thoughtlesstales · 4 years
Criminal Minds Alphabet Challenge
Title: E - Expert Touch Word Count: 1335  Rating: Teenish Fandom: Criminal Minds Relationship: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid Triggers: None
Summary: Aaron likes to touch
Aaron liked to touch, even if it was the simplest of touches. However, every touch had Spencer’s body burning. The casual touch of his hand at the base of his spine as he followed him through a room. Or the simple touch of hands as they passed by each other. Even the times that they were together in the privacy of one of their homes, Aaron always seemed to have his hands on Spencer. It didn’t matter if they were curled up on the couch watching a movie, or one of them was cooking in the kitchen. A part of Aaron was normally pressed against Spencer. He had grown so accustomed to it, that he had begun to hate being at work as it meant that the touches became less frequent and less intimate.
Though, the more Spencer began to think about it and recall, Aaron was touching him more and more while at work. Whether it was at the bureau or while they were out on a case. The touches were becoming more frequent and more intimate. Not that the younger man minded, however his concern was that the team would begin to notice and they would start to wonder and that might not have been better, than just being forthright and telling them themselves. 
The first time Spencer can recall noticing the touches becoming more. Was when Aaron lent over him at his desk, normally that would not involve any touching or if it did, it was a hand to the shoulder as he walked away. Something that could be deemed professional. But today, he was dragging his fingers across the back of Spencer’s neck, making the small hairs stand on end. It was making it more and more increasingly difficult to focus and give the information that the man was asking for. 
He felt the calloused fingertips play with the curls of hair at the base of his neck. Winding them around his fingers and then releasing to do it all over again. It sent shivers through Spencer’s body, a casual yet intimate touch that didn’t normally happen while sitting in the bullpen at work. He was also lent a lot closer than normal, to the point Spencer could feel his breath against his ear. It was doing nothing for his concentration. 
The next time was while they were sitting on the jet heading out to a case. Spencer had sat next to the older man and while everyone was reviewing the casefiles at their own pace, the younger man felt the hand of his boss on his thigh. It startled him initially, this did not happen. They had both been certain of the fact that this sort of thing did not happen while working. 
At first it just sat there, resting against the slender thigh. A warm presence that Spencer enjoyed, even if the confusion rattled through his mind. Spencer had looked at Aaron and found that he was still engrossed in the casefile in his other hand. So that’s what he went back to doing, reading the notes and reviewing the information so that they could hit the ground running. However after a while the fingers started to stretch and scrape against his thigh. The touch instantly went to places that were not appropriate for such a public location. Yet, he didn’t stop it and the hand kept moving, rubbing and blunt nails scratching against his thigh. It was probably the most distracting thing in the world, especially when his mind began associating it with highly sexual things that were not helping the erection currently growing in his pants. Spencer fidgeted under the touch, and when he looked over at Aaron again, he saw the smirk curling at his lips. 
The third time, and the final time before Spencer confronted Aaron about what the hell he was doing, was a casual afternoon out with the team and their kids. The team weren’t aware of anything happening with their boss and colleague. So while afternoons like this were torture, because they couldn’t be together in that sense - they were still fun. Today was a trip to the zoo, it had been JJ’s turn to pick the outing and so that had automatically been given to Henry. Spencer had a weakness for the zoo, it was an outing he loved and an opportunity to share his knowledge with Henry and Jack who asked questions a mile a minute. 
They were in the process of moving onto the next exhibit, the group forming a line of the pairings they had fallen into with the young boys running up in front with their ‘uncle’ Derek chasing them apparently wanting to feed them to the lions they were going to visit. 
Spencer brought up the back with Aaron walking beside him. They grew closure together as they walked, until they were brushing shoulders as they moved. That was okay, Spencer was happy with that, as it meant they were close but it wouldn’t be anything to read into if the team was to turn back and look at them. Then out of nowhere, he felt a hand slip into the back pocket of the dark jeans he was wearing. He jumped initially, darting a sharp and questioning look towards his lover and then another to their teammates who were still oblivious to what was happening. “What are you doing?” Spencer whispered trying to pull away, but was firmly held in place by the pinch to his backside. “What if they see?” He added smacking Aaron on the chest with the back of his hand for the sharp pinch, though there was a small smile on his lips.
“Let them see, I’m not worried are you?” Aaron answered by pulling him closure they were practically fused together at the hip. Spencer was dumbstruck, he didn’t know what to say. He had obviously considered telling the team at some point, Spencer could see his future with the older man and his son and it wasn’t like they could keep it secret for the rest of their lives. Though, he had always imagined sitting them down and telling them, professionally. Not, having them see their boss groping at his subordinate. 
“Is that what this is?” Spencer questioned, a narrowed look creasing his features, realization finally dawning on him. “All this touching? Is this you trying to tell the team without actually having to tell them?” Spencer questioned, again trying to pull away from the older man. He wanted to tell the team, but there had to be a better way. “Also, shouldn’t I get a say in when we tell the team as well?” 
“Of course, are you happy telling them that we’re together?” Aaron asked, an amused expression lighting his eyes as he stared back at Spencer. The hand in his back pocket, firmly holding on and refusing to let go. 
“Of course, we can plan a time and place to tell them - now would you let me go?”
Instead, Aaron pulled them both to a stop, or more like, dragging the younger agent back by his pocket. Spencer stumbled and was caught in the strong arms of his lover as they wrapped around him. He was about to protest before his mouth was captured and he was drawn into a deep and luscious kiss. Spencer immediately gave in, reservations forgotten the moment their lips connected. The kiss was completely and utterly inappropriate for their setting. It was messy and fast. Tongues and teeth biting and battling against one another.
They were drawn out of the kiss by the whooping and screeching of their friends. The screeching being Penelope, of course. When Spencer pulled away, a deep scarlet blush creeping across his face, he refocused on them. Then Spencer watched as the team began to exchange money between them, which only caused his mouth to drop and a loud startling laugh to fall from Aaron’s. 
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thoughtlesstales · 4 years
Criminal Minds Alphabet Challenge
Title: D - Delusional Aaron Word Count: 2658 Rating: Explicit Fandom: Criminal Minds Relationship: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid,  Triggers: Mentions of drugs
Prompt by: criminalmindss312and309
When they agreed to work on the case sent in NYPD they never expected the end result to be their boss getting dosed with some drug that made him make several attempts to disrobe nearly all members of their team. If it wasn’t the fact that Spencer knew he had been drugged and wasn’t in his right mind he might have been more than a little pissed off that his lover was doing such things. 
“Look Spence.” The younger agent looked across to the blonde standing beside them. They were observing Aaron through the tinted glass of the interrogation room they had confined him into. “I know the pair of you would have liked to tell us in your own time that you’re dating, and that you are probably wondering how we know - but let’s just say neither of you are very good at being secretive or subtle - but in this moment you need to do something about that.” With a flourish she waved at Aaron banging against the glass. “You know the only way to help is to get it to pass out the system and apparently that is best done through exercise, now I don’t see the boss doing star jumps do you?”
The blush crept across the younger man’s cheeks. He could not believe that this conversation was happening, but he was thankful that it was JJ and not Morgan or Rossi, that would have just been the worst. He swallowed thickly and opened his mouth to answer but no words came out. 
“This can’t be the easiest situation, I get that, but it seems you’re the only one that can help out in this situation and whether we like it or not, he’s in pain that drug was designed to act as cupid - he’s going out of his mind, you also know what happens if they can’t burn the drug of quickly enough.” JJ informed him, keeping it as professional as she could. She knew what she was doing, she was playing with his rational mind and making it seem like this was a situation of a friend helping a friend and not between lovers who had been caught, one with their pants nearly down. 
“I know, I know.” Spencer answered, rubbing a hand over his face in frustration. He knew what needed to happen, because the last thing they wanted was for Aaron to go into cardiac arrest, the likelihood was that damage had already been caused to his heart with how long the drug had been in his body without them noticing. “Not here, I can’t and he would hate that - It’s got to be somewhere private.” 
“It’s already been sorted, we’ve got a car outside and it’s going to take you hotel down the road.” JJ answered, everything was so efficient with her, Spencer was thankful. “I’ll be driving.”
“Okay, okay - let’s do this.” Any other time the younger man would have jumped at the chance to jump his boss, but he just wished the circumstances were different. He was also glad it was the blonde taking them, he knew what was likely to start happening in the car and it was a little less embarrassing with the woman. 
JJ left and Spencer took one last breath before pulling open the door to the interrogation room. “Aaron?” Spencer called out his name and the man instantly appeared. “We’re heading out, I’m going to help you okay?”
“It’s hurt Spence, it feels like I’m crawling out of skin, it feels like it’s on fire.” Spencer could hear the desperation in his voice, the pain and the panic. That pulled deeply at Spencer, the last thing he wanted was for the man he loved to be in pain. 
“I know baby, we’re going to get through this together, alright?” 
“Okay, yeah okay.” There seemed to be a moment of clarity for Aaron, he was able to push past the base desires the drug was inducing and make it to the SUV without attempting to get into Spencer’s pants. Spencer had been grateful that the rest of the team had cleared everyone out so they could get out with eyes on them, without people staring and judging and wondering what the hell was happening. They climbed into the back of the SUV and JJ sped off, sirens blaring around them as they hit the New York streets. 
