#mass effect domestic life au
thisisme16 · 6 months
First Contact: Ch. 2
The group of friends stared at the scene in shock.
Jericho: This... this isn't a hoax, right?
Charlie was the first one to break his stance. He carefully moved toward the bodies. Matthew instintively held out a hand to stop him, but didn't reach in time. He decided instead to follow him, as do the others one by one. There were 5 alien bodies. Each of the group gravitated to a different one.
Charlie approached one that seemed to be wearing a purple biohazard suit. It (she?) was one of the more humanoid like ones in the group. He tried waking her up, but she didn't respond. He put his head to her chest and was relieved to hear that she was breathing.
Daniel: Guys, this one's really hurt.
Daniel was hovering over a white alien wearing what appeared to be blue armour. This one was one of the more bizarre looking aliens. It appeared more like a raptor than a humanoid. Daniel carefully shifted it over to reveal it's face. Half of it obviously burnt, and covered in blue substance that everyone assumed must have been it's blood.
Daniel: I think it's breathing, though.
Charlie grimaced.
Charlie: What about the others?
Jericho peered around the largest of the aliens. It was a huge rounded one wearing similar armour to the white one, only theirs was red.
Jericho: I honestly can't tell.
Jessica hovered by a blue alien that for all intents and purposes could have been human if not for her skin and tentacle like appendages on her head.
Jessica: This one's got some burns on her limbs.
Matthew was kneeling by one that was humaniod shaped, but with green scales for skin.
Matthew: I think this one's okay. Just knocked out.
Charlie: I think this one's the same.
Jericho: So what do we do now?
There was a pregnant pause.
Charlie: I guess we call 911?
Matthew: No one would believe us.
Charlie: Well we don't have to tell anyone about them at first. Just report the crash?
Jericho: Is that even a good idea?
Charlie: What do you mean?
Daniel: Um, hello? We're talking ALIENS Charlie! Once the government finds out who knows how they'll react! What if they try to cover all this up?
Jericho: What if they want to dissect them all in a lab?
Daniel: What if the government kills us to shut us up!
Matthew: They wouldn't actually do that...
Jessica: Well they'd definately make us disappear!
There was another pause as the gang deliberated.
Charlie: Danny? You still have your first aid kit in the garage, right?
Daniel: Yeah.
Charlie: Then let's just take them back home. We'll just try to help as best we can there.
It took a few trips, but eventually the group got all of the aliens back home and laid them out in the garage. Daniel tended to the white one's face first.
Daniel: Hopefully there won't be any weird reactions to anything.
He continued his work on the blue one while the others watched. They were joined by Noodles, who was very determined to sniff the aliens but Jessica stopped him just in case.
Matthew: Well, they all seem stable, more or less.
Jessica: So what now?
Matthew: I think we need to watch them throughout the night in shifts. We should be there in case one of them wakes up.
Daniel: And when they do wake up? Then what?
Charlie sighed.
Charlie: We'll just have to see.
Jessica shook her head.
Jessica: I can't believe we're actually doing First Contact with aliens.
Jericho: I know, right?
The group shared a chuckle. After Daniel finished his work, the group worked out a rotation. The only thing left for them to do was to just wait and see.
Author's Note: Woo! Another chapter done! Just so it's clear, the aliens are Tali, Garrus, Wrex, Liara and Thane. Poor Garrus takes a rocket to the face no matter what AU he's in! As for how these 5 specifically got in the same pod and crashed on Earth? You'll just have to wait and see!
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darkkbluee · 11 months
What is your favorite and least favorite thing about death note?
Tough question! I had to put a lot of thought into it.
My favorite thing about death note would be the characters. They're funny, funky, goofy. They're doing what they believe is right, ambiguous in morality, dubious in thought. They have good days and bad days. They're heavily flawed characters. I love them for that. Even with the misogyny sprinkled in, because that's how people are, or rather were in 2003 in that part of the world, in real life.
You can pick any death note character and put them in any situation, in any AU, in any crossover, and they will be so very interesting. And hilarious. That later is the most important lmao. Light at Hogwarts, L in Detective Conan, Misa in the Capitol...
Least favorite thing about death note? That death note is a murder mystery thriller, and thus ignores the drama elements. I understand that it's a completely different genre and so the manga nor anime could spend much time on it. But at the same time, I can wish for more.
We never get to see the characters going through the trauma/effects of what they've been through. Light's own trauma that kick starts the plot? Is barely a one, maybe two, page mention. Then it's never brought up again. Misa's problematic bondage situation. Where and how do we see the effects it has on Misa? She was bound in that position, with no sight and no movement, for months. Under intense light designed to make her sweat and dehydrate. How often was she even given bathroom breaks? Who took her there and how did the cleanup even go? It's a wonder Rem didn't kill L or threaten the Task Force there and then and had the bright idea to go to Light.
Light's fake execution too. There is a whole series of fake execution fails on ao3. That made me think so damn much.
The whole Yotsuba arc just feels so rushed? Where's my domestic L and Light living together? I don't care if that didn't have any lawlight material, but, that's Light living together with the man who had imprisoned him and accuses him of being a mass murderer day in and day out, who is responsible for his father shooting him, who if he is right would also be the one to condemn Light to execution.
And don't get me started on the second arc. Sayu's kidnapping? Mello's whole mafia situation. Then Soichiro dies and. We just see Light crying over him? That's it? A close family member getting hurt is something that impacts the whole unit. Soichiro's death brings the people impacted up to two. Where... where's more on it? Maybe it's there for a page or two and I just don't remember because it's been a while since I re-read the manga or saw the anime.
The second arc baffles me at times. Please give us a break, go over more about the characters lives and explain that, yeah? I can't connect much to any characters introduced in the second arc who weren't already covered in first arc. Maybe that's just me?
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madmanwonder · 10 months
Current Mood
AU(S): Fusion AU: Cyberpunk + College AU, Fusion AU: Law & Crime + Cyberpunk AU, Fusion AU: Future AU + Domestic AU, Fusion AU: Cyberpunk + Medieval AU: Free for All), Star Wars AU, Mercenary AU
General Moods: No Prompts, Slice of Life, Future, Wholesome, Pure Stuff, No Tragic/Dark
Male: Mass Effect, Disney, Scooby Doo, Total Drama, Overwatch, Doom, Fire Emblem, My Hero Academia, Kingdom Hearts
Female: RWBY, Harry Potter, Overwatch, Fate Series, My Hero Academia, Drakengard 3, Dragon Ball Series, Fire Emblem, Borderland
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ao3feed-mshenko · 2 years
Fortunately Unfortunate
by DizzyBlackRaven
**This story is Mass Effect AU and has NOTHING to do with the actual series.**
From the time Shepard could walk, he's always been the one to take care of his mother. It's never been an easy life, but somehow he managed.
His life is about to change drastically once he graduates high school. The pressures of his life begin to take their toll, and he has to decide whether to continue living a lie or trying to build a life of his own.
Words: 3161, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Mass Effect Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Male Shepard (Mass Effect), Ashley Williams, Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Garrus Vakarian, James Vega, Jack | Subject Zero, Hannah Shepard, Kaidan Alenko, Kaidan Alenko's Mother, Kaidan Alenko's Father, Original Characters
Relationships: Male Shepard/Ashley Williams, Male Shepard (Mass Effect)/Original Male Character(s), Male Shepard (Mass Effect)/Original Female Character(s), Kaidan Alenko/Male Shepard
Additional Tags: Bisexuality, Gay, Gay Sex, Threesome - F/M/M, Emotional Incest/Covert Incest (no physical incest occurs), Domestic Violence, PTSD
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42890574
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Wrong Number, Asshole - A Bakugou Katsuki Soulmate AU
All Parts
Part 25:
You blinked blearily, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes.
For a minute you were disoriented, head spinning in confusion until you pieced together where you were. Who’s apartment you were in. Who was currently still fast asleep in your lap.
You flushed, still just as affected by his proximity as you were earlier. Except- it was slightly different now. Those little kitten snores? The ones you’d previously only heard over the phone? Well, now they were falling from his mouth in real time- in real life. In front of you. He was so close and warm and soft and uncharacteristically quiet and all you wanted to do was kiss him. 
The past few days, you’d been so focused on how he’d lied and his injuries that you’d almost forgotten just how much you liked him. You couldn’t forget now. Not with the way he had a hand under his cheek, fingers just barely curling your sweatshirt in his sleepy grip.
Your fingers itched with the need to touch him- to somehow expel all that rolling fondness and affection that was boiling over in you. You couldn’t help yourself, your fingers beginning to once again move lightly through his hair, scratching idly at his scalp as you went. 
You knew he’d be mad at your actions if he was awake- or flustered and embarrassed at the very least. But you just wanted to be nice to him. To show him how much you cared about him, and you were determined to do that- even if he seemed absolutely allergic to it. 
So you sat and stared shamelessly and soaked up the proximity and warmth radiating off his body. And it was perfect and serene and so sugary sweet for a while- until you realized how much your legs hurt.
They hurt and ached and were sore because Katsuki was heavy.
Absurdly heavy.
And the thing about him was, you were only supporting his head and his shoulders! On your legs too- not even your arms! Even so though, the honest to god weight of him was just ridiculous. He was a solid mass of nothing but strength and power and, quite frankly, ludicrous musculature. And if he wasn’t murdering your legs right now, and not in the fun way, you’re absolutely sure you’d be much more thrilled about these facts.
As it stands now though, nothing but an escape plan was on your mind. Even if the rest of you was only screaming to pull him closer.
“Katsuki.” You tried once more, prodding at his cheek lightly. “Katsuki, c’mon-time to get up.”
He had no reaction. Not even an eye twitch when you ghosted your hands over his face. In all honesty it seemed like he was dead. His breathing was so deep and slow it was almost non-existant and when you called him name, no matter how many times you said it, there wasn’t even a mumble- now whether that was effect of the pain meds or just him ignoring you, you had no idea.
Sighing with finality, and a genuine apology, you lifted his head. It was a struggle, and his unresponsiveness surely didn’t help, but eventually you escaped. You slipped a pillow under his head, patted his cheek fondly, and left towards his kitchen.
Now, was the easy part. Or was supposed to be the easy part- but considering this was Katsuki you should’ve known better.
His fridge was packed to the brim, overflowing with ingredients, but they were all ridiculous health foods. You wanted familiarity and comfort and grease- not green. Not the terrible, bitter, dark green vegetables that seemed to be the only thing he had.
What kind of guy doesn’t have junk food? You thought, shaking your head in utter disbelief. And he tells me I’m the weird one?
With a sigh, you begin rifling through the drawers for something at least a bit fattening, and you can’t kid yourself, it does soothe that itch from earlier. That weird, tingling, constant itch to pick apart every little detail and mix and match them together until you knew every possible thing about Bakugou there was to know. Until you knew things about him that no one else did- until you knew him better than he even knew himself.
And maybe that was selfish, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care all that much. If talking to him, knowing him was intoxicating before, just over the phone, than it was an addiction now. Here in this apartment, surrounded entirely by pieces of him, Katsuki felt real. He felt tangible and honest and complete, and you’d never be satisfied with just texts and phone calls again.
Grinning widely, you grabbed the blocks of cheese, and a few different freshly-cut herbs. Inspiration had struck, and within the weirdly hearty contents of his refridgerator lied your saving grace.
Grilled cheese- because at the end of the day, you were a child through and through.
Gathering the rest of the ingredients, and searching for a pan, you couldn’t contain the warmth in your chest. Not only were you going to be eating good food, but you were sharing it. With your soulmate. It was a weird little bit of domesticity, preparing a meal for him, but you couldn’t say you hated it.
Apparently, you’d made too much noise with the pan, because suddenly you hear shuffling. Glancing behind you, Katsuki is grumbling under his breath as he clambers into the kitchen. He’s all loose limbs and sleepy grunts, grumpily throwing himself down into a seat at the counter, just a few feet away from you.
“Jesus fuckin’ christ, sunshine, could you be any goddamn louder?”
You’re not sure if it’s the combination of the nickname and his crackling sleep-laden voice, or maybe it’s the way his cheeks are stil warmed from sleep, but you melt. Practically dissolve into the floor beneath you. That feeling- that aching one from earlier where all you wanted to do was kiss him silly? Yeah, it’s back now. Back in full-force and unleashing a hellish barrage of butterflies in your stomach.
“Nothin’ to say? Yeah. Thought so. Idiot.” He barks.
“Not a morning person?” You recover, quickly turning back to the stove. Hopefully it’ll cover up the absolute hearts you currently had for eyes.
“It’s 8 PM.”
“It was a joke, angry man.” You laugh. Turning back, you sneak a glance at him, completely unable to help yourself. “Don’t be so grumpy.”
“I’m not fuckin’ grumpy.”
Bakugou mumbles it so quietly and petulantly that you almost can’t hold back your squeal. There he is, just feet away, currently holding the title for World’s Most Adorable Pout and you couldn’t do anything!
