Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
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So it took me a while to actually read this, one I was in denial of the fact that this would be the last book in the series, and two I lost all motivation to read for a good 5 months. I pre-ordered the book because I wanted it so bad, but I never got around to reading it. Until this past week. I gathered up my book and my coffee and sat outside. Reading all day on my day off. It was perfect.…
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Yesterday was a beautiful sunny warm day! I'm so excited for this warm weather again! What are you reading for the month of May? I'm hoping to finish Siege and Storm this month! 🦔 🦔 🦔 #bookstagram #books #book #bookblogger #thoughtsfromaravenclaw #bookish #bookreviewer #yabooks #yareader #yabookstagram #bibliophile #bookreader #bookcollector #reading #reads
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May TBR- Let's See if This Happens
May TBR- Let’s See if This Happens
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Hello lovelies! Here I am again with my potentially too long TBR for May. I haven’t read much in the past months, only actually finishing my first book this year a day ago. I honestly feel like I am letting myself down with the lack of reading I’ve been doing, but I’m here to change all that. I cannot wait to get back into reading and feeling like I accomplished something. Finishing Obsidio the…
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Haven't been posting on here in a while, looking forward to getting back into it! This book and series plays with your emotions so much but I love it! I'm almost done with Obsidio and it's getting stressful. . . . #bookstagram #books #book #bookblogger #thoughtsfromaravenclaw #bookish #bookreviewer #yabooks #yareader #yabookstagram #bibliophile #bookreader #bookcollector #reading #reads #obsidio
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Fictional World I Wish I Lived In
Fictional World I Wish I Lived In
While drifting off in another day dream, wishing I was somewhere else, many times I would wish I was in different fictional worlds. Now the one I probably wish I was in most would be the obvious one for me, Harry Potter. I wish I could just accio my glasses to me everytime I lose them. Which in case you’re wondering is every day. Having magic would be exciting, like imagine all the things you…
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Starting Over ~Blog take number...I lost count~
Starting Over ~Blog take number…I lost count~
Hello lovelies! It’s been way too long, again. I will be honest, I fell into a slump. A reading slump, life slump, everything slump. It partly came from getting a promotion at my job and dealing with working 38ish hours every week. I became unmotivated, uninterested in reading. I started two books, Seige and Storm and Beasts Made of Night. Just reread this, it’s actually four books, I also…
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Sometimes life gets in the way| November Wrap Up
Hello lovelies, I know it’s been… *checks last post and cries* 26 days. I really had all intentions of starting to get back on tract for this blog but that didn’t happen. Life has been currently hectic and my mental health has taken a turn downhill again. Normally I’m okay with everything, with constant anxiety but it got worse this month. I’m not making excuses, I easily could have written more…
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NaNoWriMo Update: First Day
Check out my update for #NaNoWriMo It didn't start off well, but I'm gonng try to get going!
Hello my lovelies. So my NaNoWriMo isn’t off the a great start. I had just gotten power back after not having it for three days. We had gotten around 4 inches of rain in a very short amount of time, less than 24 hours, lots of strong winds and rivers peaking at 14 feet about normal levels. The vast majority of the state was out of power and we were all trying to figure out what to do. So onto my…
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NaNoWriMo 2017: My First One Hello lovelies! So I'm hoping that I can achieve this goal but I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo 2017 this year for the first time.
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Unintentional Hiatus and Taking Time for Myself
Unintentional Hiatus and Taking Time for Myself
Hello my lovelies! So it’s been forever since I posted on here and I apologize for that. I didn’t intend to take a hiatus but everything went crazy in my life and I wanted to take time for myself. Taking time for yourself is so important and I have a tendency to forget to do so occasionally. I love writing my posts and reading my books to review, but I was draining myself between work and putting…
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Hello lovelies ⭐ I just had to buy these the other day! ~ ~ ~ #bookstagram #books #bookish #bookreader #yabooks #ya
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I'm back guys! I've been behind for the last month but starting today I'm going to get my butt in gear and stick with it! I missed everyone! ~ ~ ~ ~ #bookstagram #bookblog #books #bookworm #yabooks #instabooks #bookish #bookstack
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The One Where I Fangirl over Alice Through the Looking Glass (Fierce Fangirl Friday)
The One Where I Fangirl over Alice Through the Looking Glass (Fierce Fangirl Friday)
Hello my lovelies. I know I haven’t been posting much in the recent month but here’s to starting fresh in Septemeber. It seems weird to me to not be getting ready to start classes or having already started classes. But today I bring you another installment of Fierce Fangirl Friday. This is a weekly meme hosted by Jackie over at toomuchofabooknerd. You can fangirl and obsess over anything and…
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Go check out my blog post on my thoughts and opinions on the ACOTAR series!  *WARNING CONTAINS SPOILERS*
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Hello lovelies⭐ I need to reorganize my bookshelves at some point this week. I'm debating on how to do it. There is no rhyme or reason right now. Any suggestions? #bookstagram #bookshelf #books #yabooks
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I absolutely love this edition of #acowar I can't wait to read it!
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