The touches started out small, desperate, but small. Aaron’s hand grasped at his own, it was tight and bone braking. He was holding on for dear life. Then he was curling into Spencer’s side, tucking his face against his throat. Lips then began to press searching kisses against his skin. Teeth bit and scraped against Spencer’s skin and he did his best to bite back the gasps and moans wanting to fall from his own lips. Spencer felt somewhat guilty for feeling pleasure when Aaron was going through what he was. He shouldn’t be taking pleasure surely? This was happening because the man he loved had been drugged and was now going through torment because of it. 
“We’re here.” JJ’s voice broke the silence and when Spencer looked out the window he could see that they were in an underground parking structure. “Emily is waiting at the lift, she’ll take you up.” JJ answered, looking in the rear view mirror at them. “You’ve got this Spence, it will be fine.”
“Yup, thanks JJ.” That was all Spencer could say before Aaron, apparently understanding what was happening, was dragging them out the SUV towards the lift. True to her word, Emily was waiting for them, doors open and soft smiles. They piled inside and Aaron instantly had Spencer pinned against the back wall. His hands were attempting to pull the tucked in shirt free so he could get his hands under. They flew up the floors, Spencer wondered why they didn’t stop once, and made a mental note to ask later. 
They stopped and the doors opened into a suite, damn, they had spent some money for them to step into a suit like this. Aaron was too distracted with trying to get Spencer’s shirt off to notice they had arrived. “Baby, we gotta move.” His tone was gentle and his hands gripped at Aaron’s hips pushing him back. Aaron got the message and brushed past Emily without acknowledgment and dragged Spencer behind him by the front of his shirt. Spencer barely had time to grab the bag that Emily held out as he passed. The moment the list doors shut behind them, Aaron attacked Spencer. 
The momentum threw them over the back of the couch and into the wide seating area. Their blow cushioned. Aaron’s mouth was on Spencer’s, harsh kisses. Teeth biting and tongues clashing against lips and his own tongue. It was brutal and bruising and Spencer fell into it with a moan. Shit. It was everything he wanted. As the kiss broke and reignited, hands pulled at his clothes. He heard them tearing under the harsh grip and he didn’t mind in the slightest. They were pulled from his body and Spencer groaned under the touch as the kiss broke and Aaron began to trace his lips across his pale skin. He marked his throat, sucking deeply to draw the blood to the surface and leave a bruise, he did this multiple times across Spencer’s torso. 
When his lips wrapped around his nipple, teeth worrying the point, Spencer thrust his hips upwards. Pushing them against the straining erection that was encased in Aaron’s pants. He was so hard it was beginning to hurt. He never thought he would love the feeling of being manhandled, his body being controlled and used for pleasure. It still worried him that he was enjoying this so much, the situation not being ideal. However, it was something he certainly hoped they could explore for the future. 
“Spence.” He heard the gasp of his name. Felt the vibrations against his skin as it was uttered. He looked down at his body and saw the pained look Aaron was giving him. “Need you, need you to -” Aaron looked down, his hand pressing against his own hardened cock. Spencer understood and pushed back against the older man, giving him the picture he needed to move. Once he did and was sitting on the couch, Spencer pulled at his slacks. Pulling them down his legs, along with the boxer shorts he wore underneath. His cock sprang free, hard and the head purple and leaking precum. It was a beautiful sight. So strong and powerful, even with the look of pure desperation wracked on his face. Spencer took the length in hand and slicked his palm with the pre-cum leaking, easing the path. 
Aaron bucked in his grasp, moaning deeply, Spencer’s name rolling off his lips. The younger man did it again and then this time added his mouth to the combination. Wrapping his lips around the purple head and sucking deeply, flicking his tongue across the slit. Aaron exploded immediately, pouring cum into Spencer’s mouth. He lapped at it greedily. Drinking him down and pumping every last drop he could from the erect length. When he looked up, he saw his lover’s face. It was beet red, eyes screwed shut and mouth wide. Breath caught his chest and the pleasure and release finally eased. He sucked in a deep breath, eyes finally opening and looking down. 
“Fuck. Fuck.” The words fell with panting breaths and Spencer sat back on his heels with a smug smile. He wiped at his mouth with his thumb, catching the drop of cum that was on his lip and then licking it away. When they both looked back down at Aaron’s erection he was still hard, which wasn’t uncommon, but harder than either of them had seen especially after already cumming once. “What is this doing to my body?” The older agent asked. 
“Lay man’s terms? Basically it makes you want to fuck everyone and anyone.” Spencer answered with a grim smile. “You have to burn it out of your system, but it screws with your hormonal drive and results in this.” Spencer finished flicking his hand towards the erection in front of him. 
“Any other time, excellent - but this drug sucks.” Aaron groaned, throwing his head back against the couch. He then started to shift, the muscles in his thighs tightening and shifting, when he lifted his head again his pupils were blown wide again. “It’s coming again.” Aaron breathed focusing on Spencer with a look that couldn’t be broken even if he wanted too. 
“I’m right here.” Spencer breathed offering his hands to the older man. Aaron moved from the couch, crawling against his lover and sinking his fingers into the lighter curlers. He pulled at the roots, pulling his head back and then mouthing at the creamy column of the throat. One hand detached and moved south, skating across skin until it reached a belt buckle and started pulling. He wretched the metal buckle free, with little finesse and then popped the button to his own pants, pushing a hand inside. 
Spencer yelped at the rough touch, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as calloused fingers wrapped around his hard cock. Aaron held onto him, only pulling his hand free to spit into his palm and take hold of his partner’s cock once more. Once the movement was slicked, he pumped hard. There was no prelude, no gentle touches. It was fast and rough and Spencer came furiously, coating the hand and the insides of his shorts like a horny teen. Gasping for breath and with no break, he was pushed back onto the floor. Aaron yanking his pants down and throwing them into another part of the room. 
A hot wet mouth wrapped around his softening cock, licking him clean and sucking the growing oversensitive head. Spencer attempted to push Aaron away, writhing on the floor at the simulation and failing to get the other away. He was begging readily, it was too much and his body was tense. He could feel himself growing hard again at the stimulation once more and finally Aaron pulled back. Lips red and chest heaving. “You’re so fucking pretty.” Aaron moaned palming at the prone body in front of him. “Such a pretty boy.” He breathed mouthing his way back up. 
“I’m going to fuck you. Again and again.” Spencer shuddered at the hushed tone pressed against his ear, body shuddering beneath the others. The tone was seductive, breathy and oh so final. Spencer nodded and without so much as a breath he was flipped onto his front. “Lube?” Spencer was surprised Aaron remembered such a thing, but then when he really thought about it, it didn’t surprise him. The other man had always been conscious of such things, and would never intentionally cause Spencer pain. 
“Check the bag.” He felt Aaron move away, the burning heat of his body gone only to be back again in moments. Hands gripped his hips, lifting them to get Spencer to do as he was told. Spencer moved into position. Face pressed against the floor and his ass in the air. Aaron’s mouth was on his instantly, tongue flicking and pressing against the ring of muscle. Demanding entry. 
Spencer moaned, pushing back and relaxing under the insistent muscle. He felt Aaron push inside and the slick heat wet his insides. He was in heaven and it continued for longer than he imagined, then it was a slicked finger easing inside, stretching him. He only got the brief moment of one before a second was added and a burning sensation increased. He gasped and writhed against the touch, seeking comfort instead of the sensation. Then it eased and insisten fingers pushed against his prostate sending sparks of pleasure throughout his body. A third finger caused his cock to embarrassingly jump and leak pre-cum against the fluffy cream carpets. 
The fingers were pulled free and the wide head of a cock was pressed against him instead. Spencer whined greedily as Aaron teased him with it. Then in one full push he was inside. Spencer rocked forward, hands searching for anything to grip onto. It was both pain and pleasure, wrapped into one and teasing him into submission. Christ. Aaron only gave him a moment to adjust before he was pulling out and thrusting back inside. Rocking Spencer forward each time. He fucked him ruthlessly. Gripping his hips with a bruising strength and rutting against him with a desperation Spencer had never seen before. 
The younger man reached under himself and took his cock in hand, still wet from earlier, he pumped himself in sync with Aaron’s thrusts. That was hitting that perfect spot each time. Two more trusts and Spencer was shooting his load across the carpet, shaking and gasping at the sensations battling through his body. Aaron wasn’t far behind and finished inside his younger lover. He had lent over Spencer and bit down at his shoulder at the same time. 
They both took a moment to catch their breath, bodies shaking and weak and they collapsed in a heap to the floor. Spencer felt the need to sleep pull at him, and he curled against Aaron. Holding him tightly. It seemed for now the need to fuck had lulled, enough that they might be able to get some rest if it hit again. 
It did hit again, and again and then for a third and final time through the night. When the men woke in the morning, bruises scattered both their bodies. Spencer’s held the majority, some in the shape of fingers and others clearly from a mouth that had sucked with desperation. Aaron had attempted apologies, begging for forgiveness for what he had done. Spencer had only silenced the man he loved with a gentle kiss and hushed words of love. 
