tometales-blog1 · 7 years
How To Love [JiKook]
Admin Aivy
Summary: Jeon Jungkook is trying to control his heart around Park Jimin. It doesn’t go well... Or does it? 
[Note: This is based off In A Heartbeat by Beth David and Esteban Bravo - Lyrics come from How To Love by Cash Cash ft. Sofia Reyes] 
It’s a beautiful Monday morning at Bangtan College. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping… And Jungkook is running past the school gates panicking because, oh my god, Park Jimin is coming this way. Not really having any time to dwell on how he is probably not looking his best, he dives straight into the nearest bush and clutches at his unsteady heartbeat as he watches Jimin’s shadow pass him by.
When he’s sure that Jimin has fully walked past the bush he’s hiding behind, he crawls over to the big oak tree and carefully climbs up to peek over the first branch. He watches as Jimin buries his head into his book that he’s holding with his left hand, his right hand mindlessly playing with an apple that Jungkook swears is as red as his cheeks when he sees Jimin (or maybe as red as Jimin’s lips and god does he want to kiss them).
Jungkook swoons at the sight, his lips curling into a dazed smile as he dreams of walking beside Jimin; smiling fondly as he pokes fun of Jimin’s habit of reading wherever he goes and shutting himself out from the outside world when he does. He sighs and blindly pushes himself forward on the branch to attempt to get a better view of the angel that is Jimin, only to ungracefully hit his head hard on the branch just a few centimeters above the one he’s leaning on. The sound of his head hitting the branch, rustles the leaves and the dull thud gives away his presence. Panicking, Jungkook scrambles to become one with the tree, pressing his arms by his side and leaning his back completely against the tree so that he remains hidden; even as Jimin lifts his head up from his book and turns to look at the tree with suspicion.
Jungkook breathes heavily, he tries to lower the volume, he really does, but his heavy breathing is not the only thing giving away his hiding spot. His heart beats loud and is practically jumping out of his chest. He gasps as he realises, immediately trying to shush his disobedient heart, but when it serves to do nothing, he uses both of his hands to place over his heart in a last attempt to muffle the sounds. He waits a few moments until he’s absolutely sure that Jimin has walked on, and then he peeks out from behind the tree, still clutching at his unstill heart.    
Then, all of a sudden, his heart beats faster and faster until it jumps out of his chest (literally) and flies out of his hand and hovering just a meter in front of him. Jungkook gapes at his heart as it smiles lovingly at Jimin’s retreating back (I mean, who wouldn’t? It’s Park Jimin, for christ’s sake) and he swears his heart would leap out his throat, if it hadn’t already popped out of his chest, when it casts him a side glance, then points to Jimin and then grabs a hold of his index finger and pulls him along, or at least, tries to. Jungkook stares, with wide eyes, at his heart, shaking his head in defiance, because is his heart crazy? He is not going to approach his crush looking like he hasn’t slept in three days (he hasn’t), nope. No way. No siree. Jeon Jungkook does not role like that. Not his style. No. But, as he plays tug of war with his heart, he pulls back harshly, thinking that his heart will be pulled back with him. Oh, how wrong he is. As soon as he falls back, hands reaching out to catch his heart and to put it back where it belongs (in Jimin’s hands, but details), his heart is flung the opposite way, from the power of Jungkook’s pull, and straight into Jimin’s hand. Well, at least it’s where it should be, Jungkook thinks as he watches and then he jumps with a start, because oh no, this is bad, this is really bad.
Jungkook sits up and climbs back up the branch to see his heart making kissy faces at Jimin, without the latter knowing. Jungkook fumbles as he quickly jumps down from the branch and tiptoe runs (yes, that is a new thing that the Jeon Jungkook has invented because hey, everyone needs to know how to tiptoe run if they have a crush) towards his heart. He hesitantly reaches out to try and take back his heart, but he stops when Jimin suddenly stops throwing and catching it and leans in for a bite, thinking that his apple is still there (the apple is long gone and replaced by his heart). He watches with the most horrified expression ever (more horrified than when he accidentally walked in on Taehyung and Yoongi doing stuff he’d rather not say out loud) as his heart leans in too, ready to kiss Jimin (he doesn’t blame his heart because same, heart, same).
