sure to state if reader is a lifer or ghost, and if the character is a lifer or ghost.
6) Extra info!
I am still working on any requests that I have already received! Don't think that I've forgotten about you, because I haven't. It takes me a while to complete requests because I only want to give you guys the best.
If it makes a difference to how quick you would like to see your requests, moodboards are produced pretty quickly. Then blurbs and then ships. So be on the lookout depending on what you request!
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thetuacrackcorner · 4 years
Luther: *suspecious* you're smiling, did something good happen?
Five: can't a man just have a good day?
Diego: *entering the room angrily* I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS HOW IS THAT GOOD
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thetuacrackcorner · 4 years
Five: ugh
Diego: you good?
Five: no, I have this headache that keeps coming and going
Klaus: *walks in*
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thetuacrackcorner · 4 years
I'm slowly becoming obsessed with the idea that Diego falls very in love with a girl from the 60s- I mean, full simp- and he's not mad about it
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thetuacrackcorner · 4 years
Luther: I hate my last name
Allison: *confused* why?
Luther: because it's not your last name ;)
Allison: we literally have the same last name
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thetuacrackcorner · 4 years
So, I have in fact made the courageous decision to start writing on here. But who would you guys like to see? The Swedes, the Hargreeeves boys, Hargreeves girls? Also, self inserts, head cannons, blurbs? All I need is a couple of people to reply and BAM we're up and running and I will forever be thankful
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thetuacrackcorner · 4 years
Klaus: how high was I last night?
Ben: you forgot the word for milk and asked where the cereal juice was
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thetuacrackcorner · 4 years
I loved this one just a lil too much🥺
Hi, Welcome to IKEA (Totally not the mafia): The Swedes X Any Gender Reader
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Of all the people to pair you up with for a mission, the Commission had to be so stupid. When your supervisor told you that you’d be working with the Swedish triplets you couldn’t help yourself from wondering if anyone at the Commission actually knew about the marriage situation there. Instead, you took the blessing and accepted the job.
Axel was surprised too. Relationships weren’t forbidden, but they were rare. The Commission probably assumed no one working for them was married at all. But, after job after job Axel was happy to give the news to his brothers that you’d be on mission with them.
They were still at their last mission location at the time. Oscar and Otto had been gathering their things when Axel got the message. After the other boys read the message Oscar suddenly became very concerned with his hair. It took the entire walk through the Commission once they were back for his brothers to assure him that his hair was fine.
They saw you down the hall, waiting for them by the briefcase room. Otto pushed everyone out of the way very easily, with his brothers staying behind him to get through the crowded hallway faster. Otto caught your eye as he pushed Herb aside and you gave him a simple from a few feet away. As soon as you were close enough he brought you into a hug.
Otto’s hugs were the best. He’s a big guy, and he gives bear hugs. It had been awhile since the triplets had seen you, so Otto was pouring weeks of love into this one hug. When he finally pulled away you were met with Oscar clinging to your torso. The smallest of the triplet had quickly wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your shoulder. Axel shook his lightly and gave you a simple kiss on the head as you assured Oscar that you missed him.
The briefcase manager walked into the hallway and Oscar let you go, allowing oxygen to return to its normal flow. You took the designated briefcase from the manager and thanked him with a nod.
Axel led the way out of the crowded hallway to the designated area from departure. You promptly opened the suitcase and together you all disappeared in a bright blue light.
You reappeared in a city alleyway. Axel looked around to make sure everyone was okay. Otto nodded over to an abandoned apartment building with a big ‘For Lease’ sign and smiled at you all. That had to be the fastest you’d ever found a place to stay on mission. You took Axel’s hand and started towards the building. Otto took the briefcase from your hand and walked behind you with Oscar.
Once you found a way in, Oscar happily picked out one of the best apartments while Otto gathered some random things from other apartments. Axel began unpacking everything while you laid out case files so they were available. It wasn’t long before everything was set up to everyone’s liking. Except Oscar’s, Axel had forgotten to pack his favorite blanket.
You went over to comfort him, pulling him into a hug. He insisted that you not let go for the next few hours. You had to lightly lead him over to the couch and sit down with him. Axel handed you two a case file and you opened it on your lap, Oscar moved so he could see the pages. You ran your fingers through his hair as you read the files.
After a while Otto joined you on the other side of the couch. He grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers together, you leaned your head against his arm and closed your eyes for a moment. Oscar took the file from your lap and placed it on the floor, moving further into your lap to get more comfortable.
