totheendofthisroad · 2 months
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dump of gifs of Matsushima Shota and Team Handsome fellows
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totheendofthisroad · 4 months
[Talk show The body shop x Team Handsome] Matsushima Shota x Kai Shouma 21.4.2024
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There was a collaboration between Team handsome and The bodyshop for Super Handsome Live 2024. Shota and Shouma were selected to do this event together. Among the collaboration products (a pack of cleansing butter and face mask and a special card of ShotaxShouma), they also held a talk event with selected people who purchased the products. I gathered some reports from fans to translate here because they were so cute.
They mainly talked about The bodyshop products and how to use them. Then they talked about SHL which was held on March.
Shota's favorite scent was ylang-ylang (vanilla scent), while Shouma's favorite was iris
Shota and Shouma wore ribbons with the scent they liked on their left wrists. They tried to smell each other's scent. Shota was sitting to Shouma's left so he bowed his head over to smell the scent on Shouma. And Shouma pulled Shota's wrist up to smell it.
-> SHL feels that Shota and Shouma are closer, what is the reason?
Shouma: huh?
Shota: We somewhat got closer, right. Thanks to Kamiki's connection, we went out together. After that, we also went out for drinking. He is a kid who doesn't mind much and doesn't use keigo, right?
Shouma: I do, you are sempai
Shota: But at 3pm you texted me "Can we go eat now?", like, seriously, now?!? But until now, after rehearsals, you've never gone out to eat with anyone?
Shouma: Because of corona
Shota: Even before that
Shouma: Eh, the younger kids do seem to eat out often
Shota: You're not invited
Shouma: I wasn't invited, I was left out… (repo's note: isn't it because you always leave early, Shouma…)
Shota received a text message from Shouma inviting him to eat at 3pm. Does this kid like me that much?!?!
Shouma: Then from now on I will admire you even more, I'll let you sit on the upper seat
Shota: please stop, please!! Just stay like this is fine
When the talk show ended, there were only a few guests left, Shouma looked around the room
Shouma: Shota-san's house must be this big
Shota: No way it's this big! But did you visit my house?
Shouma: no, I haven't visited yet (laughs)
Story about SHL
-> When singing Beautiful Stranger, Shota and Shouma stood on the stairs
Shota: I danced and sang too much I was tired
Shouma: You were reserving your stamina for Handsome Samba
-> In the last performance of SHL Koudai and Shouma kept looking at each other
Shouma: No, it's because he only came to the last performance, everyone must have been looking forward to it, he kept coming towards me, we are the same age so when he came over, i also interacted with him (laughs)
-> If the two of you did something together, what would it be?
Shota: Lately I've been drinking with Shouma and he has a very high alcohol tolerance. He drinks a lot and his face doesn't change the slightest
Shouma: It's fun, right?
Shota: So I guess talk shows are fine
Shouma: I can't do manzai!
Shota: I can't dance either
Shouma: We don't really match, I can come to Izakaya x Shota
-> First impression of each other
Shouma: blonde hair… I'm a person who can't talk to many people so I thought he was a scary sempai. Recently, we started talking more, he is complete the opposite
Shota: At first I thought he seemed like an adult. Even though he's still a child, he can stand on the big stage and is very confident. And somehow he's gotten bigger, gotten bigger! (said twice)
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totheendofthisroad · 6 months
Matsushima Shota 14 April 2024 Online Individual Talk
So, the annual event of online talking with Shota is here. This year, Shota also had on-site event for handling his calendars but I couldn't go, I bought 2 slots for online section instead.
(I was waiting 5 mins before the room then by the time it dropped to 30 secs, Shota appeared, I was so surprised and unprepared, it happened last year too but I was still surprised to see Shota lol)
Me: eh, ohayou Shota!!!
Shota: eh, ohayou? it's still morning there?
Me: yes, still morning
Shota: *read the little caption I wrote next to my name (I went to MatsuMizu Live and watched SHL2024 online, Shota was super cool, I was so happy!!)* oh, you went to MatsuMizu, I'm glad
Me: yes, I was so happy but I also wanted to go to Shota's handling calendar too, I couldn't go (at this, I flipped my tongue between ikanakatta and ikenakatta, like, who can function in Japanese at this moment, not me and my third language orz) sorry, what's with my Japanese..