Well, maybe you could- if you were bolder and stronger. But you weren’t. Right now you felt weak.
“You could just go back to sleep, you know.” You finally say.
“And let ya fuck up my kitchen unsupervised?” He yawns widely, rubbing at his eyes. “No fuckin’ thanks.”
“It’s only grilled cheese, I think I’ll manage.”
“Grilled cheese? Am I five or some shit?”
“No- but I am. And it’s what I’m making.” You supplied, an easy smile gracing your lips. “So it’s either you have one too, or you starve to death. Your choice, Katsuki dear.”
He blushes when you look at him, hiding it behind his hand. “Yeah. Whatever. Just make sure it’s fucking edible.”
“That’s a tall order, angry man. I might not be able to do it.” You say teasingly, terribly high on a mixture of him and your own fuzzy feelings. “We’ll see, huh?”
Katsuki just nods, dropping his head into his hands. He still looks tired, his eyes half-lidded and eyebrows drawn low, but he’s fighting sleep. Every time you turn to glance at him, he’s blinking himself awake, and every time you turn away you can feel his eyes on your back. It was sweet- until it wasn’t. Until he ruined it.
“Your knife skills are fuckin’ terrible, idiot.”
“Wow- thanks.” You snort, but your motions don’t cease. You’re steady and sure with your chops, even in the face of his ridiculous criticism. “And to think I went to all this trouble for you.”
“You’re just chopping stupid onions.”
“And caramelizing them!” You defend, adding the diced onions into your pan full of oil. You turn back to him, brandishing your knife playfully. “Which you’d know if you let me get that far!”
“A knife! In my own fuckin’ kitchen? That supposed to be a shitty ass threat or somethin’?”
“No, if I was gonna threaten you, I wouldn’t use a knife. That’s just a bad battle tactic, really”
“Yeah?” He takes the bait, perks up a little bit as an easy smile rolls across his face. “What’d you fuckin’ use then, idiot?”
“Fire extinguisher.”
Katsuki’s amused- you know he is, can see it in the way his eyes shine, but he’s fighting it. He’s pulling his mouth into a half-hearted grimace and scowling at you when he replies.
“You’re not fuckin’ funny. That wasn’t funny.”
“I am and it was, but that’s okay.” You shrug, going back to carmelizing the onions. They’re nearly done now, and you add a few spices and a dash more oil in with them. “Can’t win ‘em all, I guess.”
“You’re talking like you can win any.”
“Hey! I’d be careful there, angry man. I know where you live, you know.”
That does elicit a snort from him, and you can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks. “You plannin’ to kill me in my sleep?”
“Now if I told you that wouldn’t very much of a plan, would it?”
“No. Guess even a dumbass like you can understand that much.”
“Katsuki,” You sigh dreamily, turning your head to bat your eyelashes at him dramatically. “You have such a way with words! Makes a girl feel so special.”
He seems stunned for a moment, before he blushes and averts his eyes. Recovery for him takes a second- but only just a second.
“Yeah, yeah. You’re so fuckin’ funny.” He grumbles, mouth drawn into a thin line. “What’s got you so goddamn cheery anyway?”
“Took a nap. Feelin’ energized.”
“When you took one?” You say, idly stirring the ingredients in the pan. “What- you thought I was awake the whole time? That I did nothing but just pet your hair and watch you sleep? For hours?”
He doesn’t say anything, and that seals it for you.
Katsuki had to be the cutest thing on Earth. Just the most adorable little rabid thing who you wanted to keep forever and hug super close and maybe kiss all over. He was precious, and when you looked over to see that he was indeed blushing- well, those feelings only multiplied 1000x over.
“N-no! I didn’t! Fuck no! Don’t be fucking stupid!” He defends, all sleep now gone from his features. “I didn’t! I didn’t and I don’t so shut the fuck up about it!”
You’re not sure if it was the nap or his flustered state that gives you strength, but you’re crossing the room before you can help it. Standing just on the other side of the counter, you lean across it on your elbows, catching his gaze. There’s feelings fluttering wildy in your chest- warm, blistering, uncontainable feelings threatening to burst through your skin and you find you just can’t help yourself.
“Would you like me to pet your hair and watch you sleep for hours? Huh? Katsuki?”
He damn near jolts in his seat- back ridgid and jaw set and eyes so very, very, alive. Flushing, red gathers around his cheeks and his neck and the tips of his ears. Your ears ring prematurely in anticipation, in pure sympathy for the way your ear drums are seconds away from being burst entirely.
“Why the fuck- I didn’t! Why the fuck would you even say that?” He screams, voice tearing from his throat with a feral growl. “You think your funny or some shit? Asking weird shit and being fucking weird in my goddamn kitchen? Tryna start a fuckin’ fight with me? I’ll start a fuckin’ fight!”
Bakugou square his shoulders, mouth set into a determined line through his harsh words. He’s pushing away from the counter, just barely swinging his legs over the chair when you reach him.
“Sit back down, angry man.” You laugh, the sound uncontrollable as it tumbles from your mouth. You push at his rising shoulders until he relents. Watching as he sinks back into his seat, you smile widely. “No fight! I was joking!”
“Well I don’t think your jokes are very fuckin’ funny!”
“Mhm, I know.” You say indulgently, unable to keep the fondness from your tone. “But don’t worry, grumpy, I think that’s all I have. No more jokes for tonight.”
“Now you’re just fuckin’ lying to me.” He barks, but even through the bite you can hear his smile. “You really are askin’ for a fight, aren’t ya?”
“No, I’m not. Seriously.” You soothe.
He doesn’t say anything, just goes back to watching you cook. You’re dropping bread into the pan, watching it brown and adding cheese. Some of the shredded cheese hits the pan, burns quickly- makes a popping sound.
The smile captures your face before you can stop it. Again, you find that you really just can’t help yourself around him.
“And even if I was starting a fight,” You start again, laughing lightly with your back turned to him. “I wouldn’t get very far now, would I? You’d blow me up in a second, huh, angry man?”
You hear him shift in the chair, hear his sharp exhale and his arms hitting the counter. You expect an angry retort, hell, maybe even a cocky one- but that’s not what you get when you turn to face him.
“I would never blow you up.”
His eyes widen, shoulders tensing immediately. You weren’t fairing any better- just as surprised by his quick statement as he was.
In all your life, in all your soulmate fantasies, you had never imagined the words “I would never blow you up” to be the tipping point for you. You never imagined that those words would be what sent you over- what broke the weird dam of feelings that had been welling in you since the day you texted him. But it was.
You were crossing the kitchen before you knew it, careful, sure, strides carrying you to his side. You hands fell around his cheeks, tilting his head up to meet your eyes, and suddenly, all at once, it hit you.
“I like you.” You admit breathlessly, your fond laugh erupting from your chest and raw and unfettered and real. “I- I like you so much, you asshole. You know that? Right?”
He looks winded, his eyes widening as you draw slow circles with your thumbs on his cheeks. You can just barely see it, he only just hardly lets you, but you watch the way he leans into your touch. Just the barest bit of extra weight in your hands, only for a moment, before he pulls back just a bit, smirking up at you.
“Fuckin’ said that already, dumbass.”
“Katsuki!”You whine in protest, rolling your eyes as you let go of his cheeks. “I was being nice!”
You had planned to retreat after that, but the way he suddenly smiles keeps you rooted where you stand. It’s confident little smirk, sitting just at the edge of his mouth- it’s so coy and immature and playful and so very much him that it pulls you in. You’re stepping closer, just a little, and that only makes him, as if he understands, smirk a little more.
He’s like a magnet, you realize, blushing wildly. A dangerous magnet- and I’m an idiot for letting myself get this close.
“I was bein’ nice.” He finally says, grin absolutely shit-eating at this point. “What the hell are you complain’ about, woman- that was nice. You don’t like me bein’ nice to you?”
“That was not nice!”
“I think it was.” He shrugs, so very self-assured and taking the piss. “Think maybe you’re just too fuckin’ sensitive? Hah?”
It’s the way he says it- so cooly and calmly and almost smugly. Like he’s got you backed into a corner and just waiting under his finger. And, truthfully, he does, but you’re much too competitive to just accept that. Much too familiar with the way he’ll blush and scream and fluster at even a hint of pushback. So even with shaky breaths, and a heart fluttering out of control, you challenge him.
“Out of the two of us,” You start, a shaky hand ghosting feather-light under his chin, just barely tilting his face up. “I’m not the sensitive one.”
He takes the bait, just as you knew he would, and rises to it. Even blushing as he was, Katsuki only inches closer in challenge, catching your gaze in full. “Big fuckin’ words, sunshine. Be careful.”
The nickname was playing dirty, and he knew it. You could see it in the careful set of his jaw, the way that incredibly irritating smirk was still sitting unbidden across his stupid beautiful face. You couldn’t let him win. You just couldn’t. 
“Yeah, you’re so angry, aren’t you? So scary, pop rocks.” You tease, desperately trying to move past your breathlessness. Your hand moves on it’s own, threading carefully through his hair. “But not around me.”
“Fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
“Means you’ve gone soft, Katsuki.”
His hackles raise at that, and he clenches his jaw, eyes raging like wildfires. Bakugou doesn’t move away though, only gets closer, his hot breath hitting your face. “I’m. Not. Fuckin’. Soft!”
He nods, so very determined and offended and focused that you laugh. Your giggle makes him angry, you can see it in his eyes, but that only draws you closer. Only a few inches separate the two of you, but it’s like you can’t get close enough. It’s his magnetism, the way he’s still provoking you -despite being so red- that has your hands dropping from his head, crossing together behind his shoulders. You giggle again, warm, happy, heat flooding you at the proximity.
“Prove it then, Katsuki.”
Your defiance only seems to make him angrier. To make him boil because then he’s snarling, eyebrows creasing sharply, and he’s surging upwards, pressing his lips to yours. There’s no grace to it, no soft romance, just brutal pressure and his sharp teeth and his rough hands on your face. All things considered, it was the most aggressive kiss you’d ever recieved, but maybe you should’ve expected that. Still, it takes your breath away, nearly knocks your feet out from under you.
“Still think I’m fuckin’ soft?” Bakugou pulls away, so red he’s about to explode, but he’s still sitting there smirking like he’s won. “Hah?”
You can’t help it- you’d never heard his voice, felt it against your skin this close before. You shiver. That only seems to amuse him more, but then he’s looking past you. 
“Bread’s gonna fuckin’ burn.”
“Y-yeah!” You’re shocked out of whatever hold he had you in, shoulders straightening as you backed away. “Yeah. I know. I got it.” 
You felt winded, nearly weightless and fuzzy and flying as you turned back to the food. Your lips still tingled, fire sitting unrelenting in your cheeks as you finished. Part of you wondered where the hell that Katsuki came from, but then again, you figured that was part of him all along. He wouldn’t lose to anybody- and definitely not to you. 
You plate up the food, and when you turn around he’s still smirking. You want to kiss the smugness right off his idiotic gorgeous lips and you promise yourself you will. Later. 
“It’s hot, so be careful.” You say, sliding his plate across the counter to him.
“Obviously, dumbass. You think I’m that fuckin’ stupid?”
“No, but I’d hate for you to burn your taste buds off before you could really eat.” You smile, rounding the counter with your own food and taking a seat next him. “You’d really be missing out!” 
“What- you make it special or some shit?”
“Mhm. Just for you, angry man!” You laugh. “Figured you deserved something good after all your hard work and heroics.”
Bakugou’s eyes widen, so comically large and bright as he blushes and bites his knuckle. He turns away so quick, nearly cracking his neck with how fast he averts his eyes. “D-don’t just say that shit to me. Fucking weirdo.”
You took a deep breath, physically willing yourself not to turn away and squeal as loud as you could. He just had no right to be that adorable. Katsuki had fully kissed you, hands on your face and biting pressure, but he drew the line at being served food? At being served kind words? 
Oh- oh. You realized. It was words for him- affirmation. That was his real weakness. You filed it away, incredibly excited for the next time you got to test that little theory out on him. 
Dinner was an interesting affair- it was quiet and relatively calm, at least for everyone but the poor grilled cheese you’d served to him. He’d torn into it the second it was cool enough, nearly demolishing it in his sharp teeth. You figured you should’ve guessed that, that he’d eat the way he did everything else- aggressively.  
“You want anything else?” You ask, gathering the plates and cleaning up the counter.
“No. I’m good.” He grunts. “Thank you for the food, but if I want anything else I’ll get it my fuckin’ self.” 
“A simpler thank you would’ve worked just as well.”
“It’s- I’m not,” He grumbles, stubborn as ever. “The food was good. Thank you. I’m just saying you didn’t have to go to all the fuckin’ trouble. If I need somethin’ I’ll get it. I’m not a fuckin’ invalid who can’t do anything.”
“Oh my god.” You mumble under your breath, spinning around to face him. “Will you please just let me help you?”
“I don’t fuckin’ need it.”
“Katsuki- c’mon, just let me take care of you. Help you. Please.”