Axel had yet to look up from the weapons he was inspecting since he’d sat down at the table. Otto cleared his throat and his brother looked over to him, causing him to smile at the sight. He put down the weapon he had been holding and made his way over to the couch. With Oscar now mostly in your lap, he sat next to you with only mild difficulty. He had to move Oscar’s legs to rest in his lap. He snaked his arm to be around your waist and leaned into you, letting his eyes close.
You all relished in the moment of comfort that you now rarely got. The comfort of Otto to your right, Axel on your left, and Oscar sprawled out like the spoiled man he is was one that could never be topped. You could stay like this forever, but work had to be done.
Axel was the first to get up and urge Oscar ro get off of you. The latter begrudgingly did so, allowing you to stand. Otto made sure to give you a quick kiss before you followed Axel to the table. Oscar and Otto joined you soon after.
“We take this target tonight, we get the next one tomorrow.” You showed them the picture of your assignment one more time. “Seems simple enough.”
Axel was first to pick up a weapon, one by one you all grab your own gun. Together you left the building and took control of an electrician’s van. The job wasn’t all that hard for the four of you. The target was former Commision turned traitor, but he wasn’t expecting four of you to be after her. She was taken down fairly easily once she was distracted by Otto, Oscar, and yourself. Axel shot her from behind easily.
Upon returning to the apartment Axel insisted on cleaning all the guns again. Otto began to look through the cabinets for something to make for dinner. And Oscar went with you to find the breaker box of the building, now that it was dark it would be nice to have electricity if you could. Like a miracle Oscar found the box and you flipped the correctly labeled switch, making the apartment light up when you returned.
Otto hadn’t found anything worthwhile to eat, so Oscar convinced Axel to come with him to get Chinese food. In the time they were gone you finished cleaning the guns so Axel wouldn’t complain, and Otto got the box TV working decently. He messed with the dials until a cartoon came on and he sat down, happy with his success.
You joined him on the couch some after. He pulled you into his lap and you happily leaned your head back into his chest, humming softly with the theme of the cartoon. Otto wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head, letting himself relax.
It had only been ten minutes since Axel and Oscar had left, they would be back for awhile, so you started to get into the cartoon. It was pretty engaging for a kids’ show. Otto dipped his head down to kiss your neck lightly, not meaning anything by it. It made you smile. You turned your head to catch his lips in a kiss. Otto tightened his arms around you and gladly accepted the kiss.
The door opened up to show Axel and Oscar bringing in the Chinese food. You and Otto met them at the table and helped to unpack the food. Axel seemed pleased that the weapons were cleaned and put away. Once you all got your food it was time to watch cartoons.
Otto took his place on the couch, as did Axel. Oscar brought a pillow near the TV and sat so close that any parent would tell him his eyes would turn square. You sat on the floor, between Axel’s legs. It was a simple night with the boys, one that was rare.
After dinner, Axel cleaned up the boxes and bags. Otto made sure to make up the floor of the living room to be as comfortable as possible. Oscar made one last check for his favorite blanket, it wasn’t there.
Up until this point, Axel had yet to take off his pants. This was very rare. But now they were off and he was left in a T-shirt and underwear as he read, snuggled into the sleeping pallet on the floor. Otto had taken off his top layers and was in his regular long-John underwear as he gathered the last of the pillows to add to the pile. Oscar was, as usual, making a big deal of self care. He was dressed in his matching pajama set and was now brushing his teeth.
You had finished your nightly routine and were now arranging the pillows next to Axel. He allowed you room to snuggle into his chest as he continued to read. You lay on your side, watching Axel read his book from your place, snuggled into him. Otto turned off all but one of the lights and joined you. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and snuggled up to you, so as not disturb his brother’s reading. Oscar finally finished everything he had to do and crawled into bed last. Axel put down his book and made room for Oscar between you and himself. You pulled Oscar close to you and Axel laid behind him.
When you all got to go to bed together it wasn’t hard for any of you to sleep. When the brothers are alone, they tend to fall asleep in odd places. Otto usually sleeps on the couch, Oscar sleeps literally anywhere if he has his blanket, and Axel sleeps wherever he passes out from exhaustion. You were the final puzzle piece, keeping them together functionally. Otto didn’t get nightmares, Oscar didn’t wake up scared of the dark, and Axel didn’t snore. It’s definitely a good thing the Commission didn’t check relationships.
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thetuacrackcorner · 4 years
What is up my dudesss. So I've been writing for years, not that that means I'm good, and I've been obsessed with TUA since it first came out. After long consideration, I've decided to make this tumblr.
I'm not totally sure what I'll post but I know I'll write some one-shots, blurbs, etc.
Feel free to request or send in some prompt or prompt lists that you'd like me to write!
I'll write for any TUA character, any pairing, reader inserts, practically anything. I just need some inspo!
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