tinkersandthoughts · 3 years
“Maybe that’s worse, not letting ourselves be loved. Because we’re too afraid of giving ourselves to someone we might lose.”
— Mitch Albom
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tinkersandthoughts · 3 years
“When I feel unwanted, I distance myself.”
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tinkersandthoughts · 3 years
“The saddest thing about betrayal is it never comes from your enemies.”
— Unknown
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tinkersandthoughts · 3 years
Guys obviously they couldn’t show Alex and Kelly’s Supergirl conversation if they did they wouldn’t have enough time to show William doing absolutely nothing
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tinkersandthoughts · 3 years
Okay, I lied. One more. When we talk about men taking up women's spaces, William tonight was a perfect example. We were literally forced to watch him watch TV, rather than take that time & use it with a scene of Alex telling Kelly Kara is Supergirl. There is absolutely no point to this character other than him taking away space from our female characters.
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tinkersandthoughts · 7 years
Not Baklava, but a BOUGATSA
Sometimes out of nowhere I get this sudden motivation to bake things, igniting my mothers fear even more "Oh god please let my house be in one piece" she would always tease me. However, I can't deny there's some truth in her words cause I almost burned the house down once making chicken nuggets when I was 12 so she's been scarred ever since and I will probably still hear it even 20 years from now. So on this episode of Baking Horrors , I decided to attempt a Greek Bougatsa. It is basically a custard and phyllo pastry layered pie, definitely ten times easier to make then a baklava, hence why I tried it. Here are the ingredients that I specially imported from the markets of Greece or what I would like to call Kroger.
A box of your finest Fillo dough handcrafted and transported from the bakers of Turkey. Just kidding, god knows how long this Fillo dough has been suffering from the wrath of my freezer. 
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Not Cloudy but CLEAR vanilla or if you’re fortunate enough to own a pair of Madagascar vanilla beans feel free to indulge. Ina Garten would be proud. 
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About 2 1/2 cups of heavy cream, preferably from your favorite cow.
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About enough sugar for your taste, however, let’s not get crazy and grab a Mt. Everest of it. For me 1/2- 3/4 cup was more than enough. If you feel you need more, no worries, I’ll say a prayer for your blood sugar.
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5 eggs from your friendly neighborhood chicken
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A little container of unsalted butter, melted using your local microwave or lava. 
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Now simply crack the eggs(preferably without including the shells), dump in the cream and sugar, a splash of vanilla, and a tiny sprinkling of cinnamon into a large container and whisk away for about 2 minutes, set aside. 
Now for the most exciting part, trying to handle phyllo dough. Pry off a sheet of phyllo and began to fold it like you’re making a paper fan. Then roll the fan into a scroll and place in cake pan. Repeat this process until the pan is full as shown below. I chose to go more abstract with my layers as my hand’s are not the most delicate as my phyllo kept flaking on me. 
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Now take that bowl of butter and apply between each layer of phyllo. Try not to drown it. 
Bake it for about 30 minutes at 350 F until it’s a golden brown and pour in the bowl of custard, let it bake for another half an hour. 
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Then WALA, you are done! Drizzle some honey on top and it’s ready for inhaling. 
And that was the only slice I got sadly,...
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tinkersandthoughts · 7 years
Why the Baahubali movie series is the greatest thing to happen in my 22 years of existence
To be honest, I always hated the feeling when you hear so much hype about a movie and then when you go watch it, the lightning spark you expected is nothing but a show full of the occasional “pop-rock” moments. However, Baahubali turned out to be one of those movies that I could literally watch over and over again and still get goosebumps every time.
I was bit skeptical to watch it at first as many people told me that it parallels the story of Lion King,only ten times better. For someone whose first word was “Simba”, I found that hard to believe and stayed away from the series out of fear that it would ruin my image of a perfectly great story. However, the nagging feeling of curiosity overwhelmed me and all I can say is GOD DAM. For once, I am actually glad I’m late cause if I had to wait two years for the answer to that cliffhanger, I would have lost it.
I could go on about how mind-blowing these movies are, but by the time I’m done everyone would be in wheelchairs with bleached-looking hair. Therefore, I will proceed to highlight some points on how this series literally stole my heart away. 
Reason #1: AMARENDA BAAHUBALI - His character is so swoon-worthy. Yes, he is incredibly handsome, but his personality is what draws you in. His playful nature, honor, fierceness, and undeniable loyalty to the Law of Dharma is just astounding to me.  The dynamic relationship between him, Kattappa, and Sivagami is so intriguing and showcases the flaws of human nature perfectly.
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Reason #2: Devasena
After this movie, I have a huge girl crush on Anushka Shetty. Like Jesus, look at those eyes! She exemplifies the definition of a true QUEEN. Devasena speaks her mind and gives zero shits about how powerful who ever she may be talking to. Plus, the romance between her and Baahubali is both hilarious, jaw-dropping & heart-wrenching at the same time. They are goals.