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thoughtlesstales · 4 years
Criminal Minds Alphabet Challenge
Title: C - Cat O’ Nine Tails  Word Count: 2665  Rating: Explicit Fandom: Criminal Minds Relationship: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid Triggers: bdsm, D/s, flogging
Summary: Spencer want to forget
Author's note: So this bad boy turned out to be a hell of a lot longer than I planned for this work, it makes me want to continue it a little more??
Spencer wasn’t sure what he had signed up for. Everything was so... overwhelming. Yes, overwhelming. He had agreed to do this after a recommendation from a friend as long as he could remain anonymous. The last thing he had wanted was for any of the team to find out what he was doing and then judge him for it. What would they think if they found out he was getting his ‘release’ from a hard case by being dominated by a random stranger. God, they would have a field day with it, even though he was struggling to understand why he was getting so much from it and he was meant to be a bonafide genius.
Still he was sitting alone in the small room he had been shown too, naked apart from the mask that sat in his lap. It was his only condition and the club had been more than willing to support it. He had filled in the questionnaire, answered everything honestly and was told that he would be matched with someone. Only a few days ago he had been sent a handful of profiles to have a look at and pick ones that he felt as comfortable as he could be with. There had been one that stood out.
Male. 43. High powered job that required a lot of time. That was the gist of it and with everything out it just sat steadily with Spencer. So he had agreed for a meeting, and this was it. It wasn’t your traditional meeting, they would play and if at any point during neither of them were comfortable, then they could call it off. The same as if they didn’t want to see each other at the end. Spencer took a breath and held the mask between his fingers, if he chose to go out there then he would be consenting to something starting and cause anxiety to flare into his stomach. He felt sick, maybe he was going to be sick.
Spencer stood and paced across the room. He knew he needed this, knew he needed the outlet. He had tried so many other things and then one day someone joked he just needed someone else to take control. That seemed like a bright idea to the younger man, have someone take control just for a little while and get out of his head. It was constantly never ending and maybe that release would be exactly what he needed. So, he researched. He found out everything he could about letting someone else take control and it sat so easily with him that his next research project was a location.
He found this club and after enquiries learned that catered to clients that were looking for something discreet and safe. The questionnaire had been extensive. Covering everything from the things that Spencer wanted to do, would like to do but was unsure of and the things that were a hard limit. Things he would never be interested in at all. There was so much more and at the time he wondered why, but quickly understood upon asking the question. Some people wanted to be that discreet that they didn’t speak to the people taking charge. There was no conversation between them. The only times they might speak was if they used their safewords. It was exactly what Spencer wanted. With that came the mask. He wanted to hide his face, he had been on TV before and with a job like his he travelled enough that he had pretty much appeared on TV’s all over the country. He didn’t want to take the risk of someone recognising him as an FBI agent.
Eventually, after precisely fifteen minutes of pacing back and forth across the room Spencer made the decision to head out into the next room. He lifted the mask and pulled it over his face. It was simple. Plain black leather that would cover both the front and back of his head. The mouth was open and there were holes for the nose too. When he looked at himself in the mirror it was strange to see the person looking back at him. He couldn’t believe that he was doing this.
He reassured himself one more and then headed out, knowing if he waited any longer he would chicken out and the man waiting for him would think he wasn’t coming. When Spencer entered the room he did what had been asked of him, to kneel on the floor and eyes on the ground. He was to never look up at the man who would be dominating. Spencer didn’t understand how someone could take that risk, but then again this was all about trust.
Only a few moments later someone else entered the room. He heard them pace around him in circles. Slow even moments that set Spencer on edge. All he could of them were bare feet and calves, he didn’t look any higher. Spencer took a breath and his hands trembling as they rested against his thighs. He didn’t know what this man had planned, what he would be doing to him. Then the thought dawned on him, apart from this moment, Spencer had been more concerned about what he was doing than what was going on in his own mind. Imagine that.
The pacing stopped and the anticipation rose within the younger man. He stood behind him, all he could hear was even breaths and the soft moments of flesh moving against flesh. Then a hand clasped around his throat. Spencer gasped and his instinct was to break free to move away, but instead he stayed. He was encouraged up onto his feet, being held and pulled up by the hand wrapped around and drawn back against the other man’s chest. Spencer could feel the rise and fall of his chest. He could feel the tickle of the light dusting of hair. He could feel the heat, it warmed his already heated skin and Spencer shut his eyes absorbing each and every feeling coursing through his body.
The other man didn’t need to speak, he simply led Spencer with his body. He used it to guide and move Spencer across the room. There were a few items in the room. He had seen them when he had come in. There had been a bed, a cross which from his research he knew to be a Saint Andrew's Cross, there was also a bench. Those were just some of the items, it didn’t include what was hung on the walls or what was laid out. Spencer was led across the room, which meant he was being led to the cross. He could picture it now. The older man guided Spencer. Tilted his hips against the back of him, telling him which leg to move without even speaking. Spencer did as he was told and walked. He could open his eyes and watch, see where he was going. However, he wanted to put all his trust into this man. He wanted to give everything over and that meant his sight as well, and he gave that at his own free will.
He felt the cold hard unrelenting wood against his front. He could feel the hairs on his body stand on end as he was pressed against it. The other man crowding against him and holding him in place. Spencer tipped his head to the side and rested it against the wood. One of things he had been open to when filling out the questionnaire was a sexual aspect to the play. He had stated that it had been a long time since he had had any form of a sexual relationship with a man, but it was something he had been open too. So when he felt the lips against his shoulders, it didn’t shock him, instead he let out a breath like he had been holding onto it for a week.
One hand was still locked around his throat and the other hand was skating over his skin. Fingertips brushing against his hip and then his ribs, along the inside of his sent shivers down Spencer’s spine. The hand wrapped around his wrist and brought it up and then with a practised ease it was buckled to the cross. The movements were repeated on the other side once he had switched hands at his throat. Everything was so calm and practised that Spencer fell into this lull, his head swimming with the thoughts of what he was going to do. That was all he could think about.
Then the hand was gone from his throat, he moved away completely and Spencer felt lost. He lost the connection and a small whine erupted from his throat. Completely involuntary, but reflecting what he felt in the moment. Then the hands were back, this time spreading his legs and attaching them to the sides of the cross. Spencer was spread and there was nothing he could do about it. He was completely at the mercy of this man and honestly, he didn’t think he would have it any other way. It felt like he had been in the room a lifetime, thought it could have been any more than ten minutes. Time passed so slowly.
He heard the other man walking around again. He took a dozen steps and then came back again. Spencer heard something move, it had been solid and yet sounded soft at the same time. He couldn’t figure that out, couldn’t place what he clearly picked up. That drove the anticipation through the roof again, causing the butterflies to come back and his mind all consumed with the thought that he was going to do something.
Spencer felt the first touch of something against his back. It took him a moment to figure out what it was. Then it dawned on him when the item stuck his back once more. It was a flogger. It stuck him once more and it wasn’t painful, not the way that he was striking him. It felt like he was caressing his skin with the flogger. The tails connected with his rapidly sensitizing skin and caused little huffs of breath to fall from the younger man’s chest. This was exactly what he wanted. The slow increase of power that the man was putting into it allowed Spencer to solely focus on the strikes and gradually they grew more and more intense. The speed and strength put into them were starting to cause slight discomfort but that only added to the sensation.
“Colour.” It was one word and it drew Spencer back instantly. The voice didn’t sound right and the thought crossed the back of his mind that the other man was purposely putting it off in an attempt to make it unrecognisable.
“Green, green Sir.” Spencer answered with a gasp. He was so green that it made his head spin. Everything about this was actually what he wanted and he was now wanting more. He wanted to feel the sharp bite of pain, now more than ever. The other man didn’t respond, instead the flogging stopped and Spencer whined in protest. The loss of contact, he couldn’t stand it. He listened to him moving around again and Spencer didn’t have it in him to focus and figure out what was going on. The footsteps came closer and then the sharp bite of pain came across his ass.
The younger man arched against the cross. Then it followed again, this time on the other cheek. Yes. Again. Spencer pulled against the buckles and they shook and rattled as he pulled against them. Seven more blows followed and Spencer could feel his mind slipping into this bliss. His body was on fire and it was everything he wanted. Barely anything had happened, but it was the most rewarding release he had ever had. He could feel himself growing harder, and little shocks of pleasure ran through his body when he rubbed his cock against the wood of the cross.
When the strikes came to an end Spencer was panting and muttering words under his breath that didn’t make much sense. The other body crowed up against him again, hands wrapping around his body and urging him to rest backwards against him. Spencer did just that and when the large calloused hand wrapped around his cock a low moan erupted from his core. He thrust his hips forwards, looking for more of the pleasure that felt like fire under his skin. The other used the pre-cum leaking from his cock to slick his length, slow sensual movements that had twists and thumbs rubbing across the head of cock. The growing need to cum became more prominent and Spencer began to beg, wanting the release.
He was so close and as another hand came up and fingers wrapped around his nipple, pinching harshly Spencer came with a shout. Spurts of cum covering the cross and the hand of his dominant. It was seconds later that he felt hot wet heat coating his back. The younger man slumped against the cross, feeling exhausted and drained. However, completely and utterly content with the feeling. He was unshackled from the cross and was taken over to the bed, he kept his head down respecting the wishes of his Dom to not look at his face. He led down on his front, head pillowed his hand as the older man tended to his abused skin.
