thisdamsideblog · 4 years
clarisse and percy have a unique relationship journey that goes
enemies -> rivals -> friends who pretend to still be rivals for drama 
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
He also implements this at Camp Half-Blood, but he finds a way to use their powers too in the games they play and stuff. No one has ever been more in water at Camp Half-Blood than in this time period.
Also, to add on from later; he finds he really like to be an instructor/coach/trainer, so when he goes to college/start working, he takes a couple of swim instructor courses and teaches small kids to swim on the side. He loves the job because kids are always so innocent and say funny stuff, and he likes playing with them, but it also reminds him of a simpler time when his love for water was just that - a love for water without any connection to his father or being a demigod.
He’s every kid’s favourite instructor, and all the kids in the wardrobe whisper excitedly about what he’s like and how good he is at splashing (because he definitely has splashing competitions with them, and he may or may not use a little bit of his powers).
In Norway, we have this thing called “Vill i Vann” (Wild in Water) which is lessons where you don’t just do swimming, or diving etc. but you do all the water sports, and its aim is to let kids and teenagers have fun in water without the pressure of competing or committing to one thing. 
Now, imagine Percy in high school (after the war with Gaia obvs) hearing people talk about how they would like to swim, but they just didn’t feel very good at it, and they didn’t want that embarrassment, and they didn’t really want to just swim back and forth for two hours every day (because that is really what swimming is). And he gets so upset because obviously, he loves water, and he wants everyone to love it just as much as he does. So he starts taking driving lessons and studies all the rules for Waterpolo and makes sure he researches enough and get enough competence to start his own club in school just for this (and Annabeth helps him, excited by how he finally seems to be interested in something school-related)
He makes a PowerPoint to show to the people who decide if he can start a club or not and practices in front of Annabeth and Sally and Paul, and Paul comes with pointers of what he thinks he should add because he knows these people and he’s had to hold presentations like this in front of them before. 
And he gathers signatures from people in school, and a ridiculous amount of people sign just because he’s Percy Jackson and he’s handsome and really sweet so he deserves this. 
And because of all the support he gets, the school board (or whoever decides if you can start a new club, idk American school systems) approves, so it’s go-time for Percy. And the day before he’s so nervous and Annabeth have to coax him into not dropping out at the last second. 
“What if no one shows up?”
“They will show up, Percy, everyone has shown nothing but support for you!”
“But what if I’m not good enough? What if I don’t know enough?”
“Seaweed Brain, I have never seen you study as much or as hard as you have for this. You mutter the water polo rules in your sleep! You’ve got this.”
Of course, a lot of people show up the first day, because again, it’s Percy Jackson and a ton of girls would like to see him without a shirt on. The group does get smaller after a while, but those who stay are those who at first was skeptical to water, but turned when trying to do stuff in this low-pressure, meant to have fun, group.
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
In Norway, we have this thing called “Vill i Vann” (Wild in Water) which is lessons where you don’t just do swimming, or diving etc. but you do all the water sports, and its aim is to let kids and teenagers have fun in water without the pressure of competing or committing to one thing. 
Now, imagine Percy in high school (after the war with Gaia obvs) hearing people talk about how they would like to swim, but they just didn’t feel very good at it, and they didn’t want that embarrassment, and they didn’t really want to just swim back and forth for two hours every day (because that is really what swimming is). And he gets so upset because obviously, he loves water, and he wants everyone to love it just as much as he does. So he starts taking driving lessons and studies all the rules for Waterpolo and makes sure he researches enough and get enough competence to start his own club in school just for this (and Annabeth helps him, excited by how he finally seems to be interested in something school-related)
He makes a PowerPoint to show to the people who decide if he can start a club or not and practices in front of Annabeth and Sally and Paul, and Paul comes with pointers of what he thinks he should add because he knows these people and he’s had to hold presentations like this in front of them before. 
And he gathers signatures from people in school, and a ridiculous amount of people sign just because he’s Percy Jackson and he’s handsome and really sweet so he deserves this. 
And because of all the support he gets, the school board (or whoever decides if you can start a new club, idk American school systems) approves, so it’s go-time for Percy. And the day before he’s so nervous and Annabeth have to coax him into not dropping out at the last second. 
“What if no one shows up?”
“They will show up, Percy, everyone has shown nothing but support for you!”
“But what if I’m not good enough? What if I don’t know enough?”
“Seaweed Brain, I have never seen you study as much or as hard as you have for this. You mutter the water polo rules in your sleep! You’ve got this.”