He looks stunned, maybe even vulnerable, as you near. You take one of his hands in yours.
“Don’t be so stubborn, angry man. I just want to take care of you.” You plead, not letting him look away. “Somebody’s gotta right? Especially since you’re still sore.”
“‘M-’m not that sore. I’ll be fuckin’ fine. Done it before.”
“Yeah, maybe, you have, and I’m sure you still could. I know you’re strong.” You supply. “So strong- but you don’t always have to be strong all by yourself anymore. We can be strong together. I’m here for you, you know?”
Something in his eyes seems so tiny and small and unsure at your words, and it breaks your heart. There aren’t enough words in the world for all you want to say in that moment, so you just take his head in your hands, kiss him with every bit of care and concern you hold for him.
Well you pull back, he won’t look at you, his cheeks gone nearly as red as his vulnerable eyes. His shoulders shake, and he takes a deep breath, turning his head to place a tiny little kiss into the palm of your hand. He doesn’t say anything, but the tiny action communicates almost everything you need to know.
“I saw that fall, alright?” You soothe, thumbs rubbing over his cheeks. “It was pretty nasty, and you’ve gotta be feeling shitty right now. I get it, and I don’t think less of you for it, and I’m not taking ‘pity’ on you or whatever you’re thinking so much about- I really just want to help you feel better. Because I care about you, and I’m so proud of you of saving that kid, and you deserve so many nice things. You gotta let someone help you, okay?”
He nods slowly, but you can see the resistance in the grimace of his mouth. It wasn’t easy for him- accepting help and admitting to any sort of fragility. You’d knew he’d fight you every step of the way- but that was okay. You’d never backed down from one of his challenges before.
“Now, I’m gonna ask you again, and I want you to just listen. Just listen and answer.” You tap a finger against his cheek. “What can I do to help you right now?”
“I-I fuckin’- I can’t.” He breathes, stuttered and anxious, frustrated eyes flitting between every object in the room. “Embarrassing- you’re fuckin’ tryin’ to- I don’t need stupid special treatment! I’m not weak!”
“I know. I know. I’m not saying you are.” You close the distance, pressing a light kiss into his hairline. “Being hurt isn’t the same thing as being weak. Being injured doesn’t mean you’re weak- and accepting help due to those injuries doesn’t make you weak either. You survived that fall because you’re strong, but you don’t have to be right now. Not unless that’s what you really want- not unless being alone right now is really what would help you best.”
He doesn’t say anything, just stares up at you with eyes so guarded that it makes you want to cry.
“Is it? Is that what you want?” You ask tenatively. “If you’re really not feeling up to it, just want to shut down and sleep instead, I don’t have to be here. I want to, because I care about you, but I won’t force you. I can leave if-“
Bakugou suddenly grasps at your wrist, fingers twitching on your skin. His eyes are closed and his eyebrows are pinched, but he presses your hand into his burning cheeks.
“Yeah. Okay.” You whisper, the fondness and affection dripping from your words, thick and heavy as they leave your mouth. “I get it. I understand- you don’t have to say it.”
He just nods tightly, eyes still closed.
You stay there for a moment, just breathing in the rare vulnerability that was rolling off of him. Then you find it’s not enough- that you need more contact. You’re surging forward, tucking his head into your neck as you wind feather-light arms around him, careful to avoid his injuries.
Bakugou fights it, going rigid and stiff and resitant at first. He hardly looks at you, just barely, but you catch his gaze and nod. It’s all it takes before he’s allowing himself to sink into you, his arms pulling you closer.
It’s hesitancy, than acceptance and than desperation, and suddenly he’s holding you so tightly, clutching at you like you’re gonna fade. Like you’ll slip through his calloused fingers. It makes you ache. Sends volts of throbbing pain through your chest that have you squeezing him tighter.
It makes you want to sob- the way he seemed so resistant to softness despite being so obviously starved for it. You wondered if anyone else had stuck around this long; if anyone else had noticed just how desperate he was for someone to finally hear him.
It was alright now, you figured. He had you now and you’d listen for as long as he allowed you to.
“You don’t have to say anything,” You start, voice quiet, turning your head to whisper against his hair. “But I want you to know that I think you’re good. That I think that you’re so strong, the absolute bravest, and that you did a really good thing saving that kid. I believe you- when you said that you were working on it. You’re not so angry anymore and I get it. I know I haven’t know you that long, but still, I’m so proud of you for it.”
He just melts into you further, a shuddering breath against your neck. You think you can feel a smile- just the tiniest little twitch of his lips. A hesitant, honest, thing that has unbridled fondess tearing through your chest.
You stay like that for a few minutes, so close and warm and connected, before he’s pushing you away. Just barely pressing away from you until he can look you in the eyes.
“I- uh, I fuckin’ like you too.” He stutters out, so very red and exposed and genuine. He seems to struggle with the eye contact, but he holds it anyway. “And think you’re okay. Or whatever.”
Truthfully, you wanted to tease him. Wanted to giggle and laugh and pick apart the words because he just added a “Or whatever” to the end of his declaration. It was quite possibly the lamest possible phrase to tack onto the end of an emotional statement and you wanted to say something- but now wasn’t the time for that. You didn’t even want to imagine the walls he’d put up if you laughed at him right now.
So you didn’t, you just pulled him close again. Hugged him tight and hid your pleased smile where he couldn’t see it. Bakugou stills then, resting his head against you and shutting his eyes. His anxiety fades from his shoulders and his breathing slows; if you you didn’t know any better you’d swear he was falling asleep.
“You want more pain meds?” You ask after a while. “Think it’s probably about time.”
He just nods. You begin to move away, and he follows you for a second. Just a second though- and then he’s catching himself and fisting his hands tightly shut in his lap, cheeks flushing.
“The nightime ones look pretty intense.” You comment, reading the label on the bottle. You give it a playful shake. “You wanna get high, angry man?”
He’s scoffing and rolling his eyes but he’s smiling too. Katsuki holds a hand out and you toss him the bottle.
“Not a fuckin’ baby.” He grunts, twisting open the bottle. He dry-swallows the pills; you he does it just to prove a point. “I’ll be fine.”
“I don’t know, those pills kinda look like horse tranquilizers. Worringly so.” You refill his glass of water, shoving it towards him before he can protest. “Now drink up. Then you’re spending the rest of the night on the couch, where you should’ve been. The whole time. Resting.”
“Jeez, pushy woman. I get it. Chill out already.”
“How am I supposed to chill out when you keep not listening to me, huh?” You take the empty glass from his hands. “Now, c’mon, go- back to the living room. I know you’re not gonna let me help you, but I swear to god, if I don’t see you hobbling away in a few seconds, I’m gonna be really angry at you.”
Bakugou rolls his eyes, all petulant dramatics and huffy sighs, but gets up anyway- actually listens to you even if it seems like it physically pains him. Actually, knowing him, it probably does.
He collapses into the couch as you bring another water over- just in case. You meant it when you said you didn’t want him getting up again.
“So, I’m thinkin’ you’ve got, max, maybe 30 minutes? Possibly 45?” You say settling in on the other side of the couch. “So pick a movie.”
He looks at you a little weirdly. “Why?”
“Because those meds are gonna knock you the fuck out.” You laugh, unable to hold it in. “And because watching movies is a relaxing activity. And that’s what you’re supposed to be doing right now. Relaxing.”
“So you’ve fuckin’ said. I get it, woman. Put whatever you want on, I don’t care.”
“Really? No preference at all?”
“No.” He puffs out his cheeks, averts his eyes. “Normally don’t have time for that shit.”
You can’t help it- the way you find yourself sidling right up next to him. You’re careful, sure to avoid all his sore limbs, but you take a chance and poke at his chest lightly.
“No time, huh?” You say, catching his eyes. “I’ll find a way to change that.”
His eyes widen and his cheeks redden, and as usual, he doesn’t say anything. Katsuki just hides his face over your head, tucking you into his chest as he huffs.
“Course you fuckin’ would. You’re the most irritating woman I’ve ever met.”
“I’m gonna choose to take that as a complement.”
“You fuckin’ shouldn’t. It’s not.”
“Well, I think I will anyway.” You giggle, sinking into his hold. “Besides, I’m pretty sure you like me- you did kiss me first, you know.”
Bakugou goes ridgid at that, face heating as he forcibly shucks you from him. He looks appalled, absolute disbelief covering his features.
“T-that’s not! I fuckin’- I did that shit to win! Because you said I was soft! I’m not fucking soft, you shitty woman!”
“Mhm. I know.” You laugh, nearing him again and stopping just inches from his red face. You’re blushing too, horribly so, but you can’t help teasing him. Nothing could stop you from riling him up further- it was your favorite past-time after all. “You wanna try winning again? I’ll promise I’ll let you. Katsuki.”
He shrinks back in his seat, jolts like he’s the one who just got shocked. He isn’t. You are- and you’re laughing and smiling and breaking the tension all at once.
“That’s- Don’t fuckin’ do that to me! Goddamn witch! What the hell is that? Fuckin’ breaking my quirk? What the fuck?” He roars as he tucks his hands under his legs. “You know how long I been workin’ on controlling that shit? Just to have you walk in and fuck it up? Stop it! I fuckin- you make me so mad! Stop laughing!”
“I-I’m not. I’m not! It’s just,” You begin, breathless and gasping. “I was wondering, you know, why that hadn’t happened in a while, but now I know why. And it’s adorable.”
“Shut up! It’s not and I’m not- I’m fucking cool as shit so don’t go running your fuckin’ mouth about it! You don’t know what you’re talking about, damn dumbass, you don’t know shit!”
You sober a little bit, admiration shining clearly in your eyes when you look at him. When you look at his red face- the way he flustered. Because that’s the secret, you discovered; he only popped when you embarrassed him.
“Stop yelling already.” You giggle, pressing closer to him. “It’s not a bad thing, angry man. You make me nervous too, you know?”
He spares a look at you, blinking dumbfounded at your statement. Like he couldn’t believe it. It was such a ridiculous, oblivious look on his face that you couldn’t stop yourself- you just had to kiss it away.
As much noise as he was making, it all dies away the second you meet his lips. All the resistance fades and he melts into it, hands grasping under your chin to keep you close to him.
The first kiss was about winning, and the second one about validation, and those were good, amazing, but this one was nothing but fondess. A torrent of burning, boiling, affection as your lips moved against his. It was a tender kiss, much softer and slower than the first one, and a lot more delicate but you liked it just the same. Liked being able to finally act on all the feelings you’d been storing up for weeks.
The completion you’d felt from this kiss far surpassed the charged kisses from earlier. This was kissing him just because you could, because you wanted to, and you were sure this was heaven- at least, as close to heaven as any one human should ever be allowed to get.
It felt like flying, like hurtling above the earth and surging through the clouds. Like you were Icarus and you breached the atmosphere to soar against the surface of the sun. His hands fell to the base of your spine, pressing you firmly against him, and suddenly you knew. Knew it for sure, in your bones like it’d always been carved in there-you might’ve been Icarus, but he’d never let you fall. You would get to blister and scorch and burn for as long as you’d wanted but your wax would never melt. There was no fear when falling with him. Falling for him.
You pull away, but you don’t go too far. Don’t think you could separate even if you tried. Katsuki was an addiction, a powerful, potent thing and the only salve for that itch in your skin was being close to him. As close as you could possibly manage.
He didn’t say anything, just ragged breathes as he pulled you close. That was alright, you figured, you already knew he wasn’t a man of many words. At least not of many nice ones. The thought made you giggle.
“What the fuck are you laughin’ about, idiot?” He huffs, cheeks still bright red. “What’s so fuckin’ funny, hah?”
“Nothing. I just like you. A lot.”
The statement was easy, falling from your mouth like it was seared into your tongue. You’d knew the affect it would have- that he’d jump in his skin and go shy under your touch. That was half the reason you said it after all.
“Oh my god,” You whisper, dropping a quick kiss to his heated cheek just because you could. He only seems further embarrassed by your action, hands unconciously scrunching the material of your sweatshirt. “You’re killing me.”
“Good.” He mumbles juvenilely, looking anywhere to avoid your eyes. “Die then. Fuckin’ burn, you witch.”
The laugh that tears from your chest is full and heavy and so very filled with joy that it sucks the air out of you. Has you grasping for breath as you clutch your stomach, a hand braced on the cushion behind you as you absolutely lose yourself. When the tears finally clear from your eyes, you see him smiling, apparently very pleased with his joke. Which, to be completely honest, you were too. It was a very funny joke, after all.
“You can’t- you shouldn’t call your soulmate a witch, Katsuki!”
He just shrugs, smile still stretched across his face as he watches you.
“Jesus christ, what am I gonna do with you?” You ask, heaving a breath as your last giggles fade. “You’re a real handful, you know?”
He nods, looking once again all too pleased with himself. You see his pupils though- the way they’ve slowly dialated from the meds. You had to hand it to him, being that present while fighting heavy narcotics? He really was the best at everything.
