thewatersmeet · 4 years
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
“Pranayama is meant for one who cannot directly control the thoughts. It serves as a brake to a car. But one should not stop with it, as I said before, but must proceed to pratyahara, dharana and dhyana. After the fruition of dhyana, the mind will come under control even in the absence of pranayama. The asanas help pranayama, which helps dhyana in its turn, and peace of mind results. Here is the purpose of hatha yoga. When dhyana is well established it cannot be given up. It will go on automatically even when you are engaged in work, play or enjoyment. It will persist in sleep too.”
— Ramana Maharishi from Talks with Ramana Maharishi
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
I´m repulsed at being around antagonistic people, even though I understand their meanspirited behaviour is Ego. I try not to condemn people (aka entertain negative/judgmental thoughts about them), even when they´re being directly confrontational toward me. But I still have tension/unease with having to see them or interact with them. I try to avoid them at all costs. Is this the dysfunctional Ego in me at play? Isn´t it natural to want to avoid conflict? Or should I transcend this preference?
Whenever you experience repulsion or attraction, it is an opportunity to overcome the forces that limit our freedom. 
It is not that there isn’t some wisdom in repulsion and attraction. We are often repelled from what is unsafe and unhealthy, and we are often attracted to what is true, good, and beautiful. Yet that is not always the case. 
Sometimes we are repulsed from what is good for us and we are attracted to what is harmful for us. 
As we evolve as creatures and we get in touch with our own basic wisdom, we can more clearly see what is good for us and what is harmful. Then repulsion and attraction have outlived their use, they merely become magnetic forces that push and pull us. Freeing ourselves from those magnetic tangles will allow ourselves to live freely beyond the bounds of our comfort zones. 
Attraction when liberated becomes passion. Repulsion when liberated becomes surrender. 
In yoga, particularly Tantra, there is a concept called the Five Kleshas. These are our limiting aspects that mask our innate peace, freedom, and happiness and obscure our natural realization of ourselves as the being-consciousness-bliss of the Divine. 
The Five Kleshas are:
Ignorance – The misapprehension of what is truly Real. 
Ego – The misperception of ourselves as a separate and distinct entity.
Attachment – The neediness that comes from the feeling of separation.
Aversion – The fear that comes from the feeling of separation.
Fear of Death – The addiction we have to our feeling of separation.
Working with these kleshas is the way we learn to free ourselves and thus abide in and as our divine naturalness. You can see how these kleshas build on each other. Our ignorance of Primordial Reality allows us to believe in ourselves as a separate entity, the Ego. That Ego then operates within the magnetic duality of Attachment and Aversion so as to create a feeling of comfort, and yet that duality is inevitably a prison. Out of fear of the unknown (death), we prefer a familiar prison (ego). 
The klesha with which you are currently given the opportunity to work is that of Aversion, or to what you are refering as “repulsion.” 
There are many ways to work with Aversion. The first is simply staying. Don’t run away. Be present, hold your ground, inhabit your body fully, breathe. Don’t judge, don’t tell yourself a story, and allow whatever you feel to pass through you without getting stuck within you. 
This is easier to do when you have a daily meditation and mindfulness practice. The book The Places That Scare You is a good manual on staying with our discomfort from which we’d rather run. 
It is not that I am saying you need to be around such terrible people. It is preferable to keep company with the good and the wise. But I am saying that if you find yourself around those kinds of people, you can work with this feeling of aversion within. 
It will change things for you.
Perhaps I should write a series of posts about the Kleshas and tips for challenging each of them. They are always very relevant. 
Namaste :) Much love. 
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
#SageSunday : Fluorite
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Peace be with you, kings and queens!
The Village returns this fine evening with another #SageSunday entry.
Today, we are going to switch gears for a second and talk about healing crystals, namely Fluorite.
Before we begin, lets talk about healing crystals in a more general sense...
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ICMYI, last #SageSunday we spoke about smudging and working with White Sage for cleansing negative energy. Thought touching briefly on the topic of energy work, most discussion to these ends was left unmentioned.
To summarize, modern science has led humankind to evidence of a sort-of universal energy. This energy connects all things, be they animate or inanimate, and is the sole essence of life for us living beings. This phenomena, and its related consequences, has received many names and notions over time. For the time being, we shall end this tangent here and leave this conversation, again, shallow.
