thg-rcg-simps · 7 days
Somebody saw Mithra from Xenoblade and thought "Let's copy paste that into my game! But make her have dark hair otherwise it would be too obvious. Also keep the name. Nobody will notice!"
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
Also no, I don't get Food Fantasy one bit, I'm simply clicking buttons and am massively overwhelmed with pretty much everything, but the art looks super pretty, so I keep going lol
-RikkaCatGirl (Okami Imōto-chan)
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thg-rcg-simps · 8 days
I'm really in love with Hoyo's character designs (this may or may not be because I'm a rather simple girl that likes traumatised cool looking characters), but I have one question;
Why do you love belts so much Hoyo???
Like I get it, belts are cool, but why does pretty much every character have a dozen of them?
Do you known how much you complicate the life of cosplayers (as myself)??
I just want to cosplay Clara or Huohuo or Bailu or Acheron or Serval or Lynx or basically anyone, but the belts cost would probably kill me lol
(okay true, this in fact is a me problem since I'm pesky and want to make my cosplay myself and way to detailed, but still)
Why Hoyo, WHY??
-RikkaCatGirl (& TakumiHairGuy)
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thg-rcg-simps · 11 days
Happy pride month!
Here is a collage with (some) of my most favourite (LGBTQ+) characters and ships!
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
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thg-rcg-simps · 14 days
Happy birthday to our lovely sweet Lillith girl!
Enjoy another year being the Misty (to Momo) of Miraland and live through another confusing timeline of magic and mysteries.
Let's also headcanon it somehow that she celebrates it with her dad and is the happy bean she deserves to be!
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I do fancy the ship/relationship she and Noah have but I can't deny that it often feels like she also simps quite much for our pink haired protagonist.
But besides the point, Bobo is great and I have a soft spot for her ^^
-RikkaCatGirl (Okami Imōto-chan)
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thg-rcg-simps · 15 days
Mermaid Story Event!
It's here, it's here, it's here!!!
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
Do I like story Events a little much? Maybe
But c'mon, can you blame me? The art is gorgeous!
(Spoilers for said Event)
Even tho it's super short (sadly), it's just such a cute Event, I love it!
I mean we got my girly Debbie, which I always adore when we get the chance to see more of. She is just straight up adorable!
But nothing else (as usual) is straight.
The story about the pirate Filda and the mermaid Lofn that become best friends despise their differences, both in land and time?
Hello, this screams forbidden love. (The great lesbian kind)
They are "best friends", sure, Paper Games, keep trying to cover up your lgbtq+ shipps with very shitty excuses. Nobody belives them anyways, lol.
Sometimes I really wonder if they realise that the amount of straight ships in this fandom is so little I forget most of them half the time, because the game(s) just naturally focus on all the gayness (it's mostly lesbianism really, but let's not forget Shade and Orlando, because those two are honey on my wounds)
Anyways, great Event, little more story next time please ^^
-RikkaCatGirl (Okami Imōto-chan)
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thg-rcg-simps · 16 days
Boothil is here!
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
While we're not quite sure if he is so much our case to simp over, he still is an absolutley amazing physical DPS dealer.
Don't get us wrong, his character design looks absolutely amazing! (I promise it's not just cause we're obsessed with cyberpunk)
He's also not lacking a traumatic backstory, as well as being a morally grey character.
And he has white gradient hair.
But I don't know, something about his personality so far just...rubs us the wrong way? There is just not that sparkle of "you're my husbando", as with our bois.
Nonetheless, we honestly consider maybe going for him, cause, he is a total bullet in battle.
-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
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thg-rcg-simps · 16 days
So, I manage to squish the four games (Love Nikki, Shinning Nikki, Food Fantasy, Mr Love) onto my devices. I had to split them up (two on each), since I couldn't manage to get all four to coexist on either tablet or phone. But hey, it worked, so I don't complain.
However, this post will mainly be about Mr Love, since I still haven't figured out Food Fantasy besides "Oh look, pretty animes girls (and boys) as food!", and the other two I basically play since launch ^^''
I love how, if you played Love Nikki enough, Mr Love will feel like home XD
This includes the super pretty art, the well known graphics for stamina, gold, interface, ect., the detailed eyes, the main protagonist that is kinda fixed, the relaxing music, the vonky Translation, the confusing (dark) story plot, the simpable characters,...
Also you find a ton of Easter eggs from LN in it, especially our favourite talking kitty! I love it!
So it's basically Love Nikki, minus Miraland, lesbianism and plus dating options. A very solid and entertaining game so far and I really enjoy it ^^
And if you spend enough time in your life on Wattpad, you'll find yourself questioning if this is a HS FF or actually a pretty game from your favourite developers XD
However, what I don't enjoy as much is Lucien.
And you can try whatever you want, this dude just screams "I'm a creepy psychopathic serial killer" to me and till now every interaction I had with this "gentleman", scared the crap out of me.
I just can't get over him. He's not mysterious to me or a Genius, much more someone that wants to lure me to an abandoned alley to harvest my organs and stitch my hollow body up to dance with it.
He is creepy, and I don't really want to fancy him.
I can get over Victors "I'm cold and totally not a copy of Christan Grey" attitude but Lucien? Sorry I would just rather keep my distance. I don't trust you (yet).
But the game doesn't let me "listen to my instincts" as this charming gentleman adviced me to (and believe me, I tried)
I guess I have to have a date with him then?
