things4teens · 1 year
Dear people living on your own for the first time:
Here’s some advice I wasn’t told from the myriad of posts before that I wish I’d been given before
Wash the OUTSIDE of your pots and pans as well as the cooking surface. I’ve had a few roommates now who have only cleaned the inside and I’ve had to replace a $150 set of cookware twice.
“its only one time, how bad could using metal on nonstick cookware really be?” very bad. don’t do this.
Buy a rice cooker. Buy the middle tier rice cooker. Cheap ones will burn your rice, high tier ones are too expensive. Rice is good and cheap and, really, you don’t actually have to wash it if you don’t care about making gourmet food.
Buy band-aids. You don’t think you need band-ads until you need a band-aid, and by then it’s too late. (if you don’t follow this advice, a paper towel and some tape is an acceptable solution while you go get real bandages and neosporin)
You are on tumblr, which means you probably spend most of your time in one spot on a computer or phone. if this spot doesn’t have a trash can in arm’s reach, put one there.
 I spent 4 years piling trash on my desk in increasingly precarious ways until I had a designated area to put it. Trash cans can and should go anywhere there is a frequent generation of trash, typical locations be damned.
If you live with one or two roommates, discuss placing empty boxes in the back of your fridge and freezer. You probably don’t need all the space that the standard 5-person-family fridge provides, and tupperware will be shoved back there and left to stink up the entire appliance.
Get a wall calendar, put it somewhere communal, and have everyone put their household-relevant schedules on it. Communication is by far the weakest link with roommates (even good ones!) and having something to reference for appointments is always good
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things4teens · 1 year
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Way to go dad!!
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things4teens · 1 year
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things4teens · 2 years
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things4teens · 2 years
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POV: mister Devon Price, PhD, telling me that I am right about everything
Source: Unmasking Autism, discovering the new faces of neurodiversity
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things4teens · 2 years
It seems like there's more positivity on Tumblr than other platforms (*cough*Twitter*cough*). Like, you can say "I love you, bestie." without anyone calling you corny or childish.
Y'know what? Reblog this to let your besties know you love them.
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things4teens · 2 years
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things4teens · 2 years
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things4teens · 2 years
Everything is like “QUEER history” and “List of QUEER young adult books” or “Top 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.
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things4teens · 2 years
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This campaign defies censorship in social media to raise awareness for early detection of breast cancer
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things4teens · 2 years
Something I would just like to say...
   There is a veery special place in hell for parents who reduce all their teenager’s struggles, mental illnesses and mental health problems to - “IT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE ALWAYS ON THAT DAMN PHONE”
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things4teens · 2 years
For my boys who will be starting T
so when they said that T gives you acne they did not mean just on your face but also apparently your entire upper body. what am i supposed to do with shoulder blade pimples exactly?? thanks for nothing, androgen receptors
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things4teens · 2 years
Bit of humor for Christmas but boundaries are important
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My standards are high.
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things4teens · 2 years
Honestly, nothing made me angrier than when I learned that you are supposed to gain weight during female puberty.
You're supposed to get thick around the middle, you're supposed to get baby fat. You're developing tits, which are basically just fat, you're developing wider hips, which require more fat— it's literally just how female puberty works, you get fat around the middle in your early teens and and then your body moves that fat later on to the places it needs to go.
You're supposed to develop curves. "Curvy" isn't just "a nice word for fat" like I genuinely thought in my teens, it's literally just how your body is meant to be shaped. Afab people naturally store more fat.
(For the record, there's nothing wrong with being actually fat either, and some people's bodies are just meant to be shaped that way. Being fat doesn't necessarily mean you're unhealthy. Just in general, fat isn't inherently bad.)
Faces as well. Like not just for afab people, but people's faces are naturally rounder in their teens and early twenties, and naturally change and gain definition later on. Like this is why "baby-faced" is a thing— young people's faces look different.
(The reason the young people on TV don't look like that, fyi, is because most of the young people on TV are played by 30 year old actors.)
Nobody ever told me this growing up. I used to do fucking exercises in front of the mirror as a teen to try and make my face thinner, because I was so self-conscious about my cheeks being chubby and my face being round, and then years later I found out that that was fucking normal, that that's just what young people's faces fucking look like…
I've posted about this before, but genuinely, we need better education about puberty in schools. Like conversations like this always centre on sex ed specifically, and obviously that's important, but honestly it would have saved me so much heartache growing up if somebody had sat me down and told me exactly what was going to happen to my body, rather than just sticking to the basic 'pubes, periods and tits' talk that seems to be all schools actually want to cover.
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things4teens · 2 years
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This whole thread is full of people who started their periods at ages like 8 and 9, and they really wish they had a movie like Turning Red at that age, so they wouldn't have felt so weird about their normal bodies.
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things4teens · 2 years
Don't sext random people, besides ya know pedos, a lot of people don't! want do the illegal
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things4teens · 2 years
Period Bag:
Get you a make up bag, something you can put in your locker/bag
Pads: even if you don't use them, a friend might, plus you never know
Tampons: read above
Midol: you're gonna be in pain, do not have out of official packaging, get a small one
Tea bags: if you can get hot water, it'll be helpful
Emergency underwear: in case of bleed throughs
A mini spritz bottle of hydrogen peroxide: clean ups
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