 I also like the fact you get to see many different shades of her character.
Yep, Baahubali’s reaction to her can speak for all of us too.
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Reason #3 Evil Uncle Scar aka Palvadevan
He will make you feel rage that you never knew even existed inside you before. 
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These are just a few of the million reasons on why the Baahubali series is just one of those films that will make you FEEL THINGS. It’s a roller-coaster of emotions that I have yet to recover from. 
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tinkersandthoughts · 7 years
A Time When My Ipad Got Cataracts
Ever wonder why some bad things just happen to you in life like falling down the stairs or perhaps a wasp stinging you right near the eye when you’re allergic and ask yourself “what on earth did I do to deserve this?” Well in this instance, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering my luck with life is rather slim, my relatively new Ipad Mini 4 decided to give me something similar to the screen of death shown below.
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At first, I thought it was just God’s way of telling me to chill on the Netflix and actually proceed outside of my cave so I gave it a time out hoping that when I came back from my outdoor adventure, the effects would be magically reversed. NOPE. My IPad still looked like it still had a severe case of cataracts. 
Therefore, I had one of two reasonable options, take it to the shop for repair or somehow fix it myself. I watched one YouTube video even how a guy managed to get his screen functioning normal again by banging the back of the iPad against his knee a couple of times, He had sheer luck cause the only thing I ended up with was a bruised knee. Looking up the estimates for shop repair, I knew they would charge be at least 220 for something they can easily do in 20 minutes. This is when a lightbulb went off in my head, why not just learn? I think it’s a common misconception that you need an electrical engineering or electronics degree to fix something such as your phone or tablet. To be honest, what isn’t on Youtube these days and I managed to find step by step tutorials on many gadgets that I own that could have been easily fixed by me for cheap. 
In this case, I needed the following components for repair.
(1) A hairdryer that I “borrowed” from my sister, hopefully she never notices it is missing from her suitcase or a heat gun if you have one.
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(2) I Fix It Electronics Tool Set( $19.95) - This was such a great investment versus buying all the tools individually, plus it’s in one compact place. 
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Details on Components can be found in this link:
(3) New or used Ipad Mini 4 LCD Replacement Screen( Check Ebay, it’s cheaper & the same thing)
 Use the blowdryer or heat gun and apply heat to all sides of the ipad, do this for at least five minutes. Then use the suction cup to pry up the case a little bit so you can underneath with your triangle plastic tip from the toolset or using “knife looking” opening tool to scrape through the adhesive on the sides. Be very careful not to destroy or cut the cables on the right side underneath the home button. 
Once you pry it open with the cables still attached, it should look something like below.
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Using the appropriate screwdriver attachment, unscrew the metal bracket in the top corner and store the screws safely. 
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Disconnect the following three cable by pushing them up gently, to free the screen from the main assembly.
Now for the hardest part, prying off the home button. Use your heat gun near the home button assembly to loosen up the adhesive to carefully lift the button off the old screen display.
I highly suggest watching this video for the specifics on the home button removal from 2:41.
Once you got the home button and bracket off, follow the steps from the video in reverse to secure it properly. However, in addition I recommend purchasing some Epoxy to secure it in place on the new screen. 
Simply reattach the cables you disconnected back to the main assembly and screw the metal bracket down into place again. With some Epoxy or some adhesive tape, apply it to the sides of the ipad to ensure the new LCD stays in place. 
Now say a small prayer to all the deities and it should power on as below!(If I doesn’t, one of the cables you reattached must be loose, unscrew the metal bracket and re-secure them.)
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tinkersandthoughts · 7 years
13 Reasons Why Mint & Chocolate Don't Float In My Boat
1) You can brush your teeth for free at home or in your comfy cardboard box (No judgements here, you do what you gotta do). You heard it, for FREE.
2) If you can get away with the dentist for it, then it must be toothpaste.
3) Andes Mints are cheaper alternative to Listerine Breath Strips.
4)Luby’s started charging for them Andes. Before you could grab a whole handful to cover that breath from the Macaroni you just inhaled. It was FREE!
5) Please just let’s stop trying to make it sound better claiming it’s a “healthy snack”.
6)That green base on your chocolate may look pretty, but so was Prince Charming in Shrek and how did that turn out…
7)It’s just has a sinister look to it, like the Wicked Witch of the West contaminating and poisoning the love of your life.
8) Even the rabbits don’t approve and they eat EVERYTHING.
9) It’s very sneaky as it could disguise itself as the most beautiful creation on Earth, then you bite into it asking yourself “What have I done?”
10) My nephew would rather eat broccoli than this and that says a lot…
11) If you’re having trouble getting toddlers to brush their teeth, just hand them a York patty.
12~13) WHY RUIN SUCH A PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL THAT HAS DONE NOTHING BUT MAKE YOU HAPPY, yeah that’s why your ass is getting a tape for this atrocious combination of flavors.
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