torinofushi · 2 years
So I haven't added anything regarding season 2 of Yashahime...... because to be quite frank I am absolutely and completely shocked.
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......How the bloody hell did they manage to fix it?.....
No more hand holding, at least no where near the annoying level as before. A retcon here or there with age (where there still is a problem but they tried to compromise modern and historical norms which is odd and still gonna make people mad)or a character being at a place they weren't before..... but somehow, the story got more compelling. The characters got more invested and interesting, the story got a bit more gripping, yes there were OG Inuyasha characters, but they added rather than steal from the story.
ALSO in all the lore of the Inuyasha story they added what happens if there is a God/Human child?!? I literally wondered about that since I was a kid.
I have cried, felt old as hell to see characters develop so much, and keep rewinding scenes because oh God my heart....also this scene literally had me in stitches 🤣
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Is Yashahime perfect? Hell no. Especially with the first season, but honestly as they keep moving forward it keeps blossoming into a sequel series that feels worthy of being Inuyasha's sequel.
Perhaps when they wrote the story they didn't know the beginning but the end and that's why it came out a bit garbled at first, but needless to say I'm utterly surprised everyone.
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torinofushi · 3 years
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....... okay you know what after watching episodes 21-23 I don't know I'd they switched writers or what but....
Literally episodes 23 I have rewound the conversation between Zero and Sesshomaru's mother at least five times.
Is the intent behind Yashahime....them trying to make the "great demons" more human???? Cuz if that is the angle they are using it makes the story make a bit more sense. Still flawed in places but....
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Okay ...a little more than invested...where is this story going?
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torinofushi · 3 years
Haven't posted anything for episodes 18-20 due to me trying to grasp what in the world to think of Yashahime......
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Quick Summations:
Episode 18: SO. DAMN. CLOSE. The writing took a great setup and made it less impactful with hardly any emotional reactions ;_; just... I'm sure they are trying to set up for the "Doesn't have emotions" Sesshomaru but.....that's FALSE
Episode 19: This episode can die.....biggest example of useless filler with them trying to show emotional development but....using misunderstandings is fine in a plot but BIG PROBLEM, IF the audience knows its all a farce.....all that conflict is just a a fart, tries to make a bunch of noise and the effect fades in minutes.
Episode 20: MY FAVORITE EPISODE THUS FAR. 👏👏👏 They didn't hand hold they didn't explain to death who characters were, they actually showed EMOTIONS WITH SETSUNA. They left some unanswered questions yes (Demon slayer origins??) , but you know what they don't overexplain and there was nostalgia which was sweet as fuck!!! And with this episode I figured out what is SO WRONG with this series.....the PACING.
Why am I claiming pacing is the problem? Because as much as I loved the last episode I realize that Yashahime has a running theme of throwing stuff at us that are so disjointed from the narrative it feels like someone playing darts rather than reading a cohesive story. For example, we are getting the origin of the rainbow pearls next week..... okay.....that might make sense however how they frame it is going to be crucial. It doesn't feel built up like it COULD/should be....
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Honestly I was going to write a release list that would make more sense to me or a new set of eyes, but as I started to research it I realized I'd have to rewrite episodes from their tangled messes before any "fixing" could occur, otherwise I'd mess up the pacing even further. Honestly reminds me of some of the scheduling/release errors Miraculous has where they confuse the audience.
So instead I'm going to just say some ideas that may have made more sense if they could be edited to fit.
Episode 20 should have been BEFORE episode 13...ideally in segments where the girls are learning of each other?
Episode 15 I wished they showed after the audience met Riku to help buildup why this character is so important and the mystery...
Maybe have that tease of Moroha's past when we were seeing in real time the twins (episode 2) getting separated so both mysteries fuel each other!
The narrative needs to blend nostalgia/new plots with cohesiveness not like oil and vinegar...
Have some breathing room between the girls facing the Four Perils and us getting to know them??? Episode 5 is where they start shoving exposition down our throats.....ideally if they held off the Beniyasha reveal and put say episode 5 AFTER episode 14 I think it would have been better...but they have the demons being so "Four perils" heavy that could be confusing quick with her using that ability...
There needs to be breathing room between set up and plot sprints which honestly wish we could have had the conflict of the perils build AFTER we set up some origins, hinted mystery, and the girls themselves had motivation other than "just cuz" or "bounty hunting"..... I mean think about it guys they had that heinous Princess filler episode (19).....while the "big bad" just knocked the girls out the episode prior? The hell does that make sense???
As always folks I'm tired and thank you for reading the rant. I'm by no means a great writer but hell can they even fix this mess?...
As a positive the voice acting is rather great whether sub or dubbed but the exposition and God modding hurts the impact of dialog at times.
