Please put me as anon if posting this. Not for my sake but for my boyfriend’s wishes. Female privilege is the fact that I knew my boyfriend was right when he said ‘no, she’ll just say I assaulted her and get my money along with my pride’ after I suggested charging the woman who sexually harassed and assaulted him this weekend.
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Amazing blog
Hi. Honestly, I always thought I would never join Tumblr. But I simply had to after stumbling across your blog. Solely for letting you know how great I think it is. Almost everything you type is what I have been thinking, but put together in ways I have never been able to. I try to speak out on social media regularly, but I often get backlashed and called delusional, even when I cite viable sources. I stumbled on this site 2 hours ago and haven’t stopped reading. I added about a dozen bookmarks to my collection. Thank you for making this page.
[Note from B] You’re welcome. I’m sorry we can’t be more active. 
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Just found your blog and I was wondering, is it just about female privilege or is it also about equality between the sexes? (not feminism, but actual equality)
For the record, I believe equality between sexes is at the heart of Feminism, it's just a shame that over time the movement has somewhat lost it's way. Which brings us to this blog. This blog is about shedding light on the variety of gender inequalities that exist in society today, not only those that negatively impact women. Some inequalities benefit women (at the expense of men or trans folk), and I think it's important to consider them. Though do keep in mind that this is primarily a submission based blog and not all opinions expressed here align with those of the admins.- B
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Purely inquisitive and not meant to attack: Is your blog anti-feminist (as in the ideology), against the feminist movement, or pro men's rights?
This blog doesn’t affiliate with any particular political or social movement and aims to be relatively neutral. Though we do focus more on men’s issues, I wouldn’t say we align with the men’s rights movement. I personally don’t care for labels or ideologies and joined this blog as an alternative to subscribing to one narrative. This blog is open to all thoughts and submissions regarding the gender debate from the male perspective - whether the source be feminist, anti, or men’s rights oriented.
- B
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Female lega privilege on Brazil
Hello, l am “TradutorBastardo” from Brazil! I run a blog about translations of articles about various things.
And I want to add a list of some legal woman-only privileges from Brazil:
Criminal Law Code (basically, a list of all punishable crimes), ammended by Federal Law 13.104: added circumstances for aggravating the punish of a woman murdered, but the same circumstances aren’t considered if the victim is a man.
Law 11.340: a VAWA-like law, it gives some providences for a woman battered in a familiar and marital context
Law 8.213: the rules for retirement and contribution for Social Security funds; men can retire 5 years later than women
Federal Law 5.948: harsher punishments for the crime of female trafficking
Work Law: 120 days of integrally paid maternal leave if pregnant
[Note from B ] That’s so interesting, and rather telling. Thank you for sharing with us. In the eyes of the law, we should all be equal.
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Female privilege is still INSISTING that you are oppressed and a victim, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that you're not.
And then trying to force that victimhood onto others. Whenever another woman tries to tell me how awful my life is my skin crawls. 
- B
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Female privilege is being able to make sexual and dirty jokes, comments and gestures around women without being labeled sexist, perverted or being accused of sexual harrassment.
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Female privilege is having concerns about your safety in school taken seriously.
I’m a male university student who goes to a college that is located in a rather unsafe city. Pretty much everyone has ignored my concern there about being assaulted or robbed. My therapist even said “You’re probably better of becsuse you’re a guy.”
Violent crime doesn’t care if you’re a man or a woman.
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I coach an archery club, and under pressure from “concerned parents”, we’ve had to hire a female assistant specifically so I wouldn’t be alone with a bunch of teenage girls every Saturday morning.
Sometimes, I’m afraid of taking my daughter out to the park during the weekends, because I fear I’ll be mistaken for a child molester.
Whenever I find myself late at night or on a deserted street, walking a few yards behind a woman, I’m afraid she’ll mistake me for a rapist.
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Female privilege is scoring a win for gender equality and still being upset about it.
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Most of the refugee families that we profiled this month have made their way to America. And as the initial excitement fades, they are faced with the stark reality of starting from zero in a new land. Being an immigrant is very difficult. Being a refugee is even worse. Most of them lost everything in the war. And because they were kind enough to share their stories with us, I thought that we could help carry a bit of their load this Christmas. Money we raise over the next 48 hours will be divided evenly among the families that we profiled, including Aya’s. Let’s use this Christmas to give back to the refugees who so openly shared their painful stories with us. Even if we could provide a few thousand dollars to each family—that money will stretch a long way. This Christmas, consider helping us give the gift of a fresh start: http://bit.ly/1TjkNc0
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Hi there! We are recruiting some potential blog-owners to promote our clothes store, do you have interest? Please inform me your email so we could send you further details. THX!
Dear followers, please block this probable virus.
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Female privilege is not being expected to put more effort into the conversation than your counterpart because "you're the man". That's the literal reaction I've received after being told to "tell something" when I already dominated the discussion and responded by asking her to put some effort into it herself.
That kind of attitude is pretty detrimental to women, as well as unfair to men. Dominate the conversation? You’re oppressing women. Don’t speak up enough? You’re too passive and need to “man up”.
Can’t win. 
- B
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Personally, I don't agree with child support/maintenance, unless the parent who left had been there for at least a year after the kid was born. I don't think it's right to punish a man for a choice he has no say in. A man should have as much right to absolve his parental rights/responsibility as women do (abortion and adoption). What do you think about the idea to make serious changes to child support/maintenance? Do you think there are problems with it?
I agree that there are problems with the current child support model and definitely agree that if a man doesn’t want to be a parent, he shouldn’t be forced to be a parent any more than a woman. However, it is difficult to regulate this in a way that is fair to everyone involved. 
I think a step in the right direction would be child support payments being paid in the form of government issued food, heath care or tuition vouchers that can be redeemed by service providers. I think child support being a cash payment to the primary care giver is absolutely ridiculous and gets abused all too often. 
- B
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Female privilege is being trusted in a closed room with students of the opposite sex while your male colleagues are treated with constant suspicion.
As a teacher, I can say in many countries it’s illegal for any teacher (of any gender) to be alone in a room with a single student. However, in the school I am in now, I have heard rumors of people being suspicious of male staff alone with female students where as nothing of the sort is ever said about female staff with male students...
- B
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Came across an Instagram titled 'hot dudes reading'. It's an account full of stalkerish photos of men reading at cafes, on trains and even at the beach. The comments are full of women tagging in their friends and commenting on the attractiveness of the men. But men aren't objectified. No way.
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