He used a sweet smelling lotion and worked it into his muscles, easing tension and stinging from the bites of whatever he used. Spencer drifted in that moment, content with just laying there and being looked after. When he came back around the other man was gone and a bottle of water was left beside the bed waiting for him.
When he looked around the room he saw that he was alone and the flogger and a riding crop were still on the floor where they had been discarded. He would be more happy to experience both of those items again. Pushing up from the bed, he didn’t feel any soreness in his body. He drank the water and after a few moments moved back into the side room he had come from. He pulled the mask from his face and threw it into the chair, sweat was sticky on his skin and yet not a part of him cared. He felt completely at bliss, his head wasn’t running a mile a minute and for the first time in forever he didn’t feel overwhelmed by the crushing thoughts in his own mind.
Aaron didn’t want to leave the other man, but he knew he would be waking up soon and didn’t want to break the one rule had set in place. So, he stayed for as long as he could, wrapping himself around the younger man as he drifted off into his own little world. He tended to his body and made sure he was going to be safe before leaving. Leaving him a bottle of water as well, for when he properly came too.
He exited the room through another door. Sitting himself down into the chair and taking a breath. The other man had been so beautifully responsive that Aaron couldn’t believe he had been lucky enough to find someone like that. He had narrowed it down to him because he had been looking for a sub that he could work with on a long term basis and the hope was that in the future they could be honest with each other about who they were, until then Aaron was content with not knowing the younger man’s face. For now, at least.
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thoughtlesstales · 4 years
Criminal Minds Alphabet Challenge
Title: B - Bilbo Word Count: 1975  Rating: G Fandom: Criminal Minds Relationship: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid Triggers: None!
Summary: Spencer seeks forgiveness
Aaron hated the fact he was the one to get bored in his relationship with Spencer. Hated that the other man could literally find anything and everything to do and was never left without something to keep him busy. Whether it was working on a paper, starting a new paper or reading a book. He always had something. Aaron couldn’t understand how it could grasp his attention for so long. Aaron thought that that might even start to bore him after so long.
Jack was staying at JJ’s and Will’s, enjoying a playdate and sleepover with Henry. Aaron was glad he had found a friend and he had comfort knowing that he was safe. The older man lent against the kitchen counter, watching Spencer turn page after page at the speed that he read, he knew it wouldn’t be long before he finished the book. He did enjoy watching the focus in the other man’s eyes, watching as he combed the pages, absorbing the information. When he came to the end and shut the book in his lap Aaron sprung from his spot.
“Spencer.” He drew his name, rolling the ‘r’ at the end of his name. The younger man looked up and a smile brightened his features as he looked at his lover. “Let’s go do something?” Aaron all but pleaded leaning over the back of the chair he had been sitting in, wrapping his arms around the other man. He felt, more than heard, the man take a breath and chuckle.
“What would you like to do?” Spencer lent back in the high backed chair. Tipping his head back to look up at the man he had been lucky enough to spend the last two years with.
“I don’t know anything with you, before we get called in for a case.” Aaron answered. While they were on stand down, it was not unusual for them to get a call telling them they had to head back into the office.
“But there are so many possibilities, and what I might like, you might not like and then we’re stuck in a predicament about what we do?” Spencer answered. “And honestly, that is the last thing we’re going to want, because it would only mean that we spend more time deciding about what we want to do instead of actually doing it. Like you and Jack the other night looking for something to watch on Netflix.” Spencer finished, shrugging his shoulders and offering a wide smile up to his lover.
Aaron sighed and rested his head down against the back of the chair, he just wanted to do something. Anything that would get him out the house and doing something other than staring at case files. “Why don’t we go for a walk in the city? We might find something to do there?” Spencer offered. It seemed like a good solution. Nothing set in stone, but plenty of opportunities for them to find something that they would both feel happy doing.
They had decided to walk from the townhouse into the city, it was only twenty minutes and it was nice to walk hand in hand or arm and arm with the person you loved. They rarely got the chance to do anything like and Aaron knew they both wished it could happen more. As they got into the city they stopped and picked up a pretzel from a stand, Spencer tried to complain, something about hygiene rates and chances of getting food poisoning. However, Aaron simply purchased the pretzels and thrust one into Spencer’s hands telling him to eat it with a fond smile.
They walked around for a while longer, simply enjoying just being with each other more than anything. A few hours had rolled around and they stopped for lunch, finding a little pizza shop tucked back from the road. They sat together, wrapped together in each other’s arms stealing kisses and wondering why they didn’t do this more often. The food was amazing and both men vowed to bring Jack here, knowing he would love the food and the fact he could sit and colour on the tablecloth.
It was moving later into the afternoon and they were heading back to the house, suitably happy they had spent an afternoon doing nothing but walking around a city. As they took route back the two men walked arm in arm. Spencer tucked against Aaron, and Aaron teasing squeezing in his backside from his pocket every now and then. They passed an animal shelter, Spencer pulled them to a stop outside the window and watched as some kittens played in the window. He looked back up at Hotch with the widest of grins.
“No.” Aaron stated firmly. “It’s not happening Spence, we’re not home enough.” However, Spencer was not listening to his partner or boss and headed into the shelter. Aaron stood on the sidewalk looking at the back of Spencer wondering why he had insisted on taking a walk in the city. Aaron took a breath and followed him inside.
The moment he stepped through the door he was hit by the sounds and smells of animals; cats, dogs, birds and by the looks of its reptiles. Aaron looked around for Spence, but couldn’t see the man, he expected him to be at the front with the kittens, but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “Can I help you today?” A young woman approached Aaron.
“Yeah, I’m looking for my boyfriend. He just came in? Shoulder length brown hair, slim wearing a sweater vest?” Aaron gave a basic description. He could have gone more detailed but the woman didn’t need to know about his nose would curl when he laughed, or the dimples he had when smiled. That might have been taking it a little too far.
“Ah yes, he’s out back making friends.” The woman chuckled and pointed Aaron in the direction of ‘out back’. He followed and when he stepped outside he found Spencer crouched in front of a cage doing exactly what she had said. Making friends.
“Spencer, no.” Aaron stared wide eyed, this was not going to happen. “We are not getting a dog, a cat is one thing, they’re somewhat self sufficient, but a dog is not.” Aaron explained coming closer to where his lover was crouched.
“He’s so cute though Aaron, he would be perfect! He looks just like you!” Spencer answered, fingers reaching through the cage to scratch at the docile animal behind it. Aaron wasn’t sure if he was to take that as a compliment or an insult, but he looked inside the cage and there was a black and brown basset hound that looked at least one hundred years old. “I spoke with the manager and she said he’s great with kids, really docile, doesn’t need a lot of walking and is more than happy to be a lap dog. He’s perfect for us!”
“How? You came in two minutes before I did?” Aaron huffed wondering how he had already gotten too much information on the animal in such a short amount of time. “We can't, it wouldn’t be fair.” He could tell how much Spencer wanted the dog and if he pushed much more than it was likely Aaron was going to give in if not today then another, because he knew the younger man would rope his son into it.
“You know Jessica would happily look after him, and if she wasn’t able too Garcia would, he could even go into the office with her!” It seemed the man had it all figured out, which meant they were going home with a dog.
“There isn’t much more I can say is there?” Aaron sighed, though the fond smile curling at his lips told the other man he wasn’t mad.
“Nope, Michelle is already filling out the paperwork.” Aaron opened his mouth and then closed it again. He felt well and truly duped. “You can go pick out the rest of the things we need for him if you want?” The smile on Spencer’s face was enough to make Aaron smile. He could see the elation and honestly, he couldn’t recall ever seeing it before.
“Okay fine.” Aaron muttered, turning on his heel and going back into the main shop. He wandered around and picked out the essentials. Bowls, collar and lead, bed, food and some treats. Everything else they could get later on. He took it back with him and found Spencer sat on the floor with the dog in his lap. The pair looked good together.
“Look!” Spencer laughed, the giddy tone to his voice making Aaron smile down at him. The dog was asleep, thanks to whatever Spencer had done stroking him.
“I feel like you knew about this all the time?” Aaron asked, narrowing his eyes. Spencer only shrugged and muttered something under his breath, which Aaron was pretty sure was ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’. “I got some bits, we can get more later on, how’s the paperwork going?”
“All done my loves!” The woman reappeared, who Aaron assumed was called Michelle, waving the documents. “This fine animal is all yours, Mr Reid was in a few weeks ago with the license and completed most of it then, so it was just a quick visit today to collect!” She answered smiling looking down at Spence and the dog.
“A few weeks ago?” Aaron asked, clicking his tone and narrowing his gaze once again.
“That was the bit I wasn’t supposed to mention wasn’t it?” Michelle asked wincing. Spencer nodded and gathered the dog into his arms as he rose from the floor.
“Forgive me?” Spencer asked, sliding up against his lover curling against him with the dog in arms.
“I’ll think about it.” Aaron answered, scratching at the top of the dogs head.
A day later.
“What do you mean you have a surprise for me?” Jack asked as they approached the house. They had waited until they had left JJ’s and Will’s before saying they had something waiting at home for me.
