thewitcheslibrary · 20 hours
how to get started with oracle
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Use the cards to set intentions. Oracle cards are often positive and motivating. Place a card representing your intention on your desk, shrine, or anywhere you'll see it every day. When I was finished writing my book, I placed a card that read "little by little" on my altar to remind myself to be consistent and patient with the process. I enjoy laying cards that symbolise the elements earth, water, fire, and air that I want to summon or embody. You can select cards to invoke greater love, abundance, and joy, as well as to connect with your intuition. Begin a daily practice. Writing goals and journaling may be effective tools for manifesting your desires. Pull 1-3 cards per day and record your thoughts. Take a few deep breaths and connect into your instincts. Allow yourself to be free in your writing, and your words will become an extension of your energy. This is an excellent approach to receive messages and connect with your inner guidance.
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thewitcheslibrary · 20 hours
how to get started with tarot
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Choose a deck that appeals to you.
There are superstitions that you must be given a tarot deck to begin, which is incorrect. Purchase your own deck and spend your time getting to know it. Develop a friendship with your tarot deck and let it guide you slowly.
Allow your intuition to guide you, as well as the conventional interpretations. By just pondering what each card represents, you are inviting your intuition to offer context by speaking with your intuitive senses. This might happen when you see images in your mind, feel, sense, or know meanings, or even hear words in your head. There is so much symbolism and significance in a tarot deck, and when you pull the cards in response to inquiries or queries, the universe will always use the chance to reply and present you with the answers you seek, leaving it up to your intuitive senses.
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thewitcheslibrary · 20 hours
Tarot cards vs Oracle cards
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What are oracle cards?
Oracle cards are a divination instrument that can help you gain intuitive knowledge and connect with yourself. Oracle cards provide a free-flowing message and a variety of beautiful designs. There are many various sorts of cards available; some have basic graphics or phrases, while others may be intricately designed and showcase amazing unique artwork. There is no predetermined amount of cards in an Oracle deck, and some include thorough guidebooks while others do not. Oracle cards have grown in popularity and availability over the past few years. Incorporating an Oracle deck into your daily ritual or intuitive growth practice will help you create a strong connection to your intuition.
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what are tarot cards? Tarot decks generally have 78 cards that begin with the main and minor arcanas. The Major Arcana are 22 cards that begin with The Fool and continue his journey as he encounters and collides with every aspect of human existence, from The Magician to Death, The Tower, and finally The World. The Minor Arcana cards include 16 Tarot Court Cards, which are often face cards and symbolise 16 various characteristics that can be conveyed. The Minor Arcana consists of forty cards arranged in four suites: swords (air), pentacles (earth), wands (fire), and cups (water). These numbered cards, with ten cards in each suit, reflect circumstances that you may meet on a daily basis rather than big turning moments that the main arcana often symbolise. Learning the meanings of each card takes time and effort, but once learned, you will have a wonderful tool for divination and self-discovery. Once you've established a regular practice, remember to routinely cleanse your tarot deck.
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Are they the same thing?
Oracle cards and Tarot differ in a variety of ways, the most notable being that Tarot cards have a set format and often comprise 78 cards. Oracle cards do not have a standard structure and the number of cards in each deck varies. With Tarot, if you understand the meanings of the main and minor arcana, as well as the suits, you will be able to read and recognise almost any tarot deck. Oracle cards are typically more clear, with meanings inscribed on the face. Oracle cards vary greatly from deck to deck; some have a theme, while others do not.
Oracle and Tarot cards can serve the same aim of divination and providing insight in a circumstance. Both sorts of cards may be dealt with intuitively, and both include a range of symbols and images to assist activate your psychic abilities. Tarot and oracle cards are both utilised in spiritual practices, divination, and coaching sessions to provide clarity and insight into circumstances.
Both Tarot and Oracle cards serve as reflections of the present energy. They will reflect the realities of your circumstance and suggest suitable next steps. Consider reading the cards as a chat with a trustworthy mentor or your higher self. There are no judgements, "negative" or "positive" messages. There is just a mirror of energy and the potential to go forward via self-awareness and a comprehension of the situation.
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What should beginners start with?
Oracle cards are more open-ended and may be easier for novices to interpret. Unlike the Tarot, there are no meanings or suits to memorise. This does not imply that Oracle decks are just for novices. Many professional readers utilise Oracle cards in their readings, and they are ideal for self-development, positive affirmations, and starting or expanding an intuitive practice. Oracle cards frequently include rich artwork and come in a variety of styles, making it simpler to pick a deck that speaks to you.
I recommend Oracle cards to anyone who is afraid of Tarot decks and prefers soothing images. In my professional practice, I've seen that Oracle cards frequently speak to the overarching issues that a client is going with in their life. Professional readers frequently use Oracle cards into their tarot readings, however this varies each reader.
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Key differences-
Tarot cards follow a predetermined format, but Oracle cards are more free-flowing.
