#aoyama ryota
save-the-data · 11 months
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Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo | S01E05
Japanese Drama - 2023, 5 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Catalogue
Amane's smile and laugh is infectious, this concluded perfectly.
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mimi-cantabile · 1 year
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Ah this isn’t what happened in chapter 4 or in that Aoyama loop eh…
Ops. These freaking angels messing with our mind…
For real, though: is it too much to wish for Ryota to realize he has got such big angel wings on his back?💕
“Someday you’ll notice, I pray that you’ll realize these wings on your back aren’t a dream.”
And don’t let me start about the fact the whole Cruel Angel Thesis seems to fit him so perfectly (and his bond with MC too).
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bright-red-sunsets · 6 months
Does your MC character change during Main Quest? Especially during Book 2?
I'm assuming you're talking about Housamo so here I go with my MC ramble hehehehe (P.S. oh god this ramble got a bit out of hand lol)
Before I get into it, two things.
1) I'm close to finishing chapter 10 so I'm not caught up to date. This also means I can't say much about Part 2 unfortunately.
2) my MC's name is Mango and I'll be using they/them, but they don't care much about pronouns.
I think they do change a lot.
The writing tries to show MC having a nearly unshakeable will and clear goal in mind in any situation, but Mango is like, a lot less sure at the start.
Initially, Mango is just going with the flow and going along with the expectations people have of them. Mango doesn't have memories, so they end up feeling like they Are all these people others claim them to be.
Ryota is one of the more important characters when it comes to Mango's growth as a person. In the Aoyama guild arc, Ryota confesses to Mango that he wants to have a special bond with someone, the way Shiro & Kengo have and Maria & Gabriel have. That makes Mango realize that their experiences with Ryota are something more tangible to care about.
From that point on, Mango develops a stronger sense of Self. While they want to honor the feelings others have, they also recognize that they aren't all their past lives – they're the person here and now. Mango allows themself to be more selfish and stop trying to be the person others want. (On a lighter note, this also means they act increasingly more sarcastic when someone starts calling them a different name, "Another one for my list...")
Throughout and after the Roponggi arc is when Mango gains some proper maturity. Toji, even though Mango extensively thinks he has a stick up his ass, does challenge them and whether they're taking this seriously enough. And hell, Mango has to admit maybe Toji does know what he's talking about.
The finale is another point that greatly affects Mango. The more they learn about the loops, the stronger their resolve is to end the Game and live their life. But when they learn about the loop(s) where they were Babalon's family... that really hits them...
The start of Part 2 is maybe my favorite part of the story so far, especially in terms of how MC is characterized. HELL, Mango's collapse forces them to confront all their flaws. Mango has let people die! Mango has people who put faith in them! They are confronting their own capacity to harm others and desperately grasping for ways to protect the people they're close to.
This is the peak to everything Mango has been becoming so far. They are selfish and recognize they can harm others. Mango doesn't just jump into action blindly, they plan extensively with the Summoners (and when they don't, they put their whole faith in that Shiro does). In many ways they are similar to how they started, but with the added depth of doing it all intentionally and compensating where they failed.
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totheendofthisroad · 1 year
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Ruito Aoyagi (30th) / Ryota Aoyama / Kazuki Ishiga / Kenta Izuka / Tomohiro Iwasaki / Takuya Uehara / Masaki Ota / Shouma Kai (30th) / Yuta Koseki / Dori Sakurada (29th) / Kentaro Tomita / Taisuke Niihara / Misato Higashijima / Katsumi Hyodo / Soichi Hirama (30th) / Nayuta Fukuzaki / Kanata Hosoda / Shota Matsushima / Kouki Mizuta (30th) / Takuya Mizoguchi / Hikaru Yamazaki
* Live: download Backstage/BTS: download
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mamaito · 1 year
[Housamo] Chapter 13 - 3
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[Ryota] "…"
[Maria] "I see, from the information you've given me, they are raising their man in arms in order to counteract what they deemed as a [weapon]-- Weaponizing said knowledge of various loops for their selfish reasons."
