tiny-mineral · 7 years
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Done by Alicia Anderson at Vintage Ink Tattoos in Clearwater, FL.
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
I had another shark dream
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
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👌🤓 Study Spell Sachet! 🤓👌
I’ve recently made this spell to help me concentrate on my studying and do well on my exams
It’s really easy to do, let me show you what you’ll need:
🌿 Rosemary: To aid with my memory 🌿 Lavender: To stay calm and not stress out too much! 🔮 Amethyst chip: To stay calm and focused 🔮 Lapis Lazuli: To enhance my communication skills and help me find the right words during the exam 🃏 A small print* of The Magician tarot card: For willpower, manifestation and creation 🃏 A small print of The Sun tarot card: For positivity and success 💙 A blue sachet ⭐ Something silvery (like a thread): To show that my intention is for the stars to charge my spell
I’m quite positive that I did well on my exam ✌😊🌌
[*CREDIT: I printed mine from this wonderful artist https://meizhun.tumblr.com/tagged/pixel-tarot - please consider checking out their amazing work!!!]
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
Sweet Scent (Pokemon Inspired)
A spell to attract a new friend.
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You Will Need:
♡ A Pink Sachet ♡ Lavender ♡ Catnip ♡ Rosemary ♡ Honeysuckle Incense ♡ Aventurine, Garnet or Lapis Lazuli (small) ♡ (optional) piece of candy or sugar ♡ (optional) sigil for friendship or attracting friends
♡ Light your incense and let it burn during the duration of your spell.
♡ In your sachet add your catnip, lavender, rosemary and piece of gemstone on top of the herbs (this may also be when you add your candy, sugar and/or sigil)
♡ Tie up or sew shut your sachet. Hold it close to your heart in your hands and focus on your desire to make a new friend
♡ Once ready run the sachet a few times through the smoke of your incense, still focusing on your intent
♡ Carry the sachet with you in your pocket or in a bag to attract a new friend
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
“I Send You Safety” Spell
A spell to send a friend or loved one protection and safety.
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You Will Need:
❀ Salt ❀ Rosemary ❀ Angelica ❀ Dandelion Fluff ❀ Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, or Garnet ❀ Name of your friend on a slip of paper ❀ White Sachet
❀ Fill your sachet with the herbs, friend’s name and piece of crystal of your choice
❀ “I send you protection from all that may harm you, I send you the wish of safety, I send you the energies to keep you out of harms way.”
❀ Tie your sachet shut and gently kiss it it focusing on your desires to send your friend protection
❀ place your sachet in a window, if you can crack the window open to help send the energies to your friend. 
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
Does anyone know any good protection during pregnancy/easy pregnancy spell recipes for sachets, charms or candle mixes? One of my dear friends is preggers and I want to make & mail her something special!
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
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☽ Stunning witchy treasures for $35 and under ☾
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
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Here’s to everyone fighting their own battles.
Here’s to every brave warrior.
Here’s to you.
Here’s to me.
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
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Altar Details 🍃🔮✨
Instagram – hillaryelis 🌿
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
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I love it, very happy with how this space turned out!
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
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Uses in magic:
When doing a spell to help separate yourself from someone or to banish them, using a thorn to represent them can be a powerful metaphor.
If you do blood magic, use the thorn (AFTER THOROUGHLY CLEANING IT) to lightly prick your side. Another powerful metaphor.
If you are doing a hex jar that requires shaking, these are good additives to it.
Can represent a person who is causing you pain and suffering
Can represent a hardship.
Can represent physical/emotional pain
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
That sounds lovely. Honestly, I'm not even Wiccan but I love Scott Cunningham's recipes, he really knows his stuff.
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I’m running a public Ostara ritual in a few weeks and I’ve just made an incense for it. It may come across as a bit cliché but I used Scott Cunningham’s recipe, with frankincense, benzoin, dragon’s blood, nutmeg, orange peel, rose petals, and violet. Why, you may ask? Because I think a lot of Scott’s recipes work out really well and usually smell good.
I ended up substituting the violets with a violet-scented frankincense that a fellow priest brought back for me from Greece, and the final blend is rich and floral at first, then intensely resinous with a bitter herbal undertone (presumably from the rose petals and orange peel) to finish. The nutmeg adds a tiny bit of warmth to it and the violet fragrance lingers once the smoke has dissipated. I rather like it and I hope others will too.
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
Sorry for not clarifying! I meant, what are your thoughts on Wicca relating to witchcraft? Like, do you believe it’s legit?
Unless if you’re a traditional witch (and even then, the line gets thin), Wicca is likely the ancestor of your witchcraft. Wicca caused the re-emergence of witchcraft in the public. It is the backbone behind all of the movements that have happened. When most people write about tools, they write with Wiccan beliefs, even if they don’t know it. The athame? A Wiccan tool.When people write about the Wheel of the Year, that’s something that became popularized by Wicca. Anything with the words ‘The Goddess’ referring to an overarching female deity? Wiccan. Now, trad craft is a little different. There are many traditional witches who came to trad craft after leaving Wicca, some who did the opposite, etc. Traditional witchcraft is a reconstruction of pre-Wiccan witchcraft, meaning that it majorly excludes things that are singular about Wicca. There are some traditions that look very similar to Wicca, but are not Wicca. There are some traditions completely removed from Wicca. Either way, Wicca definitely spurred the growth of traditional witchcraft, as it was a gateway for many witches to find witchcraft in the first place, no matter if they stayed or moved on from it. I personally never went the Wiccan route. I definitely practiced modern witchcraft, heavily influenced by Wicca, but I didn’t stay there and it was very much not for me. For others, it’s good. They just need to know where they come from. Wicca in the beginning was not what Wicca is portrayed to be now. Many of the so called ‘rules’ didn’t exist in the early days. However, whether someone wishes to be involved with Wicca, like the early days or like now, it doesn’t matter to me. I’m not Wiccan, so it’s none of my business. I’ve known some brilliant witches and practitioners who are Wiccan. I don’t think that being Wiccan means that the person is uneducated in witchcraft. It only denotes a different approach to an age old set of concepts. 
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
Am I missing something? 😅 both altars look lovely?
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After getting half a dozen compliments on a photo of her altar, this is what Gemma Gary posts.
Because remember kids, it’s okay and cool to make fun of other people’s altars and the way they practice their craft.
I never would have pegged Gemma Gary as the type to pull this nonsense, but then after seeing the public argument between her and Cassandra Latham again, maybe I should have. I’ve been moving away from Gemma’s material more and more as of late, and this is really a straw that breaks the camel’s back. I don’t care how many books you have out or how cool and edgy your altar may look, there’s truly no need for this crap.
Not cool, Gemma. Not cool.
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tiny-mineral · 7 years
Book of Shadows Ideas that Aren’t Basic
A local specific myth, cryptid, or legend
An obscure historical witch or an old historical spell
A map of your neighborhood with locations that appear ghostly or have interesting energy
Your personal associations to colors, plants to supplement traditional correspondence charts
A chart detailing information of spirits you have communed with
A guide to sailor knots for knot magick
Sustainable and eco friendly lifestyle tips
Magickal practices around the world
Obscure magickal tools or tools you invented
Varying viewpoints in magickal philosophy and technique
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