Every Tarot deck will have a predictable structure and a set of suites, as described in the section above. Oracle cards can differ in terms of quantity, subject, and imagery. Tarot will share symbolism between decks. The Rider Waite Deck, which was constructed by Pamela Colman Smith in 1909 under the leadership of Arthur Edward Waite, serves as the foundation for the majority of decks. Oracle cards are free-flowing in terms of art, colour, symbolism, topic, and content. There are no rules or defined structure for Oracle cards.
Tarot is an old kind of divination, whereas Oracle cards are more contemporary.
While the Tarot's roots are unknown, it is thought to have existed since antiquity and is associated with ancient Greece, the Kabbalah, and the Romany people. Tarot cards are a strong divination tool, and many readers believe they are an extension of their own energy. Oracle cards represent a more recent kind of divination. They are also more commonly used by therapists and coaches. While Oracle cards are not inherently associated with spiritual beliefs, they can be used by spiritual practitioners, and many people like using them in conjunction with tarot, astrology, or psychic readings.
Tarot requires time to understand and develop, but Oracle cards are more user-friendly.
Learning the traditional meanings of the Tarot will provide a wonderful reference system for your intuitive work. Initially, you will utilise the handbook to comprehend and interpret the symbols and archetypes. Once you've memorised the meanings and started practicing consistently, you'll notice that the cards may take on multiple meanings and you'll have your own interpretations of them. As you study, pay attention to your intuitive readings since they will help you interpret the messages as well. When you first pick up an Oracle deck, you'll notice that many of the cards are straightforward. Each deck is unique, so select one with artwork or a theme that appeals to you.
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Using tarot and oracle decks together?
Many professional readers and Tarot fans combine Oracle cards with Tarot cards. Some believe that Oracle cards provide a deeper significance to a Tarot spread, and vice versa. There is no right or wrong way to utilise the cards together, as long as you are familiar with both decks. It's a good idea to experiment with various Tarot spreads and approaches to determine what works best for you.
I prefer to keep multiple decks on my desk, and during an intuitive reading, I may be pulled to a certain card that feels right for that person. I've also seen readers select an Oracle card at the conclusion of a reading to provide a deeper insight and validation of the messages delivered, as well as at the start of a reading to establish the tone for what comes next.
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thewitcheslibrary · 4 days
Modern witchcraft tip #1
except, its brutally honest and im giving you tough love.
If you want to manifest good things and good energy to come into your life. Fix your own energy first! Because you'll bring new, nice and genuine people into your life then emotionally drain them and fuck them over in the process.
Start being more positive and great to be around, you'll also attract the right type of people and have healthier friendships and relationships. Keep being a negative Nancy, you'll be the toxic one in the new connections you are building.
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thewitcheslibrary · 4 days
Common Witchy Terms
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A ceremonial knife, typically black handled with a double-edged blade. You use it to inscribe your candles or to cast a circle around the altar before commencing a spell.
A place where you do rituals or spells. It is often a special table or shelf where your ritual tools are kept.
Is an object that is carried or worn on a person or placed in a location in order to draw specific energy or luck toward that person or location.
Book of Shadow
A Book of Shadows is a Witch's journal. It contains notes on experiments, information they picked up along the way, spells, recipes, correspondences, chants, traditions and more.
A coven is a community of witches who gather regularly for religious and/or social occasion.
Divination is the metaphysical work of finding the truth of an issue by using symbols and objects to interpret messages from the the collective unconscious or from communication with spirit beings.
To call or summon a spirit or entity or deity.
A familiar is a magic-user's spiritual helper manifest in animal form.
Is a magical manual or a magician's instruction book. It is much more formal than a Book of Shadows.
It refer to an unfriendly spell meant to bring about mischief.
to summon or draw a spirit being into your own body. This is usually done to encourage communication between the spirit world and the material world.
A small bag of herbs, crystals, or other objects that is meant to bring about a desired effect; essentially acts as a charm.
A protective barrier may be maintained by a spell, a talisman, a symbol or some other physical or energy object.
tip jar
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thewitcheslibrary · 4 days
'fuck those bad vibes' spell
Pine Needles
Cloves (whole or powdered)
All these herbs cleanse and get rid of negative energy!
put these herbs in your cauldron or on something fire proof
open your windows and doors
Light the herbs and walk around your home and set the intention of cleansing the energy out of the home or clearing out unwanted spirits.
wait until the herbs are completely burned and the smoke stops before closing doors and windows.
put the remaining ashes and the left overs from a spell in a container and get rid of it away from your home. (dont dump out side your door! take to a different place to get rid of it)
then you're set to set up protection and warding's!
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thewitcheslibrary · 10 days
Just curious, what are your views on the belief that Hekate is Lilith? I
They're not. They have some similarities, yet they are very different. In particular, Lilith's period as a goddess in the Mesopotamian religion was quite limited, and it is not very well recorded with evidence today. Lillith is the mother of demons Hekate is the goddess of witchcraft, the crossroads, keys, journeys and necromancy. Not to mention they are both from completely different pantheons. Lillith is in Mesopotamian and Jewish mythology Hekate is hellenic. they also have two completely different stories within mythology.
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thewitcheslibrary · 10 days
I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:
Not having deities is okay.
Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.
Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.
Playing games with your deities is okay.
Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.
Doing fun things with your deities is okay.
Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.
Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.
Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.
Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.
Not having an altar for your deities is okay.
Laughing with your deities is okay.
Crying with your deities is okay.
Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.
Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.
Being able to hear/see deities is okay.
Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.
Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.
Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities for help in general is okay.
This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶
It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!
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thewitcheslibrary · 10 days
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One of the lesser-known deities in the Greek pantheon is Hecate. Being the only Titan to maintain her authority under Zeus' rule, she was the child of Perses and Asteria. The limits of the heavens, the earth, the oceans, and the underworld were not able to contain Hecate's might.
The stories surrounding the goddess Hecate tell us a lot about her domains of influence even if there aren't many myths about her. Many of her characteristics were associated with the underworld in the time of the Romans. But she also had power over things that positioned her squarely in the spotlight. The goddess held great abilities that other gods eventually adopted. Hecate could provide money and benefits to those who worshipped her, but she could also withhold these gifts from those who did not honour her sufficiently. This essay will examine the characteristics and emblems of Hecate.
The origins of Hekate:
Classicalists disagree over where the worshippers of Hecate came from in ancient Greece. There are many who trace the origins of goddess worship back to pre-Greek times, while others trace it back to Thrace. The most widely recognised theory is that Hecate came from the Carians in Asia Minor and was incorporated into Greek religion. Scholars say that the deity is said to have arrived in Greece in the Archaic period. The quantity of cult sites devoted to the goddess Hecatean attests to the adoration of the goddess in Caria. These were particularly noticeable in Lagina. Nonetheless, other classicists contend that the goddess cannot have an Anatolian origin because of the late dates of these Anatolian worship sites.
According to historical accounts, Hecate initially appears in the seventh century BCE in Hesiod's Theogony. Hesiod just makes reference to her parents and her part in the Gigantomachy, in which she slew Clytius. She is noticeably missing from the Homeric epics, though. The most famous literary appearance of Hecate is perhaps her portrayal in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Hecate and the sun god Hyperion hear Persephone's screams as Hades kidnaps her in the song. Hecate appeared to Demeter on the tenth day, holding a lamp, after she had been looking for her daughter for nine days.
The goddess did not know who had abducted her daughter, but she informed Demeter what she had heard. Hecate gave Persephone a hug once she was reunited with Demeter. When Persephone went back to Hades every year, she would become her underworld companion. One common iconography associated with this narrative is Hecate holding a torch.
Her divine duties:
In Greek religion, Hecate was entrusted with a wide range of heavenly responsibilities. She was most famously the goddess of the moon, sorcery, witchcraft, darkness, light, and ghosts. She was also the goddess who guarded entranceways and oikos.
As a triple goddess, Hecate was closely connected to the intersection. She was described as a liminal deity with effortless passage from the underworld to the outside world. Her ability to transition between her roles as a goddess and a Titan came from her mythology and lineage. Her cult names and epithets, such as Propylaia (of the gates), Trodia (frequenter of the crossroads), and Enodia (on the path), witness to her liminality.
Lucan's Pharsalia had solidified Hecate's status as a goddess of witchcraft and sorcery by the first century CE. In the Pharsalia, the witch Erichtho calls upon Persephone, the lowest manifestation of Hecate. We discover the hag-like characteristics bestowed to Hecate in the Pharsalia.
Ghosts and Lampades, or nymphs of the underworld, were part of her entourage. Legend has it that Zeus gave Helen the Lampades as a present for her allegiance to him during the Titanomachy. The goddess goes at night with the Lampades, who bear lamps. Depictions of the goddess:
Greek ceramics frequently featured Hecate as a single figure, dressed in a long gown, clutching torches. At intersections and gateways stood the pillars of Hecataea, the goddess of torch-bearing. Later, the most common iconography of Hecate shows her as a triple-formed goddess, each form standing behind the other and facing a different way at a crossroads.
She added the Graces dancing around the goddess, like in the top image, to some of her sculpture votive offerings. She is accompanied by a pack of dogs in some depictions. Pausanias claims in his Description of Greece that Alcamenes, a sculptor, was the first to show Hecate in her triple-form about the fifth century BCE. He adds that next to Wingless Victory's temple on the Acropolis in Athens was a sculpture of the goddess Hecate Epipurgidia (on the tower).
Hecate is shown as trimorphic on the well-known Pergamon Altar (c. 2nd century BCE), battling a monster that resembles a snake with the aid of a dog. Hecate's triple form was shown as three distinct bodies around a central column throughout antiquity. However, this depiction changed into a single goddess with three heads in late antiquity. Hecate is described as having three heads in esoteric literature from this era: the heads of a dog, a serpent, and a horse. Hecate was also associated with other deities from neighbouring pantheons.