"And now they are spreading propaganda by choosing specific memories of war in order to hurt who they deemed as a trophy."
"A loop where in the past is a vivid memory of people hurting one another."
[Hanuman] "…"
[Hati] "… Just as she said, when push comes to shove, you're forced to take it into your hands and the ones who you call friends are not protected from it."
[Ryota] "…"
[Hati] "Do we trust you? Of course, we do.. I, too, know that you're all in good faith."
"However, if it was the opposite.. As for me personally, If ever I am in the position in which I am forced to take it into my own hands and choose between me and my friends, I will do it…"
"… This app's trophy has established a will to determine the outcome of it all, regardless of her chosen form and emotional scars, she has decided to move on forward regardless to finish it."
"But-- That is all in accordance to her memories that has remained of her before she disappears again into the world. How are you sure that she'll ever be successful as you say in accomplishing it?"
"… It is but a sad state of affairs for everyone involved. Whenever I [remember], I am always overwhelmed, out of breath and frightened."
"Because of that, before it can go unnoticed… The guild must go."
[Azazel] "… Even then, any member of that guild has been isolated by the community. In that case… It is only natural that we ought to lend a hand, isn't it so?"
[Ryota] "A-Azazel! I'm sorry for intruding! Long time no see."
[Maria] "Sir Azazel.. I agree. There is no returning back to peace at this point."
[Hati] "To what extent, Azazel! Are you fully aware that you're bringing us in immense danger?"
[Maria] "Pardon my intrusion, Hati. But we ought to respect sir Azazel's request to investigate the area."
[Hati] "Is there any point in investigating?"
[Azazel] "Of course, Maria. We must harvest what we can get."
"Still-- It is still worth a shot, does it not? Remember that this is still your home."
[Maria] "No, I do not mind. I-- I also recall everything in regard to the past loops."
[Hati] "… !? W-wait just a minute, Maria!"
"May I speak with you privately? When I spoke to others about what they remembered, they couldn't trust anyone anymore, and yet you still wish to trust them?"
[Maria] "Yes, I understand where I am going with this. That is why, I, too-- Do not wish the same results of what I recalled to happen anymore."
"I do not plan to let myself be stuck to the memories of the pain that everyone else was forced to remember."
"This will also be my first time to stand on my own two feet and fight out into the field."
"That is what my heart is saying, and that is why I must go forward."
[Gabriel] "…"
[Ryota] "…"
[Maria] "Ryota has also called out for me so for his sake as well-- I will also grant it."
[Ryota] "I wished for it? So you'd agree to a collaboration for my sake..?"
[Maria] "… Yes, we can talk about it later. As for you, Hanuman."
[Hanuman] "Hm? Ah- Yes, yes, that'd be me! I was in such a serious mood that my mouth was shut tight!"
[Maria] "Hanuman, there's a reason for this invitation from the very beginning. Even the headmaster as well, would like to grant your request."
[Hanuman] "Was my request been finally entertained? Then leave it to me! I shall do what it is for everybody!"
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-- In Taito ward, Asakusa. A certain guild could be seen here.
The students walked the same streets as the Asakusa guild in order to get an advantage within the area of their school--
And once more with Kabukicho who has basically held a nonagression policy with the outside and has abstained.
Time and time again, an appeal for a collaboration with the Aoyama guild has been met with silence--
[Ryota] "What did you suddenly want to converse with us with, I wonder?"
[Gandharva] "I wasn't aware of your guild master back then, I apologize--"
"Seeing that prince Hanuman has been seeking help, the growing need for a collaboration is a must."
Seeing that the young prince and his companion are here, the artist-monk, Gandharva used a rather courteous tone towards them.
[Ryota] "I-in other words, I shouldn't call Hanuman without addressing him formally from now on..?"
[Hanuman] "I told you to quit with the princely stuff, Gandharva~ Stop trying to police Ryota on how he speaks to me!"