“It’s a surprise, you’ll just have to wait and see, but you will have to go into the house quietly and calmly okay?” Spencer added, turning back in the front seat to look back at Jack. “Promise?”
“Promise!” Jack shouted, grinning and holding his pinky out for Spencer to link with. They linked pinkies and Spencer turned back just as they pulled into the drive.
They headed into the house together, Jack between both men as they led him into the kitchen where their new pet was curled up in his bed. They heard Jack’s gasp and together looked down at the boy. “We have a dog?” He whispered creeping as slowly and as quietly as he could towards him.
“Yeah buddy, we haven’t got a name for him yet though, any thoughts?” Jack sat himself down beside the dog bed and tentatively reached out to scratch the head of the head of the basset hound.
“What about the name of the person in that book Spencer is reading to me?” Jack asked laughing quietly when the animal licked at his hand.
“What Bilbo Bagins?” Spencer asked with confusion before catching on to what Jack was talking about.
“Yeah! Bilbo Bagins, it’s such a good name!” Jack grinned turning back to the dog. “What do you think, do you like Bilbo Bagins?” He asked the dog, not to any surprise they had no answer, but Jack did a lick in response.
“I think our dog is called Bilbo Bagins.” Aaron answered looking momentarily like he wanted to shoot himself. All Spencer could do was laugh, more happy than he had been in a look time. Everything was becoming more and more perfect.
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thoughtlesstales · 4 years
Criminals Minds: Alphabet Challenge
Title: A - Aaron Word Count: 1268  Rating: Explicit  Fandom: Criminal Minds Relationship: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid Triggers: rough sex, biting, over-stimulation
Summary: Part one of the Criminal Minds Alphabet Challenge!
Aaron stared out the window to his office, watching his team below. There was one person he was particularly focused on, Spencer Reid. The man was currently bent over JJ’s desk explaining something to the blonde. Aaron’s gaze focused on the way his slacks pulled tight over the man’s ass. Hotch took a breath and tried to push the thoughts from his head, but it was useless. He was falling hopeless for the younger man and the thoughts of screwing the genius until he couldn’t think no more was a challenge Hotch wanted to take on.
Aaron lent back in the chair and let a breath fall from his lips as he let the thoughts take him over. He pictured himself leaving the office and walking down to where the other man was. He would push him down against the desk, pinning his slender body against the wood. His large hands spread out over the man’s shoulders, his groin pressed hard against Spencer’s ass, grinding against until he could himself grow hard.
“Do you want me Spencer? Do you want me to fuck you over this desk my love?” Aaron breathed. Fingers curling tight into lean muscles of his arms. He would feel the man below him shake, mutter breathless whimpers and push back against him. All the consent Aaron needed to fuck the man into oblivion.
Aaron pulled a hand free and curled it around the man’s throat. Pulling him up from the desk with a firm grip that had Spencer mewling against his chest. With the remaining hand, he pulled at his belt, yanking it free and open until he could push his pants down. Once they fell around his knees, with his boxers included. Aaron wrapped a hand around his semi hard cock and pulled it to full attention. “If I had that cock ring with me, I’d lock you up. Stop you from cumming when I fuck that tight ass of yours.”  Aaron growled biting at the edge of the younger man’s ear. Nipping at the soft skin and soothing it with flicks of his tongue.
Spencer thrust into his grasp, rocking his hips back and forth searching for release. However, Aaron took that from him, releasing his cock and pushing him back down onto the desk. His hand came crashing down against one pert cheek, causing a bright red hand print to appear against milky skin. Spencer shouted out, only muffling himself with his fist after making so much noise. “Keep it down baby, we don’t want to draw anyone in now do we?” He saw Spencer shake his head and press his forehead down against the desk.
Aaron reached into his pocket and pulled out the small bottle of lube he had stashed there earlier. He coated his fingers with one hand and then squirted some down the other man’s ass crack. Setting the bottle down he parted his cheeks and pressed two fingers deep inside.  He moved hard and quickly, listening to the way Spencer whined against his fist. He scissored the two fingers and watched as he writhed against the desk. He was so pretty. All slender and angled, jutting bones that begged to be bitten.
Once he could see that Spencer was taking pleasure from the two fingers, he added a third, stretching him further. It was such a turn on listening to the younger man. He pushed the fingers in deep, brushing them against his prostate which had Spencer jumping and whimpering against the desk. He rutted his hips, searching for something to bring him relief. Aaron brought his free hand back down on Spencer’s ass, a biting command to tell him to stop.
Once Aaron deemed him suitably stretched, he pulled his fingers free and chuckled when Spencer whined and grumbled against the desk. “So eager for me sweet boy.” Aaron unbuckled his own pants, pushing them down enough to allow his cock to spring free, curling up towards his navel. He was so hard it hurt. He slicked up his cock and then pressed the head against the loosened ring of muscle. He had one hand pressed down between Spencer’s shoulder blades holding him in place as he could feel him attempting to push back against his cock. He was always so needy for him.
Aaron smirked and then slammed in, hard. He didn’t give the man time to adjust, he pushed in until he bottomed out and then held still. Feeling the tight heat wrapped and grasp his cock. He felt so fucking amazing. Aaron took slow deep breaths, starving off the need to cum so quickly. He curled both hands around Spencer’s slender shoulders and gripped tightly, he knew that it would likely leave bruises and it thrilled him to know he could see them the next day.
Once he had control over himself again and Spencer was whining for him to continue, Aaron pulled back, all but pulling out before slamming back in once more. He was rough, his own need driving him. Aaron repeated the movement over and over again, slamming into the younger agent until even his cries weren’t muffled by his fist. He was so fucking hot.
Aaron pulled him up by shoulders bringing his body back against his own, however still bent slightly. Giving it enough of an angle so Aaron could still pull back and slam back in. He moved his hands, one wrapping around his throat and the other moving down to wrap around his cock. He pumped the hard length, using the pre-cum leaking so readily from the tip to ease the way. Aaron was close, he could feel it in the base of his spine. His balls tightening as he continued seaking his own pleasure as much as bringing Spencer his.
“You ready to cum for me baby?” Aaron huffed, breathless with the activity and his own desire. “You ready to paint that desk white?” The younger man whined and muttered something in response. Aaron took it as a yes and did something clever with his fingers, stroking over the head of the cock in his hand. Spencer came with a shout, his body going stiff in Aaron’s grip as Spencer literally shot his load across the desk. Painting not only the desk, but the paperwork white as well.
Once he was spent, Aaron continued to pet at his cock. Stroking it and rubbing calloused fingers over the head. He loved the feeling of shock it caused Spencer each time. It sent a shudder through his body and from the way his ass gripped his cock when he came, to those little shocks, Aaron covered Spencer’s insides white. He came with a groan, biting down at the agent's clothed shoulder until he felt himself stop. “Jesus. Fuck” Aaron cursed panting heavily as he wrapped his arms around the man, holding him in place for as long as he could.
“Hotch?” Aaron all but rocketed up from the desk at the sound of his name. He was rock hard in his pants, the need to cum burning deep within him. He was breathless and he hadn’t even done anything. He had been staring at the glass without really seeing. So much so, that he hadn’t seen Spencer talking with JJ and making his way up to the Unit Chief’s office.
The deep red blush had to have been creeping over his cheeks as he faced the man he had been so openly fantasizing about. He felt like he was going to melt into the chair under the gaze.
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thoughtlesstales · 4 years
Talk About Stubborn
Title: Talk About Stubborn Word Count: 2599 Rating: Teen Fandom: Criminal Minds Relationship: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi Triggers: Talk of violence and serious injury
Summary: Five times Aaron asks Spencer to marry him. One time Hotch says yes!
The First Time
Aaron loved moments like this, the pair of them curled together on the couch. Something mindless playing on the TV, that neither of them were paying much attention too. Spencer was reading a book and Hotch just liked to watch him doing so. He got wrapped into his mind, he loved the younger so much and the last three years together and had been better than he could have ever believed. After Haley, the older man never thought he would find someone to love again. However, he had and it was so completely different to what he had felt for the woman.
Aaron carded his fingers though the light brown curls and smiled when Spencer hummed in contentment next to him. The man reminded him of a cat sometimes, taking simple pleasure and love from the gentlest and most domestic of touches.
“Marry me?” Aaron whispered the words and while his mouth had a mind of its own, the words felt right. He wasn’t shocked or embarrassed, he was happy and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this man. Aaron felt Spencer go tense beside him, he heard his mouth open and then close and then open and close again. Clearly he was lost for words and that amused the older man greatly.
“W-what?” Reid stumbled over the word, turning slightly to look up Aaron, his eyes wide.
“Marry me? I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I want it officially.” It was as simple as that in Hotch’s mind. As easy as 1, 2, 3. Could Reid not see that?
“Aaron -” The hesitance to Spencer’s tone, told him that this was not going to go the way that he expected it would. “I love you, you know I do and I want to spend the rest of my days with you, but marriage? I don’t -” He paused again, clearly looking for the right words for the situation. “I don’t know if that’s something I want.”
Aaron felt deflated. He couldn’t understand why Spencer didn’t want to make it official especially when he agreed that they would spend their life together from now on. Aaron had always felt content with marriage, he felt secure and right and while he had no intention of leaving Spencer just because he was saying ‘no’, didn’t mean he didn’t feel somewhat hurt that Reid didn’t want to make it official as well.
