thisisme16 15 days
Ancient Hyrule AU: Daniel's Story
My fifth and final OC is my Deoxys character, who is named Daniel in the story. He is another guitarist in the band alongside Jessica. He transforms into a Hylian as well, but retains his darker skin. (So he looks more like a Lurlien Village Hylian.) Can you all guess where he lands? Lol.
Once he wakes up he is found very quickly by the Goron Chief and Stalwart Defender, Daruk. While the Gerudo and other races of Hyrule are more wary of strangers, the Goron on the other hand welcome Daniel with open arms. Daniel quickly becomes and honorary Goron brother and helps out with the people whenever he can. But of course he is still worried about his friends, and his gloom infection.
During the initial gloom attack, Daniel tried to shied his younger brother, Jericho, from the blow and got a hug blast of gloom on his back. As such, his back muscles are corrupted with gloom. He seems perfectly fine in all other times, but during the blood moon is when the corruption comes out.
On the height of the blood moon, four gloom hands emerge from Daniel's back muscles. (Think Spiderman's Doc Ock.) At first, they entirely have a mind of their own, and it takes Daniel a long time to gain control of them. Part of the reason why Daniel sticks with the Gorons is because they are able to use their strength to hold him back when his Gloom Arms go on a rampage.
In spite of his corruption, Daniel still tries to keep his optimistic attitude, and his personality meshes well enough with Daruk's that they become fast friends. Daruk takes on a paternal/older brother role with Daniel.
While there is not romance in his story either (in spite of Daniel being pansexual) I do still have other plans for his story. Like for instance... have you all ever wondered where Goron babies come from? Find out alongside Daniel!
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thisisme16 15 days
Ancient Hyrule AU: Jericho's Story
My next OC is my Jirachi character, who will be called Jericho for this story. He is the drummer of the band, in spite being the smallest of the group. Instead of waking up on a nice bed of land, our poor boy ends up plunging in a body of water instead. However, he is rescued by our favourite Zora princess, Mipha. Upon her rescue, she notices Jericho's eyes seem to be dripping with gloom. She urgently tries to heal his eyes then takes him to a medical ward. When Jericho wakes up, he is shocked to not only find a race of fish people, but also that is became one as well!
I haven't had a chance to draw Jericho as a Zora yet, but he is going to be a zora inspired by moon jellyfish. He still has the head tail, just much more shorter that the average Zora. He has a massive "hood" reminesant of the head of a jelly fish that reaches a little past his chin. His arm fins are more long and wavy like jellyfish tentacles. His scales are a light yellow colour with some aqua blue on his arm fins. He can swim, but not particulailry fast do to his more wavy fins. He does have some venomous properties, but I'm not set on how much just yet.
After getting over the initail shock, Jericho spends the next few months adjusting to his new life. He becomes fast friends with Mipha (whom he has an enourmous crush on) and her baby brother Sidon. Since Jericho is a talented chef, he also introduces the zora people to cooked fish, which was unheard of before.
In spite of Mipha's healing, Jericho's eyes are still corrupted by the gloom. And his "gloom tears" return every blood moon. I'm not too set on his powers just yet, but I am thinking his corrupted eyes let him "see" hidden pockets of gloom and see the presence of monsters miles away. Eventually my team is going to brave the Depths, and it's here where Jericho discovers his eyes let him see perfectly clear in pitch black.
A romantic relationship does develop between him and Mipha over time, so look forward to that too, readers!
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thisisme16 15 days
Ancient Hyrule AU: Jessica's Story
My next OC is my semi self-insert character (see my post about my OCs for more details). She is one of the guitarists in the band. Like Matthew, she is also transformed into a Hylian. However, the gloom infected her arm instead of her throat or heart. Her initial story and introduction to Hyrule is much the same as Link's story in Tears of the Kingdom. Her arm is corrupted beyond repair by the gloom, and is on the brink of death. Fortunately, she appeared in the Sky Islands and is found by the King of Light himself, Rauru. Like in TotK, he restores her arm by sacrificing his own, making Jessica the only one of the main OCs that got "cured" of the gloom and now has cool Zonai powers instead.
