tickiry · 6 years
I’m Hungry
…. A biography 
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tickiry · 6 years
10 Contradicting things about INFP..
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I feel the need to ask everyone around me to read this article..
And then I think it would be a bother to them..
But it shouldn’t be for the people who really care about me!
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tickiry · 6 years
It’s crazy how much you’ll tolerate for someone you care about
it really does! (via glassbonespaperskin)
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tickiry · 6 years
I honestly do not understand the concept of love … at all. 
It’s mostly painful … why do people want it ??
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tickiry · 6 years
Tumblr’s middle name
I should be studying but I did a big mistake and opened Tumblr. 
I bet Tumblr’s middle-name is “Procrastination”  
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tickiry · 6 years
I'm entering a writing competition. I wrote my story, whoever I need someone to edit it. Its a short story If someone is good at editing and stuff plz let me know ... Thanks in advance
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tickiry · 6 years
Love sucks ... I hate it
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tickiry · 6 years
fuck you
I would love to…. but I got standards… 
(who r u anws??)
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tickiry · 6 years
wow ... pretty good... gotta try that
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vitya watercolor doodle. tried different method than usual
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tickiry · 6 years
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“Kiss me with your eyes open.”
When Viktor’s blades cut an arc across the ice, it sounds like a sharp note sung.
When he spins, arms stretched to the sky, it looks like a gift for the great divine presence.
When he extends a hand out for Yuuri, it feels like the world has stopped and there is nothing except them and the thin stretch of ice between, waiting to be conquered.
Continue reading Beautiful Things, in which Viktor and Yuuri practice their exhibition routine and uh…some other things.
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tickiry · 6 years
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tickiry · 6 years
My teacher was talking abt Tumblr yesterday and i was like “ .... oooh wait, I have that” So here I am.... reading my old posts however is rly weird.
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tickiry · 7 years
Shall I expose some ENTP secrets???
Don’t tell me what to do, I’m going to do it anyway.
1. We have no idea what’s going on. Like, ever. Not even one time.
2. We’re damn good at making you think that we know what’s going on, and that it was our plan all along.
3. We’re so frickin loyal it’s not even funny. We play it off like we don’t care about anyone, but we would legit do absolutely ANYTHING for those we care about.
4. If we’re trying to be extra funny, you know something’s up. We’re most likely covering up our emotions with a good ole unhealthy dose of sarcasm and depreciating humor.
5. Our secrets have secrets. We may seem like open books, but believe me. There’s sooo much more going on under the surface.
6. We absolutely need time for ourselves to think. We’re the kind of extroverts that you may have to drag to a party, but we’ll be the life of the party when we get there.
7. We. Need. Attention. For everything we do. Even though we give off this sort of “I don’t care what you think” vibe, we need constant validation, even just someone saying “oh cool”. We thrive to impress people, no matter how hard to believe that is.
8. We feel stress just the same as any other type. We just choose to bury it deep deep down where no one can see it, and let it blow up in our faces later.
9. I didn’t talk enough about validation. We have this hunger to do something and to be someone. We need to make a difference, somehow, somewhere.
10. We hate it when people have us figured out. We hate it even more when people only think that they have us figured out, but they’ve got us all wrong.
11. We hate to be ignored. Like, seriously. If we ask you for something, which is something we very rarely do, we expect you to take the time to listen to us.
12. We are the most caring assholes you’ll ever meet. We love to make people happy, but we’ll grumble about it the whole time.
13. We hate being overestimated. Underestimate us, please. We get strength from being the underdog. If we feel like you’re putting too much on us, we’ll just give up because we don’t see that it’s worth it to fail.
14. Challenge us. For the love of God, give us something to argue about. Complacency is a danger to us ENTPs, and it can lead us to very bad habits. We need someone or something that’ll spark our interest, or we’ll go insane.
15. We’re really full of mushy gushy stuff on the inside. No one’s supposed to know that.
16. We feel overwhelmed a lot, and when we do, you need to give us space to sort things out. Like, two minutes. Please.
17. We lie. Constantly. About everything. Watch your back.
18. We deserve respect. With everything that we do for the people around us, we deserve at least a little bit.
Ok, rant over. Sorry for exposing us for what we really are. Ciao
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tickiry · 8 years
How ENTPs and INTPs explain things they do
INTP: There's a method to my madness.
ENTP: There's a madness to my method.
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tickiry · 8 years
when T’s finally show emotion
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tickiry · 8 years
how tired the mbti types are
esfj: sorta tired
isfj: reasonably tired
enfj: physically tired
istj: tired 
isfp: really really tired 
estj: tired but still gets shit done
infp: tired and upset
entj: forgot how it was like not to be tired
infj: mentally tired
entp: so fucking tired but didn’t do shit
intp: so tired man, too tired
esfp: more tired than you might think
istp: tired of everything
estp: hella
intj: tired of your shit
enfp: tired of their shit
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tickiry · 8 years
Extroverted Introverts: Ten things to know
Also known as an ambivert, an extroverted introvert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion.
1. Their spot on the spectrum changes with their environment.
Your ambivert friend may be loud and gregarious around their family, but quiet and thoughtful at the office. Seeing them in both situations may feel like meeting two entirely different people.
2. Talking to strangers is fine – but don’t expect them to keep it to small talk.
Although an ambivert can hold up their end of a conversation, talking about the weather will not be enough to engage them. Their social energy is limited enough that they won’t want to waste it on meaningless chatter. They will likely push the conversation into deeper territory or bow out entirely.
3. They like to be alone – they don’t like to be lonely.
There is a big difference between the two. Choosing to sit at home with a tub of ice cream and a book feels fantastic. Sitting at home because nobody called them back feels sad and lame.
4. Getting them out of the house can be a challenge.
If you catch your friend on a highly introverted day, you may just be better off leaving them at home. They might manage to be social, but they’ll just be thinking about their books and their couch the whole time.
5. If they’re new, you can find them in the back of the room.
An introverted extrovert will approach new situations with cautious excitement. If they know someone in the group, they will likely cling to them a bit as they become comfortable. If they do not, they might waver on the edge of the crowd, slowly getting used to the water rather than jumping in all at once.
6. They’re selectively social.
They don’t mean to be snobs. They just have limited social energy and prefer interacting one-on-one or in small groups. For this reason, they can only afford to invest their social time and energy in those who they feel truly connected to.
7. Making friends is easy. Keeping them is hard.
They like talking to people, but they value their alone-time, as well. This can make maintaining a friendship tricky. If your ambivert friend makes an effort to consistently invest time and energy in your friendship, be glad. You are truly special to them.
8. Their social desires change with the breeze.
They might be desperate to hang out with you on Friday, but then not answer your call on Saturday. They’re not mad at you. They’re just super comfortable in bed watching films.
9. They can talk to you for hours.
If you manage to catch them in a one-on-one situation, an extroverted introvert will just not shut up. Once their interest is engaged, there’s no stopping them.
10. Listening is great too, though.
Sometimes they want to be a part of the action, but their social energy levels are too low for them to contribute in a meaningful way. Listening allows them to get to know you without burning up their social fuel. They also know its value from their chattier moments when they are desperate for an ear.
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