tired-floof-mari · 3 years
Mari Disonglo, logging out of this tumblr and into a new one
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
What about me?
What about me...
You've always admired others. But you never said a good job to me...
What about me?
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
I'm gonna have a new phone today :)
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
Hey @ikemensweetheart this is it-
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
I suddenly feel like I've lost the motivation to write.
Yes i know that i suck and I'm not good at it because i haven't been doing any practice. Yes i admit i am wrong. But, I'm only doing it for my own happiness and i wanna contribute to the fandom. But still.. I don't wanna feel like I'm a loser or a what everyone calls a "noob"
Getting advice without any hate or negative comments is the thing that i wanted. No judgment, just helping one another.
Okay, i don't feel like writing anymore.
If necessary. I quit.
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
Hello beautiful person! I am here to say that you have an amazing blog 😌
It is? Awww thanks :)
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
Aoi makes things feel better and I love that fact sm-
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
Take a look at this! :3
Why it no work-
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
A small writing about My OC Mari & Ayakashi: Romance Reborn's loveable motherly tsundere Satori, Aoi. Enjoy :) i wrote this after i was no longer sad :)
As the Christmas season breaks in once more, the soft white snow falls from the heavens and covers the now festive capital. Winter break falls in for lucky, and hardworking students and employees. Plus- people are either getting more sleepy or hungry. Depends on their situation.
Now, that aside. In this snow covered capital, a certain art student has been getting on his luck when it comes to art contests. He's either earning first prizes or trophies which astounds the ladies. Funny, good thing the lad is only interested in one girl. His girl. But of course, even if the situation is like that, jealousy can't be helped. And for a certain female whose hair matches the snow, she had a certain plan to make sure no one else steals her man.
Snow crunches on the ground as our merry mother-daughter two, Mari & Aoi walk back from their daily Christmas shopping and back to Raccord. Not only they're preparing for a huge Christmas party with Koga and the others. But they're also preparing some exchange gifts as well.
"Do we have everything in our list now dear?" Aoi questioned with a monotone yet sweet voice to the snow-haired female. "Yep! We even got our exchange gifts in hand so we don't have to worry about that mother!" The bubbly young female Mari exclaimed with a smile.
As they walked pass by a couple of women, they immediately exclaimed, "Hey! Isn't he the lucky man who always wins first place every art competition at our art school?"
"Yes he is! Ahh, he's so handsome!" Stated one of the girls in the group. "I heard he has a daughter, i bet it's the girl who's clinging into him" whispered another girl.
"That aside, he's perfect! I want him!" The main female of the group exclaimed.
As Aoi heard all of those, he sighed. "What i have here is luck or coincidence.. I'm not surprised if my paintings lately are that amazing." The male stated in a whisper.
"Ugh..." Mari slightly groaned while rolling her eyes. Jealousy can't be held back especially when the topic is about your beloved foster parent.
Mari held back to her tracks, eventually alarming Aoi as she stopped. "Eh-? Are you alright..?"
The small she looked at him with half blinded eyes filled with jealousy. "Once we get back to Raccord, may we settle this stuff and have a private chat alone, mother?" She asked with a tone that's literally filled with anger and jealousy
"But we need to-"
"Please? I'll make this quick." Before Aoi could speak, she immediately halted him. "Alright??" The magenta haired male couldn't help but nod in agreement as he was dragged back all the way back to the milk hall by a small 13 year old child.
After putting all groceries and items aside, the small female immediately dragged her mother all the way upstairs to his room. Confusing Oji the moment they got back.
"Wha- Mari-!"
"I wanna talk about our current situation!!" She started, using her strength as a dire wolf Ayakashi to yoink him to the floor. "Wha-? Current situation-" but before Aoi could even speak, he saw that Mari's eyes are filled with jealousy, anger, and slight sadness.
"I get that you're successful in art contests lately, i get that you're an amazing art student in your class, but what's with basically all women, from your classmates to people who heard of you talk about you and have the guts to flirt at you like that huh?" Mari started crossing her arms and looking at Aoi straight in the eyes. Her right ocean blue & left blinded eye meeting his emerald green ones.
"Mari, i get that you're jealous of basically every single lady flirting on me. I had to admit, I'm annoyed at it too. Hence why i do my best to avoid attention." Aoi reassured her calmly as he cups his big hands to her small, plump cheeks. "And i told you a million times, and I'll say it again. I'm not replacing you. To me, you're my only one. My one and only sunshine.." Aoi showed her a tender & gentle smile as his thumbs graze cross her cheeks.
Mari sighed softly as she wrapped her hands around his, "i know mom.. But i can't help myself..." Her upset expression changed into a sad one. "You already know how i am afraid of just being used and replaced like that.. And I'm sorry if i overthinked things. Again.." She immediately averted his gaze feeling completely ashamed.
Aoi then got on his knees to match Mari's short yet adorable height. His fingertips gently brushing away her bangs to make way for a sweet and reassuring forehead kiss. He then pulled her into a warm hug, his arms wrapping around her small body. "And I'll reassure you.. You won't lose me." He whispered to her as his palm gently strokes her soft, short, white hair.
