thistimenext · 6 years
It’s been two months since I last saw you. Over that time, I pictured you and my feelings didn’t overflow my thoughts. I thought I was over you. I thought putting space between us, would help me let you go. But I saw you again today, and everything came flooding back.
My brain (via mybrainisfartingrainbows)
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thistimenext · 7 years
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thistimenext · 7 years
flew to you as a moth through a tear
in the tapestry of intuition
you painted my wings as you would have them
colors beyond colors you imagined for me, and
no one else no one else
but your storms, they came as fire and rain
made me plain made me plain
i lost you in the flutter of flame
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thistimenext · 7 years
If you walked in the door right now, I swear my heart would stop.
16:50//10/14/16 (via dreamsofaparadox)
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thistimenext · 7 years
i make love to your essence as i intuit as i feel as i conjure you to touch my mind like a ghost
ever soft your petals feeling me as i feel you in braids of us that never begin and never end
we are one as i beckon the universe of your soul
with words
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thistimenext · 7 years
I meant it when I said I didn’t believe in love at first sight. It takes time to really, truly fall for someone. Yet I believe in a moment. A moment when you glimpse the truth within someone, and they glimpse the truth within you. In that moment, you don’t belong to yourself any longer, not completely. Part of you belongs to him; part of him belongs to you. After that, you can’t take it back, no matter how much you want to, no matter how hard you try.
Claudia Gray, A Thousand Pieces of You (via booksqouted)
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thistimenext · 7 years
I saw you and I can’t think straight anymore
(via ampleure)
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thistimenext · 7 years
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Waking beneath the passionfruit vines.
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thistimenext · 7 years
She went through so many different feelings while loving him… She experienced the feeling of nerves and happiness combined, the natural state of high, the feeling you have when you start to fall for someone. The fireworks exploding in your stomach when you see him, the undeniable urge to go with your hand through your hair or to pull at your clothes, the feeling of blood rushing to your head when he says hi. She experienced the feeling of pure, perfect bliss, the feeling you have when you’re inside his arms and you can smell his cologne and you seem to fit perfectly in his arms and you know you are where you belong. That utter bliss you experience when you stare into his eyes and he stares back and you forget everything else exists. She also experienced the intense pain of heartbreak, the moment you can’t do anything else than try to stop yourself from shaking, excuse yourself and walk away. And walking becomes running as soon as your out of sight and you will run until your knees tremble so hard you can’t run anymore and you’ll fall down. You will try to stop your lip from quivering and whipe away the first two tears, but you’ll realise it doesn’t help and you will let yourself break, fall apart. And you will bring your hand towards the place your heart is supposed to be, because you feel an ache right there and you will try to rip your heatt out because you don’t want it to hurt so much, but you will realise you can’t. Another feeling she experienced was the feeling of him entering your life once again. You told yourself you wouldn’t let him every minute of every hour of every day after he left, but there he is and you can’t help but let him. Eventhough you know last time was a nightmare and this time will probably be a horror story, you can’t resist that damn smile, curving a little upwards on the left, only made look more genuine by the softness in his eyes. And you feel yourself handig the broken pieces of your heart over to him. She experienced all that, but she became immune to feeling, and now all she knows is that she loves him. And for her… that’s enough.
Feelings (via theresplendentphilosophunculist)
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thistimenext · 7 years
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thistimenext · 7 years
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- Lang Leav / Talk Again
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thistimenext · 7 years
I wonder if you ever felt like I abandoned you….  If you ever thought I should have fought for you… The truth of it is I never left.  I’m still here.  And I do fight for you - every single day.   Not to win you…. not to trap you or cage you…  But for your happiness. I wage war on myself day in and day out for you.  Tearing strips off myself, swallowing hatred and tears….  So if you hate me because I abandoned you…. don’t worry…  ….. I hate myself for it too…
Ranata Suzuki (via ranata-suzuki)
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thistimenext · 7 years
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Turning pain into fuel for our dreams doesn’t sound easy at first, but it really is possible. It’s all by setting an intention, and this infographic shows how you can do it. 
Set your intention: Choose what you want to transform and what dream you’re aiming for
Take control: Accept responsibility over how you react to life’s situations, even when it’s tough to admit this (please note: mental illness is not a reaction we can control, we can only control our reaction to the impact of our symptoms)
Practice acceptance: Understand that you cannot control everything, and that’s okay. It will free you to take control of your inner world. 
Define a purpose: No matter what you have experienced, pain doesn’t have to only hurt. It can fuel your dreams too. Since this is much too long to explain in an infographic, here’s a blog all about it! 
Grow: You have set the foundation for joy! Now all you need to do is keep the positive choice/intention in mind and make that a focus in your life, or this particular part of your life. 
This pattern has helped me make meaning from things as grave as serious trauma and disabilities, to even slight challenges like a small financial set back. Above all, remember that your free will and choice can help you through any situation life throws at you. 
Here’s the blog mentioned in the image, btw! 
