til1218 · 7 years
HAPPY AUGUST. I haven't really been able to blog about my life through music lately. All the experiences I have had has made me internalize my thoughts rather than writing it out lately. These past couple of months have been hard internally. There were days where I wanted to give up on myself, I felt neglected where no one loved me in the way I wanted to be loved (there are many ways to explain this concept in my head), and the uneasy thought of myself being alone in a country that I am not familiar with in 30 days. Scary? I don’t think scary can define the thoughts that are in my head every night before I sleep. Fortunately, there are days where I am able to get out of my funk and today is one of them. My experience at FYF last weekend helped me find my purpose in what I have been looking for these past couple of months: freedom within myself. Enjoying live music and just closing my eyes as my body naturally moves to the sounds was something I found so refreshing and that was the exact thing that I was looking for this whole summer, a free flow. These past couple of months have been constricting because I have given so much time to others rather than myself and I structured my life to have a strict objective on my day to day basis. I have been spending more time with myself this summer and it feels lonely at times, but I’m starting to embrace it now (again). This month’s playlist exemplifies how rejuvenated I feel and ready I am for the next chapter in my life (catch me at Italy, hopefully with Takis LOL). I am ready to let go and grasp a new experience that I was honestly not comfortable with partaking in a few weeks ago, but to let my life flow with no expectations (I just need to get my shit together for that to happen). Pray for me as this month will be a month of hardships and blessings.
(also play this playlist on shuffle plz this was not the order i was intending LOL)
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til1218 · 8 years
Feeling extra thankful this week. Feeling thankful because of two reasons: Daylight savings beings this Friday (Spring forward motherfuckers woohoo!!!!) and the company I am so blessed to have. These past couple of weeks have been busy, hard, tiring and frustrating. I lowkey almost forgot myself and my purpose and what exactly my passion was. And it’s honestly tough now to live with no purpose. With two months of 2017 over, I already feel like so many events in my life have happened; both being good and bad. And now I sit at Portola doing Spanish homework (ugh this is so hip sorry LOL) just thinking about how so many individuals have impacted my life sooooosososososoooo much and they don’t even know it. Whether it be my family members (hey parentals), or SASA famz, my Greek famz, or my best friends from the homeland of BP (LOL), anybody I follow on a social media platform that will be undisclosed lol, or anybody that I have had the chance to have a conversation with, thank you. Thank you for being the subtle company that I need sometimes. Thanks for studying with me when I want to just watch Jane the Virgin. Thanks for listening to me whine all the fucking time. Thanks for actually laughing at my jokes LOL. Thanks for taking narcissistic quizzes about myself LOL. Thank you for always reminding me who I am and the individual I aspire to be. The small things are honestly beautiful and as of right now I’m feeling ok. And I’m going to embrace that I feel ok!!!!!! It’s honestly okay not to feel like your life is fulfilled to where you want it to be and honestly I’m never going to feel that way because I will always have a new goal everyday to strive for. From hating myself and my name to loving and embracing myself, it’s been a long journey lol. omg ok thanks for reading im a little to reflective rn LOL kbye (✿◠‿◠)
But enjoy the upbeat spring/summer tunes! It’s time to dance and not mope about finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and omg disregard the LOLs this is who i am lmao
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til1218 · 8 years
BLURRY, but by far one of the best sets that I’ve seen so far in my life. Kaytranada is definitely a unique producer that you won’t see anywhere else. Like I said a few months ago, 99.9% is a production of hip-hop on another level. It’s fresh, it’s funky, and it’s rich in sound. I can’t wait to see him live again at Coachella! <3
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til1218 · 8 years
Idk why I have this urge to post more videos, but this blog was forgotten and I definitely wanna bring it back with some random videos. These are the videos that I do have prior to myy precious laptop being stolen RIP. But enjoy these tunes!
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til1218 · 8 years
Random late posts coming up!!!! Camp Flog Gnaw 2016 with Alina Baraz!
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til1218 · 8 years
1. The last person you kissed screams they love you, you say… ~ YIKES lmao
2. Did you get to sleep in today? ~ yes
3. You never know what you got until you lose it? ~ true
4. Do you have siblings? ~ yes
5. How many kids do you want? ~ 3
6. Who was the last person you held hands with? ~ my niece my sister idk LOL
7. Did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss? ~ idk LOL honestly im pissed i dont remember who i last kissed LMAO
8. Do you think if you died, the last person you kissed would care? ~ I DONT REMEMBER THE LAST PERSON I KISSED UGHHHH BUT PROBS!!!!
