What is it, Charlie?
Why are the walls checkered? That's, like, a very questionable design choice
It's an advanced design choice!
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Why are the walls checkered? That's, like, a very questionable design choice
It's an advanced design choice!
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OH- You're mad I won't accept that about me? Well sorry, I'm not just going to accept I have 10 mental issues I still don't even think I'm depressed *sir you ARE*
1. Sir do you think your daughter might be autistic
2. Sir do you think your yourself might be autistic
Why would I be autistic? Charlie however...possibly.
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Charlie, it's not a bad thing to be autistic. People just seem to treat it that way because they are too close-minded to accept that not everyone's mind works in the exact same way
1. Sir do you think your daughter might be autistic
2. Sir do you think your yourself might be autistic
Why would I be autistic? Charlie however...possibly.
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1. Sir do you think your daughter might be autistic
2. Sir do you think your yourself might be autistic
Why would I be autistic? Charlie however...possibly.
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My silly daughter
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she is literally the hopper. if you even care
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Why do I try not to jumpscare? Well you knowww. I'd rather not bite into someone's brain like this vessel of mine did.
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Charlie!? He got you too!?
-bro is trying to eat plain pizza crust-
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How the hell do you know my name-
-bro is trying to eat plain pizza crust-
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Oh..there is? -he's a bit more aware this time, trying to remember where he heard a certain voice from before-
-bro is trying to eat plain pizza crust-
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-rambling about how the first night guard definitely can't be Michael because different last name and it makes no sense to only use a different last name once, and how Mikes abducted brother might be controlling the creepy balloon dispenser child-
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-bro is trying to eat plain pizza crust-
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Oh...why do you keep watching me? *Bro piece things together already*
What is this? *it's called an emoji you fkng grandpa*
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What is this? *it's called an emoji you fkng grandpa*
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are you okay?
I want to set this building and myself on fire
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Where's your kid?
....I do not know...
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What are you looking at?
*roaming around trying to start a fire*
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