Shota: is that so? Please come next time ne~
Me: yes
(I got cut of with 30s time ending)
Me: Shota, okaerinasai~
Shota: Tadaima ~ (he looked super happy and smiling and waving hands)
Me: *panicking* eh, this is the last time
Shota: oh, last time?
Me: *try to speak calmly* uhm, thank you for liking Vietnamese food, I'm very happy
Shota: oh of course, I love Vietnamese food so much
Me: ah, time---!!
Shota: Thank you for always supporting me! arigatou ne, daisuki!!! *sending me heart fingers*
Me: ahhhhh, thank you, daisuki!!!!!
The end.
Well. even though this is my 3rd time, I still barely functioned, I panicked all the time, it was so hard to me to gather what to say properly. There was a lot that I wanted to say. See you next time Shota!
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totheendofthisroad · 1 year
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Ruito Aoyagi (30th) / Ryota Aoyama / Kazuki Ishiga / Kenta Izuka / Tomohiro Iwasaki / Takuya Uehara / Masaki Ota / Shouma Kai (30th) / Yuta Koseki / Dori Sakurada (29th) / Kentaro Tomita / Taisuke Niihara / Misato Higashijima / Katsumi Hyodo / Soichi Hirama (30th) / Nayuta Fukuzaki / Kanata Hosoda / Shota Matsushima / Kouki Mizuta (30th) / Takuya Mizoguchi / Hikaru Yamazaki
* Live: download Backstage/BTS: download
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totheendofthisroad · 1 year
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totheendofthisroad · 2 years
Matsushima Shota 5 Mar 2023 Online Individual Talk
So, with covid has been going on for years, some on-site events have been switched to online platform. Before, when releasing a calendar you can have a slot of having small talk (like meet & greet) and now it's like that but online. I bought 2 slots for Matsushima Shota this time.
(before the time, I entered the chat room (video room?) waiting 5 mins, the the clock was counting down, when it was around 30 sec left, Shota appeared)
Me: ohh, Shota-kun, ohayou, eh, eh
Shota: (calling my real name)
Me: uwaa (showing 2021 calendar with my name on it)
Shota: how nostalgic!
Me: uhm, thank you for writing my name like this, can you see it clearly
Shota: yes, thank you
(time running out)
Me: ahh, time, see you later
Shota: (calling my real name again)
Me: Shota is back!
Me: 2 weeks later it's my birthday, it's a bit early but can you say "otanjoubi omedetou" for me?
Shota: otanjoubi emedetou!!
Me: uwa,, I'm so happy, thank you!!
Shota: your glasses are cute
Me: eh, eh, thank you. Ah, time again!
Shota: Thank you!
Me: Thank you Shota, see you again, bai bai
sometimes I feel so stupid with my convos *~*
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totheendofthisroad · 2 years
Yoshimura Takuya Birthday Event April 2022
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Some notes along the event with Matsushima Shota as guest
1/ Yoshitaku answered some unreasonable questions (muchaburi 無茶振り) about changes from 20-dai to 30-dai, his most nervous moment. When he passed the Amuse audition, he worked as an actor but then he stopped and became a comedy duo with Ito Naoto, then Naoto left and the group disbanded, he was back to being an actor. When he got a butai job for the coming back, they were filming for genepro, he sat there and his hands kept trembling. He wondered if he could keep this going but then he saw the audience faces, he got calmed and did his job. That was the most nervous moment in his life.
2/ Some fans asked Yoshitaku to do/say some sweet words. With this, he got the MC Pachiku-san as a girl and Yoshitaku played as a boy, he said something really embarrassing but I can't catch that word...He said that his parents might be watching this live and he might not be able to return home because it was too embarrassing.
3/ Fans asked for Yoshitaku's sexy act, he said it was the shower time and he demonstrated it. He put shampoo on his hair then flipped his neck. Then Pachiku-san said he should do it probably from 3 angles so the audience could see it.
4/ Shota was the only one who entered Amuse at the same time with Yoshitaku (I guess because Naoto already left?) then Shota said how about Kurumi-chan? Yoshitaku said he only counted the men.