Of course, a lot of people show up the first day, because again, it’s Percy Jackson and a ton of girls would like to see him without a shirt on. The group does get smaller after a while, but those who stay are those who at first was skeptical to water, but turned when trying to do stuff in this low-pressure, meant to have fun, group.
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
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Late Happy New Year!
Yeah . . . I drew another comic book based on pjo meme!
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
kronos: I'm gonna overthrow the gods
some 12 year old with adhd:
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
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Bro stop making me think abt percabeth i’ll cry
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
Percy: Annabeth has these insanely strong opinions on everything. Go on, ask her a thing no one should ever have an opinion on.
Piper: Hey, Annabeth, what’s the worst multiple of four?
Annabeth: Twelve, obviously.
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
Every day I think about how to shut me up from whining about how I had finished the Harry Potter series and I would never find anything better than that, my parents found The Lightning Thief on iBooks and bought it to me, thinking that would help.
I mean, it shut me up. For five years, because I kept my head in the books, just reading all the time. Literally, no one was able to contact me...
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
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the lightning thief is near and dear to my heart
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
Beating Hearts | Leo Valdez
WC: 1.3K
Summary: You were supposed to help Leo with his homework, but he can’t concentrate and you can’t concentrate and so you go for a walk.
Genre: High School AU
Warnings: None XD
Fluff | Smut | Angst
A/N: Hello, I decided to write something, so here it is :) Also, although it wouldn’t really be applicable here, I found out there are extensions on Google Chrome that can change out Y/N in text to a name of your choosing, which is really cool if you read x reader fics often! Just a tip for ya :)
«You have something in your hair…»
I sighed in annoyance and let one hand rake through my hair, not really thinking much about it.
«Seriously, do you want me to get it out?» Leo asked, already leaning over the table with his hand out, more focused with this than what we were actually doing.
I swatted his hand away. «No, Leo, please just focus! If you don’t get a C or better on this test, they won’t let me tutor you anymore!» I exclaimed.
He fell back in his seat with his hands up in surrounder, but his eyes didn’t leave my head. I tried to brush my fingers through my hair again, but it apparently didn’t work.
«I’ll concentrate as soon as you don’t have that stuff stuck in your hair. Here, just let me…» He leaned over the table again reached his hand towards my face.
I stiffened, feeling the familiar rush of butterflies making my head dizzy.
He plucked something out of my hair, his fingers lightly brushing over my cheeks and effectively making my heart skip a beat. I let out a breath, feeling like tingly mess as his very brown, very warm eyes gazed into mine. His hand rested at my cheek for a split second, but that was enough. My heartbeat was the only sound in the busy library, and I felt the irrational fear that it would beat out of my chest.
«Sorry,» Leo whispered when he sat down again.
I forced a smile and shook my head, trying to come back to the library, instead of the dreamscape I had briefly escaped to.
My eyes returned to the familiar page, the same we had been for the last half hour, and I tried to regain my posture. Maybe I should just let him fail that test. At least then he wouldn’t get a tutor who couldn’t have him within two feet before she combusted in a gathering of butterflies.
I glanced up at him, and his eyes were on the roof above us, his hands seemingly doing something without his knowledge. Tinkering with some metal scraps I hadn’t even seen he had brought up.
«Leo,» I said, softly.
His eyes snapped over to mine.
I knew when he got like that, there was no point in trying to teach him anything. It wasn’t him being rude, he truly didn’t have control over his mind wandering, so I never yelled or scolded him for it. Plus, I knew that so many teachers never understood how he worked, and he had gotten yelled at before, something that he still carried with him.
«I need to get some fresh air, and I think you need to get your body moving a little bit. Want to go for a walk?»
He grinned that smile that made all the other girls retract in disgust, but made me swoon, and then he swiped all of his stuff down in his bag and slung it on his back. It made me wince how little care he had for his stuff, at school stuff, and made sure to make a point of packing my books and pens down in my bag carefully.
He threw his arm over my shoulder, his spirits now a little more up. I felt my heartbeat just a tiny bit faster and was glad he couldn’t hear it.
Outside it was snowing, and I shuddered from the cold, regretting not taking my warm jacket with me. Whether it was a conscious choice or him just not thinking about it, I was not sure, but he shuffled closer to me, and the heat radiating from him was enough to warm me up. That boy never got cold.
I looked up at him. He didn’t notice, his eyes fixed on the horizon, which gave me a chance to really see him. See how the snowflakes fell down and got stuck in his dark curls, how his breath came out in small and short bursts like he was hyperventilating, how his jaw was tense. Something was bothering him, but I didn’t want to push him to tell what. If he wanted to talk about it, he would do it. At least he was predictable in that way.