Just remember, “Energy is everything, and everything is energy. You, the chair you’re sitting on, the phone you’re holding, and the crystals you know and love - all of it is vibrating energy.”
Albert Einstein once said that, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Word? Cool.
Now, what do rocks have to do with this all this ‘energy’ stuff, one might ask?
Well, I’m glad that one asks...
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“A crystal is a solid material whose constituents are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions. “
Crystals have a super stable energy frequency that does not change because they are characteristically made up of a fixed, regularly repeating, perfect geometric pattern of molecules. The maintenance of their perfection is effortless…exactly the opposite of our insatiably fluid human nature. 
So why does this matter to us…?
More stable energy is traditionally more powerful/effective energy. Additionally, powerful energy has the ability to influence the energies around it. 
THIS is why crystal healing can so deeply influence humankind’s deeply chaotic energies.
Let’s get into it, shall we?
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Fluorite, aka Fluorspar, is a mineral composed of Calcium Fluoride. 
Fluorite is a very popular mineral, and is naturally occurring in all colors of the spectrum. Pure Fluorite is colorless and variations are caused by varies ‘impurities.’
Fluorite is one of the more famous fluorescent minerals. In fact, the word “fluorescent” is derived from this crystal. The name of the periodic element fluorine is also derived from Fluorite.
Healing with Fluorite:
Fluorite cleanses and stabilizes the aura.
It absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress.
Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self- confidence and helps us in decision-making, making it an excellent learning aid. It encourages positivity and balances the energies as well as it improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. 
Fluorite stimulates the regeneration and restructuring of cells and DNA, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract, and heals ulcers and wounds. This healing crystal also boosts the immune system. 
Colors in Fluorite:
Blue Fluorite
Chakra - Throat
Vibration - Number 2
Blue Fluorite calms the emotions and stimulates clear communication.
Green Fluorite
Chakra - Heart
Vibration - Number 2
Green Fluorite brings hormones into balance. It harmonizes and recharges all chakras.
Purple Fluorite
Chakra -Third Eye
Vibration - Master Number 77
Purple Fluorite increases mystic visions and aids spiritual balance. It helps the intuition to connect to the rational mind.
Yellow Fluorite
Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra
Vibration - Number 9
Yellow Fluorite enhances creativity, being particularly effective for people in group situations. It clears, stimulates, and heals all powers of the mind, such as psychic ability an healing, visualization, and intellect. Yellow Fluorite removes toxins from the body and lowers cholesterol, and ideal stone for treating the liver. 
That’s, unfortunately, all that I’ve got for the log today.
As always, I appreciate the time you’ve elected to spend with us and I do hope that our vibe has positively influenced your spirit. 
We’ll be back shortly with some more #SageSunday material, as well as some excerpts from our Vice Presidential Debate commentary featuring R*J*, and some creative work regarding the events of this summer. 
Stay tuned, and again, we pray ceaselessly for healing, inspiration, and blessing these days of the Fall Harvest.
Until next time, star-children. 
One Love,
More resources:
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
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Created by CreativeSoul Photography in Atlanta, GA and Hair by LaChanda! Definitely something to show our daughters of color! Disney Princess Of Color! ❤️ 😍 Black girls are princesses too! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
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US Open 2020: Naomi Osaka’s important way to the Title
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
I have a couple thoughts for these...🙏🏽🤔😤
feel free to use these BLM and ACAB icons/wallpapers i made!! no need to credit me either!
** I used my oun photography and drew everything out myself so no art theft here!
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
This is noteworthy.
Let’s remember that this man is ALREADY hosting more rallies.
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
the Vice Presidential Debate
This coming Wednesday, October 7th, will host the second of four Presidential debates. This event will feature incumbent Vice President Mike Pence (R) and California Senator Kamala Harris (D).
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For those who missed the first Presidential debate between incumbent President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, you didn’t necessarily miss much of either sides platform.
Both sides had a noticeable tendency to stray from the topic of traditional and modern “black” issues and both men spent a fair amount of time bickering like toddlers. 