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thistimenext · 8 years
Vibrating In & Out Of Dimensions
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As you become more light/more energy, more multi-dimensional, you will have to “learn” (Remember) how to merge your holographic realities with your physical ones. You will have to accommodate your new energetic existence, your new LightBody with forming crystals in it, constantly shifting from tuning modes, transmitting modes, receiving modes…as your new body vibrates in and out of dimensions. Challenging and confusing is an understatement for awhile.
You will have to limit external stimuli more to avoid overload, as you won’t be able to subject yourself to the density of the old like before. You are not the old carbon-based human like before. You are learning a whole new existence and it’s nothing like it was before.
Keep reading
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thistimenext · 8 years
Angel’s ‘anti-curse’ breakup healing spell
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So, if you know me at all, you know that I am against cursing personally. What I mean is that anyone can curse if they would like, however I personally do not want to do it myself. I live by the motto, “do unto others what you want others to do unto you”. As you can imagine, I often find myself being angry and wanting to fling a few curses at someone every so often. It is hard to resist on occasion. But sometimes it’s just that the intention of the spell may be easily implied as a curse. Such like this one, where I wished myself to be cleansed of my anxiety over a ‘breakup’ so to speak. I didn’t think that it could be taken as a spell while I was doing an incantation, and I kept having to remind myself that I wish no harm unto the other party. So I thought after I finished that maybe others, like Wiccans who live by the Rede and cannot curse, could use this. I wrote it down after the fact, so I don’t have any images of materials, but I did post a picture of the amethyst I used. Anyway, straight out of my book of shadows, here it is!
An amethyst piece
A burnable representation of the other party
I used and reccomend paper since it is easy to deal with. You will need the smoke during the spell and paper does issue a big amount of smoke. The paper I used was two sheets in my BoS that I used to write ingredients for a protection/love bottle that had his name on it.
A full moon. Not dire, but I think it will help, as this spell is supposed to induce change (moving on), and the full moon is perfect for that.
A new moon later
Plastic bag
Ground yourself and meditate with the amethyst. Think about what the person did to you to make you in this much pain. Think about how you feel and how you would like to feel. Remind yourself you do not wish any harm upon the other party. Envision yourself completely devoid of this person in life.
Begin to burn the paper/object over a flame of sage and begin to chant:
“I wish for no pain to be in your life
I wish for me to be rid of my strife.
I wish to be free in my heart,
I wish to move on with a fresh start.
As this burns, so do my desires
My happiness reborn with this fire.”
Continue to chant this. Continuously remind yourself that you wish no harm and only want to be happy.
 Once the flames have consumed most of the object (I blew out the flames and let the whole thing singe over time so I could chant as much as I could), pass the amethyst through the smoke and chant:
“I do not wish ______ any harm from me,
as I will it, so mote it be.”
Allow the object to finish burning and place the amethyst on an altar, around some selenite, or just on a window sill where it will remain untouched.
Leave it, and every time you see it, remind yourself of what you wish to be like. At the next new moon (which represents endings) put the amethyst in a small plastic bag and put it on the ground. Hammer the amethyst until it is in pieces. This resembles the ending of the pain you wish to find.
You can either bury the amethyst in the earth, throw it in a moving body of water or keep it as a reminder. You can put it in a small bottle with some sage, sea salt and egg shell and cleanse it, using it as a symbol of protection against future heartbreak. This is what I plan on doing, and I will leave it on my altar.
I hope I was able to help you guys!! Honestly I feel better already. It kind of makes me feel better to visualize these things and get them out there. I’ll post a picture of the bottle at the next new moon; you better know it’s gonna look pretty.
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thistimenext · 8 years
Hey Soph, is it possible to meditate in a lucid dream and travel? Twice in the past couple of months I've been dreaming and decided to start meditating (once when lucid, the other it was part of the plot of the dream) and had a very intense feeling like I was zooming into a black hole and ceasing to be in control and exist (maybe a loss of ego) - then I suddenly emerge standing in a new place feeling totally awake, clear, and not like I'm in a dream. Do you have any idea what could be going on?
Definitely! Lucid dreaming and spiritual traveling states are places where we still have free will, so we can choose to do whatever we want (often with less limitations than on this plane in our bodies). Because we have less limitations, meditative and spiritual experiences will often have a greater intensity, so perhaps that’s what you’re describing! 
When you appeared in the new place, my best guess is that you ended up fully in your spiritual form (like astrally or spiritually) and in a dimension of plane that aligned with you then. Most likely, you weren’t in a dream, you were just spiritually conscious! 
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thistimenext · 8 years
I don’t want to admit it I don’t want to accept it But some of the best memories And actually most memories I’ve had are not with the people who’ve stayed Not with the people I now spend time with Not with the people who now care for me But with the people who’ve left The people who’ve hurt me Scarred me Killed me I have the most memories with them And I don’t exactly know how to feel about that..
- Thoughtful (D.B.)
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