theworkforjannah · 3 years
Umar ibn al-Khattab ‎رضي الله عنه said,
“When a man is careless with his deeds, he’ll be tested with grief in order to make up for this.”
[al-Hilyah v.1, p.71]
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theworkforjannah · 4 years
From Abu Hurairah [رضي الله عنه] who said that the Messenger of Allah [ﷺ] said: «ﻣَﺎ ﻣِﻦْ ﺩَﻋْﻮَﺓٍ ﻳَﺪْﻋُﻮ ﺑِﻬَﺎ ﺍﻟْﻌَﺒْﺪُ ﺃَﻓْﻀَﻞَ ﻣِﻦْ» ❝There is no supplication which a slave of Allah supplicates with, better than: «ﺍﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﺇِﻧِّﻲ ﺃَﺳْﺄَﻟُﻚَ ﺍﻟْﻤُﻌَﺎﻓَﺎﺓَ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﺪُّﻧْﻴَﺎ ﻭَﺍﻟْﺂﺧِﺮَﺓِ.» Allaahumma Inni Asaluka Al-Mu’aafaat Fee Duniya Wal Akhirah. ‘O Allah indeed I ask of You for peace and security in the Duniya and the Hereafter.'❞ [Silsilah Saheehah, (No. 1138)]
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theworkforjannah · 4 years
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theworkforjannah · 4 years
Even in the belly of the whale, there was hope.
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theworkforjannah · 5 years
Don’t listen to much Conspiracy Theories, it destroys ambitions.
Nowadays they are using conspiracy theories to make you feel like there is nothing you can do, someone els is in charge. And you feel like they got you in their hand and they can do what ever they wish.
That smells like Shirk right?
And thats not far-fetched, There are a lot of Muslims believing that they are traped and they have nothing they can do, and they only say: may Allah helps us, yes may Allah help us, but also start working towards change,
Learn from history, every single nation had a transgressor and a pharaon of their own, and they felt there is nothing they can do, but how did all those histories end? Everysingle time the Will of the People Won, so here is where conspiracy theories come to play, they wanna destory that will, that ambition and make you feel like you are done just accept your fate and wait for God’s help.. we are not done!
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theworkforjannah · 5 years
Had the Qur'an not told us the story of Pharaoh, we would have learned and studied him as a hero, who drowned while pursuing terrorists,
And Pharaoh said, "Let me kill Moses and let him call upon his Lord. Indeed, I fear that he will change your religion or that he will cause corruption in the land.” - Qur’an (40:26)
An argument always repeated by the pharaohist mentality.
- Imam Halil Avdulli
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theworkforjannah · 5 years
“A friend is he who you can trust him your gun and your wife”.
My uncle’s advice for (who is a friend).
The meaning behind this:
In old times when people had to take long jurneys or at times of war, they had to leave their family members at the security of others sometimes family members but sometimes their neigbours or close friends and sometimes those journeys or wars took months and even years.
So your friend is he who you have full trust on him for you Wife and Gun.
Wife because if he isn’t loyal his nafs could owercome him and he would betray you.
Gun? Just 50 years ago if someone got killed it was really hard (kinda imposible) to find who did it, so it was really tough choise to stay unprotected, or to hand them your gun even for a brief second.
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theworkforjannah · 5 years
If the journey of this dunya was easy, sabr would not be one of the doors of Jannah.
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theworkforjannah · 5 years
Mos më jepni ilaq për trupin, mua më dhemb shpirti
Don’t give me medicine for my body, my soul hurts.
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theworkforjannah · 5 years
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theworkforjannah · 5 years
Sirat is passed in Dunya
Greatest advice I ever heard
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theworkforjannah · 5 years
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A boy fell in love with a girl.
He followed her every day to her school, he tried approaching her but she refused him, he was madly in love with her that he continued following her to her school and waited in front of the school till it finished then followed her back home.
He followed her for 4 years even tho he worked in another country he used to come back to Kosovo every-week just to see her at her school.
During one winter he couldn’t bare the cold so he bought chains ⛓ and threw them to the power lines and burned the cables of the school so he could meet her sooner, The whole school had to leave earlier.. He did this three times.
She refused him.. ٓ
He followed her so much that other students thought he was her brother.. Gifts wouldn’t change her mind. she would just throw those gifts in front of his eyes.
Every single week for 3 years straight he sent proposals to her family to marry her but she kept refusing him.
After a whole 8 years of waiting for her she finally said “Yes!” ٓ
When they married, she said, “I loved him from beginning but.. If I had accepted, my family would not have let me finish my studies.
But they had a short marriage,
8 years of waiting..
They were two years married only and then the war drew them apart,
He picked up the gun and ranked with the army.
The war was finally over, 20 years after she waited for her hero every single day to come back, wishing one day the knock on the door would be his. ٓ
The waiting hasn’t ended yet
This is my parent’s story.
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theworkforjannah · 6 years
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Imagine the Throne of Allah being brought by 8 angles right before your eyes. Your face being lit up by Nur infront of the entire world when your name gets called out.
Imagine Rizwan opening the doors of Jannah and tears of happiness rolling down your face because Jibreel Alaihi Salam personally knows your name. The malaika looking at you in awe for surviving this world of temptations.
To meet the Sahaba and see them patting your back and kissing your forehead for being able to make it to Jannah. Seeing Hazeat Maryam, Asiya, Khadija, Fatima beam(Smile) at you for the strength of Imaan you showed.
Imagine having a drink from Al-kausar with Rasul Allah and listening to his stories. Running around in Jannah and hearing the Azaan of Hazrat Bilal.
And finally to be able to be part of a gathering where Rasul Allah recites the Quran and Allah Subhana wa taa'alla takes off His hijab of Nur and addresses His Ibaad-ur-Rehman.
Just Imagine…. All this in return of a little patience, little endurance, a little battle within self, Just a little sacrifice for so much Heaven.
@workforjannah __________________________________________________ For more posts like this follow @workforjannah ❤️
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theworkforjannah · 6 years
The knowledge of Allah ﷻ
Snippet from: Milestones to appreciating Qadr/Divine Decrees - Ali Hammuda (Link).
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theworkforjannah · 6 years
A man saw himself dead in a dream, Look what the sheikh asnwered him.
A lesson for all of us.
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theworkforjannah · 6 years
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theworkforjannah · 6 years
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‎يا شاكيا هم الحياة وضيقها ابشر فربك قد أبان منهجا Oh you who has worries of this dunya, Glad tidings to you for your Lord has a solution, ٓ ‎من يتق الرحمن جل جلاله يجعل له من كل ضيق مخرجا Whoever fears the most Merciful exalted is He, He will make a way out for you. 🌹
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