Until next time everyone stay safe and I wonder if any tasteful fanfictions could help fix any of the errors we are seeing.
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torinofushi · 3 years
Yashahime episode 17...
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Not even 3 minutes in and once again we are explained to more exposition....more handholding more title cards explaining who people are that we've already met.... uuuuuuugh
Also anyone else done with the forced Shikon no Tama stand in of the rainbow pearls???? Yes Inuyasha had a black one but Jesus quit forcing a backstory on every item. Whats next we find out Kagome's mini skirt is now a sacred celestial robe?
.... Okay automatically after the opening a plot issue. Sunrise if Setsuna doesn't give a shit about the Dream Butterfly...why should we???? She's the one afflicted and her sister cares more about finding it...Setsuna is content....so where is the conflict?
Calling it now Riku is Kirinmaru and Zero's son...and Zero is this dream butterfly holder. Might be wrong but they aren't exactly being subtle with the designs and the many "for the audience" backstories and explanations. (turns OUT was wrong on this big time my bad)
Also a comparison to the original series....remember how the gang WANTED to find Naraku because he had the sacred jewel? Notice how the girls DONT CARE about finding Kirinmaru....but the world is forcing them to...which makes everything feel forced and circumstantial? Notice the problem????
Also remember when the tension felt real when there was actual death and blood in the original Inuyasha? Notice how the tension drops with the drag on the monk eating with one or the multiple pseudoKaguras they have set up? Never thought I'd have to say this but missing Kanna and Kagura they actually had personalities and motivations....the four perils? "HAHA IM EVIL LOL" Blech
Comparison of fighting styles, Inuyasha episode I think Four....
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Yashahime up to episode 17:
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Back to the episode.... actually something with Setsuna stabbing herself....reason why I like her she actually ACTS like she's in a world of demons.
Okay will admit Konton's spell is interesting and new. I like the angle they used in the the figuring out how they found themselves within the trap and how Towa sees the trap with one of her senses.
Oh dammit Sunrise, literally LITERALLY right after this Setsuna gives us exposition bull of almost Wind Scar powers.... of her "clan" can cut demon energy where the energies clash.... child you just now recently learned the hell your clan was. She said "our clan" with Towa so I doubt she was talking about demon hunters....
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Okay this one didn't suck as much simply because they didn't force as much as they did with backstories as they did with the last two episodes....but geez....
Next episode I'm curious how they will handle the daughters meeting Sesshomaru, but I'm still wary for now. Take care everyone!
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torinofushi · 3 years
Yashahime episode 16 Review
Again with the rushed writing for an episodic event that should have been BUILT UP for her.
My main issues:
I'm sorry writers but Koga is asked to watch Kagome's daughter and just dumps her on a pack member?????? The Koga from the original series would have taken pride in caring for her, and before you say that his wife Ayame would have issue, SHE LIKED KAGOME. There was literally an arc showing this....so her precious daughter getting pawned off to a random wolf we've never seen before???
I legit groaned at the "As you know" bomb of explanation with the rouge went down...ever notice how dear Izayoi was named once maybe twice in the original series but now it's every FRIGGIN EPISODE ALMOST?!
The backstory to Moroha's wolf caretaker (she was written so haphazardly I don't care enough to look up her name) could have worked so much better if they EDITED it to flow. I don't know, start with the scene with her getting the scars and go from there? Maybe take out all the exposition and forced plot points???? Seriously they give backstory to Inuyasha's Robe of the Fire rat.... WHAT?????
They literally gave Moroha about 5 minutes of emotional recovery from killing someone...someone who RAISED/TOOK CARE OF HER... and her identity........5 minutes....the flying hell?! If she can't even respond to this "big moment" why should we?????
Also how in the hell does this connect to the previous episode?????? Again editing the order would do WONDERS people. Instead we get "oh here is another backstory bomb, have fun." Just AHHHHH!!
Also the next preview reminded me..... they never got the monk eating demon??? I'm sorry how is Miroku still alive?????
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Folks, the writing is killing me, someone phone Takahashi.
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torinofushi · 3 years
So typically I don't write down my opinions to things because I wish to keep my analytical thoughts to myself....however I feel compelled to comment on Yashahime.
Now I grew up with Inuyasha and it was a cornerstone of anime, like it was to many people, growing up. Though to be fair it had some issues of its own....the amount of filler episodes and flashbacks were a bit on the heavy side, but it also had characters that we wanted to know more of. To this day Inuyasha himself has always had a special place in my heart because of how complex he is emotionally.
Now as an adult and a writer...we had Yashahime. Where when I saw the first title card I wanted to know who the children's parents were. I honestly thought at first Towa and Moroha were InuKag daughters and Setsuna may have been a Miroku/Sango or hell even Kohaku daughter........ thaaaaat wasn't the case.