“Alright, alright, enough jokes from you, Mr. Funny Man.” You say, standing quickly to grab the blanket across the room. You sit back down, setting it to the side as you pat your lap. “Lay down.”
“I’m not-“
“Just lay down, you stubborn idiot.” You sigh. “I can see your eyes. You’re tired, aren’t you?”
“Not that fuckin’ tire-“
“I said, you’re tired, aren’t you?” You interrupt sternly.
He just looks at you, rolls his eyes for the umpteenth time that night, and collaspes into your lap. You spread the blanket over him, nearly cooing when he pulls it up to his chin and closes his eyes. He then abruptly shifts, movements jerky and aggressive as he turns onto his side and wraps his arms around you stomach.
“Aww, Katsuki-“
“Shut the fuck up, woman.” He bites out, not even bothering to open his eyes. “Say a goddamn thing and I’ll fucking bite you.”
“Ooo kinky.”
True to his word, he does bite. Not a cute bite either- it’s all pressure and sharp teeth and locked jaw against your stomach, all ridiculous force through your sweatshirt, and you swear to god if he wasn’t so cute you’d slap him.
“Katsuki!” You shrill, hands pushing his head away. “Ow! Stop! That hurts, you bitch!”
“Told you. Fuckin’ warned ya.” He grunts, relenting with a smug smile as he nuzzles back into your stomach- this time without teeth. “Now turn on the TV. Need background noise to drown you the fuck out.”
“You’re so mean!” You whine, but you’re still petting his hair fondly, shifting as minutely as you could to grab the remote.
He doesn’t say anything as the TV clicks to life, filling the room with soft instructions as the cooking channel drones on. You watch it for a while, perfectly content and sated as you scratch at his scalp. You wouldn’t pick the cooking channel on a normal day- but let’s face, you weren’t really paying that much attention to it.
Katsuki shifts suddenly, sleepily prods the base of your spine with a single finger until you jump.
“God.” You huff. “What?”
“You should stay.”
“Tonight.” He slurs, eyes just barely sliding open to display his glazed pupils. “Here.”
He’s trying to blink himself away now, hardly able to keep his eyes open. You see his blown pupils and feel his sluggish limbs- that medicine really was doing a number on him. Turns out, even the great Bakugou Katsuki wasn’t stronger than literal drugs.
Your stomach sank as you continued to look him. You wanted to stay- truly you did. But you couldn’t. It was a sunday, you had class in the morning, and your university was over in the next city.
You should stay.” He insists again.
“I’m can’t stay.”
“Fuckin- why?” He pokes your cheek with a sluggish limb, just barely missing your eyes. His own are coated in mild irritation. “Hate me that much or somethin’?”
“No.” You laugh fondly, batting his hands away and gathering them in your own. “I have class tomorrow morning, angry man.”
He’s quiet for a moment, but you watch his lips pull into a pout. He pokes your cheek again. “Drop out of school.”
“I’m not gonna drop out of school.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m almost finished.” You supply indulgently, cradling his sleepy face in your hands. “I can always visit tomorrow.”
“No. Now.”
“Katsuki,” You giggled, unable to contain it. “I really can’t. I can’t just do everything you say, you know.”
“Never fuckin’- never do anythin’ I say.”
“I know.”
He’s quiet again, head lolling to bury itself back into your stomach. You look at the time, and laugh- you guess 9:47 was past his bed time even when he wasn’t sky high off of pain meds.
“Stay.” He orders again, arms winding tighter against your stomach.
“You’re so loopy, my dear angry man.” You coo, catching his face in your palms, tilting his head until you meet his glazed eyes. “God, I can’t wait to tell you about this tomorrow morning.”
“When you’re still here.”
“I’m not- Katsuki!” You giggle. “What has that medicine done to you, oh my god.”
He just shrugs, closing his eyes as he drops his head back further into your palms. At this point, so flustered and outright giddy at his adorable actions, you were sure that your hands had to be shaky- but if they were he certainly didn’t seem to mind.
“Are you serious, right now? It’s- that’s all your weight! What’re you gonna do; just break your neck if I move my hands?”
“Yeah. Fuckin’ probably.”
“That’s not a good answer.”
“Mhm. Don’t move ‘em then.” He slurs. “World’s- world’s gonna be real fuckin’ mad if you kill me.”
You want to retort, want to argue with him and his ridiculousness, but he wouldn’t be awake to find out. He’s fallen asleep almost as soon as he finishes the thought, head falling completely into your palms, even more dead weight than before. Surpressing a squeal, you set his head back down on your thighs, heart pounding wildly when he nuzzles into your stomach.
His kitten snores start again, those same adorable little ones from earlier, and it’s like you had no choice. Mid-terms were coming up soon, and it was a terrible choice to skip class tomorrow morning, and your back would kill you when you woke up, but your grave was dug the second he’d cuddled into you.
Bakugou Katsuki always got his way after all- always won, even when it came to you. So you didn’t fight the sleep gathering in your eyes, letting your head fall heavy against the cushion behind you.
You stayed. You would stay, and you knew it was just because he asked you to, because he had you wrapped so tightly and completely around his explosive fingers- no matter how much you wanted to deny it.
enjoy the fluff kissy kissy :))
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buglife · 3 years
My Favorite Fic Tropes Ever
AKA the things I stay up late at night searching for on AO3 lol
To be added on whenever
Fandoms mentioned/talked about (Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, Undertale, Hollow Knight, Red vs Blue, Harry Potter, A Hat in Time, MLP:FIM, Fallout, Metalocalypse, Team Fortress 2, Pokemon, Mass Effect, Half Life / Half Life VR. Transformers. My fandoms are smoll lol.
1. When the most gentle idiot himbo character goes completely serious and outright fucks up the villain because they crossed an arbitrary line that exists in said gentle idiot's head. (Caboose is considered a joke but he ripped apart an entire army of texas bots by himself because he thought they were 'taxes')
2. When the annoying but lovable character gets seriously sick or injured to the point of nearly dying and it forces the gang to realize how much said character means to them and how much they would miss them if they were to die. Cue gang taking care of them through recovery and treating them better once they survive. (The Reds and Blues make fun of Caboose all the time...but they would change their tune in a hurry if something were to happen to him.)
3. When you figure out the horrible backstory of a character through listening to them ramble in their fever dreams/intense painkiller/blood loss induced hallucinations. (Giorno Giovanna is secretive but the gang figure out his fucked up childhood when he gets sick and starts rambling)
4. When everyone lives and nobody dies because I'm a fucking weenie and I cry easy so I like happy endings and fix it fics. (Quirrel and Tiso live goddamnit!)
5. When a shitty character gets called out for the shitty things they do in a piece of media when said media gives them 'the greater good' treatment. (Like srsly, fuck you Dumbledore. You let Harry stay in abusive household you dick. >:()
6. One person collects found family/friends like pokemon cards and lives with them all because they love them (Ghost has SO MANY FRIENDS crammed into Dirtmouth now lol.)
7. 'I have known this person for only a day, but if anything happens to them I will kill EVERYONE and then myself. Also "This Is MY KID NOW" (Bruno Bucciarati lets be real he is mom. We all also love Dadmaster Mato lets be real.)
8. Plausible backgrounds for characters that have little to no background known about them. (I stan the 'Caboose is a SPARTAN' theory until the day I die.)
9. The kids of Royals being MUCH BETTER than their shitty parents. (Looks at my Hollow Knight AU and sweats)
10. Baleful Polymorph. Give me someone that gets turned into a monster and can shapeshift and but give them friends. Bonus for critter instincts and behaviors but are untimely, a cinnamon roll. (That AHIT coffee shop au yes)
11. When someone gets lost in their head via panic attacks/ptsd/dissociation and does not recognize their pal/love and said person has to convince the other that they will be okay and that they are safe. (EVERY SINGLE FANDOM HAS THIS)
12. Supernatural AU. As in vampires and werewolves and ghosts and other creepy crawlies all being pals together. (Team Fortress 2 but all the mercs are different kind of monsters and supernatural beasties.)
13. The gang tries to celebrate/get through an actual holiday with varied results. (Everyone in Undertale in ONE HOUSE TRYING TO MAKE IT THROUGH A HOLIDAY.)
14. Lets Have Some Platonic Love And Affection Up In Here. (plz)
15. Behind the Scenes Aus where the characters are actors and there are outtakes while trying to 'film' the dramatic scenes. (Cause it helps soften the blow of canon character deaths and the like, my poor heart.)
16. Where Fridge Horror is explored and addressed in a relatively fluffy and unassuming show (My Little Pony: FIM. For real Luna on the moon for 1000 YEARS. ALONE.)
17. Worlds where I can easily self insert myself in and daydream/write about my own adventures and role playing purposes (Fallout and Pokemon for realzies)
18. Exploring the bad guy and their thought processes, or a bad guy that isn't really a bad guy and has always been on the fence, and not has to make a choice to take that step over the point of no return or make an effort to turn around and make a new life for themselves. (Transformers because there are probably Decepticons that Don't Want To Be Here.)
19. Everyone Now Has to Be Domestic cause someone needs to cook dinner and I burn water (Half Life VR)
20. Uh Oh! The team used to be just a team but now they are family and if you hurt one of our family members we will boil you alive (Metalocalypse)
21. Give me an excuse to flex on my love of (x) (Entomology and Hollow Knight for me lol)
Probably reblog more later but I wonder if these are some of your guy's favorites too!
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quietborderline · 3 years
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I'm sorry @radio-chatter. I know you originally asked for porn, so that really should have been first, but I gift you silly fluff instead. <3
Title: Rise & Shine Series: I Hope Tomorrow Is Like Today (& Ersatz AU, technically) Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda Relationships: Scott/Reyes Tags: Established Relationship; Domestic fluff; Slice of Life Summary: Scott brings Reyes breakfast in bed Word Count: 790 Title Song: Rise & Shine by Guster.
Read it below the cut or here on AO3.
Scott walks through the door of the apartment and stops just inside, listening for any sign that Reyes might be awake.
Luck is still on his side, though.
Nothing but silence.
He smiles as he makes his way to the kitchen, dropping the takeout bags on the counter.  He turns on the coffee maker, grabs the serving tray, placing it next to the bags, then sets about getting the plates and things he needs to make everything presentable.
When he’s finished, Scott leans back to admire his handiwork.
It looks exactly like something out of some cheesy rom-com, complete with the tiny vase of flowers.
It’s perfect.
He bounces a little in his excitement as he pours and prepares their coffee.
Then he grabs the tray and heads for the bedroom.
Only his luck runs out as soon as he places the tray down on the bed; Reyes wakes up immediately.
“No! Stop, you’re not supposed to—”
But Scott’s complaining only serves to push Reyes further into alertness. He half sits up in the bed, staring at Scott in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
Scott shakes his head, chuckling at himself. “Nothing’s wrong, it’s just...” He sighs. “I wanted to wake you with cuddles...”
But then, not about to be deflated, Scott grins, and gestures toward the tray on the bed with a slight shrug. “Surprise?”
Reyes sits up more and blinks at the spread in front of him. “You did all this?” he asks, eyes flicking back to Scott again, and okay.
He’s clearly still half asleep.
Bleary eyed and adorable and making absolutely no sense at all.
Scott shifts the tray just enough so he can climb onto the bed, looking at Reyes with his head tilted and one eyebrow quirked in suspicion.
“Yes?  I cooked everything myself because I’m trying to murder you...”
Reyes just laughs and shakes his head.
Scott moves forward on the bed, settling next to him so they are shoulder to shoulder.  He grabs Reyes’ hand, threading their fingers together. “It’s from Miriam,” he explains. Then he grins over at Reyes again.  “I did put it all on the plates myself, though, aren’t you proud?”
Reyes rolls his eyes - Scott’s starting to rub off on him - but kisses him, and Scott decides it was worth the fifty minute wait for the food.
When Reyes’ hands start roaming, though, Scott breaks off the kiss with a chuckle and gives him a stern look.
“Food first. Fun later.”
Scott releases Reyes’ hand and leans forward to pull the tray closer again, grabbing his own coffee cup and taking a sip, then placing it next to him on the bedside table. Reyes just looks down at everything like he isn’t sure where to even start. Suddenly, he frowns and looks back at Scott.
“What are you going to eat?”
Scott laughs.
“I already ate. While I was waiting,” he replies. “I got bacon egg and cheese from down the street, and don’t judge me because it was delicious.”
Reyes makes a face at him, but seems to accept that, and digs in. Scott grabs the remote from next to his coffee and turns on the television.
They argue over what to watch for a while before settling on the newest episode of The Wheel of Time.
Afterward, Reyes heads into the bathroom to take a shower and Scott goes about cleaning up and washing the dishes.
Before long, Reyes reappears to wrap his arms around him from behind, resting his chin on Scott’s shoulder. “I can’t believe you went to Miriam for brunch on a Sunday.” He shakes his head, a few drops of water falling from his hair and soaking into Scott’s shirt. “I guess you must really love me.”
Scott rolls his eyes. He drops the plate he’d been in the middle of rinsing into the sink and turns in Reyes arms.
