theyurianalyst · 6 years
Kill La Kill: Mako and Ryuko’s date theory
In the end of Kill La Kill, Mako asks Ryuko out on a date (which I cried to) and Ryuko said yes, leading to the credits scene showing Ryuko, Mako, and Satsuki on a date.
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this is where things get trippy.
Notice how Satsuki’s hair is short in the date scene.
In the last scene of episode 24 before the credits, The Pervy guy (forgot his name) who’s dating the Mohawk guy (also forgot his name) said that they are going to clean up the mess from their battle because “Those girls have a date”, assuming they are going to go on their date the day after.
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After this scene, we assume they are talking about the date that is shown in the credits scene, but in the special OVA episode, Satsuki still has long hair meaning that the OVA episode takes place BEFORE the credits scene.
The special OVA episode starts off after the battle with Ragyo and shows everyone ready for graduation, but gets interrupted by Rei Hououmaru.
After all the commotion caused by Rei and the heartwarming ending between her and Satsuki “putting away her sword”, they evacuate the land by boat.
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Satsuki holds an official graduation for all of the students on the boat, and she presents her new self by cutting off her hair.
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Because the date scene in the end episode 24 already shows Satsuki’s hair cut off, I am pretty sure that Kill La Kill’s timeline is:
1) Episode 24
2) Special OVA Episode
3) Episode 24 credit scene
When the Pervy guy said that he was going to clean up after Ragyo’s battle because of the girls’ date, they were most likely going to go on their date within the 12 hours. With that, the OVA episode shows the Academy all cleaned up, meaning that the Pervy guy DID clean up the Academy just like he said because the girls was going to on a date, and the OVA episode definitely does not take place within 12 hours after the last episode of Kill La Kill.
It might be a long stretch here, but the date shown in the credits scene was not the date Mako was asking Ryuko out on, but possibly their second date.
If my theory is correct, Mako and Ryuko already went on their first date, alone, and by the OVA episode, they are practically dating.
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In conclusion, Mako and Ryuko went on (at least) two dates by the end of Kill La Kill and I’m currently crying. Trigger sure loves their lesbians (*´∇`*)
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theyurianalyst · 6 years
Shoujo Ais are such a tease
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First, we have the pokes on the cheek
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And then the Bumblebee-Hand-Grab
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And Natsuki and Yuuko.
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There’s also this, but I don’t think I need to explain this one because obviously Kanan and Mari are gay and in love with each other.
There are much more instances where such great anime tease us with our otps. It’s pretty obvious they’re gay and in love with each other.
*Queue scissors joke*
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Welp the year of 2018 is half way done and almost over, so now I guess we wait for the new seasons to come out and see how they tease us more with our favorite otps :)
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334 notes · View notes
theyurianalyst · 6 years
My favorite shoujo ai/yuri animes
Konohana Kitan
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Princess Principal
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Little Witch Academia
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To be continued…
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theyurianalyst · 6 years
My favorite shoujo ai/ yuri anime (Part 2)
Love Live! School Idol Project
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Love Live! Sunshine!
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Omg I’m crying. I haven’t seen this yet^ (I know I know how dare I not finish the show. Spare me)
Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic
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Akuma no Riddle
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To be continued…
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