5/ Shota commented on Pachiku pants and where he got that. Pachiku said he bought it from a thrift store and only wore it on stage. Shota showed his socks from Family Mart.
6/ Shota got his one hair sticking out the whole time (so cuteeee!!)
7/ the last time Shota and Yoshitaku met was around a year ago when they went to karaoke with Kamiki no Ryu-chan (it must be after AAA?). And everytime they meet, it's always karaoke, some kind of ritual?
8/ When they met the first time at Amuse audition, it was the whole country audition, Yoshitaku's impression of Shota was that there was a really handsome boy but Shota didn't have any impression of Yoshitaku. Shota had impressions of Ito Naoto as he talked about money (hmm, not sure about this)
9/ Shota looked outside and it was raining heavily, Yoshitaku said wasn't it your fault? On this side note, in the morning, Mizuta Kouki also had a calendar event at Shibuya and he blamed Shota for coming to Shibuya on the same day.
10/ Yoshitaku remembered the day when they filmed Danshi Tabi with Yoshizawa Ryo in Yamanashi. They just said that the sky was clear and it was a perfect day for biking. But, the moment Shota got on his road bike, it started raining.
11/ Thing Yoshitaku likes about Shota:
- he treats people tenderly. When they are a bit down, Shota will come and pat their shoulders, unconsciously without saying anything (Shota: wow, that so cool)
Thing Yoshitaku doesn't like about Shota:
- he is really depressing. Like, when they were finished practicing Handsome, other members went for meals, they invited Shota but Shota refused and went home. They asked if anything happened but Shota said nothing and just went home, he just liked to go home. But in the end, Yoshitaku also loves that trait of Shota (a good girl's trait).
12/ thing Shota likes about Yoshitaku:
- he is good at talking in shows
Shota doesn't have anything he doesn't like about Yoshitaku (lol)
13/ Shota and Yoshitaku haven't gone out privately together. To this, Shota said he and Kouki were only business-like relationship and only interacted on SNS. Yoshitaku: don't say that, you two did an event together!
14/ One fan asked about the most memorable moment of the two in Handsome Live.
- for Yoshitaku, it was in 2012 opening (he said 2014 but it was 2012) when he made the appearance after Nomura Shuhei and did a pose. But Yoshitaku lost balance and he got down to his knees, it was rather an embarrassing moment than a good memorable one.
- for Shota, in HF2016, in Music Award, he accidentally hit Hirama Soichi's face. Soichi was very nice but Shota apologized immediately.
15/ Memorable scenes in Kamen Rider:
- for Yoshitaku: the role he played was a 15 y.o kid while he was 29 at that time, and when the Kamen Rider transformed, he had to act so excitedly, and it was a bit embarrassing for him (hmm, i don't watch Build I'm not sure about this...)
- for Shota: the legendary scene with Medic at the beach, "I've always wanted to see your face like this"
16/ While they were asking the audience for questions, Shota questioned Pachiku's hairstyle, why would he cut it like this (Shota, please, lol)
17/ if Shota and Yoshitaku were to make a manzai duo, Shota would be a boke. But with Imura factory, Yoshitaku was a boke.
18/ Someone asked Shota to be a wall again, this time with Pachiku as a girl and Yoshitaku did the kabe-don pose and said to Pachiku "uglyyyy"
19/ Yoshitaku quiz: "Did Shota ever call Yoshitaku "chibi ojisan"?". The answer was yes. During Handsome practice, Shota suddenly walked to Yoshitaku and said, "eh, chibi ojisan" (Shota: that's rude). The previous day, it was Ryu who said that then Shota just repeated it in the morning (Shota: Kamiki, the bad guy; Yoshitaku: maybe Ryu didn't actually say it)
20/ Yoshitaku and Shota's mini skit, they had to say lines from fans, "I don't like that about you" and "You haven't changed". The name of the skit "Ano hi no bokura (Us back then)"
Basically, they acted as 2 long-term friends having a conversation at the river. Some notable lines:
Shota: how about your marriage?
Yoshitaku: marriage huh, i haven't. you?
Shota: i did, i got married
Yoshitaku: maybe not kids then?
Shota: I do, I have 3 kids
Yoshitaku: EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!?????!!!??????