To where will get to the elephant in a room here in a moment but some thoughts on the girls themselves.
Towa: She does in her earnest seem to be a sweet character, however muddled a bit where at first she is this rough and tough "human" that can't stick to schools and then suddenly mellows out when she finds her sister? She didn't even super respond to the fact she's half demon....like I would have thought she'd be more shocked since in her new home there are no demons. She just seems a little too focused on her sister....to the point her own character writing seems diminished to me, but she has potential! First episode where she is talking about keeping the future secret was a cool angle......then idea gets scrapped with her handing out candy and whipping out her smart phone??
Setsuna: I am a bit more intrigued by her because she does have some mystery, but more importantly she has her own character and personality compared to her sister. She actually has had some development which feels minimal at 15 episodes in for the series right now. She seems to have traits of her father where I can hardly see any of that with her sister, but she genuinely grows and adapts to caring about Moroha and Towa.
Moroha: I will admit I've stayed this long watching it solely because of this child. She has both her parents traits, I love it when she talks like her father once did. She's something entirely new, I don't think we ever had a quarter demon in the original series. However I HATE how they use her like an exposition bomb. I HATE they don't show all of her emotions! Hell she doesn't even show sadness in not knowing her parents after meeting her uncle or realizing that her two new friends are actually her cousins?! She's focused on the bounties which we still don't know why completely, but we do know why she was separated from her parents now. I wish they'd make her the focus more than the twins because yes the twins are older, let's face it Moroha is keeping the fans in. I think she has great potential and her and Setsuna are by far the most interesting to me...
Okay so folks won't lie when I was a wee weeb with the original series I thought that when Rin was grown up (18-20 because in the US thats the fictitious maturity cutoff) she would fall for Sesshomaru as Izayoi did for InuTaisho/Toga. That was when I was younger and thought honestly more likely than that Rin would become an ally to Sesshomaru or perhaps the one to soften his heart and he found a DIFFERENT lady love that was human because of Rin's past kindness. That didn't happen.
Everyone on the internet is commenting and doing math in regards to Rin being the twins mother to which as an almost 30 year old woman I got some thoughts here.
1) With the math, previously the internet said she would be 11 with Inuyasha Final act....however because of people frantically editing I don't know if this is at the beginning or END of Inuyasha where there was a 3 year time skip. So I will give her a range of possibly being 11-13 at the end. Now fast forward to Yashahime episode 15 and she's having twins...Sango's son Hisui is who we are using as a yard stick to the passage of time. I thought he looked young maybe 2-3 however according to his wiki he's 4 years older to the Yashahime girls. So with wiki number it would make Rin 15-18 when she had the twins........
2) People this is a lose lose situation writing wise because if they show her childlike infatuation with Sesshomaru never stopped before she had these girls then that's grooming/groomed behavior or even victim blaming.  If they show Sesshomaru showing interest with her in that sense as she got older that's pedophilia. Yes, I know this was back in Japanese feudal era where it was common to marry at 16-25, yes I know that my culture has its own perspective on predatory behavior and these are two individuals that aren't American or even human, and yes I know that this development hasn't even been fully explained in the series but gods the writing has been atrocious so far and I doubt this will save them.
3) the original series has Kagome age 15 have to deal with propositions and proposals and such where she, as a catalyst for the audience with views closer to our own than a feudal Japanese citizen, was appalled and typically played for laughs. Here in Yashahime they actually DID THAT. Which I don't blame people for being wigged out and disgusted...like what the.... the show itself had a tendency to overexplain EVERYTHING but can't explain the dynamics or progression of what the hell happened here? Because from our/audience perspective it's basically written as "Well she's having kids now." Even Sango, Kagome, and Kaede aren't reacting to anything with this.....not when they had news she was giving birth, not when Sesshomaru shows up, or hell TAKING the girls?!?! The hell is going on???
In short to this rant, Yashahime I think your writing has you in a chokehold. You keep going from explain things only for the audience to know to explain things only for the girls would know which is confusing what your goal/pacing is. Either trust your audience or go full hold our hands, make up your mind. You go into retcons and writing new backstory to important items for the sake of the plot....its a mess.
Old characters used for publicity rather than letting the new characters capture the audience. Honestly if you rearranged your episodes it would have seem more authentic though again good luck with that elephant in the room, its going to turn many fans away.
I don't know guys. I'm not too hopeful they can save themselves at this point. Thanks for reading.
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torinofushi · 8 years
Reblog if you utterly and without hesitation support gay rights
It’ll mean a lot to my friend, who’s having a tough time with bullies lately.
Instant reblog, every time I see this
smashed the reblog button
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