[Gandharva] "As the son of the god, lord Vayu.. Is it not right to do so?"
[Hanuman] "Come on, I wish to live carefree in tokyo and be addressed however one is pleased with, alright!"
[Ryota] "Ah, then from now on I won't be calling you lord Hanuman and say apologize, is that alright with you?"
[Hanuman] "Sure thing, Ryota! My ass itches each time I'm referred to as prince."
[Gandharva] "As I was saying, even I can do what he can do. So from now on you can rely on the Asakusa guild."
"Right now, you may bring one representative to go introduce yourselves to us."
As they talk, a line starts to form around the Asakusa's kaminarimon.* *(Thunder gate.)
[Ryota] "Why, if it isn't the kaminarimon. From what I remember.. The wind god and the thunder god were kept here."
Paper lanterns are seen hanging across the kaminarimon as two statues of buddha are oppositely pointing at one another according to Ryota's assessment.
Originally, it was said it could raise a storm of lightning onto the land and so the people have decided to enshrine the disaster with divine protection.
It is the reason why tokyo was able to build a barrier for it and since ancient times, the Asakusa has passed down this story since.
For some reaon, the legend from Asakusa seemed to be constantly talked about as it is believed that those who were from other worlds are to be their reincarnation and be sent here.
[Ryota] "Hm, huh.. The wind god? There seems to be a similar name to someone--"
[Hanuman] "The thunder god..? … D-don't tell me, Gandharva!?"
Hanuman recalled something as his body started to react with a sudden shudder, as though he's been struck by lightning itself. Involuntarily yelling the words out loud.
[Ryota] "W-what's wrong, Hanuman?"
[Gandharva] "That reminds me, I've spoken to the summoners guild master before--"
"From what I observed with my own eyes, within her is a rather dignified figure hailing from a country somewhere, similar to the thunder god, I presume?"
"… This Gandharva serves lord Vayu's son, Hanuman."
"However, it seems on this planet, the story of the divine protection is different."
"No matter who the previous thunder god was, lighting always follow as if to protect them, don't you think so?"
"In other words, this land's wind god and thunder god, as far as I am concerned, is implying that I am to serve another ruler."
"It seems for your sake as well, prince Hanuman, along with this friend of yours has received one."
"From now you'll be facing between Asakusa's Taito ward and Katsushika's Shibamata Taishakuten--"
[Ryota] "Taishakuten… Ah. Are you saying I'll be meeting someone there!?"
"… Huh, the thunder god? Even though it's a nice weather out today."
[Gandharva] "It is only natural for a servant to be thanking for clearer skies… That person better hurry."
Gandharva approached to where the sound was coming from, all the while scowling at the thought of the thunder god.
[Gandharva] ".. So it's the thunder god who you're after."
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In Aoyama Cemetary, Shibuya. Majority of the people from the Aoyama guild are buried there.
Hati called out to the guards to come and accompany him while Maria has the face of the guild on her shoulders.
[Maria] "… The wind has picked up it's pace. Even though it is supposed to be clear as day."
[Hati] "Maria, I will be leaving you here and go on up ahead to search the perimeters. No one's going to be able to see you here."
"As for me, I have an appointment to go to so I will have to excuse myself. Be alert on your surroundings."
Worst thing that could happen is if there's a traitor amongst them within the number of members there are.
In order to protect Maria, Hati volunteered to keep on the lookout to the surrounding area.
[Maria] "Thank you for everything, Hati. I'm off."
[Hati] "If anything happens don't forget to call me-- See ya later, Maria. Take care of yourself."
[Maria] "Now then.. Sorry to have kept you waiting -- Sir Jacob."
[Jacob] "I did not mind it in the slightest, miss Maria-- I'm sorry to have called you out here when you're so busy."
[Maria] "No need to worry, if it's orders from the guild master itself then I must."
[Jacob] "… Even if you call me by that title multiple times, I have already relinquished that position."
"Surely, miss Maria.. You would be more suitable for the position as guild master."