“I know it’s your favorite,” he says, “and I know your week sucked, and that sale fell through, and—” Scott chuckles softly. “And me waking up first was definitely some kind of fluke that’s probably never gonna happen again, so I just thought...” He trails off with a shrug.
Reyes’s face melts into that look of bemused affection that makes Scott’s heart rate pick up and does weird things to his insides.
He leans forward, pressing his still damp forehead against Scott’s.
“And you say you’re not a romantic,” Reyes teases, smiling, then leans in even further and kisses him.
Scott laughs. The kiss is slow. Playful.
At first.
Until Reyes moves in further still, pressing his body flush to Scott’s own.
Well. Time for fun, I guess.
So Scott just grins against his lips and slowly removes the towel from around Reyes’ waist...Scott walks through the door of the apartment and stops just inside, listening for any sign that Reyes might be awake.
Luck is still on his side, though.
Nothing but silence.
He smiles as he makes his way to the kitchen, dropping the takeout bags on the counter. He turns on the coffee maker, grabs the serving tray, placing it next to the bags, then sets about getting the plates and things he needs to make everything presentable.
When he’s finished, Scott leans back to admire his handiwork.
It looks exactly like something out of some cheesy rom-com, complete with the tiny vase of flowers.
It’s perfect.
He bounces a little in his excitement as he pours and prepares their coffee.
Then he grabs the tray and heads for the bedroom.
His luck runs out as soon as he places the tray down on the bed; Reyes wakes up immediately.
“No! Stop, you’re not supposed to—”
But Scott’s complaining only serves to push Reyes further into alertness. He half sits up in the bed, staring at Scott in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
Scott shakes his head, chuckling at himself. “Nothing’s wrong, it’s just...” He sighs. “I wanted to wake you with cuddles...”
But then, not about to be deflated, Scott grins, and gestures toward the tray on the bed with a slight shrug. “Surprise?”
Reyes sits up more and blinks at the spread in front of him. “You did all this?” he asks, eyes flicking back to Scott again, and okay.
He’s clearly still half asleep.
Bleary eyed and adorable and making absolutely no sense at all.
Scott shifts the tray just enough so he can climb onto the bed, looking at Reyes with his head tilted and one eyebrow quirked in suspicion.
“Yes? I cooked everything myself because I’m trying to murder you...”
Reyes just laughs and shakes his head.
Scott moves forward on the bed, settling next to him so they are shoulder to shoulder. He grabs Reyes’ hand, threading their fingers together. “It’s from Miriam,” he explains. Then he grins over at Reyes again. “I did put it all on the plates myself, though, aren’t you proud?”
Reyes rolls his eyes - Scott’s starting to rub off on him - but kisses him, and Scott decides it was worth the fifty minute wait for the food.
When Reyes’ hands start roaming, though, Scott breaks off the kiss with a chuckle and gives him a stern look.
“Food first. Fun later.”
Scott releases Reyes’ hand and leans forward to pull the tray closer again, grabbing his own coffee cup and taking a sip, then placing it next to him on the bedside table. Reyes just looks down at everything like he isn’t sure where to even start. Suddenly, he frowns and looks back at Scott.
“What are you going to eat?”
Scott laughs.
“I already ate. While I was waiting,” he replies. “I got bacon egg and cheese from down the street, and don’t judge me because it was delicious.”
Reyes makes a face at him, but seems to accept that, and digs in. Scott grabs the remote from next to his coffee and turns on the television.
They argue over what to watch for a while before settling on the newest episode of The Wheel of Time.
Afterward, Reyes heads into the bathroom to take a shower and Scott goes about cleaning up and washing the dishes.
Before too long, Reyes reappears to wrap his arms around him from behind, resting his chin on Scott’s shoulder. “I can’t believe you went to Miriam for brunch on a Sunday.” He shakes his head, a few drops of water falling from his hair and soaking into Scott’s shirt. “I guess you must really love me.”
Scott rolls his eyes. He drops the plate he’d been in the middle of rinsing into the sink and turns in Reyes arms.
“I know it’s your favorite,” he says, “and I know your week sucked, and that sale fell through, and—” Scott chuckles softly. “And me waking up first was definitely some kind of fluke that’s probably never gonna happen again, so I just thought...” He trails off with a shrug.
Reyes’s face melts into that look of bemused affection that makes Scott’s heart rate pick up and does weird things to his insides.
He leans forward, pressing his still damp forehead against Scott’s.
“And you say you’re not a romantic,” Reyes teases, smiling, then leans in even further and kisses him.
Scott laughs. The kiss is slow. Playful.
At first.
Until Reyes moves in further still, pressing his body flush to Scott’s own.
Well. Time for fun, I guess.
So Scott just grins against his lips and slowly removes the towel from around Reyes’ waist...
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chatonyant · 4 years
im just so sad about this funky crow ninja
Itachi is just
Such a tragic character and it makes me so sad
Like he's a pacifist at heart but he was forced to be the literal opposite at such a young age and I'm just so sAD ABOUT IT
(Under cut cause it’s long and it’s about the uchiha massacre if yall would rather not read bout that But it also has some soft ideas down at the way bottom if yall wanna just speed scroll to the bottom)
How he came to the choice he made regarding the Uchiha massacre totally makes sense to me. It wasn't a good decision, it wasn't a decision best suited for the situation, but it made sense. And it gets worse once you realize that he was 13. Thirteen. No wonder he couldn't find/use a third option. He's still a child, even in this world of child soldiers. He bloodied his hands and wore a mask so that the home he loved and the brother he adored could be safe.
I wish his story could've been written... better, for a lack of proper words. Maybe that is the right word. But I want to see him do more for Konoha. He became a missing nin for Konoha to spy on Akatsuki/Madara but we don't see the results of that. What information does Konoha get from him? Because we know that he's still loyal to Konoha after all this time. Did he do anything to slow Akatsuki down? Did he do things to benefit Konoha or stop something from badly impacting it? What did he do?
And he was sick and going blind too!!!! I swear he was the universe's punching bag (though one of many cause the naruto universe just Be Like That)
Fuck ok I came on here to ramble about Itachi in my au but then got sad sO AU TIME NOW
For one I want to make him.... more sympathetic? A redemption works best when its shown from the start that there is more than meets the eye. Like Zuko, for example. He was a jerk, but there are moments where it's clear that he's not as much of a jerk as he could have been. And I wanted to do something similar with Itachi (and a couple other villains tbh but it's also a matter of "Should you survive" coughObitocough I love you but idk if you survive in this au or not but I have ideas nonetheless but that is for a later time)
Anyways, morally grey but more clearly Itachi
Honestly I've got more ideas for his ending than the beginning. Which is... very annoying. This is unfortunately the case for many... many of my ideas....
An idea I've been juggling with is Itachi not killing everyone. He definitely kills everyone who's activated their sharingan and anyone who is/was a shinobi. So everyone who's not a civilian. So,,, the survivors are very very little and are civilian mothers and civilian children too young to even attend the academy and like the occasional shop owners. The massacre was to stop the coup and prevent it from ever happening, so those who have the power to set forward this coup are any shinobi. And unfortunately, the Uchiha clan is an old shinobi clan.
Itachi is not a blank mask and does cry when he kills his parents and they leave their parting words. He's 13, forced to commit a crime that goes against his every wish, moral, and beliefs. Plus I believe the Uchiha are naturally every emotional- or at least feels it more intensely than others. Their whole defining ability has to do with emotions. They feel Very Strongly.
And thus by "cry" I mean he cries a lot. He almost has a breakdown right then and there when little baby Sasuke crashes in and see his crying older brother holding a bloody blade over his two very dead parents. 
For someone willing(ish) to murder a(lmost) a whole clan for the sake of his little brother, Itachi sure does directly hurt Sasuke a lot. Like genjutsu torture? Placing responsibility of avenging a whole clan on his tiny, angry shoulders? Oof, Itachi, bad ideas. 
So Itachi wants Sasuke to be safe. To be happy to the best of his ability. So instead, he uses a milder form of Tsukuyomi to place a suggestion in his baby mind that Itachi was in fact a cold hearted murderer. But the human mind is a strange thing that is difficult to understand, so for years Sasuke has nightmares of that night with his perception of Itachi varying wildly between a stone cold face and a tear-stained one. 
Itachi doesn’t do the whole “hate me and kill me for vengeance” because, again, he wants Sasuke to be safe and happy. Considering that he lives in a shinobi village and just had a highly traumatic experience, both are hard to come by, but the least Itachi can do is not have Sasuke’s whole life be overcome by hatred. Curse of Hatred is a very real thing, Itachi. I know you want Sasuke to have a goal to drive him forward and not waste away but bad idea Itachi. Maybe he says something else. Maybe he tells Sasuke to get stronger (but not in a “so you can get revenge” kind of way). I don’t know. But he doesn’t quite plant the idea of vengeance in his mind, so Sasuke’s motivation and drive ends up differently. Butterfly effects oho Also since Sasuke unlocked his sharingan during the massacre... is it possible to activate mangekyo as well? Cause he loves Itachi most, yes, but he also loved his parents, his mom especially. Would that be enough? Wiki says “death of someone close to the user”, so it’s possible, I think.
So many ideas about the massacre holy shit
Like Shisui. I’d totally love to make him live but frankly, I’ve got no idea how. :”D sorry Shisui, you’ll have to stay dead until I can find a solid reasoning as to how you survived and why
As for Madara/Tobi, well in anime he went after the Police headquarters while Itachi went after everyone else so there’s that, not much to change there
Then there’s a whole bunch of aftermath hijinks
Itachi is said to have aided Konoha within Akatsuki, but it’s not very clearly shown. Considering how we aren’t shown what exactly he passed on, that will be uh.... perhaps expanded on later. 
Sasuke and Itachi interactions before Shippuden would be different due to Sasuke’s own differences, but those differences haven’t be set yet so that will be explained later.
Ok, now the whole Itachi dying and being reincarnated shebang. Fourth War sure is wild as fuck. “Let’s mass reincarnate people!” what.
I don’t want Itachi to die. I want to let him rest. But not in death. 
So the general idea I have for the “end” of the story is:
He becomes legally blind. Not completely blind, but very close. His chakra coils are fucked and his sharingan are stuck in a way that he can kinda see chakra but very vaguely. 
His illness isn’t completely healed, but it’s much better than before; Sakura and Tsunade are legendary at what they do
He returns home to Konoha. Not sure how he will be accepted into the village but I was thinking the village makes a half-lie half-truth story pinning the blame on Danzo (Cause when in doubt, blame Danzo. Or Zetsu. But Zetsu isn’t blamable here)
He may not be imprisoned, but he isn’t free to roam. He’s monitored and has a (temporary?) seal placed on him limiting his use of chakra.
Itachi is surprisingly ok with all of this. He gets to retire from a shinobi life and he’s unraveled the story to Sasuke and was gifted a form of forgiveness. Life’s chill.
He works at the Yamanaka flower shop. It’s calming, peaceful, and it’s run by Yamanaka, powerful shinobi and also knowledgeable on psychology.
His crows are now seeing eye crows. They sit on either his shoulders or head and squawk whenever Itachi is too close to bumping into something. Sasuke very much enjoys when the crows are on Itachi’s head because when he tosses little treats at the birds, sometimes they land in Itachi’s hair.
It’s very hard for the shinobi to fear this honestly tiny man (because Itachi is small, fight me) who’s humming while watering plants with a bird on top of his head while the various heroes of Konoha take turns tossing treats at the bird like it’s a dog. 
“Nii-san. Nii-san stop squishing my cheeks.” “But Sasuke I want to see your face.” “Nii-san-”
oh my god so much brain power used on the massacre just so i could make itachi have a very domestic ending
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thisisme16 · 6 months
First Contact: Ch. 1
A group of friends were playing video games like every other evening when it happened. They were laughing and playfully taunting each other.
Daniel: Bomb's away!
Jericho: Oh, come on! That's not fair!
Daniel: All's fair in Smash Bros, Jer!
Charlie: Oh? Even this?
The TV screen showed a typical Super Smash Bros Ultimate match. Charlie's Ike proceeds to smash Daniel's Samus off the ring. Daniel: Dude!
Jericho: Haha! Hashtag Justice for Kirby!
Meanwhile, a Pikachu and a Mewtwo were having their own duel.
Jessica: You want some of this?!
Matthew: No, thank you!
A white poodle laying by Jessica's feet barked happily, wanting to be included.
The match continued in the same fashion until there was only Samus and Pikachu left. Each at one life left. The showdown had begun.
Charlie: No, not Pikachu and Samus! They're supposed to be friends!
Jessica: You can be friends with someone and still kick their ass!
Daniel: I am SO glad you said that!
His Samus immediately cracked a smash ball open, giving her her ultimate smash.
Jericho: Take cover!
Jessica: Ack! Abort, Peeky! Abort!
Daniel: Nobody escapes the ULTIMATE SMASH!