“What difference does it make though? If we’re not intending to leave or breakup, what does a piece of paper change?” Aaron asked, the simplicity to his tone, making him seem somewhat naive in the innocent moment.
“Exactly, what difference does it make? Do we need a sheet of paper to say that we’re spending our lives together, or is the trust that we have in one another enough?” Of course the genius would turn his words back around on him, and for a while Aaron was stuck. Unable to find his own answer to a very practical and logical answer to his own question. Damn you Spencer Reid.
The Second Time
This time was a little more wild. The case they had been working on literally blew up in their faces. The precinct that they were working out of, had had a bomb planted in the building and none of them knew about it. The only thing that saved all their lives was that they were bunker-like conference room and no one had suffered much more than a few scrapes and bruises.
Still, it shook Hotch and once the dust began to settle and he was up and moving, he was looking for his lover. He found Spencer coughing and spluttering against the back wall, covered in dust and looking a little dazed. He hands framed the man’s face and he gave him the once over, looking for anything more serious. One he found nothing, a sigh of relief fell from his lips and he tipped his forehead against the other man’s.
“I was worried.” He gasped, his voice rough from the brick dust. He held onto the younger man and pressed his lips gently against his. Needing the contact, needing the touch that sooth his anxiety before he could continue.
“I know, I’m fine, don’t worry.” Spencer answered his eyes soft and filled with love as he looked back at Aaron. By this point the rest of the team was coming together surrounding the two men and checking in with each to make sure they were okay. Hotch was listening and he knew his team was safe and well, all in one piece. This was turning out to be a really shitty day.
“Will you please marry me?” Aaron asked the question again, looking into Reid’s eyes, pleading with him to say yes. He could hear the shocked gasps from around them and all eyes were on them. He saw the look in Reid’s eyes that meant he would be saying no once more.
“Aaron -” That was a warning, almost final in his tone and Aaron sighed, shaking his head. “You know what I think, my answer hasn’t changed.” Spencer answered. Hotch could hear the sorrow in it, almost like he thought the other man wished he could say yes.
“Wait hold up -” Morgan’s voice broke the silence. “You’ve already asked him to marry you?” This was going to be a really shitty day.
The Third Time
After explaining Aaron’s first failed attempt at getting his lover to agree to marriage it had become somewhat of a joke between the team. Both men were constantly asked what they thought, had they changed their minds and what, what, what.
“Seriously though, what do you have against marriage?” Reid and Morgan were sitting in one of the SUV’s waiting to follow their suspect. Until, the other man had been silent and Reid was thankful for it.
“I just don’t see the point in it. Spending thousands of pounds on a venue, clothes, people, food and drink for one day? It doesn’t make any sense to me. I can sit and reel off the statistics for you if you like, I looked them all up the first time Hotch asked me to marry him.” Reid answered with a shrug. He couldn’t understand the big deal everyone was making of this.
“Yeah, but don’t you want something official?” Morgan asked, his tone of voice making it clear he didn’t understand what Reid was talking about. Out of everyone, Reid kinda thought Morgan would agree with him. Clearly not.
“No. I know I am going to spend the rest of my life with Hotch, I don’t need a piece of paper telling me so.” That was that in Reid’s mind, Morgan didn’t ask another question.
Later that evening they had caught the bad guy, had a nice meal in a nice restaurant that Rossi had paid the bill on; and they were now back in the crappy hotel, the FBI had paid the bill on. They were heading back in the early hours of the next morning and so everyone was attempting to get some sleep in before having to get back up again.
However, it seemed Reid was not in the mood for sleep. Aaron smiled sleepily as he felt the soft kisses against the back of his neck. The sharp bit of teeth and the soothing flick of his tongue. “I knew you shouldn’t have had that second glass of wine.” Aaron teased rolling onto his back, a smile playing at his lips.
“It was nice wine.” Reid hummed kissing along the other man’s jaw, until their lips met. The kiss was deep and lush, of them taking the time to taste and enjoy each other. Aaron’s heart filled with such love and joy that the words once more tumbled off his tongue.
“Marry me?” Instead of answering yes or no this time, Reid simply answered with ‘not today’. Progress? Aaron would take it, maybe he could wear the other man down into marrying him.
The Fourth Time
Aaron was stuck in the dullest of board meetings he had been subjected too so far, though it wasn’t so much a board meeting. It was a gathering of everyone in some sort of managerial role. So there were fifty of them crammed into the auditorium. With his phone on his lap and half an ear on what was being said the unit chief fired off a text.
AH - “Please tell me there is a case?”
SR - “Nope. Having fun?”
AH - “Depends if your meaning of fun means shooting myself?”
SR - “Don’t even. It’s your turn to cook dinner!”
AH - “No fun. By the way I’ve meaning to ask, are you coming to the wedding next year?”
SR - “What wedding? Who is getting married?”
AH - “This super cute couple, I’m sure you’ve met them, couldn’t forget them to be honest.”
SR - “Who are they then???”
AH - “Oh, also been meaning to ask you something else as well.”
AH - “Marry me? We’ll set the day for next year!”
SR - “You know what, I’ll survive - shoot yourself!”
Aaron laughed a little too loudly down at his phone, though to anyone looking it might seem like he was laughing at his crotch. Still, it was an amusing way to say no. What made him think though, when did it become funny Spencer saying no to marrying him? This was all getting very weird.
The Fifth Time
They were in Vegas, this time a vacation and not after a case. It was just the pair of them, Jack away with Jessica visiting her parents. They were spending the first day with Reid’s Mom and they hadn’t been sitting there for two minutes before she asked her son a question.
“Spencer, please tell me why you won’t mind this nice man right here?” Spencer looked sharply at Aaron. His eyes narrowed and Hotch at least had the decency to duck his head in response.
“Mom -” Spencer started, shaking his head and attempting to figure out an answer for her. He couldn’t believe that Hotch had told his mother, this was a new low even for him. Why did he want to get married so badly? “You know I have never believed in the whole marriage thing, people can still spend their whole lives together without the need to get married.” He explained gently, reaching out and taking her hand.
Reid through his love another glaring look and Aaron knew they would be talking later.
“Whatever you say Spencer, but I don’t think you really believe that.”
When Hotch Says Yes!
The day went in a spiral downwards. Everything was falling apart and Reid felt like he was crumbling into the ground at the news the man he loved had been taken. He did everything he could, he stared at maps for hours on end attempting to figure something out like a bright idea that would save the man. However, there was nothing new and he couldn’t see it, not anymore. He was exhausted and scared, the fear running like ice through his veins.
It took two days for them to find their Unit Chief and when they did he was in a bad way. The older man flatlined twice in the ambulance heading to the hospital, both times they had brought him back it took longer and longer each time. Reid felt like he was going to be sick, he didn’t want to watch the man he loved die right in front of him. When the monitor did the long beep, he begged him to come back to stay with him and never leave them again, he promised him everything until the steady beat of heart returned.
Two days later Aaron finally started to come around, Reid was asleep, his head resting on the hand of Aaron’s he was holding onto with dear life. “Spence?” Aaron’s voice rasped, days without water and his throat felt like he had eaten sand. Spencer woke slowly, like he couldn’t place the sound before his eyes landed on the man and he stared wide eyed. It was almost like he couldn’t believe Aaron was actually awake.
A single tear ran down the younger man’s cheek and he sprung from the chair, leaning over the dark haired man, to place soft kisses to his lips. “I thought I had lost you.” His voice was thick and his hand fluttered about trying to figure out where he could and could not touch.
“Water.” Aaron asked for, again hating the feeling that his voice had. Spencer quickly reached for the glass of water with a straw and held it to the man’s lip. Aaron drank greedily and then nodded when he was finished. “What happened?”
Spencer sat himself back down in the chair, feeling the exhaustion hit him once he knew Aaron was awake and was going to be okay. “The unsub took you, held you for just over two days, when we found you, you were in a bad state.” Spencer took a breath, steadying himself before continuing. “You flatlined twice in the ambulance, I really thought I was going to lose you.”
“I’m okay.” Aaron affirmed taking the other man’s hand in his own and squeezing as hard as he could.
“I’m going to let the nurse know you’re awake.” The younger man rasped fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill. He rose from the chair and headed to the nurses station letting them know the man was awake before pulling out his phone.
“JJ, Aaron’s awake, yeah he seems okay.” Spencer rattled off when she answered. He answered a few more questions before asking his own. “I need your help with something.”
It was nearly a week later before the doctor deemed Aaron strong enough for what Spencer had planned. He was going to be in hospital for another couple of weeks at least, but Spencer just couldn’t wait that long.
“Rossi, where are we going?” Aaron looked back at the older man who was pushing his wheelchair down the hallway. He was still attached to drops and wires so they were coming with him as well. They walked for a while until he saw the door in front of them leading into the chapel. “What’s going on?” Rossi didn’t answer this question either, just chuckled himself. When they reached the door, he rapted once and they opened revealing the small room packed with people he knew. A few of them stood at the front.
As he was wheeled inside Aaron saw more. He saw Spencer, JJ and his son stood at the front with a priest. Then it dawned on him. A wide smile spread over his cracked lips and wished he could stand from the chair, wished that he could stand at the front with the man he loved and his family.
