Oh shit I forgot about this blog.
Okay so. I’m still very much cute and very much trans. I’ve been on HRT for over 2 years now and am finally about to leave my small town and move to NYC where I’ll be able to easily change my name and gender marker once I’m officially a resident!! Wish me luck!!
Also! While it’s kind of an unspoken thing with my parents, my sister actually wants to learn, learn who I am, what it’s like to be me, all of that! I’m not forgetting or forgiving her for the things she’s said or done, but it’s still a good start. Maybe she realised that her kid she’s having soon could end up being queer, too? Idk, but whatever starts a conversation.
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Some updates!
I’m a 100% girl now! May have been AMAB but we’re just gonna shove that in the trash
Came out to my family! They aren’t happy
Gay as fuck
Cute as fuck
Wanting to cosplay girl characters now that I’m out
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Gonna make this to come out
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Y’all, @ummmmandy made this amazing character creator so I made myself!
Check it out here!
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I swear to God, if the US goes to war and have to come out to people outside of my circle before I’m ready just to save my skin since apparently trans people can’t be in the military or something...
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This comic has a special guest appearances by my nonbinary friends :3  Sometimes I just go with the cleanest bathroom. or the one that has a wifi signal. or I just go whatever bathroom my friends use, to be safe.  ✩ Twitter ✩ Tapastic ✩ Facebook ✩ Patreon ✩
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Credit: @juliehangart
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Yesterday, I went into my university’s LGBTQ+ resource centre for the first time. Having been raised in a very Christian setting, I was always told that they were godless heathens and so on, so I was a little nervous to accept that I’m Bigender. Turns out the people in there were the nicest, most energetic people I have ever met. Not only that, but they have resources for spiritual and religious members of the community! I may go in more if I can get in without my super LGBTQ+phobic sister or any of those kind of friends seeing. I’m excited to learn more about myself like this!
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“You are my beautiful Raccoon wife.”
-my fiancée, convincing me that my eyebags don’t make me any less pretty
Y’all she is so good to me holy shit
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anyways look at this art project from when i was in grade two
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Okay so not gonna lie I figured myself out a week ago and last Sunday we went to my sister’s church and the pastor said he was changing his sermon saying he was being told by God that there was one young person who needed to hear a specific message saying that they need to leave behind their old, dead identity and live life in the new one and
1) I spent the entire time worrying that my family would figure me out aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2) @God, thanks for the validation but I’m shook
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Okay so I guess it’s time to get this out of the way. First off, a lot of my friends call me Orange you all can as well! I made this blog because after several years of trying to figure myself out, I realised that I identify as bigender. This is all very new and very scary to me, especially since I know that my family would kill me if they found out (I’m worried this isn’t hyperbole), so I’m using this blog just to be completely me. This means that along with stuff pertaining to gender and such, I’ll probably just post a lot of dumb memes and such. Thank you for your time, and I can’t wait to make so many new friends!
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