Jessica wakes up in a medical ward to a very worried Rauru and Mineru, who tell her where she is and what happened to her as far as they know. Jessica feels both extremely grateful and extremely guilty about Rauru giving up an arm for her. And even though Mineru builds him a construct prosthetic arm to replace his, it takes her a long time to accept the circumstances.
In this AU, there are more Zonai living on the Sky Islands than just Rauru and Mineru, although there are still few in number. Their resources and dwindling and Rauru is looking to settling down on the surface below so his people can continue to survive. And hearing Jessica's plight about finding her friends gives him all the more reason to go there. Over time, Jessica becomes a beloved member of the Zonai clan. She becomes close friends with the royal siblings, and with time, even forms a strong romantic bond with Rauru.
(I would like to take this moment to apologize to the Sonia fans. Sonia is a great character, I know. But this is the direction I want to take in this story. Much in the same way a lot of Sidlink fans ignore Yona for their stories, lol.)
Rauru and Jessica's story is very much about connecting to the other people of the surface and basically founding Hyrule Kingdom. It's what helps the gang find eachother in the long run as well. And once everyone is together again, they can finally get to the bottom of their infections and ridding the land of gloom.)
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thisisme16 15 days
Ancient Hyrule AU: Matthew's Story
My next OC is my Mewtwo character, who will be called Matthew for this story. He's the bassist/pianist of the band. He is transformed into a Hylian by the light, so he hasn't really changed all that much except for his ears. He wakes up in the Gerudo desert. I haven't though it out completely yet, but he ends up saving a young gerudo from a monster attack using his corruption. The gloom attack infected his throat muscles and voice box. Every now and then he slips into a guttural language that monsters can apparently understand. His "Call" so to speak, drives the monsters away from the young girl. The scene was witnessed by the Gerudo Chief, Urbosa, while she and her guard were rushing to try to save the vai themselves.
After some talking and thanking, Urbosa decides that in light of his selfless actions, she will help him uncover the mystery behind his corrupted throat and find his friends. For the first time in ages, a voe is welcomed into Gerudo City. Well... not quite. In order to put the population at ease, Urbosa insists Matthew dress as a vai as pose as such until she can get her people more warmed up to the idea. Matthew is not happy, but does what he has to do. He goes by the name Matty while in the city. Over time, Urbosa forms a sort of maternal like connection with Matthew. And the girl he saved (who is based on another of my OCs) becomes fast friends with him.
There will be no romantic relationships in this story, due to Matthew being asexual. But that doesn't mean he can't make friends and become a famous honorary Gerudo!
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thisisme16 15 days
Ancient Hyrule AU: Charlie's Story
My first OC is my Charizard character, who will be called Charlie for this story. He is the lead singer of the band that my OCs are in. (I need a name for them. I was honestly thinking of calling the band Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom for the sake of an Easter egg, but we'll see how I feel. If you have an idea, feel free to drop a suggestion!) When he wakes up from the light, he finds himself transformed into a Rito with bright orange feathers and with dark blue patterns. Scared and overwhelmed, he stumbles around in the forests of Hebra until he comes across none other than the Rito champion himself, Revali. And by come across I mean Revali almost kills him.
After hearing Charlie's claims, Revali is beyond skeptical but begrudingly agrees to take him to Rito village. Over the next few months, Charlie learns how to properly Rito and forms a romantic connection with our favourite angry birb.
Now remember the gloom infection? Charlie doesn't realize anything else is wrong with him until a blood moon. During it, he feels a strange ferocity taking over his mind and body, and any and all monsters near him seem docile to him and refuse to attack. He finds out much later that the initial gloom attack infected his heart, and by extention his blood. And with proper concentration, he can use his corruption to control monsters and the gloom itself. However, he has to fight being corrupted himself.
Some fun shenagians I have planned for his story are Charlie discovering a love for flying, Revali's gay awakening, Charlie becoming the first male Rito singer in the village, and Charlie learning how to navigate being in a romantic relationship with the world's biggest tsundre.
As much as I wanted to include Teba in this story, for continuity purposes I just couldn't. But I am planning on Rito-fying some of other OCs of mine to play the role of adopting Charlie and teaching him all things Rito (and playing matchmaking between him and Revali).
How does Charlie get his scar in this version? Well let's just say I don't want to spoil the surprise.
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thisisme16 15 days
New Story Idea Maybe Possibly Perhaps?