9. Last person to talk on the phone? ~ mom???? idk
10. Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone? ~ no
11. When’s your birthday? ~ February 7
12. Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? ~ on my BED I DONT KNOW .-.
13. What kind of phone do you have? ~ iPhone 6s
14. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants? ~ a onesie LmAo
15. Are you a different person now than you were 5 years ago? ~ YES
16. What were you doing at 4 am? ~ sleeping?
17. Would you rather write a paper or give a speech? ~ depends on the topic
18. Are you lying to yourself about something? ~ probably
19. Last night you felt…? ~ cool
20. What’s something you cannot wait for? ~ going back to SChoOL or turning 21
21. Ever told your parents you were going somewhere but when somewhere different? ~ all the time when i was younger lmao 
22. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? ~ a lot
23. Are you a morning or night person? ~ night
24. What did you get your last bruise from? ~ i dont know where my last bruise was
25. Do you reply to all of your texts? ~ nope LmAO
26. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for. What do you do? ~ YIKES keep it casual but be petty LOL
27. Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed? ~ probably LMAO
28. Anyone you would like to get things straight with? ~ YES!!!!!!
29. How many months until your birthday? ~ LESS THAN 2 FUCKCKACKKKKKK
30. Favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? ~ green apple
31. Did you like this past summer? ~ YES
32. What were you doing before you got on the computer? ~ went to target and bought a facial mask that i didn’t use LOL
33. Your ex is sitting next to you, with their new partner. What do you do? ~ talk to them both lmao
34. What is the last thing you said out loud? ~ “really”
35. Your mood summed into one word? ~ OK
36. Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey? ~ listening to feeling ok by Best Coast LmAO
37. What are your initials? ~ SMP
38. Are you a happy person? ~ for the most part lol
39. Do you still talk to the person you liked 4 months ago? ~ I DONT KNOW IF I LIKE HIM IVE BEEN CONFUSED FOR LIKE THE PAST 6 MONTHS
40. Where do you want to live when your older? ~ pasadena
41. Have you had your birthday this year? ~ yes
42. What did you do yesterday? ~ christmas
43. What will you be doing tomorrow? ~ tennis, then bday party
44. How late did you stay up last night? ~ like 3am
45. Is there anyone you would do anything for? ~ yes
46. Is it hard to make you laugh? ~ no i laugh at anything lmao
47. Do you believe ex’s can be just friends? ~ depends on the situation but yes but not like besties but more like acquaintances
48. Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? ~ UGH
49. How many people have you had feelings for in the year of 2012? ~ like 1 idk
50. Do you wish your ex was dead? ~ sometimes
51. Have you ever dyed your hair? ~ yeas
52. Would ever take back someone that cheated? ~ NO
53. Was New Year’s Even enjoyable? ~ i dont remember
54. Bet you’re missing someone right now? ~ yes
55. How would your parents react if you got a tattoo? ~ they’d be mad
56. Sleep on your back or stomach? ~ back
57. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would it be ? ~ ooooh idk im ok with where im at lmao
58. What would you change about your life right now? ~ boif probs LMAO
59. Has anything upset you in the past week? ~ i think so
60. Are you on the phone? ~ no
61. Today, would you rather go forward a week or back? ~ forward
62. Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car? ~ $40,000
63. Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? ~ yeah
64. Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? ~ yes
65. Have you ever copied someone else’s homework? ~ yeah
66. Are you the type of person who liks to be out or at home? ~ home
67. Do you automatically check your phone when you wake up? ~ yeah
68. Have you ever stayed up all night on the phone? ~ yeah
69. Could you use some sleep right now? ~ a little
70. Are you going to have a baby by the time you’re 18? ~ no
71. Does it bother you when someone hides things from you? ~ yes
72. What’s your favorite color? ~ white
73. Have you ever slept in the same room with someone you liked? ~ yes
74. Have you ever been looking for something and it was already in your hand? ~ yes
75. Do you get annoyed easily? ~ depends who
76. If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you? ~ YES
77. Do you have a person of the opposite sex that you can tell everything to? ~ yes
78. Does anyone call you babe? ~ no
79. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? ~ like 4.......lemme think lemme think ok 4 or 5 lmao actually like 6
80. What do you prefer, relationship or one night stand? ~ relationships, but one night stands with cute boys are fun too lmao
81. What colour hoodie did you wear last? ~ green
82. Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and isn’t around anymore? ~ yes
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til1218 · 8 years
Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth? yes Where were you last night? i was chillen at home with fam and i finished Samurai Champloo cries What is today’s date? December 27 Who was the last person to call you baby/babe? yikes idk lmao When you’re at the grocery store do you use the self check-out? yes, but it has gotten annoying since the new proposition passed because the self checkout machine doesnt know and so the keep asking if i wanna bag my item and i obviously can’t bag my item if i don’t have bags and i’m not willing to buy them??? Anyone crushing on you? idk guys are fucking stupid What is your relationship status? single Who do you text the most? hard question i rarely text people :/ How do you make your money? graphic design shits LMAO How do you feel right now? ok
Do you look more like your mom or dad? mom Are you scared of flying? YES Is there something bothering you right now? a little
Where do you wanna go for vacation? italy Who last sent you a text msg? jocelyn What would you say is your favorite food? cinnamon rolls What color is the keyboard you are currently using? black Would you rather write a report or type it on a computer? type What color was the last jacket or hoodie you wore? yellow and orange LOL Do you receive more compliments or insults on a daily basis? compliments Do you own any dresses? If so, what colors are they? yes, too many colors Would you say you drink more pop / soda than you should? no i hate soda Do you have your ears pierced? If not, what do you have pierced? yes, i have like 10 piercings
the person i like and why i like them. ok i dont even know if i like this individual because idk???? like one day i think he’s interested and then one day he’s salty and im like uh wtf do you like me or not? and if hes not interested idk if i should be interested idk? hes a cool dude and all but if he doesnt try idk if i should try because i honestly dont know if i want to pursue any relationship and idk if im heart eyes and honestly i dont think im heart eyes??? idk I DONT knOW a famous person i’ve been compared to. fuck idk Guy Fieri the best thing that has happened to me this week. seeing my dad happy something that makes me sad when i think about it. my dad talking about my mom
something i do without realising. take a nap lol
lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood. Wake up, you know I feel ok Go to sleep, it's just another day I know, someday I'll find it Where I, I least expect it post a picture of myself. no thanks my longest relationship and who it was with. 3 y someone i’d like to be for a day and why. Justin Baldoni’s wife just so i can fuck him LMAO
what is your favorite drink? water or pink lemonade with basil seeds do you spend more time on the computer or watching tv? computer do you wear makeup? yes are you a neat freak or a big mess? mess who was your favorite disney character as a child? mulan when was your last family vacation? yikes during the summer IDK lol what do you want to be when you’re older? idk man have you ever wanted to be a foreign exchange student? yes do you have an ipod? yes do you take naps? yeah where was the last place you went to? target lmao have you ever had a near death experience? several times do you have any pets? (if so, what kind) no :( do you curse? honestly yeah! what is bothering you right now? idk what is a next upcoming event that you’re excited about? kaytraaaaaa do you text people that are sitting next to you? yes lmao have you ever been in a food eating contest? no have you ever been in a car accident? yes have you ever ate dog food? yes have you ever performed on stage? yes do you live in the moment? i try do you take long showers? YES are you religious? mas o menos are you dramatic? NO have you ever ran through a drive thru? no lol
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til1218 · 8 years
My Top 10 Albums of 2016
OMG HELLO AGAINNNNNNNN LONG TIME NO TALK! I haven’t written anything on this blog for such a long time, I am sorry. I am still making playlists on the weekly basis, so check it out at https://soundcloud.com/susan-phommasak! I just curate anything that fits my mood for the week, so enjoy that! BUT YAAAA 2016 has been the year of emerging producers and artists and I’ve been listening to new content right and left, but I still find myself going back to old things, so I’m going to mention some notable albums that I really loved even though it was not newly released this year hehe. BUT YEAH KEEP READING IF YOU WANNA KNOW HOW MY 2016 WENT DOWN!
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So I wasn’t going to put this album on my top 10 at all just because I believe his debut album was a lot better in my opinion, but looking back at the tracklist and the story the album tells, I appreciated it a lot more. Got to see Flume perform most of the album live at Coachella, and his studio version definitely sounds better live. It’s just nice to hear live because it’s Flume I guess??? I don’t know. Most notable tracks include Never Be Like You, Take a Chance (my favorite song off the album TBH), and Helix. This is definitely an album I would listen to if I were rolling balls in my living room LOL. This album definitely made my 2016! I remember listening to the first single released on Soundcloud and I was with a guy in bed and we were like “Yeah this sounds pretty coo coo” AND THEN BAM THE BEAT DROPS AND WE’RE LIKE WAOW HEART EYES! And now that song has become a radio hit and it hits me in the feels every time I listen to it *cries* BUT YEAHHHHHHH Skin is pretty bomb. Definitely recommend y’all listen to this album in order and in it’s entirety, twice.