Connectivity With Artemis:
Hecate, also known as Ἑκατη, is derived from the Greek term hekatos, which means "worker from afar." One of the most prevalent epithets for Apollo is the male version, Hekatos. This Apolline epithet, according to researchers, associates Hecate with Artemis, a goddess with comparable realms of power. The goddesses had many of the same characteristics. In most depictions, both goddesses were seen with dogs, holding torches, and dressed in hunting boots. Frequently, they were combined to create a twin goddess, as seen in Aeschylus' Suppliants. The chorus in Aeschylus' play refers to the two goddesses as one. The goddesses are once again consolidated in Aristophanes' Frogs (1358f), when the goddesses are called upon by the figure of Aeschylus. Connectivity with Artemis-Selene:
Hecate was combined with the goddesses Artemis and Selene throughout the Roman era, especially in Roman poetry. She was referred to by her Roman name, Trivia, in addition to her combined triple form. By referring to Hecate as Hecate-Selene and other such monikers, the Roman authors fostered her trimorphic representations. Seneca makes many references to Hecate along with her lunar equivalents, even drawing a connection between the goddess and Medea.
Connectivity with Iphigenia
Hecate was identified by early ancient accounts as the daughter of Agamemnon, Iphigenia. Pausanias quotes Hesiod as saying that Artemis's will transformed Iphigenia into Hecate, not killing her. Hecate was sometimes identified in this way with a deity known to the Tauri as Iphigenia. Connectivity with Hermes:
Hecate was identified as the wife of this chthonic Hermes in many ancient traditions. Hermes also had chthonic features. Being gods of the dead, Hecate and Hermes were able to cross borders and liminal zones between realms. First appearing in the first century BCE, the Roman poet Propertius proposed a link between these two gods.
Hekate's sacred animals:
The dog was Hecate's most holy animal, as was previously indicated. The sound of dogs barking from the underworld is described by Apollonius of Rhodes as accompanying Hecate. Pausanias and Ovid, two ancient writers, mention that dogs, especially black canines, were offered as sacrifices to the goddess. Additionally, scholars have proposed that Hecate's connection to dogs is indicative of her function as a goddess of birth. This is so because other birth goddesses, such Eileithyia and Genetyllis, also revered dogs as their holy animals. Hecate's hounds were later connected to the restless spirits of the deceased that followed the goddess in antiquity. Queen Hecuba's transformation into a dog is associated with the goddess Hecate. After Troy fell, so the tradition goes, Odysseus took Hecuba as a hostage. But while travelling to Greece, the Trojan queen slew a Thracian king. Hecuba was punished by being changed into a black dog, which she later adopted as a pet.
The polecat, or weasel, was another animal considered sacred by the goddess Hecate. In the mythology recounted by Antonius Liberalis, Galinthias, Alcmena's midwife, tricked the gods when Heracles was born. Galinthias went to the goddess of childbirth, Eileithyia, after observing Alcmena experiencing labour pains. The Fates informed them that the child had been delivered and had prolonged the labour as a favour for Hera. Galinthias became a polecat in punishment for tricking the gods. Galinthias was chosen by Hecate, who felt sorry for her change, to be her friend and attendant.
Honouring the Goddess Hecate:
In mainland Greece, the worship of other Olympians was more common than the cult of the goddess. In the ancient world, the goddess had a small number of temples devoted to her. In the past, smaller home shrines dedicated to Hecate were typical. These little shrines were built to fend off evil and shield the person from sorcery. The three most important Hecate worship sites in Greece were on the island of Samothrace, in Caria, and in Eleusis.
The goddess was revered as a deity of the mysteries in Samothrace. Her worship has also been documented at Athens, Colophon, Thrace, and Thessaly. Dog sacrifices made in the goddess' honour have been documented in the last two cities. According to Pausanias, Hecate was the goddess most revered by the Aegina people, who thought Orpheus had instituted the goddess's ceremonies on the island. Pausanias also mentions a wooden representation of Hecate that is housed in the temple of Aeginetan.
Hecate has many Orphic Hymns, but no Homeric Hymn dedicated to her. Actually, a song honouring the goddess starts the collection of Orphic Hymns. Her significance stems from her function as a goddess of entrances. Many details concerning Hecate's realms of influence as understood by the Orphics may be found in the Orphic Hymn to Hecate. She was invoked as the goddess of highways and crossroads in their mysteries.
Most notably, she is also called the goddess of the dead, who presides over deserted places. In this hymn, her sacred animals include deer, dogs, and wild predators. She is described as the herder of bulls and a nurturer of youths, as well. The hymn beseeches the goddess to come to the holy rites in a favorable mood with a happy heart.
The more we discover about the goddess Hecate, the more fascinating she appears to be. Her role as a guardian is highlighted by her roles as a liminal figure and a goddess of pathways and entrances. However, her evil side is revealed by her function as a nighttime goddess of sorcery and witchcraft. Hecate is a complex character who merits consideration on par with the more well-known Greek pantheon gods.
Zeus granted Hekate jurisdiction over land, sky, and water (underworld). This was either given to her to aid the Olympians in their fight against the titans (her own "people") or after the event was completed. It wasn't "her power can't be contained"; she was shown to be worthy of the realms.
She was always a deity of witchcrafts and necromancy in ancient Turkey, but when the Romans came in, they kind of wiped off her necromancy features.