So I've been hyperfixated on the Legend of Zelda BotW/TotK for quite some time, and I think I finally have a story concept that I want to explore. I've been struggling with figuring out a way to start it though because I kind of want to just write whatever comes to me at the time, so the story would not be in chronological order at all. Plus because I'm me I'm kind of telling 5 stories at once instead of just 1, so I tend to jump around them a lot. Long story short; I figured I would just outline the concept of the story and then write/draw whatever I want whenever I want for the story as inspiration strikes. (Holy run on sentences Batman.)
So, here it is!
The idea is that my main five OCs (see my earlier posts if you want a refresher on who they are) are initially in a band in our modern times. They aren't famous yet, but they are openers for a much more well known band. They are on tour in some forgien country that is famous for their ancient ruins, so they use a morning to go for a tour. At some point, they get separated from the group and fall through some kind of crevice. This is where the Zelda part finally starts to come in because they stumble across previously undiscovered ruins below ground that don't seem to be from this world. (They are ancient Zonai ruins, but the gang has no way of knowing that just yet.) As they are trying to find a way out, they have an encounter with some gloom/malice that has been dormant in the ruins until the characters arrive. They are attacked by the gloom, and are all infected in various ways by it. Suddenly, they are all engulfed in a bright light and in a blink of an eye they find themselves in Hyrule. However, they have all been separated. And they have all been transformed.
This is where the meat and cheese of the story comes in. Each of my OCs land in a different place in Hyrule and their stories centre on how they adapt to the new worlds (and new bodies), the people they meet, the relationships they cultivate, how they find each other again, and how their gloom infections may be the key to destroying the Calamity once and for all.
I'm fiddling with the timeline and cannon quite a bit. The Gerudo, Rito, Zora and Goron peoples are pretty much the same, but the Hylians are very primitive still, more like how they were in Rauru and Sonia's time. And the Shiekah clan is either non-existant or very well hidden. Another huge change is that the Zonai are present along with the other races in this version as well. But they mainly reside in the Sky Islands, so the other races don't know about their existance yet. Basically, it's ancient Hyrule, but the BotW champions are in this timeline instead of 10 000 years later.
The post is already getting long so I'll put up a few different posts doing a quick outline of each OC's story after this.
I want to give a shoutout to every single person who participated in Zora May. Seeing all of the amazing OCs and fan-made stories gave me huge inspiration and motivation to finally get off my ass and start making the Zelda AU with my OCs that I've been wanting to do for ages. You guys are so cool and I want to be like you!
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thisisme16 15 days
The origin of Charizard's scar changes depending in the story I'm telling. The usual explanation I had was a result of an attack where he was unfairly outnumbered.
If your OC has a prominent scar or scars, how did they get them? How many people know this story? How do people react to it?
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thisisme16 22 days
Not on hiatus, just got really busy and blocked motivationally. Thankfully I'm trying to get back on track. It's just a matter of trying to stick to one thing and committing. Or just doing everything at once and see what clicks. *shrugs*
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thisisme16 2 months
Okay so the image of my Charizard ("Charlie") character as I Rito was haunting me for a long time. Today I finally found the guts to draw him!
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Turned out better than I thought, but I wish I could have found a way to make his eyes look less intense. Either way I think I did well for my very first attempt at a Rito. And no scar today because I drew the wrong side of his face. Lol!
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thisisme16 2 months
I think it's safe to say that I am physically incapable of sticking to one idea for very long. But in my defense, Stardew Valley 1.6 update.
That being said I may or may not have 4 versions of a Stardevew Valley/Breath of the Wild crossover ideas and am currently developing all of them at the same time because I can't decide which one I like best. Lord help me. Two of them are based off of the ships that I had planned for my Avatars idea though.
Basically I have characters and pairings that I want to share but have a hard time sticking to one story to show them off in. Which is why I may have to take up drawing again. It seems to be the best medium for showing my characters. I still want to write stories around them, though. It's just that the settings and circumstances of my stories are always changing to whatever hyperfixation I have going on at the time.
Anyway, that's my excuse for not posting anything recently. Toodles.