And then it happened. A massive explosion a short distance from the house. The sound and aftershocks shook the building. The group were stunned into silence. The poodle began to bark loudly.
Matthew: What the hell was that?
Daniel: I swear that wasn't me.
Charlie looked out the window.
Charlie: Was that a meteor?
Jericho: It must have been. That was huge!
After Jessica calmed her dog down, she and Daniel joined Charlie at the window.
Daniel: It must have landed close by. Wanna check it out?
Matthew: Shouldn't we call someone first?
Jericho: I don't know who to call when a meteor hits.
Jessica: 911?
Charlie: It's not exactly an emergency. ...How about this? We'll go take a look. If there's a fire, then we'll call 911.
The gang agreed and gathered their spring jackets.
Jessica: Noodles, you're in charge until we get back.
The poodle woofed his affirmation. He watched through the window as the group climbed into an old pickup truck and drove toward the small forest where the explosion came from. After a short drive, they arrived at the tree line. One by one they hopped out of the vehilcle.
Jericho: If it is a meteor, I call dibs!
Jessica: Pfft. Good luck dragging it back home.
Jericho: I have my ways.
Charlie reached back into the truck and gathered some masks. Covid was winding down, but the group of friends always made sure to have a healthy supply just in case. He passed them out to the others.
Jessica: Never thought I'd use these for smoke.
Matthew: I think I see smoke from that direction.
They set off in the direction he indicated. After a few minutes of walking, the group came across a life-changing sight. There was some kind of futuristic looking pod that was broken in half, but it was the unconscious residents surrounding the pod that demanded attention. Each one more vastly different than the last. There was only one conclusion.
Finally got around to setting up the first part of one of my Mass Effect AUs! The beginning is a little clunky in my opinion but I think the story picks up quickly afterward. OCD was really kicking my ass today so getting this update done was a real struggle. But the important thing is that I did it anyway!
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procrastynol · 4 years
I wasn’t tagged, but I’ll take the invitation from @theghostcaptain and just hop on the train to answer some questions about my writing. So, I guess thanks are in order? 😉❤️
AO3: @Procrastynol
Currently I’m trapped in the MDZS hell (focusing on songxiao, but pretty much everything else is also go, wangxian, 3zun, anything) with a side of SVSSS and FF7 (mainly tsengru and/or turks centric). I’m still working my way through the huge load of danmei, so maybe things like TGCF, 2HA or SPL will soon join the list.
Other things I can’t seem to let go of include FF15, Mass Effect, Dragon Age and a hint of Marvel and Star Wars. If you want to go really far back, you can add LotR and Hobbit to the pile.
Where You Post
You can find all of my fics on AO3 @Procrastynol
​I rarely use tumblr anymore, mostly for keeping all the links to my fics organised in one place - and to read meta that will shred my poor heart. My main social media is Twitter, so if you want to yell at me, please go over there and feel free to do so.
Most Popular Oneshot
Conflict of Interest (FF7, tsengru, domestic fluff and dogs)
I started this one on a whim in August 2020 because A) the hype for FF7 Remake was real and B) plague times, yay! It got me back into writing fanfiction after not having done so for several years, and I’m still surprised how positively it has been received among the people who read FF7 fanfictions. A follow-up is currently in its early drafting state.
Most Popular Multichap
None (so far). But I have something brewing for my songxiao gang, so I’ll just be a little tease and tell you to stay tuned for more until Summer 2021. 😉
Favourite Story You’ve Written So Far
Untethered (MDZS, songxiao, character study xxc)
That is my November/December/Christmas-procrastination baby, which started out as a midnight word vomit I wrote in a desperate attempt to find sleep. It only grew from there, and it has become my first deep dive into the character of Xiao Xingchen and the canon setting of MDZS. To this day, it just blows me away how well this story is received despite its length and the rather limited songxiao bubble. I’m really proud of what I did here, and it has been a while since I could say that about anything I have written.
Fic You Were Nervous to Post
Frostbloom Flowers (MDZS, modern songxiao, flowershop AU)
This was my absolute first fic for the fandom, and my second fic in total after the unexpected “success” of Conflict of Interest. I was so scared to get the characters or the setting wrong, even more so since this was a prompt fill for the songxiao Secret Santa event. It has done surprisingly well, so well actually, that I have turned this into a series that I will continue this February.
How You Choose Your Titles
They either come to me or the don’t. Really, there is almost nothing in between. Sometimes a poem, a line, a lyric, an image, SOMETHING sparks my imagination and the title is the first thing I have.
If it is the other way around, the idea usually revolves around a certain dialogue, scene, setting, etc. that I want to explore and I really struggle finding a title for it once the fic is finished. There are rare instances where a title comes to me simply while working on a fic, but mostly it’s hit or miss. If it is the latter, I usually sit in my room and decide to name stories after the first thing my eyes land on 5 minutes before posting them. 😅
Do You Outline
90% of times I do. Especially larger works or multichaps need an outline. I sometimes try to write non-chronologically, and I have a really hard time doing it, so the outline becomes my LIFELINE. It allows me to skip over parts I find hard and just put the famous [get there] in certain spaces, knowing I can come back later to flesh them out because the outline guides through this process.
For oneshots, I sometimes freestyle, but even then I usually write down a few lines for the scenes/dialogues I really want to include and put them in the corresponding order, so I have a goal to work towards to and don’t start meandering around.
I hate doing them, though, even though I largely depend on outlines.
All of my fics are complete at the moment, but I have two on-going series that I’m feeding with new entries in irregular intervals.
In Progress
I have some WIPS, but none of them are in the process of being published right now. But there are a few things I’m working on, so follow me to the next paragraph if you want more details on that. 😁
Coming Soon / Not Yet Started
Curiosity killed the Cat [WT] - which is a MDZS multichapter fic I have started working on last December. I really wanted to try writing a case fic for once, something more than just drama and romance (although drama and romance will still be very much part of this). Plotting a murder mystery is really new to me and sometimes exhausting, but so far I’m having a lot of fun doing it. I don’t want to spoil the details, but it will definitely focus on pre-canon songxiao and a mysterious haunting/murder they encounter during their travels.
Another thing would be the continuation of the Egret Flower series. Currently I’m finalising the second part, writing on part three and four has already begun. Part two will feature songxiao going on the date that has been teased in the first part, Frostbloom Flowers, and part three is currently giving me a hard time because I decided to include some wangxian - we’ll see how it goes.
I’m also trying to feed the Shinra fandom a bit, since it got me back into writing literally days before I got swept away by MDZS and danmei hell. But tsengru still holds a place in my heart, has done so for years, and so Conflict of Interest has now also been turned into a series, It’s me or the Dog, and the second part for this series is also outlined already and just waiting for me to flesh it out.
Upcoming Work You’re Most Excited About
Curiosity killed the Cat [WT], definitely. I have only ever finished one other multichap in my life, and I plan to complete this one before I start posting it, to feed my lovely songxiaoists in regular intervals (and to make sure this entire case fic works and does not go up in smoke halfway down). But since this involves so many new things for me at the same time, I’m equally excited and anxious to finish it and start posting it.
Since I’m pretty much inactive on this platform I find it a bit hard to tag someone. I think @wangji-string might have something to offer, at least if they haven’t participated already (although if you don’t feel like doing this, please feel free to ignore me). I’ll just leave it open to the rest of you whoever read this and may find it interesting - if you want to do this, please, feel free to do it! 😉
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indecisivebreadpeas · 4 years
Hollow Knight & My Hero Academia crossover idea
Note: I’m mostly gonna wind up plain rambling & get off-topic, plus all I’ve read of BNHA is from fanfics & the fandom wiki, I’ve never watched/read official sources, so disclaimer on that. 
Hear me out, the Radiance’s fluff is a similar color to Himiko’s hair & I mistoke Toga’s eye color for orange when they’re actually yellow according to the wiki, but the hair part still holds true. If we do some cannon divergence, maybe change up Himiko’s quirk into being able to turn into a moth, a moth goddess, or maybe the Radiance just winds up infecting Himiko, unless you wanna use the Infected Radience theory, in that case, whoever’s using the Radiance as a puppet infects her & she gets it willingly or something like that.
Wait, Hollow Knight, but w/ quirks, that makes things so much more interesting. Getting back on topic, however, may be the Radiance is actually a sibling of Toga & they had the Moth Goddess quirk, wind-ups, perhaps even loses their memory, in what is now Hallownest, the other higher beings: Pale King, White Lady, Nightmare King Grimm &/or Nightmare Heart, Unn, God of Thunder & God of Rain (what if we threw Godseeker in there?), Wyrms, Lord of Shades & The Abyss Creature were all just humans w/ shapeshifting/mutant quirks that maybe even forgot they were humans & forgot how to turn back. Imagine the mental whiplash when even one Higher Being finds out how to become human again & word gets out. A Higher Being has a form that is some pale pink to dark brown squishy being. Imagine if they remembered their memories w/ the human world & some of them were friends! PK & Radiance were the closest besties & now their enemies.
Now, are we doing the Big Bugs, Bug Tank, or the Human Sized AU? I’ll provide an idea or more for all 3!
Bug Tank AU: That GIANT squishy thing a Higher Being turned into! The Abyss creature is the first one to regain their memories & the forgetting mist doesn’t affect humans for some reason, it’s too low. They’re benevolent & worried for Hallownest & it’s neighbors they do the most logical thing. Put them in a giant tank & care for them. They’ll protect them with their life, & the insanity of the other Higher Beings having to adjust to this.
In a nutshell (if we make the Godseeker’s previous gods alive), like at least 9 people are living in this house maybe they have to have a schedule of ‘who gets to be human when,’ as they decided to live in a single house, & only some people can be in public. The villain & hero chaos doesn’t help, it’s hard enough hiding Hallownest in the usual day.
The shock of everyone else, their lives were a lie! What if the entirety, of Hallownest’s ancestry, was humans that could turn into bugs & they could become humans, or half-human, half-whatever species they are people, maybe their size is a balance between their the small bug & large human height? Quirked Hollow Knight AU!
Human Sized AU: Mosscreeps & other adorable bugs get domesticated, heck though, what would they think of their smaller unintelligent counterparts? Anyways, let’s focus on the “Radiance was sealed & it worked for some time” era. The cultural whiplash (that should have already been brought up), & the technology gap here. There’s also a possibility there’s a gap between how long the humans & bugs have been sapient for. Not to mention the shock of all the laws & the whole quirk stuff, & there are so many meetings between official leaders & ambassadors. I’m not sure if the maggots were slaves, but if slavery was a thing & the fact especially the upper class will have to think “I’ll have to pay everyone I want to work for me”. The possible tension between the two! They hear the story of the first quirk & they may be torn between “Did the Pale King/the Radiance/some other light Higher being create quirks?” The language gap, how could I forget that? Assuming the more people that believe in you the more power you get as a higher being, humans w/ permission explore this alien world & find out about almost every Higher Being we know about, & the population is like in the billions, everyone’s power level, skyrockets, whomst has awakened the ancient one skyrocketing. Hallownest’s reaction to nukes . . .
(I just made a whole branch AU) I wanna focus on the Mantis Lords tho, assuming the brother was yet to betray his tribe, what if they pushed the disabled to be as equally strong as the abled? What if they looked down on most of humanity for regressing practically just because they by chance got powers that could be greater than what could be done w/ soul by chance? What if word got out of their opinions and the quirkless flock to becoming mantis tribe citizens because they have a chance at being equal not because of their birth state, but because they worked for such a state? The Mantis Tribe population becomes large as heck since 20% of the human population is almost 1,600,000,000 likely, maybe not the whole percent but a large majority. The economy on a positive note maybe becomes Mt. Everest on the charts for both groups & it doesn’t crash hard.
The introduction of Void & Soul to humans may be a bad thing tho, what the difference between human souls & bugs? Does the murder rate especially towards bugs goes up, does a war break out? Multiple? Does the relationship between bugs & humans stick on the edge of breaking? Does Hallownest split into several groups & countries with different opinions thinking humans should be wiped out, they should be lower than them, they should join them? Do even the maggots join the “I don’t feel like praising the Pale King anymore” squad since humans without much direct contact with gods have gone so far they think “We don’t need gods, we need masks.” The Mask Maker now has a business & several apprentices making masks. This branch AU has the most opportunities for drama, that’s for a fact. The whole opinions split large populations happen w/ the humans too. Criminals may see Hallownest as an easy target for a mass steal meaning security & law enforcement will have to be increased and improved, they’re given aid but this also to an extent makes them dependent on humans.
What if the Kingsoul’s discovered & it’s mass-produced, killing’s not necessary guys! You can stop now! What if the same happens to the Dreamnail? 
The Howling Cliffs is certainly an obstacle here tho too, whether you go the easy or complicated route, that’s up for debate, does being outside of Hallownest effect Higher Beings, do Higher Beings also naturally have sapience & language as well?