Not being able to watch it go on for any longer, Jungkook reaches out and grabs at his heart. He’s about to pull back when he realises that his heart is gone; no longer in his hands or Jimin’s and let’s be honest, he would much rather it be in Jimin’s hand than it be gone in thin air. And then, Jungkook realises that if his heart is gone from Jimin’s hand and he reached out to grab for it, that means… Oh. Oh no. This was not how he meant to greet Jimin.
Jimin stares back at Jungkook, equally as shocked. The both of them glances between them to see their hands clasped together and then up at each other. When they make eye contact, Jungkook stumbles back, taking back his hand and backing away from Jimin. He laughs sheepishly as Jimin stares at his hand, the one he was just holding before. Oh my god. He held his hand. Jeon Jungkook held Park Jimin’s hand. That’s it. He can die peacefully now.
Jungkook is about to turn and leave after the embarrassing encounter when he sees his heart pop out of Jimin’s book. Without thinking much of it, he leaps forward to grab it and ends up doing a wild goose chase around Jimin as his heart flies around him. When he finally does grab a hold of his heart, he’s an inch away from kissing Jimin and both of his arms are caging Jimin in what looks like a hug, if it were not for the fact that Jungkook’s hands are holding tightly onto his heart around Jimin. Jungkook gasps, wanting to pull back instantly, but as cheesy as it sounds, he got lost in Jimin’s eyes.
He snaps out of it seconds later when the sounds of other students echoes in the empty air around them. He pulls back, hands still clutching onto his heart as he glances behind him and sees the horde of students heading their way. Not being able to take the embarrassment anymore, he dives for the nearest thing to hide in - a dustbin. Thankfully, it was perfectly clean.
Jimin watches, still in shock, as Jungkook dives for the bin and the lid shuts behind him. He eyes the bin weirdly (and still shocked, because hello? It’s not everyday you get practically jumped on by a cute boy in your school). He snaps back to life when a senior, he remembers to be Kim Namjoon, walks past him with a dimpled smile. He smiles back (grimaces) and waves, waiting for the older male to be gone before he steps closer to the bin, wanting to check on the boy, but then, the bell rings loud and clear and Jimin knows he can’t stay. So with a last glance behind him, he turns around and heads for the school doors.
Jungkook pops his head out of the bin when the bell rings, nervously watching his heart as it watches Jimin, and then he gets a rather bad déja vu when his heart again grabs for his index finger and somehow, with the force of a thousand men, it drags Jungkook out of the bin and manages to drag him along the floor as Jungkook tries with all his might to pull back and stop his stupid lovesick heart. He has a feeling what his heart is aiming for, but he’s really not prepared for the short distance that’s suddenly between him and Jimin and so he leans to one side and harshly turns so that the path to Jimin is changed to what seems to be another oak tree, but his heart is apparently stronger than him and pulls Jungkook back to where their path was and Jungkook braces himself for the impact of crashing into Jimin. Thankfully, his foot catches onto a huge pebble (he swears that wasn’t there before, but who cares? Now he won’t embarrass himself again) and he goes flying (somehow, don’t question Newton and his law of gravity or whatever) over Jimin.
Jungkook (not so thankful anymore) crashes down onto the pavement with wince and then he forgets all about his cuts and bruises when his heart lets go of him and goes flying after Jimin and into the school. Jungkook scrambles to his feet and chases after his heart (Jimin, who cares about his heart ha, oh wait, he does because it’s currently with Jimin… Oh no).
He slams the doors to the school open and nothing in his life could have ever prepared him for this. Jimin is on the floor, his book open but thrown to the side and his heart (his stupid, disobedient heart) is practically cuddling Jimin. Jimin seems lost for words as he watches Jungkook’s heart cuddle up to him.
Jungkook runs forward, again trying to grab a hold of his heart and when he does, he pulls - pulls hard and hopes that his heart would just give up already, but it doesn’t. Instead, it grabs hold of Jimin’s hand too, pulling him along with them. Jungkook gasps, and so does Jimin, as his heart holds the two together, refusing to let go of either of them. Jimin, at first, stares in confusion because why the hell is this happening to him on a Friday morning when all he wants to do is get school over and done with so that he can spend after school and the whole weekend sleeping, but then, it hits him. It hits him really hard and then he’s staring mouth wide open at Jungkook as he comes to realisation with why he’s being cuddled by a heart. A heart that belongs to Jungkook, but stays with him.
