theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
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my face
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
I crack jokes a lot because I use humor to disguise the fact that I'm really sad. When I'm alone and that smile fades, everything comes crashing down around me and my depression becomes unbearable. I do stupid things. Sometimes I hurt myself. I just want to be happy. 
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
I chimed in with a “Haven’t you people ever heard of closing the gosh diddly darn door?”
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
If someone trusts you enough to talk to you about something that’s bothering them, forget about your own problems for a minute and hear them out. To you, their problems might not seem as “bad” as yours but it’s not a fucking contest. Everyone goes through shit and just needs someone to listen sometimes. And if you’re one of those people who tries to one-up them basically by telling them that what you’re going through is worse than what they’re going through then you’re a fucking shitty ass friend.
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
my everyday blogging routine
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
My 10-year-old cousin just came to me and said: “I have proof that One Direction is gay.” and then showed me this picture.
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  Yes. Proof. Thank you.
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
deaf people use sign language because actions speak louder than words
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
i need a job that pays at least 10,000 dollars an hour
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
if you try to call me “sweetie” or “honey” or “sweetheart” when we’re arguing may god help you because i will actually scratch your face off
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
4/5 doctors agree that ur a little bitch
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
This makes me feel really uncomfortable.
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theycallmelaners-blog · 11 years
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My best friend and I got matching tattoos tonight. Here’s mine.
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theycallmelaners-blog · 12 years
Why no one wants anything to do with me:
I’m fat.
I’m ugly.
I have trust issues.
I don’t know how to be close to anyone without pushing them away.
I don’t really have feelings. I’m indifferent, numb.
I don’t know how to act in social situations.
I just like to be alone sometimes and people don’t seem to understand that without getting offended. 
I’m painfully shy and it sometimes comes across as snobby.
I don’t know how to connect with anyone.
On the rare occasion that I do feel something, it’s so intense that I don’t know how to properly deal with it without practically bursting at the seams. 
Intimacy terrifies me.
I don’t know how to keep a conversation going.
It takes me a really long time to not be awkward around someone and  people usually give up on me before I get to that point.
I don’t know how to comfort people when they’re upset.
I just don’t know how to be someone that anyone wants.
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