theyahem · 1 year
okay im logging out and this is now an archive of my teen yrs <3 peace and love
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theyahem · 1 year
i come here when i realize ive been trying to find a good YouTube video to watch for 10 minutes
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theyahem · 1 year
oh god this blog is embarrassing mmmmmaybe i shld delete it and try again another day
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theyahem · 1 year
"You can't be a lurker on tumblr." Yes, you absolutely can. I've been quietly reblogging things since 2014 and I haven't interacted with anyone in years.
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theyahem · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time Amy Acker's character died in the last season of a popular, trendsetting show, for shock value, only for her body to then be used by a god-like nonhuman entity for the rest of the episodes, allowing the morally gray main male character to find a measure of peace and redemption - in a way that is both upsetting and sexist (and occasionally homophobic), and stupidly brilliant and a philosophical punch in the gut - I'd have exactly two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
... Am I doing this meme right?
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theyahem · 1 year
now that reddit has died... here i am again... and now every blog i used to follow has since changed users and also is posting about completely different fandoms...
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theyahem · 5 years
i check in after almost a year and the shit that gets likes is just fandom stuff... guess that's my legacy. anyway peace out again ✌️
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theyahem · 6 years
Gonna go full white girl here for a moment
If I ask if a food is spicy at all, and you reply “No, not at all! You can barely feel it!” then that is a contradiction. It is spicy. It may not be very spicy, or even moderately spicy, but it’s still spicy. Please just tell me that straight-out.
I know there’s a good chance you’re mocking me in your head when I say that I cannot handle spices at all, and that even the mildest of sauces, that you insist are barely there, are going to hurt, because I’m mocking me too. I know I’ve got a child’s palate when it comes to spicy food. I know it’s almost laughable, how badly I react to even table pepper in more than the most minuscule of doses.
But if I ask “is this spicy,” and you answer “not at all,” and then proceed to tell me that it’s mild, then I will still consider it too spicy.
If I ask “is this spicy at all” and you say “no” while knowing that it is, just a tiny bit, because you can’t imagine anyone reacting, then please don’t be offended when I take one bite and then throw it out, because I asked for a reason.
It’s a dumb thing to talk about, but… yeah. Just do your cannot-handle-spices friends a favor and be honest when they ask. Mild is still a level of spice.
(This goes doubly for strangers, because if they have a digestive problem like, IDK, ulcers or something, then spicy food can irritate the stomach lining further and cause extreme pain. Some people claim that capsaicin can be used to treat ulcers, but you know… just play it safe, yeah?)
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theyahem · 6 years
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Good news!!!
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theyahem · 6 years
England people are so funny they always be saying. I’m not bovered
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theyahem · 6 years
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theyahem · 6 years
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theyahem · 6 years
okay i just had a bad epiphany but corporate interest’s influence on the internet is going to become so much stronger now that generations that are internet naturalized have grown up and starting working as “social media consultants”. advertising is going to become so much more subtle, manipulate your behavior to a greater extent, and completely pervade every aspect of our lives the more we rely on the internet for everything from entertainment to social validation. 
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theyahem · 6 years
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theyahem · 6 years
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theyahem · 6 years
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theyahem · 6 years
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