Jungkook flushes with a new wave of embarrassment when he sees the look on Jimin’s face - he found out. Oh no. It wasn’t ever supposed to be like this. Jungkook looks up a few times, he doesn’t know why because in the end, he’ll just look away again.
A crowd slowly builds up and hushed voices are murmuring negative responses to the scene as they point and stare. Jimin and Jungkook watch all of the disgusted faces and they wince at the comments. Jimin looks away from the crowd first, slowly pulling away from Jungkook, but Jungkook’s heart stubbornly holds on, even as it knows what’s about to happen.
The first crack appears in Jungkook’s heart as he watches Jimin cower away from the comments and pull away from him. Jungkook watches the crack form on his heart and his eyes meet Jimin’s as he pleads the older boy with his eyes not to let go. Not to listen to the comments. Not to pull away. But Jimin’s eyes aren’t looking at him, they’re looking at all the disgusted and disapproving faces around them. Jimin then finally, finally, turns to Jungkook. Jimin prays that Jungkook understands why he’s doing this as he apologises with his eyes and then looks down to the floor, not wanting to come face to face with the broken expression the younger boy gave him when it always used to be shy smiles and sheepish laughs.
Jungkook reads Jimin’s expression and his lips tremble, but he understands. And because he understands, Jungkook take the leap of faith, even if there won’t be anyone to catch him when he falls. He clenches his eyes shut as he pulls with whatever power is left in him to remove the hold his heart has on Jimin, and when the hold finally breaks, he takes hold of his wounded heart and runs out the doors without looking back.
Jimin watches with a frown and in shock at what Jungkook had just done. His eyes then catch sight of something falling and he reaches out with cupped hands to catch it and when he sees what it is, his eyes follow Jungkook’s broken figure until the doors shut and Jungkook is gone from view.
Jungkook sits underneath the oak tree, the same one he’s been hiding behind for the past few years each time he sees Jimin, and he clutches his broken heart with limp hands and tears welling in his eyes. He glances pitifully down at his heart, running his fingers over the jagged edges of where it broke apart. He supposes that he should have expected this. He should have known that it would have been like this, but he didn’t want to give up. He held on tightly, as much as his heart did, to the tiny bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, it could be.
As the first tears fall, he covers his heart with his right hand and holds it towards his chest, mentally apologising for putting it into harm's way, all for an unrequited love. He tilts his head back to lean against the tree and he stares up at the sky, wondering what he’s ever done to deserve this.
Then, a figure moves from the corner of his eye and he turns to stare blankly at the person because excuse you, can you not be there whilst a person is trying to mourn over their broken heart? But then his brain starts catching up with him and oh my god, it’s Park Jimin.
He gasps, wiping any escaped tears and then clutching his broken heart even tighter because no, please, don’t make this any worse. He gasps again when suddenly Jimin is in front of him, kneeling down and taking a seat just a few centimeters away. “Hey.” He says and Jungkook takes a deep breath because wow, Jimin’s voice is beautiful. And then, Jimin moves again. Jungkook watches as Jimin’s hand slowly reach out for his. He flinches away, not wanting his heart shattering even more before it’s even begun to heal.
Jimin frowns at the action and looks into Jungkook’s eyes, “Please?” He quietly pleads, waiting for Jungkook’s consent before doing anything. Jungkook eyes the hand that Jimin has reached out, and then he looks up into Jimin’s eyes and they’re as kind as ever and Jungkook forgets all about the embarrassment and heartbreak from earlier as he slowly allows Jimin to do whatever he wanted with what’s left of his heart.
Jimin smiles softly at the younger boy and gently takes hold of Jungkook’s hands. He continues to smile softly as his left hand comes out from behind his back and he places the other half of Jungkook’s heart into his palm. He squeezes the two pieces tightly until they join and then he lets go, handing Jungkook’s heart back to him.
Jungkook watches in awe as his heart come back to life, fully healed and ready to go again. His attention is stolen away from his heart when he hears rustling next to him, and when he turns, he sees Jimin sitting up against the tree and he smiles as he says, “I can fix the broken in your heart.”
Jungkook looks away, “I’m not worth it.”