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thisisme16 2 months
Legend of the Avatars: Part 1 Prologue
Yeah I am no where near in any state of ready for this story but every time I do wait it never gets done. So we're shaking things up! I wrote this prologue out in prose, just because I thought it was a better fit for the story. First Contact was originally thought of as a comic, so I focused a lot more on dialogue in that one. Also because there are 10 characters to juggle around so the dialogue can get easily lost in prose. With Legend of the Avatars, however, the stories are much more intimately centered on just a few characters, so I figured prose was the way to go. So without further ado, here's the first part of the story! TLDR: The author is insecure and overexplains everything they do.
Legend of the Avatars: Part One Prologue
A Tale as Old as Time
"Water. Earth. Fire. Air. These are the four great elements that ties our world together. Each one coexists in our physical realm in perfect harmony with the people. Since time began, the elements-"
"Just skip to the good part, you old squawk!"
The Rito elder frowned at the interruption. He was currently sitting in front of a semi-circle of chicks on a grassy knoll. He was telling them the Tale of the Avatar, which is one of the most important stories that anyone in Hyrule needed to know. But apparently, one child was unimpressed. The other children giggled.
"Revali? What have I told you about interrupting story time?"
A young navy blue feathered Rito, no more than 6 years of age, simply shrugged his shoulders, completely unpeturbed. As the other chicks were working on suppressing their laughter, he turned his attention back to the toy in his wings.
"Ahem." the elder chirped. He then continued his lesson. He stressed to them how important it was for the world to be in balance. When the world is balanced, all the races know peace and tranquillty. When the world is out of balance, it invites chaos and strife. It gives rise to monsters. Terrifying creatures that are driven only by their bloodlust and need for destruction. In order to defend themselves from these threats, of Hylia, the creater of the physical world, gave the people of Hyrule the extraordinary ability to control the elements, bending them to their will. The aquatic race of the Zoras learned to bend water. The stone Gorons of Death Mountain learned to bend the earth. The women of Gerudo desert learned to summon and control fire. And of course, the avain race of the Ritos learned to bend air itself to aid in their flight.
"And Hylians and Shiekah that can't bend anything at all. But are still important for some reason."
"Revali, this is your last warning."
The elder elaborated that the ability to bend the elements (and the ingeniuity of those who cannot) were all powerful weapons. However, eons ago, a overwhelmingly powerful dark force began to creep into the physical world from the mysterious spiritual world. These forces are what gave rise to the first monsters. Even with all of Hylia's gifts, the people were still in dire need of a greater protector. But there was one unknown person who by some miracle learned how to bend all four elements. They drove back the dark forces with not just their power, but with the power of benevolent spirits previously unknown to the physical world. This great hero became known as The Avatar, the bridge between worlds and protector of both.
"But sadly," the elder continued, "everyone's life must come to an end. Even the Avatar's. The world mourned the loss of it's hero. But then, a generation later, another hero rose with the same abilities as the Avatar. That is when the people learned that while the body of an Avatar will perish, their spirit will continue on into the next stage of the great elemental cycle. Hylia had once again given Hyrule a great gift. And from then on, Hyrule had, and will always have it's Avatar."
The Rito chicks began to chirp excitedly. One of them spoke up.
"The next Avatar is going to be a Rito, right elder?"
He chuckled. "Yes, young one. Our last saviour, Avatar Urbosa, was born a Gerudo and a fire bender. The element that comes after fire in the great cycle is air. Which means the new Avatar will be born into our noble race." He smiled at his charges. "Who knows? It might even be one of you!" he cheerfully teased.
This got the chicks even more excited. They were debating amoungst themselves which of them would be the Avatar. However, it seemed as if the young navy wasn't done yet.
"It doesn't matter who the Avatar is. When I grow up, I'm going to be the strongest warrior that ever lived. No one will even think about the Avatar!"
The other chicks gasped.
The elder Rito scowled at the audacity. "That's it. You've flapped that beak of yours one too many times, Revali. I will not have you disrespecting the greatest figure of our nation that way. I don't want to see you until you've flown three laps around the entire village. Starting now!"
"Oooohhhh" The other chicks laughed. But once again, the young navy simply shrugged again. He left his toy behind and leapt off the cliff beside them to begin his flight. Had the elder not known better, he would have sworn the little brat was smirking.
"As for the rest of you, story time's over. Now go play."