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Ok, so before this album, I didn’t listen to Isaiah Rashad as much as other TDE members just because I didn’t find as much interest. Don’t get me wrong, Heavenly Father was a great song, but it didn’t make me want to actively listen to the rest of Cilvia Demo. BUT OMG THE SUN’S TIRADE IS A HIP-HOP DREAM, well for me. The production is clean and it definitely hits my feels when it comes to 2016. This album is definitely not like SremmLife 2 where it plays back to back bangerz for college parties, but it is definitely appropriate for a chill night in with your friends and just good vibes and talks. Notable tracks include Free Lunch (UGH YES MY FAV THIS YEAR HONESTLY), Wat’s Wrong, 4r Da Squaw, and Tity and Dolla. I recommend listening to this album while you’re studying, it’s the chillest hip-hop album by farrrrrr.
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DON’T JUDGE ME, BUT I HAD TO MENTION THIS ALBUM!!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! LIKE HOW CAN YOU START LISTENING TO MOONLIGHT AND NOT ENJOY THE REST OF THE ALBUM AFTER???? LIKE HOW. This is definitely my favorite pop album of the year. I don’t know, this album makes me feel petty, sad, mad, in love with a nonexistent individual, and happy. Isn’t that the essence of pop????? I really don’t know. Noteworthy songs include motherfucking MOONLIGHT, Be Alright, I Don’t Care, and Dangerous Womxn. This album makes me feel like I’m in some movie and I’m starring as my high school self trying to great through life socially, academically, mentally, and emotionally...with a hint of 10 Things I Hate About You. It’s weird, I don’t know. This album is a blessing to more of my youthful, more happier self. 10/10 recommend listening to this gem.
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To the man who made my hoe-ing out anthem, I’d just like to say thank you. YG’s music is my guilty pleasure. So I thought nothing would ever top My Krazy Life, because it’s fucking great, but then this album came out and it is hit after hit after HITTTTTTTTTTTT. FROM BEGINNING TO END. This is not my usual go-to rap music, but his music speaks of personal experience and it just tells a story that can’t be told so vividly by anyone else. My favorite songs include Who Shot Me, Twist My Fingaz, and Bool, Balm, & Bollective. You cannot forget the POC anthem, TDP LOL. Was this song not that big of a hit in the midwest??????? Like I don’t understand America really :/
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Being a big Kanye West fan, this was not my favorite album. I’m always going to be a Late Registration and Graduation fan. BUT BUT BUT, I thought TLOP was still a lot better than Yeezus in terms of production and lyrically. Yeezus was too experimental in my opinion. I believe Kanye hit home with TLOP and how comfortable he was in the genre of rap/hip-hop but bringing a new era with himself. My only con about this album was that it was starting to sound like 2016 very popular trap music rather than your classic hip-hop, but that’s just me whenever you add Travis Scott to a song.  Ultralight Beam is a perfect opening for the album. I feel free and alive, just like how any Kanye West album should be. OOOOHH and TLOP sounds wayyyy better live with the community sing along ugh so beautiful. Kanye West is definitely a performer. Top songs for me include Father Stretch my Hands pt. 1, Low Lights, I Love Kanye, and No More Parties in LA. Nothing will ever beat All Falls Down, Good Life, and Diamonds in Sierra Leone, but this album is truly a Kanye Masterpiece.