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Offerings to give to her:
Breads - i personally give her garlic bread
Non edibles-
Poppy seeds
Blood: If you have ever battled with self-harm of any type or are easily nauseated at the sight of blood, DO NOT ATTEMPT. She cherishes your mental health and well-being more than anything you could ever offer it to her, and Hekate understands that you cannot give Her your essence! She is going to adore and defend you no matter what!
Incense she likes-
Citrus - especially orange 
Dragons Blood
keys *
Tea Lights 
Fires - i.e. bonfires *
Oil lamps 
Lavender *
Crow/Raven/Owl Feathers - only feathers naturally fallen off 
Statues of Her and Her sacred animals *
Poetry, literature, and music you heavily associate with Her **
Witchraft books, spell books, dedicate any shadow work to her
Devote things to her-
Give food, clothing, toiletries, and other necessities to homeless shelters.
Visit cemeteries and, if permitted (please inquire beforehand), place flowers on the graves
Possess a plush toad, dog, or polecat.
Devote a meal or self care to her!
Give to the less fortunate. If you see a homeless person, get them a hot meal and a hot drink ect. Say a prayer to her before you do it
Share some tea with her or have a cup with her
Adding onto the sharing tea, sit at her altar with the tea and some cake. Talk to her, tell her about your day or ask her about hers
Do some baking and share what you baked
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thewitcheslibrary · 10 days
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♡ Grimoire Ideas for the Folk Catholic Witch ♡
~ Spiritual Warfare
~ Biblical Herbs
~ Biblical Crystals
~ History of the Christian Pentagram (I have a post on this that might be helpful!)
~ Knot Magic
~ The Rosary
~ St. Benedict Medal
~ Old Folk Remedies (medical, protection, etc.)
~ Catholic Holidays
~ Prayers
~ Classes of Angels
~ Psalms and how to use them
~ Levels of Heaven
~ The Archangels and how they can help
~ History of Folk Magic
~ Christian symbols
~ History of Jesus Christ
~ Rundown on Veiling
~ Meditation
~ Facts about Exorcisms
~ Things Demons Hate (to use in spells and rituals for warding)
p.s. this research will go along with the exorcism stuff, look up what they hate according to exorcists.
~ Facts about The Church
~ The Seven Deadly Sins and How to Avoid Them
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thewitcheslibrary · 11 days
Spell crafting
This is just a way to craft your own spells and just run you through how to do that. Its not for any specific spell.
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Literally chose what type of spell you would like to do. One that is going to benefit you as a whole. - if you know what spell you want, skip to step 2
Look at what you have available. Look at the herbs you have and their meanings, the candles you have and colour correspondences, jars you have available and all the tools you have to do a spell.
choose the things you would like to use. And figure out how you are going to use them. If you have herbs, choose an intention for them to have.
write down what you are using in a grimoire or what ever you choose to write your spells in. Write down the intention of each herb and what you did with each tool. - if you want the herbs to be put in in a certain order, write them in that order so you dont forget
Literally just do the spell. Cleanse everything first, if you have the herbs going in in a specific order. The make sure you put it in that way and in that order. While setting intentions, no intentions means the spell wont work.
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thewitcheslibrary · 13 days
Meanings of ringing in your ears
Please put mundane before magic! If you have ringing in your ears please go to see a doctor and get it checked out before you put it down to something magic or spiritual.
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Both ears-
Spirit guide, angel, ancestor or a dead realtive is trying to tell you to pay attention. They are trying to talk to you. Ringing in both is usually associated angel numbers so keep an eye out and be aware of your surroundings
High pitch in left ear-
A good sign from a spirit guide, you are on the right track, You're doing good. Positive energy and positive thoughts.
Low pitch in left ear-
Warning, a significant other, friend or a family member is talking bad about you or doing something bad behind your back. Be careful.
High pitch in right ear-
Good sign from spirit guides. Your manifestations are coming your way. If you have been manifesting, wishing or talking to the universe about something they are all coming your way. So be prepared for all that is coming to you
Low pitch in right ear-
This is a warning from your spirit guides. They are warning you that you need to protect yourself. Someone is sending negative energy your way
Buzzing or a white noise sound- in the left or right ear!
Means you are strongly connected to someone in the physical word via the energy chord. Strong bonds between people include pets, family, friends, parents, romantic partners.
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thewitcheslibrary · 13 days
Types of divination
Please note: Not all of them are going to be here. I will be covering ones that Beginner witches can use and learn as a starting point! This also isnt a guide on how to do it, its is just some ideas and what they are.
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Tarot and cards-
People who are unfamiliar with divination may believe that reading Tarot cards means "predicting the future." However, most Tarot card readers will tell you that the cards are only a guideline, and the reader is simply interpreting the likely outcome based on the forces at work right now. Consider Tarot as a tool for self-awareness and contemplation, rather than "fortune telling." Here are some simple steps to get you started reading and utilising Tarot cards in your divinatory practice.
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Norse Runes-
According to Norse epic sagas, Odin created the Runes as a gift to humanity a long time ago. These sacred and holy symbols were originally etched in stone. Over time, they grew into a collection of sixteen letters, each with a metaphorical and divinatory significance. Learn how to create your own set of Runes and read what they say.