The children hurried off to their little adventures and games. "I can't believe Revali got in trouble again." he heard some of them saying as they left. "He's got a big beak. No one's that strong!" another chimed.
The elder watched them go. And then he sighed. He retrieved the toy Revali had left behind. It was Shiekah made and shaped like a fierce eagle. The elder regarded the toy and shook his head.
"When that boy becomes the Avatar, may Hylia have mercy on us all."
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thisisme16 3 months
The Sims took over my life again.
But on the bright side, I was thinking up some more story ideas! There were a few Avatar the Last Airbender and Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild crossovers that I was toying with. I mean let's face it, the set up is perfect. Ritos? Airbenders. Zoras? Waterbenders. You get it. The problem was I couldn't decide if I wanted my "Avatar" to be Revali or Sidon. So screw it. I'm doing both! Revali is an airbending Avatar that reincarnates into Sidon in the next cycle. (Yeah, I know!)
I'm working on both stories at the same time, as I tend to do. I did think up a cute introductory scene for Revali's story though. I wrote it out too so it'll probably pop up here once I edit it out.
I'm going to call the two stories as a whole Legend of the Avatars, or maybe Hyrule's Avatars. Part one being Revali's story and part two being Sidon's. Hopefully they'll turn out fun and interesting!
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thisisme16 3 months
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. But since I started this blog it's like my floodgates got opened and I just want to write 20 years worth of stories all at the same time and I don't even know where to start! Haha.
There are quite a number of stories I am sitting on at the moment and there is absolutely more to come. I really do still want to continue First Contact, but I want to pepper in my other stories and drawing ideas as they come too. Sorry if the blog gets confusing and all over the place. I am going to try to give all of my stories and drawings titles (such as First Contact) right away so it'll be easier to figure out what goes where.
Please bare with me!
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thisisme16 3 months
First Contact: Ch. 2
The group of friends stared at the scene in shock.
Jericho: This... this isn't a hoax, right?
Charlie was the first one to break his stance. He carefully moved toward the bodies. Matthew instintively held out a hand to stop him, but didn't reach in time. He decided instead to follow him, as do the others one by one. There were 5 alien bodies. Each of the group gravitated to a different one.
Charlie approached one that seemed to be wearing a purple biohazard suit. It (she?) was one of the more humanoid like ones in the group. He tried waking her up, but she didn't respond. He put his head to her chest and was relieved to hear that she was breathing.
Daniel: Guys, this one's really hurt.
Daniel was hovering over a white alien wearing what appeared to be blue armour. This one was one of the more bizarre looking aliens. It appeared more like a raptor than a humanoid. Daniel carefully shifted it over to reveal it's face. Half of it obviously burnt, and covered in blue substance that everyone assumed must have been it's blood.
Daniel: I think it's breathing, though.
Charlie grimaced.
Charlie: What about the others?
Jericho peered around the largest of the aliens. It was a huge rounded one wearing similar armour to the white one, only theirs was red.
Jericho: I honestly can't tell.
Jessica hovered by a blue alien that for all intents and purposes could have been human if not for her skin and tentacle like appendages on her head.
Jessica: This one's got some burns on her limbs.
Matthew was kneeling by one that was humaniod shaped, but with green scales for skin.
Matthew: I think this one's okay. Just knocked out.
Charlie: I think this one's the same.
Jericho: So what do we do now?
There was a pregnant pause.
Charlie: I guess we call 911?
Matthew: No one would believe us.
Charlie: Well we don't have to tell anyone about them at first. Just report the crash?
Jericho: Is that even a good idea?
Charlie: What do you mean?
Daniel: Um, hello? We're talking ALIENS Charlie! Once the government finds out who knows how they'll react! What if they try to cover all this up?
Jericho: What if they want to dissect them all in a lab?
Daniel: What if the government kills us to shut us up!
Matthew: They wouldn't actually do that...
Jessica: Well they'd definately make us disappear!
There was another pause as the gang deliberated.
Charlie: Danny? You still have your first aid kit in the garage, right?
Daniel: Yeah.
Charlie: Then let's just take them back home. We'll just try to help as best we can there.
It took a few trips, but eventually the group got all of the aliens back home and laid them out in the garage. Daniel tended to the white one's face first.
Daniel: Hopefully there won't be any weird reactions to anything.