Yoshitaku: we were just talking about you dating Miki-chan then you got married then you have kids. I don't like that about you
Shota: you still haven't changed at all
Yoshitaku: where?!?!?!
Yoshitaku: i have something to say to you, I've been dating your sister
Shota: huh, i don't have a sister
The end of the skit ~
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totheendofthisroad · 2 years
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13th Mar 2018: Matsushima Shota’s Instagram
Matsushima Shota and Kamiki Ryunosuke went to hang out together again.
“Went for a date. Tired. Good night.”
Not gonna lie, CPs that aren’t created due to official directions from the agency are still the best CPs.
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totheendofthisroad · 3 years
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Matsushima Shota & Mizuta Kouki at SHL
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totheendofthisroad · 3 years
[translation] Mizuta Kouki’s line blog on 12.26.2021
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The end of Christmas, it’s a Sunday. A cold Sunday.
The next day of Christmas is Sunday. Just a Sunday, right.
It’s not a special day or anything, right.
The day after Christmas, the day when you don’t have anything to do the most, is 26th December.
Is it because of year-end, or because of Christmas, I’m feeling complicated about today.
It seems to be Matsushima Shota’s birthday.
Still, not something worth to mention.
The two of us being 31 years old will have streaming on 4th January.
The two of use being born in December will have a lovely competition in sports.
Not that lovely though. Truly!
Still, I hope you guys will enjoy it.
Matsushima Shota.
Happy Birthday.
It’s good to have you here.
- Egao Doufuu -
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totheendofthisroad · 3 years
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This is for @sakuraleagein who “badly needed pure inspiration” for her upcoming finals and requested for them hansamu-tachi pre-2015. If you’re following this blog closely, then you already know that I’ve been thoroughly distracted this past month I can barely talk about anything else… but finally, here is your long-awaited request!
Amuse Presents SUPER ハンサム LIVE
Only these 3 because while my precious son joined SHL in 2009, no SHL dvds were released from 2009 to 2011. There were The Game 2009 and The Game 2010 dvds instead.
Your finals may have already come and gone (if it has, I hope you did well!) but them hansamu-tachi can still very well inspire you for future exams, right?
Publicly sharing this with all other Amuse fans who also need a dose of inspiration while anticipating the 2016 show. You’re welcome. ;)
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totheendofthisroad · 3 years
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[extract from Watanabe Keisuke and Matsushima Shota interviews from Awesome issue 41/2021]
- Watanabe Keisuke is also on this issue, do you have anything to say to him?
Matsushima Shota: Oh, since he cut his hair he hasn’t met me~ he’s got a troubled but beautiful face (laughs) Before this circumstance, I firmly told him “let’s go to eat yakiniku” but even now he still sends me LINE “When are we going for yakiniku?”. Even though he is younger, he always teases me, somehow I want him to stay that way. “When the thing comes down, I’ll take you to yakiniku, wait for me” please say this to him (laughs)
- Furthermore, in the same issue, we have a message from Matsushima Shota, “The promised yakiniku, I’ll take you so please wait”
Watanabe Keisuke: Ahaha, at times like these. Shota is really close to a friend to me. A person who is transparent and has no boundaries with anyone, a very interesting person. I’m also like that, even when he says some silly things, even the part “not too hyper” is also the same as me. We laugh at the same things, we’re alike.
- Asides from going for yakiniku, is there anything else do you want to do with him?
Watanabe Keisuke: If the situation is not to bad like now, I want to go to hot spring. Actually, we’ve made a promise to go before but things turned out like this and we haven’t gone. I want to go to hot spring with Shota and Kamiki. If we do go, I’ll announce you, please wait for it (laughs)
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totheendofthisroad · 3 years
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[Watanabe Keisuke about Matsushima Shota in Awesome issue 34/ 2020]
- During Handsome Live, there were also a lot of seniors participating, did you have a chance to talk to them?
Keisuke: The one I talked to the most was Matsushima Shota-san. He’s got the same vibe as me.
- I get it. It’s like the two of you laugh at the same thing?
Keisuke: Something like that. We’re both the type of saying funny things. But if someone butts in, saying some other funny things, we will back off and stop talking (laughs). During the live, Matsushima-san was unexpectedly silent, absorbing himself, what a way of a performer should be, I thought.
