tired-softboy · 9 months
I’m tired of caring for people that don’t care about me in return, but I also refuse to pursue your careless way of living,
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tired-softboy · 11 months
Thoughts on Difference
The difference between our generation and our parent's one is that they accept Difference while we consider it as our equal If you need explanation : I'm a queer kid born in the 2000s. For all my life, my parents have always told me that they accept me as I am and I'm grateful for it. But I always felt like something was off. Something is different between the way my parents acknowledge my existence and how my friends do. I've reflected on that for a while before realising something; my parents have accepted my difference. They have put their approbation for me to be different. On the contrary, my friends have acknowledge the fact I'm queer. They didn't say it was okay for me to be like that, they simply took it as a fact about me as if I would have said I have brown eyes. This is also the difference with how they see people with different origins. I've heard my parents compliment them, putting them in higher regards, in a way. But they are always pointing out the difference they have. Even if they say "it doesn't change anything that they are of different origin", it's still pointing it out. Putting the "difference" in the spotlight. Truly, as a queer people, I've always heard "there's too much labels in the LGBTQIA+ community. Why can't you just be yourself and not have different names for everything?" Because we need to feel like we belong somewhere. Just like you state your job. We're all human who need labels to not feel like we're alone in this world. But it's our decision to make those labels separate us or not.
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