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Reading tea leaves-
People have utilised many different ways of divination from the beginning of time. One of the most recognised is the practice of reading tea leaves, often known as tasseography or tasseomancy. This divination method, while not as ancient as some of the other famous and well-known methods, appears to have originated in the 17th century.
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Pendulum reading-
A pendulum is one of the most basic and easy types of divination. It's as simple as asking and answering yes/no questions. Although pendulums may be purchased commercially for between $15 and $60, they are simple to create on your own. Most people use crystals or stones, but you may use any object with some weight to it. There are various methods to utilise a pendulum for divination, and you'd be amazed what you may learn from "yes" and "no" replies. The secret is to learn to ask the appropriate questions.
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For thousands of years, tribes throughout the world have used bones for divination, a practice known as osteomancy. While there are several approaches, the goal is usually the same: to predict the future using the signals revealed in the bones.
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Numerology is a discipline that many Pagan spiritual groups utilise. According to the basic concepts of numerology, numbers have a tremendous degree of spiritual and magical importance. Some numbers are more strong and powerful than others, and combinations of numbers can be created for magical purposes. In addition to magical correspondences, numerals have planetary importance.
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Intuition is the capacity to know things without being told. Many intuitives make outstanding Tarot card readers because their ability offers them an advantage when reading cards for clients. This is sometimes known as clairsentience. Of all psychic talents, intuition may be the most frequent.
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thewitcheslibrary · 13 days
Colour magic
Colour magic is a component of many magical traditions since colours have specific connections. However, keep in mind that certain traditions may establish their own correspondences that differ from those listed.
When it comes to employing these correspondences, be imaginative and think outside of your usual comfort zone. You may have a variety of candles, coloured paper, altar cloths and fabric, ribbons, or even ink on hand to employ in different magical workings.
Spells and incantations should be written in the proper colour or on comparable coloured paper. You may use stones, plants, or flowers in whichever colour you like. If you meditate or perform chaka energy work, you can visualise yourself surrounded by light of the colour you require for your magical works. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
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Red is associated with boldness and health, as well as sexual love and passion. It can be useful in spellwork. Use red lipstick to kiss your partner, fill a red cloth pouch with herbs to improve your sex life, or light a red candle before a difficult task to give yourself a little additional bravery. If you participate in sports or other competitive activities, wearing anything red under your uniform might boost your confidence.
Red is also connected with war and strength, so if you're ready to engage in physical or mental combat, red may be a helpful colour to have; imagine yourself bathed in a great crimson glow before marching into battle. Red is also related with the root chakra. As a result, it is linked to our sense of stability as well as our interactions with the physical and material worlds.
Magic uses: Love, physical energy, health, willpower, Passion, courage, strength, intense emotions
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Pink represents friendship and pure, innocent love. Have a crush on someone but aren't quite ready to ignite the flames of passion yet? Use pink roses or other flowers to convey your message. Dress in pink to make new acquaintances. Burn a pink candle to invoke emotional and spiritual healing magic, or to foster a new relationship.
Magic uses: Romance, spiritual awakening, partnerships, children's magic, Affection, friendship, companionship, spiritual healing
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If you're working for attractiveness and encouragement, incorporate orange into your magical endeavours. Light an orange candle to attract fresh chances into your life; if you desire excitement and adventure, wear something orange that will catch people's attention. Orange is a colour of creativity and self-expression, therefore utilise it while performing magical rituals connected to concerns like writer's block, or if you're an artist who feels like your muse has been suppressed recently. Because orange is connected with the sacral chakra, it represents both sexuality and emotion, particularly our ability to form emotional relationships with others.
Magic uses: Adaptability to sudden changes, encouragement, power, Energy, attraction, vitality, stimulation
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Gold is related, as one might expect, with money prosperity, commercial ventures, and solar connections. Hang gold colours around your entryway to attract money, or burn a gold candle for workings that will help your business succeed. If you want to give your profession a magical boost, wear gold jewellery or keep a piece in your pocket. Gold is also beneficial in situations concerning the law, courtrooms, and the justice system; if you are waiting for a judgement in a civil action or a criminal case, tuck a piece of gold paper inside your shoe before entering the courthouse.
Magic uses: Success, health, ambition, finances, good fortune, divination, Inner strength, self-realization, understanding, intuition
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Yellow is an excellent colour for persuasion and protection. It's a bright, cheery colour that promotes happiness - and when people are happy, they're far more inclined to see things your way! Yellow is associated with self-empowerment due to its affinity for the solar plexus chakra. A person with a strong solar plexus chakra has a good mix of self-confidence and self-control.
Magic uses: Communication, confidence, divination, study, Intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge
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As you might expect, green is associated with financial wealth and money, but it is also firmly linked to fertility magic. Green also corresponds to the heart chakra. It is our emotional centre, which allows us to love others and receive love in return. Forgiveness, romantic love, compassion, empathy, and platonic love are all centred in the heart chakra, thus use green for spellwork including these topics.