“You’re worth it to me.”
Jungkook gulps, taking in the words, “B-But the- It won’t be accepted. You should know that.” He says, feeling like his heart might have broken again as he says those words.
“I do, but hey,” Jimin says, slowly reaching out to lace his left hand with Jungkook’s right, “We can make it work together.”
And Jungkook swears he’s not even living anymore when Jimin smiles his beautiful crescent smile; the same one that made him fall in love from day one, and now? He’s falling in love all over again.
Hey guys! Remember that requests are open and we’ll reply as soon as we can :)  - Admin Aivy 
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tometales-blog1 · 7 years
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tometales-blog1 · 7 years
                                       Aivy x Snowy Works
 Shangri-La | Prologue | 
                                               Snowy Works
                                                   Aivy Works
How To Love  [JiKook] 
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tometales-blog1 · 7 years
Shangri-La |Prologue|
BTS | Monsta X | VIXX | BIGBANG | SVT | Dreamcatcher Supernatural AU
Fluff, Angst
[Warnings: Possible swearing, none in this chapter though, severe violence because we have many sadistic characters. ]
The line means a new day and ‘~’ means a time skip
Admin Snowy: I did not anticipate our first post would be the beginning of a series and not a one shot, nor did I think it would be a multi-fandom fic. This is something Aivy and I worked on and it was something that made sense to post first. The appearance of our idols will come in the next chapter. Stay tuned. Snowy out~ 
Admin Aivy: At first I thought we would be posting a one shot for our first ever post, but then this happened and I’m actually pleased with how it turned out. I hope you guys enjoy the series~ 
Fun fact: This is based off an exam piece I did for English c: 
“Dear! Guess what?”
“What is it, love?”
“I’m pregnant!” A female voice announced. Her partner grinned and rushed up to embrace her in their almost void apartment.
“You have and always will make me the happiest man alive, love. When did you find out?” He asked, kissing her cheek. He slowly led them towards the worn out sofa.
“Just an hour ago, when you were at work. I realised I’ve been late and I went to buy a test… I’m sorry for spending money on-”
“Don’t be sorry! It’s better we found out now, instead of later. We both know to be careful now.” A small silence enveloped the two.
“But.. How do we provide for this child?” She asked, looking down worriedly with a hand rubbing her stomach.
“I’ll work more shifts. We will make sure this child is well cared for and understands the value of happiness. It’ll be okay, love. We’ll make it work.” They shared a loving kiss, sealing their promises.
He came home late at night and heard his wife coughing in their small bathroom. Instantly dropping everything in his grasp, he rushed to the bathroom room and saw her stagger to her feet.
“Love? Are you okay? Do you have enough food to eat?” He fired worried questions, quickly standing by her side and rubbing her back. She wiped her mouth and placed a hand on her ever bulging stomach.
“I have enough, dear. I just had a weird cough. Don’t worry.” She offered a kind smile, reassuring her husband. He let out a relieved sigh.
“Let’s get into bed together, then.” He suggested. She nodded and allowed herself to be led to the other other room they owned.
He was left off work early, grinning at the paycheck in his grasp. He quickly rushed home, wanting to surprise his wife. As soon as he reached home, he noticed there has been no movement throughout the whole day. She normally is up by now and is walking around. He ran to the bedroom and saw his pale wife, coughing in the bed and unable to get up. He fell at the side of the bed and tried to call her.
“Love... Love! Love, can you hear me?” He pleaded, scared for her life. She opened her eyes weakly and glanced over to him.
“I’m still here, my dear. It’s okay. It must be just a cold.” She tried to reassure him. He shook his head frantically.
“You’ve been sickly for months! I’m going to make you better. I’ll make you some food and I’ll get help.” He explained, rushing out the room to make some soup.
He came back with hot soup and left it on the table before running out of the apartment.
A day later, he came back with a single peach-like fruit in his grasp. He ran in and cleaned the fruit. He knew he needed to make it appetising, so he mixed it with some spare cream and chocolate they had in the fridge. He walked into bedroom with a bowl of the mixture and presented it to his wife.
“Love, come on. Eat this, it’ll help.” He coaxed after he woke her up. She nodded meekly and allowed him to spoon feed her.
After she ate, she felt tired once more, and he allowed her to sleep and he cleaned up.