Human Ancestry AU part tho, bugs went from having their exoskeleton outside, to having them inside, every bug needs clothes now (Editing this for a second time I thought that on the spot, why would they all have to wear them now?), not to mention, the different foods they’ll sometimes be able to consume & sometimes not- CORDYCEPS! It messes up non-sapient bugs but has medical properties & is edible to humans if it can affect the big bugs, perhaps a quirk made, scientific &/or magical vaccine will have to be made, maybe a quirk w/ time reversing effects are used to cure a victim. Some bugs try to even make their human form permanent if we’re in the “Pure Human form” side of the AU. If not, more debate between the two groups~! Heck, a cure’s technically impossible meaning bugs would have to wait for a vaccine to be made & it may likely take a really long time since vaccines for bugs are likely rarely be focussed on, & pray they go their life never contracting it. We can also just go the “the sapient bugs are unaffected enough/immune“ route to make things easier or ignore Cordyceps altogether. Would bugs have a coffee equivalent or could take just some coffee before it’s too much, pure human sub-branch tho, heck yeah. Does the whole food & drink stuff means bugs have to wait till they fully digest food then they’re safe to shift to the other form? Is soul needed to shift? Does the body know when it’s safe to shift after eating/drinking food deadly to the other form? 
Anyways, this AU also means bugs have to learn their bug language & human language in human tongue. Some bugs like the Mantis Tribe will stick as a bug as much as possible as an exoskeleton is more appropriate with a culture like their’s but even the Mantis Lords seem to have just a single claw, the equivalent to a single finger, they definitely shift when in need of hands. People like Quirrel & Monomon have 4 fingers per hand/many limbs to get the job done, so shifting is much less likely for people like them.
If the Higher Beings has quirks humans, chances are there were missing searches for them, they remember everything & they go “oh.” Even w/ any AU if this is the case, even more, legal stuff happens. The family reunions could be every awkward.
Big Bugs AU: Mt. Lady would quickly be considered a candidate for ambassador thanks to her quirk, however, that’d be shot down. Likely she’d speak the actual ambassador’s mind if they decided to have meetings. Humans may also help with technological progression though the main issue comes with materials available on Earth, time to mine the other planets & go to other universes.
That’s enough of those three AUs & branch AUs I feel like thinking about, however, the Human Ancestory AU+Human Shapeshifting Higher Beings can both individually be their own separate AUs w/o the whole BNHA Crossover stuff. 
It’s amazing how much came from me mistaking Himiko’s eye color. This is why you twist even the tiniest detail for no reason or remember what you made a mistake about in a show/game etc. & think, “what if that was actually the case?” Edit: Frick, mistoke Mosscreep for Mosskin
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imaginaryelle · 5 years
Author Interview
Thanks to @dafan7711 for the tag!
Name: Alex (they/them)
Fandoms: MDZS & The Untamed, Marvel Avengers (comics), Good Omens, Dragon Age & Mass Effect, Star Wars & SWTOR, Star Trek, Sherlock Holmes; the list goes on but these are the main ones.
Where You Post: Tumblr and AO3.
Complete: 72 works on AO3; a few (less than 10?) oneshots are only on tumblr.
Incomplete: Posted? I think the closest is these two snippets from my Wangxian Modern Musician AU (1 | 2). Unposted? The well is bottomless.
Coming (hopefully) Soon:
1. Wangxian Modern Musician AU: Wei Wuxian has been out of the live music scene for more than a decade and just happens to land a traveling show with his ex as his first get-back-in-gear gig (thank you, Nie Huaisang). Features include hand massages, yearning in taxis, getting-back-together uncertainties, publicity angst and comfort softness alongside traveling show hi-jinks.
2. MDZS/Abhorsen Fusion: What if. Just stay with me for a second. What if. Lan Wangji was the Clayr-raised Abhorsen who was chosen for the role over any of the Lotus Pier disciples and Wei Wuxian was an Abhorsen-raised free magic necromancer who became more of a free magic creature instead of falling properly into Death? Possibly he can also turn into a rabbit I’m still working on details here but I am. Excite! Thank you for your time; @suspiciouspopsicle and I have a lot of ideas we like to play with for this AU.
3. So Many Wangxian Things Okay, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergent A-Yuan!kidfic, Everything; Also Some Juniors Friendship Things; Possibly Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian Reconciliation While Night Hunting.
Do You Accept Prompts?
Absolutely, though I tend to be focused on one fandom at a time for actually answering them (I try to note what fandom’s at the top of my mind in my tumblr sidebar). Currently, that’s MDZS & The Untamed (shippy stuff-not just wangxian, sibling or family relationships, hurt/comfort, whatever). Also, kissing, hurt/comfort and domestic moment prompts are always likely to be answered fastest. I cannot resist them and am unlikely to build an entire world and accompanying plot and thus get lost for weeks on end.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write:
Wangxian Modern Musician AU! Which is, as a point, from an anon prompt that I got a bit carried away with.
Favorite Story You Wrote:
What, ever? Hm. I’m going to go with Practical Exercises in Free Will (Good Omens, Aziraphale/Crowley) today. It’s a choose-your-path fic, which was both challenging and enjoyable to put together. I should definitely do more of those.
Most Popular One-Shot:
Treasure, Explosions and Romance (SteveTony, Marvel Noir, 13k), which is probably the most fun story I have ever written. Secret passages and nazi punching and pulp adventure tropes ftw!
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
If You Want a Life of Action (SteveTony, Marvel 616, 72k) This was my first Cap-IM BB, and remains my only actual multi-chaptered work of the last … decade or so. May try that format again soon, we shall see.
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
the face and the mask are mirrors, baby (SteveTony, Marvel 616, 16k, mind the tags). This fic is… really really personal for me, and I’d never read anything in fandom that explored gender identity the way I was trying to so I was, in fact, a complete wreck over posting it (I’d also never before written a remix so that compounded things). But the fandom reaction to it has been truly lovely <3.
How You Choose Your Titles:
It depends on how long and complex the story is, I guess. I try to think about what the core concept is, or about phrases/concepts that will tie the beginning and end together, but sometimes I just look up song lyrics and poetry that feel right.
Do You Outline?
This really depends. I do outline for bigger fics (over 15k), and especially for fusions that are bigger because I need to keep track of so many elements at once. Sometimes I will do a pseudo outline of interior vs exterior plots while brainstorming, just to get themes and main plot points recorded. In general I need to just write a certain amount of a story before I can even start an outline though. The act of writing itself helps me figure out more of how I want the story to flow. I am trying to get better at outlining overall, because I’m pretty confident that if I can develop it as a more readily-accessed skill I’ll be able to finish more stories much faster.
I’ll tag (if you want to, no pressure): @somanyjacks-writes, @theflowergirl, @suspiciouspopsicle, @roamingjaguar, and anyone else who’s a writer who wants to join in; please tag me if you do!
Find an easy copy/paste version of these questions here.
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diebalkone-blog · 4 years
Die Balkone. Life, art, pandemic and proximity
With: Salwa Aleryani and Matheus Rocha Pitta, Ulf Aminde, Rosa Barba and Jan St. Werner, Yael Bartana and Saskia Wendland, Elke Buhr and Tobi Müller, Matthias Daenschel, Jeremiah Day and Alisa Margolis, Christina Dimitriadis, Sam Durant and Ana Prvacki, Knut Eckstein, Theo Eshetu, Martin Frese and Eva Scharrer at Tina Löffelbein’s, Olaf Grawert, Jan Peter Hammer, Hannah Hurtzig, Stine Marie Jacobsen, Anne Duk Hee Jordan and Pauline Doutreluingne, Christoph Keller, Jessika Khazrik / Övül Ö. Durmusoglu, Matylda Krzykowski, Xavier le Roy and Scarlet Yu, Lage Egal, Antonia Low and Tommy Støckel, Lina Majdalanie and Rabih Mroué, Kamila Metwaly and Max Schneider, Markus Miessen and Lena Mahr, Tom McCarthy and Eva Stenram, Müller Dreimalklingeln and Sonja Lau, Olaf Nicolai, Andrea Pichl, Marta Popivoda and Ana Vujanović, David Rych and kids, Susanne Sachsse and Marc Siegel, Isabella Sedeka, Antje Stahl and Felix-Emeric Tota, Raul Walch, Joanna Warsza and Florian Malzacher, Christina Werner and others.
Initiated by Övül Ö. Durmusoglu and Joanna Warsza
“If we behave like those on the other side, then we are the other side. Instead of changing the world, all we’ll achieve is a reflection of the one we want to destroy.” Jean Genet, The Balcony
We are at the very beginning of a new cycle that we cannot yet situate ourselves in. Its first palpable experiences are shifts in the relationship between inside and outside; in the distance between one day and another; between what is private, public, and political. At the same time, care, protection, and vulnerability are growing with new meanings. Balconies serve as the public apertures of the private. They seem to be where the house ends, and yet not. In their political history, they have both been terraces of openness and hope, as well as platforms for authoritarianism and supremacy. Balconies today are the thresholds from which we can encounter the world during the confinement of the domestic: which is safe and sound for some, but not for others. They are emergency exits to take a breath of fresh air, catch a moment of sunshine or a smoke. While our freedom of mobility is on hold, they become unique sites of everyday performance or even civic mobilization. Every architecture school has its own way of designing balconies. Everyone has their own way of inhabiting them. Especially now. In times of quarantine, so many of us cultural workers living in Berlin happen to all be here; not far from each other, and yet absent as usual. We are asked to commit to the digital space, without critically estimating the effects of for-profit information technologies. Berlin has an important history of artist squats, takeovers, one-night exhibitions. In former East Germany, what was public, in a sense of non-intimidated or uncensored art and life, frequently happened in someone’s kitchen rather than out in the open. Specifically, Prenzlauer Berg is a place where home-made resistance against the GDR hit critical mass. Die Balkone invites members of the artistic community living in Prenzlauer Berg to activate/inhabit their windows and balconies. With zero budget, no opening, and no crowds, the project proposes an intimate stroll (within current regulations) to search for signs of life, art, and points of kinship and connection. When some of us are cut off from our plans and our loved ones, we reach out to the balconies of the world, against isolation and individualization, not leaving everything in the hands of the virus and the fear it generates.
Wenn wir uns wie die auf der anderen Seite verhalten, dann sind wir die andere Seite. Anstatt die Welt zu verändern, werden wir nur eine Spiegelung derer, die wir zerstören wollen, erlangen. Jean Genet, Der Balkon*
Wir stehen am Anfang eines neuen Zyklus, in dem wir uns noch nicht verorten können. Seine ersten greifbaren Erfahrungen sind Verschiebungen in der Beziehung zwischen Innen und Außen; in der Distanz zwischen einem Tag und dem nächsten; zwischen privat, öffentlich und politisch. Gleichzeitig wachsen Sorgfalt, Schutz und Verletzlichkeit und nehmen neue Bedeutungen an. Balkone öffnen den privaten Raum nach außen. Sie befinden sich scheinbar da, wo das Haus endet, und doch wieder nicht. In ihrer politischen Geschichte stellten sie sowohl Terrassen der Offenheit und Hoffnung dar, als auch Plattformen für Autoritarismus und Vorherrschaft. Balkone sind heute die Schwellen, von denen aus wir der Welt in der Eingrenzung des Häuslichen begegnen können: Dieses Zuhause ist für einige selbstverständlich, für andere wiederum nicht. Sie sind Notausgänge, um frische Luft zu schnappen, einen Moment Sonnenschein oder eine Zigarette. Während unsere Mobilitätsfreiheit eingefroren ist, werden sie zu einzigartigen Orten täglicher Performance oder sogar bürgerlicher Mobilisierung. Jede Architekturschule hat ihre eigene Art, Balkone zu gestalten. Jeder hat seine eigene Art, sie zu bewohnen. Vor allem jetzt. In Zeiten der Quarantäne sind so viele von uns Berliner Kulturschaffenden hier; nicht weit voneinander entfernt und doch wie immer abwesend. Wir werden gebeten, uns dem digitalen Raum zu widmen, ohne die Auswirkungen gewinnorientierter Informationstechnologien kritisch abzuschätzen. Berlin birgt eine wichtige Geschichte von Hausbesetzungen, Übernahmen und One-Night-Ausstellungen. In der ehemaligen DDR passierte Öffentlichkeit – im Sinne einer nicht eingeschüchterten oder unzensierten Kunst und des Lebens – häufig in der Küche von Jemanden anstatt draußen im Freien. Insbesondere der Prenzlauer Berg ist ein Ort, an dem hausgemachter Widerstand gegen das DDR-Regime die kritische Masse erreichte. Die Balkone lädt Mitglieder der im Prenzlauer Berg lebenden Künstler*innengemeinschaft ein, ihre Fenster und Balkone zu aktivieren / bewohnen. Ohne Budget, ohne Eröffnung und ohne Menschenmassen schlägt das Projekt einen intimen Spaziergang (im Rahmen der geltenden Vorschriften) vor, um nach Lebenszeichen, nach Kunst, Verwandtschafts- und Verbindungszeichen zu suchen. Zu Zeiten da einige von uns von ihren Plänen und ihren Lieben abgeschnitten sind, wenden wir uns den Balkonen der Welt zu, gegen Isolation und Individualisierung, und lassen nicht alles in den Händen des Virus und der Angst, die es erzeugt. * Eva Scharrer Thank you everyone for taking part, and especially to Kimberly Bradley, Józefina Chętko, Eva Scharrer and David Ulrichs for their generous help!