Magic uses: Prosperity, employment, fertility, health, good luck, Abundance, growth, wealth, renewal, balance
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Light blue-
Light blue is connected with magic, including healing, patience, and understanding. To promote wellbeing and good health, sew a sachet or pillow packed with therapeutic herbs or crochet a baby blanket out of blue flannel cloth. If you have a sick buddy, write their name on a blue candle before burning it. Another wonderful suggestion is to give them a pack of blue socks.
Blue is also the colour of the throat chakra, which serves as our communication centre. It's what allows us to be honest and open with the people in our life. Our capacity to trust and be trustworthy, to speak truly and fairly, all stem from the throat chakra, therefore utilise light blue if you need to get to the bottom of a problem or establish channels of communication.
Magic uses: Well being and good health, communication r better communication spells. Healing, psychic ability, harmony in the home, understanding, Peace, truth, wisdom, protection, patience.
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Dark blue-
If your magical practice involves despair and emotional weakness, dark blue is the colour to utilise. Dark blue, or indigo, is associated with the brow chakra, where many people think our Third Eye is placed. Our ability to self-realize, to develop our psychic powers and empathic skills, is linked to the brow chakra, as is our ability - and desire - to recognise, admit, and then let go of emotional baggage, thus employ dark blue in workings of this type.
Magic uses: Healing, psychic ability, harmony in the home, understanding, Peace, truth, wisdom, protection, patience
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Purple is the colour of royalty, and it represents ambition and strength. Wear a purple tie or scarf as an accessory if you know you'll be at a business meeting where there may be disagreement. Purple or violet is related with the head chakra in several metaphysical systems. This is the part of ourselves that is concerned with our connection to the Divine, the Universe itself, and our capacity to understand our role in the big scheme of things. If you're doing magic to strengthen your connection to the deities of your tradition or path, utilise purple.
Magic uses: Spirituality, wisdom, devotion, peace, idealism, Divination, enhancing nurturing qualities, balancing sensitivity
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The spiritual connotation of the hue indigo is commitment and sincerity. Indigo is an extremely dark blue with hints of violet. In the ancient world, lapis lazuli was one of the earliest stones mined and used in jewellery. It was a positive hue that was thought to shield the deceased from evil in the afterlife.
Magic uses: Emotion, fluidity, insight, expressiveness, Meditation, clarity of purpose, spiritual healing, self-mastery
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Brown can be used in projects involving the environment or animals. If you need to reconnect with the natural world, light a brown candle or carry some brown dirt in your pocket. A sigil, which is also connected with home life and stability, can be created on your door or threshold with a brown marker or paint. Inscribe spells or charms on brown paper; sandwich-sized lunch bags are ideal for this!
Magic uses: Endurance, solidity, grounding, strength, Balance, concentration, material gain, home, companion animals
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Use black in magical workings involving negativity and exile. If someone bothers you, jot down their name on a sheet of paper. Burn the paper around the edges with a black candle, telling them that you are burning away any hostility, desire, jealousy, or other sentiments they may have towards you. Burn as much of the paper as you can, leaving only their name, and then bury it. Another alternative is to put their name on a black balloon, load it with helium, and then carry it far away before releasing it into the sky.
Magic uses: Dignity, force, stability, protection, Banishing and releasing negative energies, transformation, enlightenment
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White represents purity, honesty, and our connection to the divine and higher selves. It should be noted that in candle magic, many Pagan traditions allow for the use of a white candle instead of any other colour. Use white for workings that involve harmony and peace, the consecration of magical equipment, blessings, and purification.
Magic uses: Peace, innocence, illumination, purity, Cleansing, clarity, establishing order, spiritual growth, understanding
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Silver symbolises reflection and truth, intuition, and lunar connections. If you need to undertake any full moon scrying or any other type of activity involving psychic development, dreaming, or astral travel, use a silver candle. Because of its lunar ties, silver is associated with women's secrets, the tides, and pregnancy.
Magic uses: Wisdom, psychic ability, intelligence, memory,Spiritual development, psychic development, meditation, warding off negativity
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Grey is often connected with stability, calmness, and composure. Grey stones signify something long-lasting and sturdy. It is also a colour linked with knowledge gained through ageing. Because of this, some people link grey with ancestral representation. Grey can also be connected with loss or depression, and it can affect the mind and body by eliciting disturbing feelings. Because grey is a combination of black and white, its meaning varies - deeper hues closer to black can be more enigmatic, while lighter shades closer to white can be more enlightening.
Darker colours, such as charcoal grey, invoke the power of black but lack the negativity associated with black, whereas light greys share some of the traits of white. Grey is considered a colour for both men and women. Light greys are regarded feminine, whilst dark greys are considered manly.
Magic uses: Stability, contemplation, neutrality, reserve, Complex decisions, binding negative influences, reaching compromise
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thewitcheslibrary · 16 days
Pentacle vs pentagram vs inverted pentagram
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Yes, all of these things are different and people often get confused on which is what and what they all mean. It is important to know which each one means if you are going to be practicing witchcraft or if you are going to wear or use these sigils and symbols. So lets get into it!