As he was pushed down the short aisle he saw the grinning faces of his team, his sister in law and other close friends. They had all come out for this, for them.
“I always thought you’d be the one in white” Aaron teased, not trusting himself to say much more at the moment.
“You’re more pure than I am.” Spencer answered equally as teasing in tone. He bent at the waist and cupped Aaron’s face, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. Before the protests rang out around them. Both men laughed and together they stood at the altar, waiting for it to become official.
They were spending the rest of their lives together.
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thoughtlesstales · 4 years
It Was Bound To Happen.
Title: It Was Bound To Happen Word Count: 2624 Rating: Explicit Fandom: Criminal Minds Relationship: Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi Triggers: Smut
The First Time
The first time they were nearly caught was the time Reid genuinely thought that this was going to be all over. It had been early in the morning, Hotch had left before him, something about paperwork. Which meant Reid had woken to a cold and empty bed. That already made his day feel a little off, since Jack went on his school trip nearly a week ago Aaron had been staying at Reid’s and they had created a somewhat routine that felt almost domestic.
Anyway, back to nearly getting caught. When Reid had gotten in he found himself dropping his satchel at his desk and heading up to their unit chief's office, fully preparing to give him a piece of his mind for leaving him behind that morning. However, when he entered the office, without knocking, he found the other man leant back in the chair with his eyes closed. Now that was an usual sight. Spencer stood in the doorway for a few moments watching, he rarely ever had the opportunity to watch the other sleep and he found that the older man appeared so much younger when resting. Spencer knew it would be a little while before other members of their team started to arrive, but he also knew that Aaron wouldn’t want to be found like this by anyone else.
Entering the office Reid moved around and was surprised when the man still slept, normally he was such a light sleeper. Still, he moved to the edge of the desk and a slow smile curled at his lips. They had a somewhat promise of keeping it out of the office, wanting to be professional and all. However, when other members of the team weren’t around and they were alone, they would indulge in each other at every chance they got. Which had led to a few close calls over the last few months.
With Aaron asleep, a fantasy Reid had had in the past entered his mind, it wasn’t the same as being at home, there was no risk. Here, there was every risk of being caught with what he was about to do. The younger man dropped to his knees in front of his boss, his palms ghosting up his thighs. He didn’t want to spook the man into waking, so instead he ran his fingers over the backs of hands that rested against the arms of the chair. Aaron woke slowly at first, once realizing someone was there, his eyes snapped open. Upon realizing who it was, his features soften and a look of confusion quickly paced over his features.
A shy, almost innocent smile crossed Spencer's lips as he reached for Aaron’s fly on his pants. “Spence?” The questioning and hesitant word fell from the older man’s lips as he did so.
“Shush.” Was all Reid answered as he pulled the zip down and flicked the button at the top. It allowed just enough room for Spencer to get his hand into the pants and pull the already semi stiff cock from his boss’ pants. Wiggling them around, Spencer tucked himself under Aaron’s desk and realized just how roomy it was. It would make things easier. “I’ve dreamt about doing so for so long.” He murmured into the quiet room, his breath panting across the sensitive flesh.
The only sound Hotch made was a quiet whine in the back of his throat, that was before Spencer sucked at the head of his cock, taking the other man by surprise. Where he gasped and gripped the edge of the desk. Spencer worked his mouth down the flesh, taking more and more between his lips until he could feel the head hitting the back of this throat and the muscles contracting around it. He could hear the soft pants from the other man, feel the shift in the chair as he did his best not to thrust up into Spencer’s mouth.
It felt like the ultimate power over someone, he hadn’t given the other man much of a choice, but knew if he really hadn’t wanted it he would have said no. Spencer’s hand gripped at the muscled thighs, his mouth doing all the work as he stroked the cock with his tongue. It was when he could feel the older man tensing he knew he was close, but it also came at the same time as there was a knock at the office door, a door that was still slightly ajar.
Rossi’s head poked in before Aaron could tell him to wait, the man’s hand pushing at Reid to stop. He didn’t. Instead he went a little slower, teeth catching just right, his throat wrapping tightly around the head of his lover’s cock. Spencer could hear the strain in the man’s voice as he spoke with the other agent. He could hear the haste in which he was answering the question so to get rid of the older man quicker. They both knew he was close, the salty bitter taste of pre-cum leaking more freely across the genius’ tongue. Spencer loved the thrill that raced through him, the thought of being caught. Everyone finding out in such a raw way made his skin itch with what felt like fire.
When he heard the other leave, he felt a hand take a tight and brutal grasp in his hair as Aaron rolled a little way back from the desk. He was panting and flushed when Reid looked up. He looked completely wrecked and Spencer was wondering how Rossi hadn’t picked up on it. Still, Spencer continued and Aaron came with such force that Spencer gagged around the still hard cock. He swallowed every drop, licking his lips when he felt the pulsing of cum across his tongue stop.
“Jesus.” That was all the other man could say when Spencer pulled up, letting the damp member weep lightly against the tucked in white shirt. A smug and satisfied smile curled at the younger man’s lips. He had rendered him speechless, that was something. Hotch looked thoroughly fucked, sweat beaded on his brow and his pupils were blown wide with a satisfied look about them.
“Good morning.” Spencer answered sweetly, pushing up between the set of strong legs and leaning over the man as he placed a kiss to his lips.
The Second Time
It was the end of a tough case and they had been granted stay for one more night in the crappy hotel the FBI had sprung for them. He and Hotch weren’t sharing this time around, so he was with Morgan and Hotch was sharing with Rossi. However, Reid would have gladly taken anyone else over Morgan, who was awake at dawn doing whatever Morgan did. On the last evening however, everyone on the team said they were going out. Hotch stayed back saying he had paperwork to do and Reid pulled his usual excuse out the bag. I don’t do clubbing, do I look like someone who goes clubbing?
Once the team had vanished Hotch had appeared at Reid’s door, a grin curling his features. He pushed the younger back and pulled him into a searing kiss. It was all teeth and fast kisses that left them both breathless. Spencer’s hands scrambled at the other man’s clothes, pulling open the buttons of his shirt to get to the bare expanses of skin below. His blunt nails scraped and Aaron let out a groan at the less than gentle touch.
“Shower.” The older man gasped, forcibly turning Reid and marching him towards the bathroom, hands at his waist. Once behind the closed door, they stripped, pulling clothes off themselves as quickly as possible while the water heated. Once warm enough, they stepped under the spray together and Spencer sent a silent thanks to the hotel for having bizarrely roomy showers. Wet hands brushed and gripped various body parts, working each other hard under the hot water. The younger man knew he would look much like a drowned rodent by this point, but couldn’t find the care to give it.
In the shower Aaron dropped to his knees in front of the younger man, palming at his cock in the process. Spencer had no choice but to brace himself against the shower wall as a jolt of pleasure shot through his body. Hotch teased his cock, drawing moans from the younger agent in the process. Spencer hadn’t seen the other man grab the bottle of lotion in the shower and the breech of the tight muscles made him jump and push his cock to the back of Aaron’s throat. The other man came off coughing and laughing, amusement and mischievous lingering in his gaze.
“Yo Pretty boy?!” Morgan’s bellow came from the other room and Reid felt the heat rise in his body even more.
“Hotch!” Reid gasped, pushing at the other man’s head just as pushed fingers deep inside of Spencer and began to scissor them. He bit back the curse that was on his lips as the pain/pleasure shot like electricity through his veins.
“Reid?” Morgan’s head appeared round the door, looking into the bathroom. “You changed your mind and are coming out?” His fellow agent asked, tapping his fingers against the wooden door. Another thing Reid found out he was thankful for was the glass surrounding the shower was frosted floor to ceiling, but he hated to think what shadow might be casting against it.
Reid wasn’t sure how he was supposed to carry on a conversation, this is exactly what he had put Aaron through only a few weeks before and now he understood. He felt a little like revenge right now. “Eh - no.” He bit back the whine forming in his throat, his fingers looking for purchase against the smooth tiled walls and finding nothing. “Going to bed.” He answered quickly, shaking and seeing stars when a finger brushed over his prostate. Morgan simply hummed in response, firing off an okay with an amused tone.
The moment the door slammed shut Reid felt the moan slash whine in the back of his throat erupt as Hotch took the length of his cock in his mouth and pushed the two fingers against his protest. It was too much and Reid was spilling his seed down the Unit Chief’s throat. He stood, or rather lent against the wall, as Aaron mouthed at his over sensitive cock. Until, Reid pushed him away grumbling and his body trembling with each lick.
Aaron stood, a cocky look in his eyes as he pulled the younger man close. “Paybacks a bitch.”
The Third Time
Reid is desk bound after taking a shot to the shoulder in the past case and since he hasn’t been cleared he has to stay while the rest of the team fly out to Miami. He’s shacked up in Garcia’s layer when his phone buzzes on the desk beside him. It was late in the evening and the team were just heading back to the hotel, however he and the blond tech had a few more things to tie up before they headed home themselves.
“I wish you were here.” the first text read. “I miss your mouth wrapped around my cock.” Spencer stared at the messages. Never had anything like that happened between them, they didn’t send each other dirty texts. Well, until now at least.