"You have the iron will to push on in spite of the thorny path ahead of you."
"… Despite having the knowledge of the memories from past loops, you're still willing to move forward."
[Maria] "… Surely, that's just what you think of me."
"Everyone has their own road to conquer while others are stopped and can no longer continue."
Whenever someone approached me to tell me they disagree with my beliefs, I did nothing except smile back quietly.
[Jacob] "…"
[Maria] "Even so, there are still a collective of weak individuals who needs to be protected."
"No one out there wanted this situation. We and the group of angels are on the brink of collapse."
"Even their emotional support, sir Arsalan, has disappeared now. The entire Aoyama guild are harboring mixed feelings."
[Jacob] "… But you're not here to complain, I take it."
[Maria] "Yes-- Of course. It is as you say, sir Jacob."
"Even if I am the only one left standing, I will build it back up."
"Even if the Aoyama guild is to befall tragedy once more, I will still face it and build it back up again."
"But if it's for the weak, I will keep protecting the Aoyama guild no matter what."
"… Even if it meant I am to go forth and face the tragedy that'll await me."
[Jacob] "Miss Maria… Even if you say it is a home to go to--"
Just as Jacob was to finish his sentence, he raised his hand up into the air and a sudden flash of light emerges-- giving out a blinding spectacle.
The light resembled a evolutionary tree, acting like a lantern as it shows the people from the past--
A memory where those companions from the neighboring tokyo are gravely hurt, always meeting their demise multiple times.
Maria burned those memories of the once before Aoyama guild collapsing from the situation many times.
[Jacob] "My sacred artifact [Life in Eden] has shown the path."
"It's purpose is to keep the memories from crossing over to this world--"
Maria stared blankly at the tragedy she was shown and despite everything, Jacob still found time to smile."
The recallment of memories may have ended, the two still stood their ground.
None of them we're falling to their knees out of despair, nor did one of them looked away from the tragedy.
[Jacob] "Miss Maria. I, Jacob, have made my resignation clear.. But you're still refusing to acknowledge it."
Jacob pulled his phone out and with the voice recognition on, he called for the application.
[Jacob] "Transfer the position for guild master of the Aoyama guild to Maria."
Jacob held onto his phone and showed the message that his order was received.
[Maria] "… Sir Jacob--"
[Jacob] "Miss Maria… No, let me just call you Maria now. I lend you my good luck, to you and the entirety of Aoyama."
"I, too, will await the battle to come. The Aoyama guild's biggest obstacle is none other than it's own ideology."
"If ever I am to swing my fist, I doubt I will ever hold back to any companion in front of me."
"So for your sake, Maria, and to your Aoyama guild… I officially leave it in your hands."
[Maria] "… Huh? The Aoyama guild's.. biggest obstacle…?"
"The memory you've shown me can't be the reason for it's collapse.. Is it?"
[Jacob] "… Maria, you've seen it with your own eyes. I compiled every loop out there, every sad memory."
"I've seen you overcome anything for the sake of that home of yours. But-- There is one new threat out there."
"The reason for why I have dedicated my entire life to my fist is because of the former owner of this sacred artifact I possess."
"I have been waiting and wandering for so long, but I'm afraid this might be the last time I will be waiting as this looming threat rules over the angels from the opposite side of it's palace."
"As the days close in for the final confrontation, I've so far have been to various places, going on journeys in order to polish my skills--"
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At that moment, the thunder god comes running in above the sky and everyone's field of view suddenly became shrouded in darkness.
With the cellphone still in hand vibrating an emergency warning, it then started giving out instructions in finding refuge.
[Shiro] "In the end, we were made to evacuate our safety zone and be prone for potential app battles."
"If a natural disaster is going to occur then we should seriously look for a stable building to take shelter in..!"
[Kengo] "Still, is there really heavy rain coming? I think it'll probably be crowded out in public."
At the south of Shinjuku, thunder clouds that are beating loudly could be seen through the sky making it's way to your direction.
