thiinspos · 6 years
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approx 16lbs difference
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thiinspos · 6 years
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Ig: scumtier
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thiinspos · 6 years
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thiinspos · 6 years
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478K notes · View notes
thiinspos · 6 years
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“Why does tragedy exist? Because you are full of rage. Why are you full of rage? Because you are full of grief” - taken from Anne Carson’s “Tragedy: A Curious Art Form”
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thiinspos · 6 years
How do you politely tell someone “shut the fuck up and let me starve myself in peace”?
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thiinspos · 6 years
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58K notes · View notes
thiinspos · 6 years
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73 notes · View notes
thiinspos · 6 years
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178K notes · View notes
thiinspos · 6 years
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70K notes · View notes
thiinspos · 6 years
some days im like “i havent eaten in 19 hours and im feelin fine”
and then some days im like “im on my ninth muffin and only the power of god can stop me” 
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thiinspos · 6 years
Really in the mood to buy a plane ticket now and disappear somewhere far away and never come back
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thiinspos · 6 years
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will I be prettier if I try hard enough
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thiinspos · 6 years
My fav thing is looking really hot in front of people who once made me feel like shit about my appearance
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thiinspos · 6 years
starves —-> feels like shit.
eats —-> feels like shit. 
exists —-> feels like shit. 
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thiinspos · 6 years
I’ve been talking to this guy for about 6 weeks and he really REALLY likes me, and I like him a lot too. But he’s bipolar and told me that he needs to work on some shit before things get serious and it’s rough as hell. He doesn’t know how to be happy alone, he hasn’t been single since he was 15 and he told me on the days he doesn’t see me he’s miserable. If I take too long to text back he gets anxious and depressed. I wholeheartedly support him getting better and working on himself because it’ll be SO good for him in the long run, but we have this system set up where we only text to check in like once a week and see how the other is doing. So it’s basically a no contact rule because if we talk everyday he’s obsessing over it. It’s ass. And I know it’s selfish of me to be sad, but I miss hanging with him hella and I think he misses me too. I’m scared I’m gonna get my heart broken.
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thiinspos · 6 years
The world is a little happier with you in it.
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