The next morning, she awoke and noticed all the fatigue has left her body. She somehow felt even lighter than before she got sick. Her husband wasn’t sleeping next to her, which scared her. She got up from the bed and walked out into the main room and a soft smile spread across her lips when she saw her husband sleeping on their worn out sofa. She walked quietly over him and shook him away.
“Dear, wake up.” She stirred him gently. He awoke and his eyes instantly widened. He rushed up and hugged her, careful of the big baby bump on her stomach.
“You’re alive… I can’t believe it. It worked!” He grinned. She nodded.
“Whatever you gave me, it helped so much. Thank you so much.” She kissed his forehead, and led him towards their bedroom. “You’ve worked hard and you have an off day today. Let’s take some more rest.”
“Come on, love. I know you can do it. You’re doing great.” He soothed the woman as she strained, brushing away her hair and gripping onto her hand tightly. The woman screamed in agony, holding onto her husband's hand impossibly tighter.
Eventually, a small, blood covered form was pushed out. Immediately, the nurses came rushing over with a warm towel to wrap the baby in and then they handed it over to the mother. She smiled teary eyed at the baby, “Look at her, she’s beautiful.”
“She is… Our baby girl.”
“Mr and Mrs. Im?”
The couple looked up as a nurse approached, their baby in wrapped safely in her arms. “Yes?”
The nurse looked down at the baby and then back at the mother and father, “There’s something a little odd about your child, we can’t figure out how it happened, but it’s best for you to see for yourself.” She gently passed on the baby to her mother’s arms and then walked away from them to let them have their moment.
The woman looked down at her child, stroking the baby’s soft cheeks. Opening her eyes, the baby blinked up at her mother, a giggle letting loose. The mother gasped, “Dear, look! Her eyes…”
“They’re… They’re purple… But, how?” The father gently ran a finger over the eyelids, making the baby squeeze her eyes shut and then she opened them again. The purple of both eyes shining brightly under the hospital lights.
“I… I don’t know, but it’s beautiful. Our beautiful baby Mirae…”
The woman nodded, “Im Mirae. Welcome to the world.”
“Mummy… Why can’t I go to school?” Mirae looked up at her mother, blinking curiously.
“We’re too poor for that... I’m sorry, peaches...”
“Okay, mummy…” Mirae sighed, looking out the window at the school girls and boys longingly.  
“Peaches! Time for tea~”
“Coming, mummy!” Pads of footsteps came echoing down the halls as Mirae ran towards the kitchen, eager to get some food.
“Here you go, ripe and washed!” Her mother bent down and handed her a peach.
“Peach!” Mirae giggled, but then stopped, “D-Does that mean I’m eating myself?”
“No! Of course not. I just owe my life to peaches, and since you are my life, that’s why you are called that!”
“Hmm, okay!” Mirae burst into a fit of giggles and brought the peach up to her mouth, taking a bite and grinning at the bitter-sweetness. She readied herself to take another bite when a sudden slamming open of a door made her pause.
“Is daddy home early?” Mirae asked, bringing the fruit back down to the plate.
“Maybe. Wait here.” Her mother patted her head and went to open the door. She was shocked to see her husband bleeding out of each limb and he stumbled into her. “Dear?!”
“Run… Take Mirae and get out!” He yelled, pushing her towards the kitchen.
“I won’t leave you! Just hold on a moment.” She screamed back, running back to the kitchen and to Mirae. “Peaches, I need you to run away. Go as far as your legs can take you. I promise mummy and daddy will keep up.” She explained, nudging Mirae to the back door. Mirae’s eyes fluttered, but she trusted her mother’s words nonetheless and ran out of the apartment and down the back set of stairs. She flung open the emergency exit door with much struggle, allowing the two men behind her to draw closer to her. Panicking, she forced herself to run faster, despite the burning ache in her legs. Her feet slammed down on the pavement as she weaved in and out of trees, she turned to look behind her and gasped. The street of her home slowly disappeared from view and was replaced with a chandelier and she found herself falling. She braced herself for impact and let out a shriek as she felt air whipping past her and then suddenly… A breeze. She opened an eye and gaped in wonder as she softly fell onto a mattress, perhaps the softest mattress she will ever feel.  