He continued his work on the blue one while the others watched. They were joined by Noodles, who was very determined to sniff the aliens but Jessica stopped him just in case.
Matthew: Well, they all seem stable, more or less.
Jessica: So what now?
Matthew: I think we need to watch them throughout the night in shifts. We should be there in case one of them wakes up.
Daniel: And when they do wake up? Then what?
Charlie sighed.
Charlie: We'll just have to see.
Jessica shook her head.
Jessica: I can't believe we're actually doing First Contact with aliens.
Jericho: I know, right?
The group shared a chuckle. After Daniel finished his work, the group worked out a rotation. The only thing left for them to do was to just wait and see.
Author's Note: Woo! Another chapter done! Just so it's clear, the aliens are Tali, Garrus, Wrex, Liara and Thane. Poor Garrus takes a rocket to the face no matter what AU he's in! As for how these 5 specifically got in the same pod and crashed on Earth? You'll just have to wait and see!
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thisisme16 3 months
First Contact: Ch. 1
A group of friends were playing video games like every other evening when it happened. They were laughing and playfully taunting each other.
Daniel: Bomb's away!
Jericho: Oh, come on! That's not fair!
Daniel: All's fair in Smash Bros, Jer!
Charlie: Oh? Even this?
The TV screen showed a typical Super Smash Bros Ultimate match. Charlie's Ike proceeds to smash Daniel's Samus off the ring. Daniel: Dude!
Jericho: Haha! Hashtag Justice for Kirby!
Meanwhile, a Pikachu and a Mewtwo were having their own duel.
Jessica: You want some of this?!
Matthew: No, thank you!
A white poodle laying by Jessica's feet barked happily, wanting to be included.
The match continued in the same fashion until there was only Samus and Pikachu left. Each at one life left. The showdown had begun.
Charlie: No, not Pikachu and Samus! They're supposed to be friends!
Jessica: You can be friends with someone and still kick their ass!
Daniel: I am SO glad you said that!
His Samus immediately cracked a smash ball open, giving her her ultimate smash.
Jericho: Take cover!
Jessica: Ack! Abort, Peeky! Abort!
Daniel: Nobody escapes the ULTIMATE SMASH!
And then it happened. A massive explosion a short distance from the house. The sound and aftershocks shook the building. The group were stunned into silence. The poodle began to bark loudly.
Matthew: What the hell was that?
Daniel: I swear that wasn't me.
Charlie looked out the window.
Charlie: Was that a meteor?
Jericho: It must have been. That was huge!
After Jessica calmed her dog down, she and Daniel joined Charlie at the window.
Daniel: It must have landed close by. Wanna check it out?
Matthew: Shouldn't we call someone first?
Jericho: I don't know who to call when a meteor hits.
Jessica: 911?
Charlie: It's not exactly an emergency. ...How about this? We'll go take a look. If there's a fire, then we'll call 911.
The gang agreed and gathered their spring jackets.
Jessica: Noodles, you're in charge until we get back.
The poodle woofed his affirmation. He watched through the window as the group climbed into an old pickup truck and drove toward the small forest where the explosion came from. After a short drive, they arrived at the tree line. One by one they hopped out of the vehilcle.
Jericho: If it is a meteor, I call dibs!
Jessica: Pfft. Good luck dragging it back home.
Jericho: I have my ways.
Charlie reached back into the truck and gathered some masks. Covid was winding down, but the group of friends always made sure to have a healthy supply just in case. He passed them out to the others.
Jessica: Never thought I'd use these for smoke.
Matthew: I think I see smoke from that direction.
They set off in the direction he indicated. After a few minutes of walking, the group came across a life-changing sight. There was some kind of futuristic looking pod that was broken in half, but it was the unconscious residents surrounding the pod that demanded attention. Each one more vastly different than the last. There was only one conclusion.
Finally got around to setting up the first part of one of my Mass Effect AUs! The beginning is a little clunky in my opinion but I think the story picks up quickly afterward. OCD was really kicking my ass today so getting this update done was a real struggle. But the important thing is that I did it anyway!
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thisisme16 3 months
My latest fixation has been Mass Effect. I actually sort of have two stories going on with this Fandom right now.