[Kengo] "Geh, are you serious.. Th-those are some heavy rain clouds coming in! Yeah, I can see it from over south."
[Shiro] "… What did you say?"
When Shiro looked up to see the sky, he could see large clouds approaching from the south--
[Shiro] ".. Wait. Somethings wrong. It shouldn't be approaching this much for us to see it."
As a cloud approaches from where the tokyo bay is, Shiro starts to become suspicious at it continues to drift to the southeast direction.
-- Then droplets. A few more drops in, and after that, the group has asphalt from under their feet multiplying--
["Ah, it's already here."] ["… Hm? This is--"]
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[Maria] "… Rain? Even though the weather forecast said--"
[Jacob] "Maria, your sacred artifact is out in the open! You musn't expose it to the rain!!"
[Maria] "… Sir Jacob? I understand, I'll go open the app--"
[Jacob] "No need, just hurry!!"
Maria's sacred artifact started to cast a light and the growth of thorns were suddenly concealed by the one hovering above the sky.
[Maria] "… The application won't let me use my sacred artifact. Is this--?"
[Jacob] "This is no ordinary rain, this-- Is someone's skill."
[Maria] "… How could this be! Hati and the others would've reported to me about the danger!"
Hati and the others would have sent a message in regards to the dangers of the rain to Maria by now. But at that moment--
[Stranger] "Ah-- The end of this world, at the mercy of it's rain. My master sends his condolences, heheh, ahahah…!"
[Both] "… Kh!?"
A figure appears out of nowhere in the Aoyama cemetery that Maria and Jacob immediately began to position themselves for battle.
[Maria] "No one should've been able to know our whereabouts-- This sensation, how on earth-- Huh!?"
"That silhouette, it.. It can't be!?"
[Jacob] "… That voice, it can't be, to think you'd have the audacity to copy his own voice, come into the light."
Both of Jacob's hands rested at his sacred artifact in preparation for the infinite, as they wait for the light to arrive, he started to write in the shape of the number eight--
[Jacob] "Just as I thought, this loop is the [Last Judgement] day--"
[Maria] "Is that right? The messenger of the end, Israfil!"
[Zabaniyya?] "Lamentable beings, how pitiable it must in the lord's eye that none of you have earned nothing in his favor…"
"It is I, Israfil. Along with the rain's affection, the messenger of the end has also appeared."
"So please, witness it with your own eyes the destruction that's about to come-- Heheh… Heh, Ahahahahah!!"
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As Shiro strikes back at the rain, he finds nothing that could be considered dangerous at it was as fragile, and yet he couldn't help but find it strange.
Upon observing the rainfall further, he concluded that it feels different than usual.
Shiro found it odd that when the rain touches any surface, it starts to spread out further-- Then he remembered something.
[Shiro] "This is--!"
It wasn't unusual for some to enter inside, but Shiro can't help but feel that someone else is there with them.
From the time when Yog-Sothoth's seal was peeled off and memories of that individual came rushing him, it was that similar feeling--
[Shiro] "Ito, Kengo! This is no ordinary rain-- We're being attacked by someone's ability!"
["We're being attacked by someone's rain ability?"] ["Even though this is a closed off domain!?"] ["No, wait, this was similar to that one time--!"]
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[Therian Student] "… Hm?"
[Otherwordly Ruler] "-- What's wrong? You suddenly stopped using your sacred artifact."
[Therian Student] "No, it's nothing.. Must be my imagination."
"-- Just as I thought! I must be feeling weak.. It's all in my head!"
"This app's closed off domain must be expanding-- I've already used my sacred artifact!?"
[Otherworldly Ruler] "What'd you just say..!? Stop saying stupid things--"
".. No way. It really did say you've used it, even though you haven't yet!!"
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[(Could it be that it's the same one?)] [(No, what if I'm wrong--!?)]
As you were thinking, the rain gradually worsened and the chance of escaping was null void.
[Shiro] "… Kengo! Ito is--!"