Nari closed her book carefully and placed it on the small table next to her big comfy chair. She stood up and walked over to Mirae, softly pulling her upwards. Mirae stared up into Nari’s eyes and they held contact for a minute. Nari’s eyes widened a fraction at the purple eyes staring back at her, but she gain her composure quickly.
“What’s your name?” She asked carefully to the younger girl.
“P-Peaches… Peaches…” Mirae murmured and then her eyes widened, “Mummy! Daddy!” She whipped around, trying to find an exit and made a run for it. Nari sighed, and pushed herself up.
“Peaches, calm down.” She spoke out, taking long strides to her, easily catching up to her. “Your mummy and daddy aren’t here. We will find them though, but I assume you haven’t eaten yet. I’ll get you something to eat and I’ll try and look for them. How about it?” Nari asked, crouching down in front of her and smiling softly.
Mirae sniffled and blinked away the tears, but nodded reluctantly. Nari nodded and moved to pick up the smaller girl, but stopped mid-way to ask for permission. “Are you okay with me carrying you?” Nari asked. Mirae hesitated, before nodding. Nari picked up the girl careful and took her to the huge dining hall, placing her on a seat. “You can ask any of the staff for any food you want. I’ll start a search, okay?”
Mirae nodded again. Nari glanced at the girl a last time before turning away to leave, but a small pair of hands stopped her. “P-Promise me you’ll find them… P-Please?”
“Sorry, Peaches. I can’t promise anything.” Nari answered with a sad smile before leaving the room quickly.
The sun shone, signalling a new day, as Nari walked into her mansion with a book in her hands. Although she found Mirae’s parents, it wasn’t good news. On her way back, Nari was reading into Mirae’s history, considering she had easy access to everyone’s file. Reaching the room Mirae had been placed in, she shut the book and passed it to one of the staff nearby, instructing them to put it in her room. Taking a deep breath, Nari opened the door and saw Mirae peacefully sleeping in the bed. Nari walked over to the bed and sat carefully on the edge, stirring the girl gently.
“Mirae, wake up.” Nari’s soft voice called. Mirae stirred and looked up at Nari, “Morning…” She murmured in greeting, rubbing at her eyes. “Mirae, you need to sit up and listen to me carefully. Can you do that for me?” Nari asked, patting at the space beside her.
“What is it, eonnie?” Mirae yawned, sitting up and facing Nari with sleepy eyes.
“I… I found your parents, but not in a good way.” Nari replied cautiously, allowing Mirae a moment to process the information.
“W-What do you mean?”
“To put it straight, they didn’t survive the attack.”
“Y-You’re lying… You’re lying!”
Nari sighed, she knew there wasn’t any other way to do this. “Mirae, listen. Why would I need to lie about this?”
“S-She promised me…” Mirae hiccuped through her tears, “S-She promised me t-that they’d be r-right behind m-me… She promised!”
Nari placed an arm around Mirae’s body and started rubbing her arm. “Let it all out, Mirae.”
Mirae bawled into Nari’s shoulder, her body shaking from the force of her sobbing.  
“Hey, eonnie?”
“Hm?” Nari hummed in response as she turned a page in her tome. She was sitting in her huge library on her comfiest chair.
“Can I go to school?”
“Are you not happy with your tutors?” Nari asked, closing the book carefully and putting it on her lap, giving Mirae all her attention.
“N-No, i-it’s not that. I just… I-I want to be normal and have friends like all the other kids…”
“Mirae-ah. I don’t want you bullied. If you go to school now, they will find out that you live with some… Stranger, I suppose you can call me, and have no parents, you’ll be ridiculed. I can’t protect you if you aren’t nearby.”
“I’ll be fine! I’ll make friends who’ll protect me!”
“Isn’t school for education purposes? Or is it because you want to make friends while learning too?”
“I-I just… I want to be normal, that’s all.”
“Mirae, you live in a mansion and would go to school in a fancy car. Is that normal?”
Mirae glared at the floor beneath her, “That’s not what I meant. I just want to be like everyone else. I want loving parents and normal eyes. I just want happiness.”