The first is a sort of domestic slice of life story in which humans haven't met the Turians yet. Earth is still in the early 2020's when a pod of ME characters accidentally crash lands on Earth near where my human OCs live. The humans hide the aliens from the public eye while they wait for tye Council Races to figure out what happened and find them. Basically just an excuse for my OCs and the ME characters to interact in a low-stakes setting and just have fun.
The second is that my OCs get transmigrited into the ME universe and take it upon themselves to find a way to stop the Reapers permanently before things escalate to galactic war. They try to keep the original ME characters out of tye fight so they can have the normal-ish lives that they deserve. But dammit they just cannot stay away, lol. The other deal is that I like the idea of a non-human AU. So when the characters are "reborn", they are born as aliens (Turians) instead. Still grappling with a lot of the details.
Romance is prevalent in both stories and I have pairings for most of my OCs in all of them planned.
In addition, I am rerunning ME as all of my OCs for inspiration. So occasionally I may pop in with an OC as Shepard headcannon.
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thisisme16 3 months
Introducing My OCs
Okay wowzers this is the big one for me. Like I mentioned in the previous post, my stories mainly consist of my OCs interacting with the worlds and characters of my fandoms. However, any reader of this blog needs to know who my OCs are! (For science if nothing else.) I have 5 main OCs that I use almost all of the time. So, here we go! TLDR: Actually I can't really help you. Just read it all or don't. I don't know how to put things under Keep Reading. Sorry!
First things first! All of my OCs were Pokemon once upon a time but depending on what story I put them in they can change into humans, aliens, etc. So most of them have their cannon Pokemon Names as well as Human names.
Charizard ("Charlie") - This is my oldest, most fondest OC and the one my main blog is named for. He/him, young adult age, bisexual. He is a Charizard with emerald green eyes that almost shine and a scar over his right eye. As a human, he has these same features, as well as orange red hair. A lot of the times he's my protagonist. He's a good, modest, brave guy that usually tries to do the right thing. He always puts others first, often to his own determent. He likes singing, acting, games and has a taste for occult themes.
Mewtwo ("Matthew") - This character started as just the anime's Mewtwo, but evolved to become his own character over time. He/him, young adult age, straight but often shows signs he's a bit on the asexual spectrum. He has grey eyes as a Mewtwo and a human. But as a human he has very pale white skin and black hair. Mewtwo is the mature voice of reason in the group. He pretty reserved around strangers but warms up more around his friends and family. He can seem cold, but he just keeps his emotions close. He academically inclined and likes to read and play video games.
Jessica ("Jessica") - While some folks may think Charizard is my self-insert, he is actually not. This is my semi-self insert. While she does exhibit a lot of my traits, there are differences between us as well. (But those details are for me to know.) She/her, young adult age, straight/demisexual. As a Pokemon, she is a Grovyle. As a human she is a skinny female with dark brown eyes and long red hair (may change it to green some day, but who knows). She tends to be the sisterly figure of the group takes care of everyone. She also has a lot of problems with low self-esteem. She's a big gamer but also has a passion for stories and writing. (Hmm now why does that seem familiar, lol.)
Jirachi ("Jericho") - The first half of my comic relief duo. He/him, young adult age, straight. As a human, he is very short. He also has short blonde hair and blue eyes. He is a very cheerful guy that likes to make people laugh, but also has a bit of a philosophical side. His two main passions are cooking and backyard astronomy. But he loves to game too.
Deoxys ("Daniel") - The second half of the comedic duo. (I don't know how many people had read "The Misadventures of Jirachi and Deoxys" back in the day, but the two were originally inspried from those fanfictions. Obviously the characters evolved into their own eventually, same as Mewtwo, but I needed to pay homage to the original.) He/him, young adult age, pansexual. As a human, Deoxys has longer dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is very energetic. Almost manic at times, but he has a good heart. He's a big gamer and spends a lot of time looking out for his friends.
And there we have it! My hope is too introduce their backgrounds and my personal head cannons about them bit by bit as time goes on. I included their sexualities because romance plays a huge part in pretty much anything I write. I have lots of other characters in my vault too, but they will show up when they feel like it. :)
It may not seem like much, but putting these characters on the internet is a very big deal to me since I kept them close for so long. I hope they are welcomed with open arms, and I hope readers will have fun learning more about them over time!
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