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kakairu-fest · 5 years
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Part of the Pack by demonofabove
Summary: Kakashi was late for work, everything that could go wrong did, and Pakkun was missing when he came home - overall, it had been a horrible day. That is, until a certain someone accidentally slipped into his life. Or was it more accurate to say he was forced into it, by some meddling dogs?
Word Count: 2,559 (1/1)
Rating: Not Rated (No Archive Warnings Apply)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Cute, Domestic, Fun
Don't Leave Your Date Unattended by tmo
Summary:  He’d ruined his shot with the sweetest, loudest voice actor for Naruto and he sorely regretted that night. Now, he was stuck rearranging his timetable and prolonging production just because he was playing the guilt game.
Word Count: 2,198 (1/1)
Rating: Explicit (Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Voice Acting, Misunderstandings, Semi-Public Sex, Smut, It's a good thing sound booths are sound proof, just a duo of dorks
Acting Up by radkoko
Summary: Kakashi is an actor and Iruka a famous idol, how could that be bad?
Word Count: 1,693 (1/1)
Rating: Teen And UpAudiences (No Archive Warnings Apply)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Actors, Alternate Universe - Idols, Actors, TV Show
Iruka, Naruto, And Kakashi-Sensei by Kakairuaddictwithapen
Summary: Day four: not ninja
Word Count: 611 (1/1)
Rating: General Audiences (Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Additional Tags: AU, sweet and fluffy, more implied kakairu tbh
In Extremis by Gloomier
Summary:  Iruka's just trying to shine some light on the darker parts of the universe... and getting his ass pulled out of the frying pan by Hatake Kakashi.
Word Count: 2,289 (1 / 2)
Rating: Mature (No Archive Warnings Apply)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fusion, Naruto Meets Mass Effect, Action & Romance, Spectre Hatake Kakashi, Kissing, Pre-Relationship, because they're idiots, Optional Smut, First Time, Blow Jobs, Rimming, Anal Fingering, In chapter 2
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rocksinmuffin · 5 years
Answering questions under the read more.
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Because consistency is for nerds and I am the architect of my own reality.
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I mean, I’ve written some fetish requests. I have definitely written piss, a footjob, and at least one non-shitpost vore story during the course of my blog. It’s not exactly my preference but I am not easily squicked out and have become desensitized by most things due to overexposure to weird content at a young age so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I never really got into the series. I have memories of watching my brother play the first game when it came out but I was an even bigger wuss back then than I am now and it scared me lmao. And then I just never played any of the games. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I have not. I’ve heard about it and it looks very awful but I can’t decide if it looks like a good bad movie or a bad bad movie. Surprisingly, the term “xenophillia with Jeff Goldblum” does not make me want to see it any more.
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It’s an AU that’s been around since before I was ever in the Transformers fandom and I like seeing different people’s interpretations of it. I’m a notorious self-proclaimed bug-fucker so I’ll never say no to more handsome bugs, but when it comes down to it, Transformers already has a good selection of canon bug boys to choose from. It’s an AU I find enjoyable, but not one I necessarily go out of my way to find.
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😭💕 THANK YOU. I’m a huge fan of the Mass Effect alien races and I love silly slice of life domestic shit, so it means a lot to know that people enjoy my self-indulgent writing.
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My favorite AU to write is anything with Shattered Glass because I love evil Autobots and Evil Optimus is my bastard jock husband. Honorable mention goes to Cryptidformers because it was different from other AUs that we’re going around at the time and it was really cool to see a couple other people make their own interpretations.
My all-time favorite reaction from people was when there this ungodly amount of thirst for the Megahusband AU and I shitpost cockblocked everyone who requested nsfw for it so then people literally went to other people’s request blogs and asked them to write about Megahusband’s dick instead.
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Y’all can send them if you want. I don’t always post them just because these sorts of things tend to trend a little too fast and can get out of hand when I post them all, but if you want to share them with me then you’re more than welcome to do so.
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I don’t know if videos might be blocked for certain countries, but you can find a lot of them on YouTube. This playlist in particular is a good place to start: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sPaqU0R5l7U95OvmqRjNzI_Y7ESvmTP
It’s missing a couple of the early episodes though that’s not a huge deal if you already saw all of season one. I’m not sure if it’s missing any more because there are a lot of videos and I don’t want to look at every post, but you can compare it to the complete episode list and search for individual episode titles as you go through if you notice any more missing and will probably still find them somewhere on YouTube. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Beast_Wars_episodes#Season_1_(1996–97))
Beast Machines wasn’t my cup of tea, but I’d still recommend checking out the first couple episodes after the original series so you can make your own opinion. But definitely finish all of Beast Wars before you watch it because it takes place directly after the first series ends.
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I haven’t yet, but i’ve heard nothing but positive reviews from my friends who have. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to see it soon.
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I’d agree with you but I wanna bang the purple murder clown stoner boy so I can’t say shit.
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ilytuan · 6 years
Made With Love 「jinyoung」
genre › domestic boyfriend!au ︱ way too much fluff 
pairing › reader ︱ jinyoung 
word count › 1,773
warning › none
synopsis › #MyYouthJinyoungDay
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Jinyoung’s eyes were glued to his phone, his eyes flickering between the impasse of text messages streaming in from the group chat with his fellow members. They could be really annoying sometimes, but Jinyoung loved them nonetheless. 
He checked the time, realising that it was in fact, past midnight, meaning that it was now officially his 25th birthday. It would also explain the mass of messages they were sending, Jackson in particular, screaming and exaggerating about how old and mature Jinyoung was getting, and how much he loved him. Wang gae and Park gae lives forever.
But, not that Jinyoung would know. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his work, and the messages didn’t seem to be of his understanding. They were all of well wishes but Jinyoung was tired and while they only had good intentions, he couldn’t muster up the energy he needed to reply to them. He could make out some messages, mostly Jackson’s overload of crying face emojis and how he would buy Jinyoung some meat soon, so that they could eat together.
You were on your way home from a long day at work. There had been a fire alarm system installed that day and it went off one too many times, breaking you away from possibly every train of concentration that you had built up and effectively, leaving you to work over time to make up for it all. You had never been more glad to go home, though you were disappointed about the fact that you couldn’t spend the first minutes leading up to Jinyoung’s birthday with him.
The cake you had bought for Jinyoung looked extremely appetising, and you came to the realisation that you had only eaten a mere apple five long hours ago. Maybe Jinyoung would be up for a meal out? Or even a takeaway. Anything seemed to make your mouth water just at the mention of food and you would eat just about anything.
Your message to Jinyoung had sent an hour ago, right as you were finishing up your paperwork, but he had left it unseen, though it didn’t bother you much as you suspected the boys had definitely blown up his phone and yours was probably lost among the chaos. 
Their love for him was truly admirable, and made you laugh at the thought of how much he seemed to hate them, though they were really his most cherished people on earth. Including you, of course.
Arriving home, it was eerily quiet, none of Jinyoung’s usual calm music playing or the night radio and news on. Strange. Had he gone out with the members? 
You placed the cake down onto the kitchen counter, peeling off your painful court heels that had managed to dig into the back of your foot and make a cut, and shrugging off your blazer. All the lights in the house were turned off and thinking that he was gone, you pulled out your present for him from a hidden place, wanting to get it wrapped since you didn’t have the time before.
You left it beside the cake and ventured off to your bedroom to get changed out of the uncomfortably tight skirt you were wearing, startled out of your skin when you found Jinyoung fast asleep on the bed with a book in his hand, a candle being the only thing lighting the room before it flickered and turned to smoke from the force of the door opening. 
He must be tired, you thought. He was breathing heavily, but he looked so adorable, curled up and everything.
Snaking some clothes from your dresser as quietly as you possibly could, you pulled the duvet over him and tried to sneak out, whispering a quiet ‘happy birthday’ that had him stirring awake slightly. In his half-asleep daze, he could just about make out your familiar figure and asked, “did you say something?” He was squinting to adjust to the dark, or maybe he just couldn’t open his eyes fully, but you smiled tenderly.
Not wanting to keep him up since he was obviously tired from having to work and practice so much lately, you shook your head softly, a gentle smile blooming that relaxed him and made him feel warmer, just from the feeling of something so domestic and simple. 
“It can wait until tomorrow,” you said, meaning the morning as it was clearly too late, or early, to be discussing food or celebrating his birthday.
Shutting the door after blowing him a kiss goodnight, you clutched the pyjamas close to your chest, your own eyes seeming to be drooping too. Damn, this atmosphere was totally making you tired too. But, before anything, you really needed to eat. 
Your notorious sweet tooth made an appearance as you searched the kitchen for some food that you could possibly heat up or cook without disturbing Jinyoung, but there wasn’t many options, much less to satisfy your cravings. A can of chopped tomatoes, some onions, cheese and if you squint, some slices of bread that you could salvage. Jinyoung’s birthday cake was looking really tempting, your mouth salivating at the sight and thought of its sweet and delicious glory.
Delivery places would probably be closing up soon, the clock nearing 1am and you didn’t want to be the pesky customer who ordered right as they were closing up, so you settled for some melted cheese on the two slices of bread that you managed to save. Jinyoung’s cake was not supposed to be eaten by you first of all people so, you placed it in the fridge and settled into his side after your stomach was settled a little bit, making a mental note to go grocery shopping tomorrow morning.
Fortunately, you were able to wake up before Jinyoung and go out to buy food and prepare breakfast for him like you had planned. If he had woken up before you, all of your plans would have been screwed but thankfully, he was out like a light, not budging until you nudged him awake to eat a few hours later. Damn, he must have been really tired. You wondered what from.
He looked so cute when he slept. It reminded you of all the times in the past whenever you went to visit him at the studio after he had excitedly called you to hear a song that he had been working on. 
But whenever you did go, usually late at night, he ended up falling asleep on the couch before you arrived, with the song playing quietly on repeat and a soft smile embedded on his lips. He was so adorable when he slept, though it must have been because of how tired he was and how long he spent working on his songs. His dedication was one that you looked up to, even long before your relationship began.
It especially touches your heart when he says that he worked on it for you, excitement and adoration clearly laced through his voice and overpowering the obvious tiredness behind it. He needed to sleep, but he preferred to work on songs that he knew would bring a proud smile to your face. There was nothing he loved more than your smile, though he doesn’t admit it often.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Jinyoung’s honey morning voice broke you away from your thoughts of reminisce. Glancing up at him with reddening cheeks, you smiled sheepishly at him and shook your head to rid of the thoughts. 
That was almost two years ago, and seeing him now, matured and even more skilled in song writing and producing, made you beyond proud of him. He never stopped working or trying to improve himself and now, here he was, still the exact same yet harbouring so much more talent and skill that many were envious of. Hard work definitely gets you places, you thought to yourself, a warm and small smile appearing on your face as you continued to marvel at him.
Jinyoung pointed his fork at you, “what on earth are you thinking about now? Don’t even think about calling me old or halfway to fifty-“ You cut him off with a kiss, stretching over the table and trying to keep your grip steady so that you wouldn’t fall over all the food and the table and make a fool of yourself. It wasn’t what you needed.
“I’m just proud of you.” The smile that appeared to grace his features mimicked yours from just a few moments ago, harbouring the same amount of love and adoration, maybe even more, and Jinyoung stood up, causing you to back away and stand comfortably again. Jinyoung stared at you with an admiring gaze, thinking back to the previous birthdays that he spent with you in a similar way. He wouldn’t give them up for anything.
Both of you had many differences and disagreed on many things but you fit together like puzzle pieces. Perfect for each other. Jinyoung leaned over the table like you did, and kissed you passionately, not caring for the cutlery clattering onto the floor or the glass of water that toppled over and soaked his trousers. 
This was his birthday, and a special moment that only you get to share with him. He wanted to cherish it and hold it dear to his heart, though he had no doubt that you two would continue to do this for a long time.
Pulling away, he connected his forehead with yours, panting slightly from his actions and an angelic laugh spilled past his lips. It baffled him how you were still with him, and more full of love than ever. 
All of his previous exhaustion disappeared the moment he looked into your eyes and he swears he saw stars twinkle and spark in them. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, no matter if he was turning 25, or 50, or even 90. His love for you would stretch over an infinite amount of years.
Remembering what had made him so tired in the first place, he pulled away and rushed to grab his phone, smiling shyly at you as an unfamiliar song started to play and his honey soothing voice entered your system. 
He made a song for you, on his birthday? How much more sweet could this man get? Your eyes held so much respect and awe that he couldn’t stand it and put his forehead to yours again, forcing your eyes closed and both of you stayed like that, listening to his song in peace. God, you loved him so much.
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