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My First Post for the Year
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The Accountability Post
I shall refrain from calling it goals or resolutions so that I see how different my attitude will be this year to hold myself fully accountable to the things I wish for and act upon. 2018 already has that feel good factor which one can only hope stands the test of time.
I want to space out my plans into 3 trimesters so that I get to document my journey well and also put a significant amount of pressure on myself to not let up. I shall then divide them into daily tasks and/or habits.
My theme word for 2018 is Create.
1.Create Financial Freedom and Security
2. Create and maintain Healthy Lifestyle: Lose 10kgs, establish consistent routine for diet and fitness
3. Create time to expand my knowledge: Exhaust all my bookmarked Podcasts, Articles, Books, Docus, Ebooks
4. Create new strong relations, strengthen old ones
5. Create a work life family balance
6. Create more family memories: Go out more, First family vacation
7. Create space for a new Learn the Ropes System by completing the first one
8. Create fresh ideas with interior design and minimalism
9. Create a positive atmosphere around me
10. Create my Glo Up- Through Self Care and Personal time, regular self reflection
11. Create a platform for my visions: podcast and blog
12. Create solid intentions to tackle procrastination - Romanticising plans is cute but my vision is only a success when I put work into it
13. Create time for Six online Courses
14. Create Emotional and mental stability
15. Create habits that are meaningful and effective.
16. Create efficient systems to track all my goals and keep me in check
I have no choice but to ace this.
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End Year Musings
I know I know, it's been a year since I did this but let me tell you it was a year worth all my time energy emotions and most importantly Mandla. I love him, I love that he loves it here. I am that proud ftm mom who's been through it all this year but still looking forward to what's in store this coming year which is like an hour away...
The way 2017 was set up for me was nothing short of amazing. I saw it all the good the not so good... Looking back I would not change a thing. The lessons have been key. Watched my son hit all the possible milestones effortlessly, watched him change my life beyond imagination he has definitely been the highlight of my 2017. Motherhood has forced me to be in touch with some crazy emotions and feels.
Post partum anxiety was my downside, it hit me pretty hard but I shall conquer it someday. We moved towns, we survived. We even got engaged. The rest of my life is looking lit already and I can't wait to dig into 2018 and share the spoils with my persons. 
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Come Baby Come
So it seems my post on my surprise baby shower failed to upload. No biggie 😒 Aaaanyway I've been on a serious countdown. The D Day is fast approaching but in truth I've never seen days drag about like the ones that cover that 9th month. This is surely a mannequin challenge on drugs. Sleeping drugs. I feel like I've read everything there is to do with Pregnancy, Labor, delivery,' even Peuperium and beyond. Yet still Baby is not here. I've had all forms of False Labor (which freak me out and humble me at that time lol) yet still... at least Baby Mandla reassures me with his Kung Fu kicks and stretches that all is well, that Patience is a virtue, that I won't get enough of him once he steps out and that gives me great joy. One thing I've learned throughout this pregnancy is that you cannot know it all, you cannot do this all by yourself. Hence the best decision I made was to join as many mum groups as possible. Learning is continuous and knowing that there's always that mum out there who gets it, is calming and encouraging. So here we are still waiting, still hopeful, still excited for baby to Come.
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Best I've read today. Definitely looking for that one soothing song for little one now 😍
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So today I finally met him, Mandla. He is so cute adorable in every sense and had already attained his social smile. He cried yes but for the better part of our meet he was just calm, feasting on my breasticles which oddly were full of milk. Not colostrum, milk. I laughed with him. I held him so close. I shed unseen surreal tears. I proud he was mine. I am in love already. And the best part, the support I got from everyone I could think of. Amazing is the word I can only come up with for now. He's so active, so alive, so present. Except... it was all a dream
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Emotional Outbursts
My pregnancy has been quite a challenge. Right from the moment I knew I am with child. The joy, the panic, the stress…all of it. I am glad I seen it all. I’m 29 weeks currently and can’t wait to see what the big 30 holds for me. From what I hear and know, more fatigue, more weight, more insomnia, more anxiety, more hormones. I’m already knee deep into all types of emotions. One minute I am overjoyed just feeling the baby kicks, the next minute I am shedding unknown tears for the better part of the night. Today is one of those days. Despite his best efforts to want to cheer me up, I have decided that curling up in bed while dropping several tears instead of watching the stupid Luke Cage is what goals are made of. Ridiculous I know, but they say always blame it on the hormones. My morning started out real fine with 2km walk at the stadium. I was ready to conquer October but looks like somebody had other ideas. Frankly, I don’t think I should finish this post. It’s pointless. Happy October Strangers, ttys.
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Walked this path for the last 5 months. Met people from all walks of life.. in sickness and n good health. The Learning has been surreal. I take with me a lot of courage, compassion and knowledge. Can't wait for my next steps...
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modern love letters
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The Best Facts I Learned from Books in 2015
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Kathryn Schulz has gathered ten tidbits to celebrate the underrated literary pleasure of facts. Join the party on newyorker.com.
Illustration by Min Heo
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For when you just need to set loose. And be wild. And wilder
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