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The Pentagram is truly a sign of spiritual protection and ethereal global wisdom. It is also a symbol of the mind's control over the elements. When confronted with this emblem, evil spirits and other negative energies are rendered weak, while good spirits are drawn to it. Those who possess this sign have limitless options at their disposal.
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The Pentacle is a sign of good, pure, and white magic, as well as light and love. First, it represents the North, South, East, West, and Spirit. Second, it represents the Earth, Water, Air, Spirit, and the Divine. Third, it represents the god and goddess. If wrapped within a circle, it represents the totality and unification of all quadrants and elements, as well as our ultimate love for nature.
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Inverted pentagram-
The upside-down pentagram is not just for Satanists. In fact, some Wiccan covens utilise the inverted pentagram to represent hierarchy. It's only that Satanists have taken it, and Wiccan covens seldom utilise it anymore. Because of the association between the inverted pentagram with Satanism, Wiccans are more likely to use the Pentacle. It is more accessible and less prone to miscommunication.
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thewitcheslibrary · 16 days
Basic history of paganism
Please note: I am pagan and I am writing this as neutral as I can. But I'm giving facts and history. This does not mean I don't respect other beliefs and religions, because I absolutely respect them! and think everyones faith is unique and beautiful in they're own ways.
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What the word Paganism means and why it was used-
Paganism is a Christian phrase that refers to faiths that do not worship the God of Abraham, who is essential to Christianity as well as other Abrahamic religions such as Judaism and Islam. Christians have used the labels paganism and pagan, which have negative connotations, to distinguish themselves from others who they think worship false gods.
Throughout much of Christianity's history, few, if any, of those labelled heathen have accepted this term for themselves. However, since at least the first part of the twentieth century, the term has been reappropriated as a self-description by a group of similar new faiths. They are sometimes referred to as modern Pagan or Neo-Pagan organisations and are influenced by religions from Europe, North Africa, and West Asia that became extinct as a result of the advent of Christianity and other Abrahamic faiths.
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The history-
Christianity appeared in the Roman Empire in the first century CE. As a monotheistic religion, it held that there was only one genuine God, whom it identified as the God of Abraham, a divinity also revered in Judaism. The majority of the empire's traditions were polytheistic, with several gods and goddesses. For Christians, polytheistic cultures were idolatrous, with deities who were actually devils. This perspective made it difficult for many Christians to seek peaceful coexistence with non-Abrahamic religions.
One hypothesis is that the word pagani, which means "people of the place," came to apply to individuals who continued to worship the traditional deities of their area, whereas Christians came to be referred to as alieni, meaning "people from elsewhere." A second hypothesis stems from an other meaning of the name paganus, "civilian," which became clear by the late second or third century. This second meaning of the phrase was most likely originated by Roman troops stationed in rural areas far from Rome. Early Christians identified as miles Christi, or "soldiers of Christ," and may have borrowed the term "civilian" for anyone who had not joined their religious movement.
In addition to Latin, Christians employed additional names that were basically synonymous. Greek was extensively spoken in eastern regions of the empire, and the labels ethnē and ethnikoi, "foreigners," had a similar purpose. By the early 4th century, the term Hellēnes, "Greeks," had fully supplanted the former. During the 4th century, Christian bishop Ulfilas (c. 311-82) translated the Gospel of Mark from Greek to Gothic and coined the phrase haiþno, which translates to "gentile woman." Variants of haiþno became extensively used in various Germanic languages, including the Old English hǣþen, whence derives the Modern English term heathen.
One often cited theory is that this phrase refers to things that are "of the heath"—it is conceivable that Ulfilas was intentionally invoking the notion of rurality that he felt was contained in the Latin term pagan. The Latin term gentilis (Modern English: "gentile") also occurred in Christian texts to characterise persons who did not worship the God of Abraham, which is separate from the term's now recognised sense of "non-Jewish."
Terms like heathen aimed to create a clear binary separation between Christians, who viewed themselves as holding doctrinal truth, and everyone else, who they believed lived in mistake. Nonetheless, while the label paganism was largely applied to individuals who did not worship the God of Abraham, its use may be wide. For example, the word was employed in the context of sectarian war among Christians. Following the Reformation in the sixteenth century, many Protestants accused the Roman Catholic Church of being pagan due to its devotion of saints and complex rites.
Between the 15th and 19th centuries, Christian Europeans expanded into new territories in the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Australasia. In these nations, they found a wide range of religious traditions that were not dedicated to the God of Abraham and were frequently labelled as pagan or heathen. The many traditions of the Indian subcontinent, now commonly known as Hinduism, were formerly labelled "Hindoo paganism" by 19th-century British authors. Christian missionary initiatives were frequently attempted over the world to convert non-Abrahamic peoples, with different degrees of success.
Changes were visible by the second part of the twentieth century. Growing worries about Eurocentrism and racial discrimination, combined with the promotion of ecumenism and the interfaith movement, have led to a decline in the usage of the labels paganism and pagan by many Christians. However, it has not completely faded from the Christian language. These phrases are still used by certain Christian organisations who have little interest for amicable connections with non-Abrahamic religions.
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thewitcheslibrary · 16 days
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Loki Aesthetic
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