[Kengo] "On it, leave it to me, Shiro! Sorry if I'm about to go rough on ya, Ito--"
Kengo held Ito in his arms and over his shoulders. He started to make a break for it on the roof of the building.
[Kengo] "Urryyaa! … Take this!!"
Ito was then thrown out from the rain's range.
She was fortunate, as the rain's number one priority was to get in contact with Ito's body by appearing as not so subtle rain.
["Shiro!"] ["Kengo!"] ["You two--!!"]
[Both] "It's coming!!"
They were both engulfed by the unnatural rain-- And then it started to inflict harm.
[Shiro] "Gh.. Guh..!"
Shiro's self started to fade and found it hard to think, and for the second time, he wondered the reason for concealment of Shinjuku in the first place.
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At that time, Shinjuku consisted of six districts, and from outside of these walls, many would send transients in.
Many during those times held the concept of [one who hold's authority] in amass numbers. The app's closed up domain, too, was no different.
Because of it, the app's sacred artifact had the ability to exercise it's will.
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[Shiro] "If.. If no one ever yearned for it. This tokyo would've-- Aaahh!?"
The rain's ability did not overlook both Shiro and Kengo as it downpoured over their bodies.
[Kengo] "Kh, Th.. Isn't this a bit too hot? My body's growing weaker--!"
The battle of willpower has started and the two fight off the increasing heat covering their entire body.
There'd be no more pain, nor hatred-- But the overflowing love in it's place.
[Both] "Ah, Aaahhh--!?"
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-- As the rain pour, from it's even elevated place of the skies is a being looking on at Tokyo.
With nothing but the brimming affection it disperses. Gazing with utmost affection at everything that's been created.
Everything was equally loved-- And feelings were surging through his eyes.
[World's Leading Representative] "-- I've come to love this world. I will wash away all of it's grief."
"Come.. And remember your beginnings in delight. For when there were no wars, nor wounds to be inflicted."
"For I am Wakan Tanka∞.. Where there is no limit nor exception I can't do--"
And so the skies gave them this individual, Wakan Tanka∞, holding him up as the rain dances around him.
His body brimming with love of the rain as it then conceals him back into the clouds, continuing to downpour onto Tokyo--
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dorokora · 2 years
Chapter 14 Prologue Part 2:
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We start with the continuation from the Kirito/Mononobe flashback loop. Mononobe seems to be saying something to Kirito with a serious face. We cut to the Summoners (MC, Shiro, Kengo, and Ryota). Shiro goes over the information that he received from MC about the three (four) guild war going on in Ikebukoro. According to the info Shiro received from Toji, fights are breaking out between the guild elsewhere. Shiro goes over the info that the Entertainers are entering the fight and that they need more info on them before they can make their move. Shiro starts going over on where some people are right now. The Missionaries, the Gurus and Hanuman are evacuating Aoyama. The missionaries are at a disadvantage due to losing most of their angels to the Rule Makers and from losing Arsalan. Maria should be currently meeting up with the Gurus Guildmaster. Now onto the Tycoons, Toji and the Tycoons along with Tadatomo are searching for the a dungeon similar to the previous ones from the AR quests. They will need them to get info from past loops. Kengo and Ryota both received emergency message from Moritaka and Hanuman to come help. Kengo and Ryota left the safehouse. Shiro starts talking to MC about Mononobe’s memories. There were one part that’s worrisome. The unsolved murder incident that happened in CH2. We flashback to scenes from that chapter. Shiro also start talking about how MC first met Kirito. More flashbacks to CH2. After that, Shiro says that the case from then still hasn’t been sliced yet. The culprit was never caught. Shiro looked into Mononobe’s memory box and saw that Mononobe talked to the higher ups of the police to keep the matter of the incident in Shinjuku. Shiro saw that only one person was a major suspect. After Mononobe’s involvement, the investigation was stopped and Mononobe went to go meet with the suspect in private. That person was Kirito. Flashback to CH3 when MC saw Kirito with Oniwaka. It seems they will need the third memory box to get the full story of what Mononobe wanted to talk to Kirito about. Shiro tells MC that Arc went to go find Kirito and that they’ll contact Shiro when they find him. Shiro begins to tell MC that the murder victim from CH2 was matched with a certain student, down to their physical appearance, age, and blood type. But that shouldn’t be possible. The victim’s name was MC’s. Then Bigfoot appeared in the safehouse to greet the Summoners.