"Mmm.." When it comes to gentle gestures like these, Mari immediately felt weak. Her arms wrapping around his neck and pulling her own body close to the hug. The little one is touch starved after all. "Thank you mommy.. But still.."
She adjusted her position to face him properly, "I don't wanna see other girls looking at you like that. I still feel jealous you know."
The male chuckled before pressing his forehead against hers, "..you're cute whenever you're jealous like that." It only made the child felt slightly flustered and annoyed, "mommm! You've gotta be kidding me!"
"Haha, sorry sorry dearie." Aoi kissed her cheek as a small apology before hugging her once more. "You know what.." Mari mumbled to him, "i made my decision."
Aoi titled his head in confusion, wondering what his daughter is about to say next.
"When i grew up and get a stable life as a researcher, I'm gonna marry you!!!"
"...!!!" That just give Aoi an attack he was not prepared for.
"B-But Mari, first of all I'm legally you foster parent! Even if you're not my real daughter, even if we're not related, it'll still be considered as incest!" Aoi immediately panicked at her statement.
"Did i say soon? Well sure i said that when I'm adult.. But if not in my adulthood or 20's, I'll still find a way to marry you someday!" She had a bold smile on her face as she looked at him. "That way, once i married you, not only any girl will finally leave you alone, but also you and i will be together!"
"...remember, I'm serious with my words. I'm not joking when i say this. I will marry you someday. Just you wait." Mari interrupted Aoi's sentence for the second time, while having a serious yet sincere look on her face.
"...heh." Aoi had a surprised, confused face before he could even chuckle at his foster daughter's expense.
"What? Why are you laughing?" She titled her head in confusion as Aoi chuckles at her.
"If you say so, then I'll be waiting for the year of our marriage."
"...!!!" Her eyes widened, "w-wait-.. are you serious-?" She asked in almost a stuttering manner.
"Well if you're serious with your words. I'm serious with mine too. If you and I can't get married in our adulthood, we can wait for that moment where we can get married. We are immortal since we're Ayakashi anyway, so we can wait for the moment anytime at all." His eyes met hers, he had a loyal & faithful smile. And his right hand cupped her soft right cheek.
"Mom- no, Aoi.." Mari smiled at him, her eyes shining with happiness and relief. "Promise me you'll wait okay? And promise me you won't forget this promise we made.." She stuck out her pinky finger, waiting for Aoi to link it with hers as a symbol of a pinky promise.
"Promise.. I will wait for that day." Aoi smiled at her as they intertwined their pinkies as a symbol of their promise- no, vow of future marriage.
"Thank you..!!!" Mari happily hugged Aoi, her small arms and hands wrapping around his large, sturdy frame.
Aoi hugged his precious, small ball of sunshine back. Forming a smile that reached ear to ear as he felt her warmth and softness to his. "You're welcome anytime Mari.."
Mari then kissed his cheek, making him blush unexpectedly. "I love you!"
Aoi slightly shook his head and kissed her cheek back, "I love you too.."
As Mari & Aoi stood up and go back downstairs, they already practice making the food for the Christmas party they're gonna held on Christmas day. But, they both have smiles on their faces. Plus Aoi's in a good mood that no one's ever witnessed before, that it's kinda scary.
...funny, Oji secretly heard their convo. But he can tease Aoi another day. Seeing him, and his so called "future wife" smile is a blessing either everyone wanted or unexpectedly got.
Hence the day ended in a promise that'll last for a lifetime and with smiles too. I wonder, will that promise come true? I'll leave it up to your imagination~
Ayo @ikemensweetheart this is actually my planned Gacha Club skit, whaddya think? Also I'm now okay ^^
Also thanks for reading :) have my future hubby ;)
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Well i guess i need to add some notes for a little stuff, so here i go:
I decided to age up Aoi in my AU, adding two years to his current age, making him 18 years old in my stories
I don't know how adoption works in the Meiji period not gonna lie, but all I know that the ages 18+ is the right age for adopting children
In my main story in the AU, due to a wraith attack, Mari's left eye got blinded. Hence the term "halfblinded" in my story.
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
Might go offline soon, why? I might commit suicide soon.
Update: Nvm, I'm better now
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
Will be in this tumblr, no new phone again lol but that's okay ^^
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
Today i made Aoi in pony town, and guess what, i feel like I'm the only one who knows the game while others either use cookie run or different anime, or the OG my little pony cast...
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Ps. Yes I'm the pony near the snowman I'm the one with Aoi if you can see-
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
As much as i want protection, i hate the fact that the fizer vaccine makes your arm hurt. It's much worse than cramps during period.
....funny, I'M ON MY PERIOD.
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
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tired-floof-mari · 3 years
Announcement to all of my followers: Might have a new phone soon. Might have a new tumblr too.
Update: Nvm i won't have a new phone soon-
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