(Also, to prove I'm a real cat girl (because as we all know, only personality test in an otome game can truly see someone's colours)):
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I wouldn't call myself egoistic, much more shy and scared for my life at a daily basis, but what do I know XD
Wish me luck to not get murdered, or worse!
-RikkaCatGirl (Okami Imōto-chan)
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thg-rcg-simps · 17 days
How do I just now find out that Paper games and Elex made an otome game with amazing art??
Like, WUT??!
And it looks like Love Nikki??
I just pray to Madoka that my Tablet will let me download it, I torture it with way to many catcha games for my inner child. So please let me have it!
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I mean look at it!
I'm just such a sucker for their art, have to tell hihi
-RikkaCatGirl (Okami Imōto-chan)
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thg-rcg-simps · 18 days
Happy Birthday to our favorite, way too serious, designer from Apple!
(And Nikkis Girlfriend, hehe)
And yeah, I know I'm one week to late, but let's just pretend it's the 20th and we all just celebrate the wonderful day where this wonderful girly was born. To her absolutley amazing mother, Lunette. Yay ^^
She deserves only the best!
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
Also yes, I refuse to ship her with absolutley anyone else but Nikki, you can't change my mind.
-RikkaCatGirl (Okami Imōto-chan)
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thg-rcg-simps · 18 days
How to be Qingque (a guide):
Be scared of your boss
Annoy the crap out of said boss whenever they get the pleasure to see you
Simp a little for your boss but make it like nobody knows if this is you showing affection or just being silly
Be so good at your job that nobody knows how you got it (or kept it)
NEVER be seen at your work at workhours
Chaotic evil
Be really good at one hobby and one hobby alone (bonus points if it's Celestial Jade)
Assure that you spend more time with your hobby than your job
Throw jade tiles at people (you despise)
Wonder where all your money went by the end of your month because you only gambled like 98% away
Be that good at your slacking off that people would think you're a ghost when you show up in your work
Be small in stature
Love food
Laugh at your own jokes
Belittle main characters that actually have to save the world where you can relax
Be one of the rare people in your friend group that doesn't want to die because of their very traumatic backstories
Laugh when you see a child getting hurt
Have well hidden manners
Quircky (but like in real not cringey)
Be an over overqualified cat that somehow pretended they are a human so well they need to work now and can't just play Celestial jade all day long
Enjoy the title of one of our favorites charackters
Go to the doctor for a food perscription
Happily watch the world burn
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
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thg-rcg-simps · 19 days
*us farming in the Simulated Universe*
*Fuli freezing enemies to ensure that it's never their turn*
Imōto-chan (rcg): "Fuli is indeed cool"
Oniisan (thg): *slight chuckle*
Imōto-chan (rcg): "Which leaves the question, who is hot then?"
Oniisan (thg): *simply raises one eyebrow*
Imōto-chan (rcg): "Yeah, fair, mommy Himeko"
-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
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thg-rcg-simps · 22 days
The pinnacle of our day was to watch a girl get stalked and threatened by a piano which an evil Beethoven possessed in order to kill the girl with it's tortures tunes and before this happens, her dead lesbian mother has to posses a very Catholic girl that absolutely doesn't simp for her daughter in order to lock evil Beethoven into a metronome. Oh and also the PJ's of the younger brother of said protagonistic girl are gay.
Needless to say, our day was amazing XD
(aka we will die cause of this anime lol)
Also I don't think the Piano was only possessed by the evil musician that wanted to kill someone again, I think the Piano actually is just a stalker that wanted to date the girl and being creepy while doing so XD
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(GS: EP 4)
-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
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thg-rcg-simps · 22 days
Me, when I found out that I have to spend multiple hundred diamonds to progress with the side story/dreams of Zhu Yuxian and Chloris:
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I love you Love Nikki, but Frick you, I mean I'll pay but I'm not happy with it -.-
-RikkaCatGirl (Okami Imōto-chan)
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thg-rcg-simps · 22 days
Another Takumi hair boi (suit) in our collection <3
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-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
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thg-rcg-simps · 23 days
I have a life, I promise (this is in fact a lie)
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(The picture in fact is mine lol)
-RikkaCatGirl (Okami Imōto-chan)
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thg-rcg-simps · 23 days
We got the shoes!!!
But they are the shoes now!
So Bladie the Cinderella story can now begin!
-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
*us farming for Bladies speed shoes*
*us continuously don't get them*
Oniisan (thg): "C'mon! I want speed shoes! I get shoes but not the right one!"
Imōto-chan (rcg): "The average woman's closet s problems"
Oniisan (thg): "Shut it, Clara needs any shoes but he needs speed shoes, and I. Just. Can't. Get. Them!"
Please RMG gods (caugh, Lain), grant us finally those shoes so he can be not only simpeble and smashable, but also pretty much built out.
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
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thg-rcg-simps · 23 days
*us farming for Bladies speed shoes*
*us continuously don't get them*
Oniisan (thg): "C'mon! I want speed shoes! I get shoes but not the right one!"
Imōto-chan (rcg): "The average woman's closets problems"
Oniisan (thg): "Shut it, Clara needs any shoes but he needs speed shoes, and I. Just. Can't. Get. Them!"
Please RMG gods (caugh, Lain), grant us finally those shoes so he can be not only simpeble and smashable, but also pretty much built out.
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(Art doesn't belong to me)
-TakumiHairGuy & RikkaCatGirl
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