thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
Unravel me
Your storms toss me back and forth.
New life be damned,
I am the leftover of a winter frost.
Tear me down.
Make way
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
Let me fall to pieces in your palm.
Allow me to be at my weakest.
I am a branch in a tornado
Begging for your roots to hold me to place.
The winds of change are tearing to me to pieces.
And all I need is permission.
Let me fall into the peace you once provided.
The shelter from the storm.
I am falling so very swiftly,
Catch me before I crash.
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
The Heat of Living
There is a fire of grief burning in my heart.
I can feel the wheel of life unraveling beneath my feet.
There is so much,
More than I could have ever imagined,
And there is no escape.
I run frantically from the burning of my soul,
Tears failing to quench its relentless thirst.
Someone dial 911
For I am afire with the heat of living.
Save me,
Before I hold nothing but ash.
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
King of Hearts
It’s one in the morning and I am falling down the rabbit hole once more.
I’m Alice lost in the King of Hearts.
Do you see me in the cloak of night?
My heart a lamp in the moonlight.
I am watching the seconds drip off the ever-ticking clock.
Let me wind back the minutes, the hours.
Come to Wonderland with me.
Unlock the door to destiny
And let us swim in a sea of tears.
Wide awake I beg for sleep.
Just to dream of you once more…
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
But I'd Rather You Be Mean
Don’t play games with my fragile heart
There’s a warrior in my soul
That is fighting for us.
With every harsh word,
With every glance of resentment,
I fight for forever.
I asked you to marry me once.
In the quiet of the deep night.
I was so certain.
But now we stand on the frontlines of battle.
And I know I am clinging to what is no longer there.
But I’d rather you be mean,
Than be nothing at all…
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
There’s a someday that has nothing to do with him.
Hidden down tree-lined trails, dappled sunlight,
We are waiting to be found.
I walk in the Colorado wilderness
A stream bubbling in the distance.
And I look for you in the sunbeams
That fall on the lush ground.
Someday I will find you in a place like this.
The mystery of the forest.
The mystery of true love.
Find me because I am searching.
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
The Blooming of My Heart
There is a light blooming in my heart.
Once there was a chasm in my soul,
A longing I could not fill.
But slowly I’m learning what love really is.
As the sun opens up the petals of a flower,
Your illuminating smile is warming my frigid spirit.
Let my roots be firmly planted.
Never let me falter again,
I was once the longing.
Now I am the chosen.
I was once the seeking.
Now I am the found.
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
The Fallen Meteor
There’s a crater in the middle of my house that obliterated our sense of security in a single blinding moment. She is a meteor capable of unimagined power and danger. She used to dance in our sky, a beautiful light tracing across our field of vision. But now she has left us with ash and insecurity. Oh how we tried everything to keep her flying. We stretched our arms to the heavens and cried out to the sky. Oh darling meteor, let your orbit never fail again. Light up the sky again and we will pick up the pieces of the crash landing. Let us plant you securely in your heavenly suspension once again. You, evidence of God’s perfect design, let us prove to you once again that you can light up the night sky. We will cradle your smoking remains and rekindle the flame that we know burns from your ashen body. We will ignite your spirit and watch you soar once more. Darling meteor, rise from this destruction and never fall again.
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
What Do I Do?
There’s a bullet hole somewhere in my stomach.
And every time I think about you it churns,
Shifting, growing.
There’s lead fragments in my lungs.
And every time I breathe
They rattle and shake.
Oh how our actions are a delicate matter.
Full of fallout, weaponized in a most sinister way.
You, dearest one, blessed with a smile and a laugh,
Things that should never be hidden away,
You have caused an explosion of
Desperation and “what do I do’s?”
Come back to us dearest one.
And absorb the damage with that magical smile.
I know it’s still there somewhere.
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
Bone Crush
Let me watch you tread the path away from me.
Farther and more beautiful you go.
The more unreachable the more unfathomable.
You were the ideal.
You were the dream.
Until you were the nightmare.
Let me hold your hand until it turns to ash.
Burn me with your resentment
Until the tears stream down my face
Onto the highway we shared….
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
The Flower Duet
There’s a harvest moon above the West Texas sky.
I can hear The Flower Duet emanating from the auditorium.
Lyrical phosphorescence unlike anything I have ever heard.
Your hand in mine as we stroll through the wet evening grass.
No one exists but you and I.
You and I and the gorgeous operatic tones from campus.
I am blessed to hear such sounds so foreign to my love-virgin ears.
And you are the grandmaster of ceremonies.
You induct me into the grandeur of opera, of love.
Never let me go, not until the final bow breaks.
Hold me until the highest of notes sings to the heavens.
I love you my dear.
No matter how much the beauty breaks.
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
Your hand.
There’s a sense of magic in the air.
As the water laps up against the bank of the trinity
And downtown gleams across the shore
I know that the past is nothing but light refracting on the surface.
We are the magic ones.
You are the one that wants me, right then, right there.
I want to be wanted by you and that is enough.
Drag me away into your own dreamland,
And let me forget about yesterday.
The December air cleanses my aching lungs.
We are full of promise,
If only I take your hand…
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
Light in the Water
Let me love you until the sun rises and the world wakes up.
Let me whisper all of my secrets as the night creeps across the sky.
We are the ones with the magic.
We know the incantations that will lead to forever and always.
Let me guide you to the mystic and elusive fairytale.
The happily ever after.
We are the lucky ones.
We are the blessed.
Let me show you how a heart can bloom and a hand can hold.
Dew drops on flower petals.
Sunshine on lakeshore waves.
We are the light in the water.
Sparkling on the ever-shifting surface.
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
Baby Don’t You Break My Heart Slow...
I was in love once. A bipolar on fire I fell for him. I moved my heart, my address, and my soul for him. I remember, towards the end, that I would walk around campus listening to Vonda Shepard or Sarah McLachlan and believe that life was magical. I would breathe in the west Texas foggy air and believe that we could salvage what was left. We were destined for each other and I would fight harder than I’d fought for anything else to make sure that destiny held true. I was the dreamer and he was the sun, pulling me closer and closer to getting burned. The bipolar fire, all consuming. It is said that people living with bipolar disorder feel stronger than others. I can now, after loving him, say that this is true. I have never felt more inspired, in love, devastated, and enraptured than when I was with the man that would destroy me. Past, present, and future. They are his and yet I alone know this. We will never be together again and yet to my bipolar mind, he never left. He is the car following me home. He is the knock at my front door. He is the sacred promise of happily never going to happen. We are lovers now and never more. So break my heart yesterday, today and tomorrow. I’ll be waiting...
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thewordsvolumetwo · 3 years
Songs from far away...
You can’t see my face anymore,
but I live on in your mind,
Erased but never forgotten.
I was yours until you chose to say goodbye.
And now, in a cold shower, I sing to you from far away.
I was yours once.
And that was enough.
That was all I never knew I needed.
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