Nari sighed and placed her book to the side. She stood up and ruffled Mirae’s hair. “Being normal is boring, Mirae. Believe me, but I suppose I haven’t been taking care of you enough if you feel this way. I was always reading and taking care of myself first, that was selfish of me.” Nari bent down to Mirae’s level before continuing, “I can’t have you going to a school. You won’t have a legal guardian and the complications will force you into a foster care. From now on, I’ll try my best to be a loving sister. I can not replace your parents, but I can try and teach you like they would. Is that okay?”
“R-Really? Y-You would do that?”
“I’ll even be in your tutor sessions if you want me to. It’s the least I can do for all the joy you give me.” Nari smiled softly.
“T-Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Mirae grinned as she cried tears of happiness, throwing her arms around the taller girl and crying into her chest.
“Mirae. Mirae, wake up. Mirae!” Nari shook the girl from her shoulders, desperately trying to wake the girl as she worked her magic; packing the suitcases in a flash. Mirae woke up slowly, rubbing at her eyes and then staring at the suitcases at the foot of her bed, “What’s going on, eonnie?”
“Quick, we have to go. Put your shoes on.” Nari hurried the girl, constantly listening to their surroundings. Rapid footsteps were heard around the house as the staff did all they could to help their lady. Explosions were heard in rapid succession around the house and banging was heard from almost every corner of the house. “Come on, Mirae. We need to leave, now.”
Mirae sat up, suddenly alert, “What’s going on? What’s the sound?”
“I’ll tell you when you are older. I need you to escape. The staff will lead you to the back door, I need to protect the house. I will meet you there.” Nari instructed in a hurry.
Mirae flinched as a wave of flashbacks hit her and suddenly she was sobbing and screaming, “No! You’re not making me leave! I won’t leave, not again! You promised!”
Nari cursed under her breath, she had completely forgotten about Mirae’s past. “Aish. I’m sorry, Mirae. Alright, I’ll come with you. You need to close your eyes though and hold onto me, understand?”
Mirae nodded, immediately scrambling out of bed and slipping on the shoes nearest to her.
“Good girl. I need you to put these earmuffs on, get onto my back and hold tight.” Nari instructed, passing her soundproof earmuffs, walking next to her and crouching down, allowing Mirae to get onto her back. She nodded again, quickly getting onto Nari’s back, and tucking her face into her shoulder, closing her eyes in the process. Nari looked over at the suitcases and brought them up with her magic, making them follow her. With a final look around the room, Nari ran out of the room and out the backdoor of the house, however not before she said something to the staff. “Try and keep this place safe. If you have to give it up, give it up. After this go back to my parents.”
As soon as Nari left through the back door, another explosion detonated next to her, forcing her to create a force field around them, to protect them from the debris. She noticed the men around her backyard and sighed. She saw the pitchfork to the side and smirked. She was going to have fun with them.
She quickly raised the pitchfork and made it fly through each of their balls, forcing them to scream in pain and stumble onto the ground before they could even make another move. Nari scoffed and pierced through their abdomens, so they could bleed to death as punishment for trying to go after her. As much as she wanted to make them wish they were never born, she had to take Mirae to safety. She found a fairly large wooden board and stepped onto it with the suitcases. She made the board soar them through the sky and over to Daegu, to live at a safer place.
They arrived at Daegu late into the night, or very early in the morning and Nari got them a hotel room for a few nights, so she could find them an apartment to live in for a year. She walked into the room, pulling the suitcases behind her and allowed Mirae to fall onto the bed. The young girl was already fast asleep from their journey, and Nari would feel guilty to wake her up to shower, so she let her sleep the rest of the night away as Nari prepared herself for bed.
“Eonnie, look! It’s a cat!” Mirae grinned, running after the black cat. They were currently doing chores; they were almost done, only needing to do grocery shopping and then some laundry hanging, but of course the younger had to go chase after a cat.
“Mirae, slow down!”
Mirae paid no heed, still running at full speed after the cat, only to go crashing into a man dressed in a black shirt and black ripped jeans. Mirae fell with a yelp.
The man she ran into lent out a hand wordlessly. She accepted, if only to seem polite. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to run into you!” She bowed to the man, still holding onto his hand. When she came back up from the bow, she gasped - she wasn’t sure if it was because of his icy hands or from his features. The man had sharp eyes, a small button nose, soft lips with a prominent cupid's bow, pale skin and silvery hair. He only nodded at her in acknowledgement before letting go of her hand and walking away without another glance. Nari ran up to her and almost glared at the retreating figure.