- You got interested in him before?
Keisuke: Indeed. Before, I’d always taken an interest in Matsushima-san. When I talked about it, it turned out that he also got interested in me long before. Soon after that, we just got on.
- You made the first move?
Keisuke: Yes. After the event ended, I exchanged the contact with him. Then, he told me, “let’s go for a meal”, I was so happy. After he said it, we just start calling each other everyday (laughs)
- In the previous issue, Matsushima-san said that he wanted to pinch out the positiveness in the growing young of team Handsome.
Keisuke: Is that so? Then us younger ones have to kick their asses too (laughs) 
- Ahaha. It’s great that you can say something like this.
Keisuke: It’s really great. Matsushima-san’s way of talking with good words is amazing. When I get the talk like that, it’s became easier for us to communicate with. It’s like you can guess the idea. It’s good like that.
[ Matsushima Shota about Watanabe Keisuke in Awesome issue 35/ 2020]
- When we did an interview with Watanabe Keisuke-san, Matsushima-san’s name always came up.
Shota: Ah, this time I really talked to Keisuke a lot (laughs)
- You two really like each other (laughs)
Shota: Ahaha. That guy, even though he is super handsome, he is so funny. Maybe because our vibes are the same? We’re both the kind of saying silly things. But when someone says other things between us, we will withdraw right away (laughs)
- Meaning that you’re aware of your surroundings?
Shota: When you say like that, it does feel like that (laughs). Maybe because during Handsome live, he stood behind me, it became like that.
- What’s the reason you got close to Watanabe-san?
Shota: We were doing Handsome Live together but with the Stay Home time, we called each other a lot. Actually I’ve only met him around 4 or 5 times. Even that, each time, we just get closer and closer, really get along. Now, we’re talking about things like, “when this situation has come down, let’s go to Hakone’s hot spring”. 
- Even with only a short time of knowing each other, you two still get along very well.
Shota: Yes. Our thinking is matching. Everytime I see him, I feel calmed.
- That’s love, isn’t it..? (laughs)
Shota: It’s blooming (laughs)
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totheendofthisroad · 3 years
Kujira no ita natsu engsub download
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Title: Kujira no ita natsu
Year: 2014
Director: Yoshida Yasuhiro
Cast: Nomura Shuhei, Matsushima Shota, Hamao Kyosuke, Matsuoka Takuya
Trailer: youtube
Engsub download: Furritsubs
Story: Coming-of-age film directed and written by Enoshima Prism's Yoshida Yasuhiro. Chuya (Nomura), who has been living without dreams or aspirations, decides to go to Tokyo. However, his resolve wavers after Yumiko (Satsukawa Aimi), an older girl who he looks up, returns from Tokyo. Chuya starts to doubt his decision.
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totheendofthisroad · 3 years
[Shota & Ryu trip in October 2014]
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[photo from Ryu’s twitter and text from Shota’s twitter. it’s old but it’s a lovely memory between them i want to re-share it]
“Tomorrow the weather forecast says it will be rainy and cold
But I’ll be on a trip with him the two of us
I’m really a rain man, aren’t I?”
“We’ve been hanging out for 6 years now
We went on a trip with us two only and there was nothing uncomfortable at all
With works, I really respect him
With him being here, I feel at peace with the life alone in Tokyo.
I had so much fun!
Good night.”
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totheendofthisroad · 4 years
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Matsushima Shota x Mizuta Kouki ~ AKITABI ~ We’re 20 years old now let’s go to a trip ~
[long time ago, Shota had always called me "Kouki-san, Kouki-san" but I said "we're the same age casual speaking is fine". To that, Shota humbly replied "not, it's not good like that". But as time went by, it has just become as "hey, Mizuta"]
[we were next door at dorms and went to lesson together but the main reason for this "MatsuMizu combi" was when we filmed a travel show together at age 20. Harutabi in spring and Akitabi in autumn, we ate delicious food, played sports, played games, etc it was like a date. Now to think back, we did filming without any script, turned out it was a bit fun and interesting and awkward]
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totheendofthisroad · 4 years
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Matsushima Shota x Nakagawa Taishi - Ao Oni Ver 2.0
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