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To the latter, shots were fired at the former Vice President for his involvement with the 1994 Crime Bill and further talks arose concerning Trump’s federal tax payments and overall tenure as President of the “Free” world. 
Incumbent President Donald Trump also persisted to deal in personal business matters by attacking one of Joe’s sons, Hunter, concerning his substance abuse history and military discharge status while simultaneously disrespecting the former Vice President’s late son, Beau Biden.  
Rest in Power, Beau.
While there was an incident that, allegedly, falsely associated incumbent President Trump with a supremacist milita group…we’re going to save our time explaining that one…there should be recorded evidence of that was said regarding this segment. 
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This week’s debate, featuring Mike Pence and Kamala Harris should showcase a deeper vision of each party’s long-term objectives and current strategies and propositions for success. 
As we’ve seen in prior debates, the Democrats have a tendency to struggle in getting their message across to the people, while Republicans tend to have a tighter grip on both their team’s loyalty and platform.
Especially considering the First Family’s recent diagnosis with our potentially lethal virus, this Vice Presidential debate is of the utmost importance. It is important to remember that either of our current Vice Presidential contenders could end up being the president themselves. 
Furthermore, Vice President Mike Pence is the chairman of the federal coronavirus task force and will, most likely, have to speak on account of this administrations response to the outbreak and infection of the most protected man in the country. 
For Senator Harris, a former prosecutor, this debate is an opportunity to challenge the Republican response to Covid-19 without seeming overtly aggressive against an ill administration. 
Finally, depending on the President’s health, this Vice Presidential debate could be the LAST debate of this presidential election season, and the last chance for both parties to appeal to an audience on such a scale. 
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Remember, guys, this national election on November 3rd is NOT only for the office of the President. 
ALL 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives,
35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate, will be contested.
THIRTEEN  state and territorial governorships, as well as numerous other state and local elections, will also be contested. 
Additionally, various third party and independent candidates are also seeking the presidency, including Jo Jergensen (Libertarian) and Howie Hawkins (Green).
Currently, Democrats hold majority in the House while Republicans have held control of the Senate. Democrats will enter the election with control of approximately, 232 of the 435 seats in the House, while Republicans will enter with control of 53 of the 100 seats in the Senate. 
All 33 Class 2 senators are up for election, and two states (Georgia and Arizona, are holding special elections for the Senate. The 6 non-voting congressional delegates from D.C. and the permanently inhabited U.S. territories will also be elected. 
“The man who moves a mountain beings by carrying away small stones.”
- Confucius 
These local and state elections are our “small stones.”
As always, peace be with you Queens and Kings,
Photo Credits:
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thewatersmeet · 4 years
#SageSunday Introduction
Peace be with you, Kings and Queens.
This #SageSunday will bring about the introduction of a gentle reminder to take care of your well-being.
Physically, mentally, and spiritually, now more than ever it is of the utmost importance to ensure that we, as human-beings, are taking the steps necessary to maintain balance.
This gentle reminder brings to our awareness that we must take the time to cleanse our space, our energy, and our life of those things which serve not the Kingdom nor the Light.
At times such as these, we shed away the remnants of negativity which cling unto our vibrant spirits and welcome anew fresh positivity. 
TL:DR -- White sage is used to cleanse a space of negative energy and raise the vibrations of your space.
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Today, I would like to take some time to introduce the Spirit of the Sacred Sage (aka White Sage).
The tradition of using White Sage on this continent started with Native Americans. The indigenous used this herb in ceremonies to seek blessings of health and prosperity, to release spirits, and encourage protection. 
This plant is native to high desert ecosystems and grows commonly in California.
If you rub fresh leaves of the White Sage between your thumb and forefinger, a refreshing, cleaning scent is released.  
The goal of smudging with Sacred Sage is to release a being or an area of any residual energies that are different than what you presently intend for your space.
You can ask the Sage to assist you in cleansing unknown energies from a stone, or an object that you received as a gift.
Sage can also amplify any other clearing and protective techniques that you are already using for your space or your being.
Sage Intuitively.
Everyone has a process.
and Remember, after you light the Sage, do not stop it from burning.
Many Blessings and see you next #SageSunday !
One Love,
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