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SO THIS ISNT THE ALBUM COVER BUT THE OTHER ALBUM COVER WAS BLINDING MY EYES SORRY LOL. BUT AHHHHHHHH!!! I LOVE HONNE!! So these past couple of years I have developed a love for electronic soul and I believe HONNE was the sole reason for it. Lowkey hate this album because it reminds me of a boy so whenever I listen to Warm on a Cold Night, I get super petty LMAO. But such a great album to listen to when it’s raining outside and you don’t have much to do. This album is beautifully produced by Andrew Peter Clutterbuck and James William Hatcher with a soul foundation, but amping it us with today’s modern electronic craze really focusing on the percussion and less synths. Warm on a Cold Night still speaks to me on a personal level, as well as All in the Value. SO there are rumors that HONNE will be at Coachella this year, so I am praying that they are because that gives me another reason to buy a ticket ah!!!!!!! BUT YA HONNE IS bOMB DEF MY FAV MALE VOCALS OF 2016 NEXT TO ANOTHER ARTIST HEHE
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LITERALLY THIS ALBUM MAKES ME GO F U C K. SO BEAUTIFUL AND NICELY PUT TOGETHER. SOLANGE IS HER BLACK FEMM UNAPOLOGETIC SELF AND OMFG IT SPEAKS SO MUCH FOR OUR COMMUNITY TODAY. So like there’s a lot that goes down in this album socially and musically. This album has definitely created conversations that are very interesting and uncomfortable to talk about because you don’t really know how to being up a topic with indiviuals who have different levels of education in social justice. But yah this album shits on a lot of things for a black womxn and it just alifjalsifjalsidfjafj it just speaks okay! Cranes in the Sky is so beautiful, I really did Kaytrananda’s rendition of it as well. Beautiful soul album from start to finish.
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FUCK IDK WHY I OUT ThIS EP ON THE LIsT BUT I LOVE SNAKEhIPS TOO MUCH ALL MY FRIENDS IS MY ANThEM LIKE FUCK ALFISLFIFJA NFSFSFJSLFIJ!!!!!!!! MY FAVORITE ELECTRONIC UK DUO UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEIR REMIXES AND OTHER EP WAS ENOUGH thEN THEY DROPPED ALL ThESE SINGLES AND iM LiKFE fUCK MY LIFE! I think they’re on this list because their set when I saw the, live was SO GOOD. What I like about Snakehips is that they have this hip-hop base that I like just because I can resonate with it, I guess? I don’t know. All four songs in the EP are great hits for the club where you can just dance with your homies (or even significant other really i don’t know, just anybody!). The EP has really popular features including Chance the Rapper, Tinashe, Anderson .Paak, and Tory Lanez....but yeah great EP 10/10 recommend listening to this drunk with your closest homies, y’all will be closer <3
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Anderson .Paak’s sophomore album Malibu is a 2016 staple to my playlists and arguably my life. I think his story is pretty inspiring going from experiences of homelessness with his family, his days as Breezy Lovejoy, to where he is now. So much can change in a span of 5-6 years. But anyways, Malibu gives a hip-hop/r&b/soul funk vibe that many albums were able to portray this year. What makes this album different is the production, it slightly gives an Ego Death vibe. What makes Anderson .Paak stand out from other artists is definitely his raspy, serene voice. HE’S SO GOOD LIVEEE AHHH 10/10 RECOMMEND! Notable songs are The Dreamer, Put Me Through, Am I Wrong, Without You (just because he samples Hiatus Kaiyote), Room in Here, and Celebrate! This album flows very nicely when listening in order, so check it out!
1. 99.9% - KAYTRANADA
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This was my #1 album of 2016 for sure. The production, the features, the album artwork...amazing. I don’t even have words  for this album it’s just great. UGH. Notable tracks include YOU’RE THE ONE, GLOWED UP, ONE TOO MANY, TOGETHER, LEAVE ME ALONE, AND TRACK UNO! BEST ALBUM THIS YEAR SO BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLL
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til1218 · 8 years
Greetings and salutations,
I’m sorry for being MIA on the blog :/ I’ve been really busy and just haven’t had the time to post any playlists via Tumblr or any of my summer ventures with music. Don’t think I’m writing anything tonight due for a  Fast and Furious marathon (LOL), but it’ll come soon, I promise! <3
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til1218 · 8 years
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til1218 · 8 years
Play this when you see ur potential boo thang at a backyard bbq lmao 😙😙😙😙😙
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til1218 · 8 years
random playlist, but enjoy! Sincerely, Susan
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til1218 · 8 years
Greetings and Salutations!
Can you believe it? I can't. It's actually been a good ol' year since I have started this blog. I've been really shitty updating it, but hey it's still alive! Here's some summer tunes and more posts coming up soon!
Sincerely, Susan
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til1218 · 8 years
JOTW! Moses Sumney's soft voice and acoustics fit my summer morning when I'm by myself :) Hope you enjoy! Sincerely, Susan
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til1218 · 8 years
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March 1, 2016
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til1218 · 8 years
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MARCH 4, 2016
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til1218 · 8 years
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March 26, 2016
AMPLIFY 2016 Featuring: Chainsmokers, DJ Snake, and Dillon Francis (woohoo!) More details of that night to come! :)
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