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dekusheroacademia · 1 year
Full cast for musical 4
(with twitter links)
shin tamura as Izuku Midoriya ryota kobayashi as Katsuki Bakugo yume takeuchi as Ochaco Uraraka naoki takeshi as Tenya Iida ryo kitamura as Shoto Todoroki mao noguchi as Tsuyu Asui naoki tanaka as Eijiro Kirishima yugo sato as Denki Kaminari shinichi hashimoto as Yuga Aoyama saaya yamasaki as Momo Yaoyorozu nagato okui as Minoru Mineta rin matsubara as Fumikage Tokoyami akari kawakami as Kyoka Jiro shin ikeda as Hanta Sero yume nagatoshi as Mina Ashido keisuke ohkubo as Mezo Shoji yuta chatani as Ojiro sakaue shoma as Sato mirano takei plays Hatsume Mei and Camie judai shirakashi as Inasa and Masaru Bakugou shunto imai as Shishikura Seiji haruna morodomi as Tatami Nakagame and Inko Midoriya akiyoshi tsujimura as Shindo Yo anju inami as Himiko Toga (only in video) yusuke seto as Eraser Head yuki okamoto as Present Mic and Tiger (instagram) tasuku yoshioka as All Might and Yokumiru Mera ami kiuchi as Midnight ohara mayuko as Ms Joke and Mitsuki Bakugou
I only miss Gang Orca and Itejiro Toteki, I think.
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northlight14 · 1 year
✨Trans headcanon’s✨
Have an ongoing thread that’s basically just this but wanted to make this anyway so here you go🤷
This is including both binary and non-binary trans headcanon’s so buckle up cuz I’ve got a lot!
Death note:
- L (agender, he/they) (believes gender is dumb and a social construct and he’s way too busy solving crimes to care about it)
- Near (non-binary, they/them)
- Matt (trans masc, he/they)
My Hero Academia:
- Bakugo (trans ftm, he/him)
- Aizawa (trans ftm, he/him)
- Present Mic (genderfluid, he/they/she)
- Aoyama (bigender, she/he)
- Mina (paragirl, she/they)
- Asui (non-binary, she/they/frog)
- Denki (questioning, he/they)
- Jirou (non-binary, she/they or they/she)
- Sero (non-binary, they/he)
Tokoyami (genderqueer, he/it/shadow/dark/xe)
Todoroki (non-binary, they/them and experimenting with other pronouns too)
Kendo (agender, they/she/he)
Shigaraki (either amab non-binary or trans masc, he/they/it)
Attack on Titan:
- Armin (non-binary/demiboy, they/he) (legit one of my first thoughts when seeing Armin ngl)
Demon Slayer:
- Inoske (libramasc, he/they)
Saiki K:
- Kaidou (non-binary, he/they/shadow/dark/it)
- Kuboyasu (paraboy, he/they)
Dr Stone:
- Gen (non-binary, all pronouns with a preference for they/them)
- Junko (genderfluid, she/her)
- Celeste (trans mtf, she/her)
- Mondo (trans ftm, he/him)
- Byakuya (non-binary, they/them or they/she) (honestly I support any trans Byakuya headcanon, the non-binary one is just my personal favourite)
- Kyoko (librafemme, she/they)
- Peko (trans mtf, she/her)
- Nagito (demiboy, he/they/it)
- Hajime (ftm, he/him)
- Sonia (trans mtf, she/her)
- Fuyuhiko (trans ftm, he/him)
- Kazuichi (trans ftm, he/him)
- Mahiru (paragirl or demigirl, she/they)
- Ibuki (genderfluid, she/they)
- Gundham (trans ftm, he/they/neopronouns)
- Chiaki (trans mtf, she/her)
- Kaede (trans mtf, she/her)
- Shuichi (trans ftm, he/him)
- Kokichi (trans ftm, he/him/they)
- Ultimate Imposter (agender, they/them)
- Ryota (non-binary, they/them)
- Ki-Bo (agender, they/he)
- Rantaro (either trans masc or amab demiboy, he/they)
- Hinata (trans masc, he/they)
- Sugawara (libramasc, they/he)