“Mirae, you can’t run off like that in such a busy street.” Nari scolded.
“Sorry, eonnie…” Mirae said, not really paying attention as her eyes focused on the man with sharp eyes and pale skin.
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tometales-blog1 · 7 years
Welcome to TomeTales
Q: What do we call you? 
Admin Aivy: Call me Aivy! I’ll sign off any of my works as Aivy and if you want to submit something or request, remember that there’s two admins and we both write different things (sometimes) so either put Aivy or Snowy for the admin you want to see/write it :)
Admin Snowy: Snowy. That’s what most call me. As Aviy said, I’ll be signing my works with Snowy as well.
Q: What groups do you write for?
Admin Aivy: I write for various groups, such as: Monsta X, BIGBANG, BTS, and more! 
Admin Snowy: I don’t write for as many groups as Aivy, mainly for Seventeen, but I can do BTS too! I’m in charge of other fandoms ^^” 
Q: What other fandoms do you write for? 
Admin Aivy: Mystic Messenger, Vampire Knight, Diabolik Lovers, etc 
Admin Snowy: Mystic Messenger, Fire Emblem, and various of anime series; Bleach, Diabolik Lovers, Assassination Classroom, Attack on Titan, and others. I also have my own original story which I may be posting here! 
Q: What sort of fics? Only xReader? 
Admin Aivy: I also write MxM, GxG, etc. In other words, I basically write x everything and anything XD 
Admin Snowy: I don’t mind. I prefer xReader and xOC. 
Q: Do you have any fic recs?
Admin Aivy: I can include fic recs if anyone wants any, just ask c: 
Admin Snowy: We’ll do a fic rec post if need be. 
Q: Do you have an update schedule? 
Admin Aivy: No, sorry ;n; I have school, but I’ll try to update when I have free time~ 
Admin Snowy: Nope, my schedule will work around my school work ^^” 
Q: What AU’s do you write? 
Admin Aivy: Lots of different ones! Fairy AU’s, Hybrid AU’s, Royalty AU’s, etc
Admin Snowy: Tons, though I do prefer writing the original the most. 
Q: Do you do anything other than writing, eg. Texts, snaps, reactions, etc? 
Admin Aivy: I wouldn’t mind doing reactions and ships, but I don’t know how to do texts and snaps so I won’t be doing those, sorry ^^’’ 
Admin Snowy: I’ve never tried, though I doubt I will be. 
Q: Do you do drabble games? 
Admin Aivy: I’ve never done a drabble game before, but I’m willing to try!
Admin Snowy: Sure thing! 
Q: Do you do fanart? 
Admin Aivy: I wish ;n; I’m bad at art so I don’t think I will be 
Admin Snowy: A little, but I don’t have too much time to do so. 
Q: Do you take requests? 
Admin Aivy: Yup! Just to note that I’ll need you guys to be patient with the amount of time it takes for your request to be posted~ 
Admin Snowy: Yup, 100%. It’s hard to write with my ideas only all the time. 
Q: Do you take anonymous requests? 
Admin Aivy: Yep! 
Admin Snowy: Mhm. 
Q: Do you have any guidelines for requests? 
Admin Aivy: Other than I would prefer if there wasn’t a vague request as I can’t do much with that, then no, I don’t have any guidelines c: 
Admin Snowy: Just note if it is a vague request or not, so I know if I need to be specific and follow something, or if I can make stuff up. 
Q: If I had a problem, could I talk to you about it? 
Admin Aivy: Of course! Though I can’t guarantee I can be of much help, I’ll try be there for you c: 
Admin Snowy: If you feel comfortable, then go right ahead. 
Q: Will this only be writing and such? 
Admin Aivy: Since I do have another tumblr, I probably won’t be using this one for reblogging, but who knows, if I see something interesting then maybe XD 
Admin Snowy: I don’t have another tumblr, so I will be using this account for reblogging and such as well. 
Q: Will there ever be more than two admins?
Admin Snowy: No, there will only be two admins. We don’t need anymore I think.
Q: Will you accept other questions? 
Admin Aivy: Yep! Remember to show whether the question is for me or Snowy or both :) 
Admin Snowy: Mhm, just make sure to state who it is for.
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