“Nice to know I’m wanted.” Spencer answered, feeling brave enough to add a winky face emoji at the end.
“Oh you are, I’d fuck that mouth of yours and finish in your ass.” Spencer’s jaw went slack as he read the message again and again. “Then if I’m feeling nice, I’d lick you clean.” Reid could feel himself growing hard in his slacks. Jesus, what was this man trying to do to him.
“I’m still at the office!”
“And? I’ve always fancied bending you over your desk and fucking you into next week.” Was the reply he got and the reply that just so happened to make Garcia want to know who was so avidly texting Ried.
“Oh my god!” Her voice filled the quiet room, making Spencer jump. “Who is sending you texts like that? Are you seeing someone? Please tell me who? Let me check out their background and make sure they’re all good!” Her questions rambled and Ried was sure he was blushing from head to toe at the thought of her seeing that message. He knew he wasn’t going to hear the end of this from the blonde, and he also knew the moment she got on the phone to Morgan she would be telling the other man.
Reid did not drink, or well he preferred not to drink as he wasn’t preferential to the way it made him feel at the time or afterwards. However, there were times when the team went on enough and he reluctantly agreed to go out with them after a case. This was one of those times. JJ and Emily were plying him with these fruity cocktails that didn’t taste one little bit like alcohol, so he was knocking them back fairly quickly. That was his first mistake. The second was how vocal and chatty he was becoming under the influence. Hotch had lent over a couple of times and informed the younger agent he might want to slow down. His hand brushing against his and sending sparks of electricity through his skin.
“I’m fine! I don’t even feel anything!” The brunette answered grinning wildly, sloshing the drink about. Emily and JJ just laughed behind their own drinks, enjoying the show that was unravelling in front of them. It took another two fruity cocktails before Spencer Reid started to get a little wild.
It started with making somewhat lewd remarks towards his boss. Becoming rather forthcoming about all the things he wanted to try and so far hadn’t been able to try with anyone other than Aaron.
“You know what I really want to try?” He commented, barely taking a breath before continuing. “I want to go into the middle of no where and have you fuck me against the hood of the SUV. I want to scream into the night, calling your name and no one can hear a thing.” His fantasies were growing more and more bold as the night wore on. Aaron Hotchner doing his best not to jump the man across the table from him.
He hadn’t made it to the dance floor like the rest of his team, but he had moved and was pushed up close against his lover. His hands petted and his lips pressed against the column of the man’s throat. Mouthing and nipping at the tender flesh. At the time, they were under the cover of darkness, tucked away in their booth, however if the team was to retreat back to the table they would stumble on the genius groping their boss. Spencer’s hands continued to wander and they cupped the growing erection tucked away in Aaron’s dark denim jeans. He fought the urge to pull him free, get onto his knees and blow the man from the sticky nightclub floor. He was sure he wouldn’t be the first to do something like that.
“Spence.” Hotch mumbled in a warning tone against his ear, hot breath making Spencer shiver. He didn’t move the hand though and Spencer took that as a sign that he could continue. He pressed a little harder and then drew the older man into a deep, long and lush kiss that had his own mind reeling. When they finally came up for air they were faced with the slacked jawed members of their team standing at the end of the table.
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
any tips for writing smut? more and more people are like telling me that they would like to see more smut in my stories but like i just dont know how to write good smut? i more like just go with the flow and like take inspiration from other writers
First of all, don’t feel like you need to write anything you’re uncomfortable writing just because people are asking for it. There’s plenty of smut available online without you writing it if you don’t want to. 
I wrote some smut advice forever ago on my personal blog (long before I made this one), so if you want to know my own thoughts on how I do things, you can find that over here. 
Otherwise, let’s see what the smut writers (and readers!) have to say about writing good smut. :)
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
So, a super long extended hiatus without warning ..... i know shoot me!
Apologies everyone I haven’t been very well at all and been pretty much sleeping or dosed up on enough drugs to make me sleep for a long time now, the fog is starting to clear now so I’m hoping to be back around a little more
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
what makes you think you're qualified for people to come speak to you?
There is always one. 
Firstly, I’d say it’s the 4 years I spent at University studying Mental Health Nursing and General Nursing. I’m dual qualified in both areas, however I currently working in mental health as a registered nurse. I specialise in eating disorders, however, have extensive experience in other areas of mental health. 
I also don’t believe you need a qualification to sit and listen to someone, because nine times outta ten that is all someone needs. Someone to listen. Someone who isn’t going to judge, badger with questions or think any differently of them. I’ve seen and heard shit that I will never forget and I don’t want something like to happen to anyone. So if someone wants to talk, if someone if feeling low, anxious, worried, scared, angry about ANYTHING. It doesn’t have to be about tumblr, then message me, you can do it on anon if that’s makes you more comfortable. 
Please know, there is someone who cares and want’s to listen. 
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
I love coming across new fandoms this way. Especially ones which have loads of hype but I never attempted to watch and then I come across a fanfiction I get into, maybe around a certain ship and I fall in love! I end up binge watching the show and begging for more, haha 
So no, in my opinion it’s not creepy to start watching the TV due to reading Fanficiton, in fact it’s the best way to get into something new as you already know a little something and sometimes you already have a love for a ship that, that person has written about! 
There is a writer whose works I really love. They post nowadays in a fandom I don't know. Question is, would it be creepy if I watched the show so I can understand their writing and tell them I only watched the show because I love their writing and wanted to read more from them?
I’d find it flattering, myself. Most of the shows I watch I found through other people, so to me it’s a natural turn of events. 
Anyone else have thoughts on this one?
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
Reblog this if you support your fellow writers, even if they don’t get much attention
Gonna piss an anon off in my inbox who sent me ‘ Delete your tumblr. Its not worth posting your writing when nobody will see it or care about it ‘
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
hey, are you going to be doing anymore writing?
Hi! I am, it’s taking a while and apologies for that, but I do have some works in the works, haha! I’m branching out a little and doing a reader x Bucky piece which is just complete and utter smut >.
I’m really looking forward to doing them, and hopefully they’ll be up soon!
Lailah xox
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
So this always happens to me >.< I end up saying I’m back around and then life get’s in the way .... but I kinda wanna talk about it, so I’m gonna write about it here and then place it under the cut as it will contain talks about mental health and suicide of a friend, this post will also contain the tags as well!
So on the 19th of this month, I had a mental break, everything got just too much and my head fell apart to the point where I just couldn’t cope with life or anything and I was considering doing something really stupid. I won’t bore you too much with the details, but everything was just shit and I couldn’t continue with how things were going. I ended up calling my mum at 3am, and she picked up thirty minutes later and I went home. The next day, Monday, I phoned my doctor and got an emergency appointment for that day. I was placed onto Anti Depressants after having a chat with my doctor. They’re a low dose at the minute and I have a review appointment with my doctor soon to see how they’re going and whether I need to up the dose. 
I do feel different, that much is true. But I have moments of manic and moments of low, where my head gets bad again - it’s all a muddle at the minute and I’ve been trying to figure that out. I sit there and wonder how I got so bad knowing I had the support around me that I do, but instead of talking I just let it bottle up and get bad. It’s strange, because my mum has been so supportive and understanding and work have been as well, they gave me some time off full paid and have said I can have more if I’m not ready to return to work, 
What didn’t help that Monday was about 2 hours before my appointment a colleague at work phoned and told me that a close friend and colleague had committed suicide. She had gone missing over the weekend, but none of us expected this to be the end result. It had been less than a month ago, she was sat at my house drinking wine and eating pizza. We had been laughing and talking about life, but she never mentioned anything about feeling low or not feeling right. I sit there and analyse every conversation we’ve had for the last month trying to think of something I’ve missed. I know it’s a shitty way off doing things, because actually I’ll never figure it out and like me, I know no one saw what I was going through until I let them in. I just wish she had let me in and I could have done something. 
We’re now waiting on the inquest and the results of that before we get a date for the funeral, but I’m trying to come to terms with losing my friend. The person I sent stupid memes too, the person I spent night shifts winding up and scaring in the dark hallways of the ward. The person who never turned down a pizza and wine night, the perfect excuse to gossip and laugh. 
I miss her so fucking much, but I’m still so much in shock, even now a week and a half later and I don’t know how to grieve for her.  
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
reblog if you’d like one of these in your inbox
- ask me things you want to know about me
- why you follow me
- what’s on your mind/what you’re thinking about
- a compliment
- make me choose between two things
- ask for advice
- tell me a secret
- things you associate me with
- anything!!!!
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
This is my biggest pet peeve! I roleplay my around tumblr and I’ve so many people say their character bi, but when you look back through past threads all you see is m/f relationships. Seriously? You just erasing the identity of something right here? 
“why bother writing bisexual characters if they just end up in a m/f relationship”
my dude
my guy
my pal
stop talking forever
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thoughtlesstales · 5 years
Okay, so I’m starting myself off easy, easing back into writing XD 
I’m gonna start working, again, on a WIP i have going the - What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger - Series based in the Fandom of Hawaii Five-0, it’s a Danny Williams x Original Character piece!
I’m also hoping to write out a fic for Star’s 5.5k Celebration - a Steve x Reader, with a smutty base. I’ve seen some inspiration, so let’s hope it pans out!
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