The restless wandering around New York City seemed to help because as the time went on he became calmer. He still had that look in his eyes, like he had drunken three jugs of strong coffee, but that was always there.
He was beautiful under the city lights. I really couldn’t understand how he never got a girlfriend, because he really did look handsome. Maybe not in a conventional way, but in a way that made him interesting and not just like everyone else. Or maybe I was just biased. I had once read that once you fall for someone, they automatically look more beautiful because the endorphins released when seeing them make everything look nicer.
He was more silent now than you had ever heard him before. He was usually a rambling mess, never able to sit still or be silent.
«Everything okay?»
He looked down at me, almost surprised, and then chuckled a tad bit awkwardly.
«Yeah, no, I was just thinking.»
I gasped loudly, stopping and looking at him with wide eyes. «What?» I gasped, my voice overly dramatic and shocked. I let my hands slap my cheeks as I said: «Leo Valdez thinking? Something must be incredibly wrong! Here, let me check…» I trailed off as I let one hand stretch up towards his forehead as if I was checking his temperature.
He caught my hand in his, though, and then he stared down in my eyes. Such warm, brown eyes, they reminded me of hot cocoa. It warmed me up, and I didn’t notice it, but as he tugged me closer, my nose filled up with the familiar scent of Axe body spray and burned wood - his signature smell. I warmed up completely like I had just drunk hot chocolate, and I could hear my heart beating again.
The air around us shifted, much like earlier today when his fingers stroked my cheek. My eyes were wide, but this wasn’t me joking around.
Leo didn’t say anything, but we both noticed the anticipation - the tension - laying heavily in the air. His face was so close to me now, and he had that wrinkle above his eyebrow that told me he was concentrated, his eyes showed something else, something stronger, something warmer.
I could feel his breath on my lips, and then his lips were all I could feel. The warmth that surrounded us when his lips touched mine was like nothing I had ever felt. My mouth moved on instinct against his, but I couldn’t feel the rest of my body, it was as if it had just turned into a puddle of warmth.
Way too soon, he pulled away, and I let out a breath of shock, staring up in his eyes that were calmer than I had ever seen them before.
«S-Sorry,» he stuttered, then he pulled away from me, and just like that, all the warmth left me.
I reached out to him, desperate for him to be close to me again, and I noticed the look of alarm on his face as I grabbed his hand.
«What are you saying sorry for?» I asked him, so low he could barely hear me.
His head snapped down to my hand in his, and then back up at me. The other hand on his side was restless, and his eyes were wild.
«I- I wasn’t sure if you wanted that, but you just looked- you were just so beautiful, I couldn’t seem to control myself.»
I felt laughter bubble up from my chest, and I tugged him closer as a smile found its way to his lips too.
«Really, it’s okay. I wouldn’t have kissed back if I didn’t want you to kiss me, would I?»
His lips opened into a big grin that showed his teeth, and then he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me flush to his chest. Under the thin layer of his shirt, I could feel his heartbeat rapidly against mine.
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
In this 2020 I WILL wander into a casino where I WILL eat a drug laced cookie and become unknowingly trapped in time while Lady Gaga’s Poker Face plays forebodingly in the background!!! I’m speaking it into existence!!
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
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99.9% of Percy through the series.
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
hi my name is nico “ghost king” di angelo and i have short ebony black hair (thats how i got my name) and black eyes like the dead and a lot of people tell me i look like hades (AN: if u dont know who dat is get da hell out of here!!) i’m related to percy jackson but i wish i wasn’t cause he’s a major fucking hottie. im a demigod but i dont go to camp jupiter. i have pale white skin that was olive-toned once but i got stuck in a jar for a couple months so i dont anymore. im the son of hades (incase you couldnt tell) and i wear mostly black. i love mcdonalds and i buy all my necromancy ingredients from there. today i was wearing a black mcr t shirt with black skinny jeans, my aviator jacket, and my combat boots. i was walking outside camp-half blood. it wasn’t snowing or raining (because of the magic bubble around camp) but there wasn’t any sun, which i was very happy about. jason grace stared at me. i put my middle finger up at him.
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
camper: how old are you?
ttc!happy!nico: ten!
camper: what do you wanna be when you grow up?
ttc!happy!nico: eleven!
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
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my reread is basically me going “ohhHHHHhh myYYyy GOODdddd thAT is SO CUTE” every 10 pages
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
Shoutout to Percy Jackson for being a kids book that straight up murdered the abusive step dad instead of doing some bullshit redemption arc where they have to forgive him
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
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