- Shimizu (trans mtf, she/her)
- Yachi (trans mtf, she/her)
- Kenma (they/them)
Sk8 the infinity:
- Reki (trans ftm, he/him)
- Langa (trans ftm, he/him)
- Miya (non-binary, they/them)
Death Parade:
- Decim (libramasc, he/they)
- Mai Takada (trans mtf, she/her)
Bungo stray dogs:
- Atsushi (libramasc, they/he)
- Dazai (genderfluid, he/they)
- Yosano (trans mtf, she/her)
- Ranpo (trans masc, he/they)
- Junichiro (trans ftm, he/him)
- Chuuya (trans masc, he/they with a preference for he/him) (Chuuya gives me too much gender envy to be cis)
- Gin (genderfluid, she/they/he)
- Akutagawa (idk what he is, I just know he’s not cisgender😂)
- Poe (agender/trans masc, he/they)
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
- Aang (trans ftm, he/him)
Roleslaying With Roman:
- Henderson (trans ftm, he/him)
- Burgundy Red (trans femme, she/they) (pronouns canon, gender unconfirmed)
- Noise (trans masc non-binary, he/they) (pronouns canon, gender unconfirmed)
Ace Attorney:
- Mia Fey (trans mtf, she/her)
- Ron DeLite (trans ftm, he/him)
- Barok van Zieks (trans ftm, he/him
- Wocky Kitaki (trans ftm, he/him)
- Apollo Justice (trans ftm, he/him
Jujutsu Kaisen
- Megumi Fushiguro (trans ftm, he/him)
- Mahito (agender, they/them)
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zaptap · 2 years
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i was wondering who the people who perform the c-side songs were who were credited in the behind the scenes clickbait video so i checked the wiki but they weren’t there
SO i took some time to translate them all myself (which was an interesting process, found a website called jlearn that has a kanji search by radical that lets you select multiple to narrow it down, then as i identified them i kept doing searches in vgmdb until i got the full names matched) (tbh i should’ve found a kanji recognition app to just draw them in on my phone, that’s what i did on my kindle fire when i translated a few pokespe chapters 10 years ago. would’ve gone faster i’m sure)
and then i added them to the wiki (except the engineer because he’s not really a band member idk)
Male Vocal: Yoshimasa Masukura (増倉 義将)
Female Vocal: Miki Aihara (会原 実希)
Guitar: Yohske Yamamoto (山本 陽介)
Bass: Ryosuke Nikamoto (二家本 亮介)
Drums: Hideki Aoyama (青山 英樹)
Engineer: Ryota Gomi (五味 涼太)
fun trivia: miki aihara arranged a song for pokemon koko (”the hum of the forest”), yohske yamamoto played guitar for the pokemon xy ending “doridori,” ryosuke nikamoto played the bass for xenoblade definitive edition, and hideki aoyama played drums on triangle strategy’s soundtrack
that’s the first time i’ve edited inkipedia since i made the page for the original splatnet 7 years ago (it released in japanese first but the wiki didn’t cover it, so i started putting something together and then it launched in english and i was ready for it immediately)
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
Paper Rings (Danganronpa x Boku No Hero Academia)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/yHL0XhN
by hitoshis, shipping_my_idiots
Hope's Peak Academy, a school that is known to be the greatest of all of Japan
It is home to students who have extraordinary Ultimate talents from the Ultimate Pop Sensation to the Ultimate Baseball Star. From the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader to even the Ultimate Fashionista. The school is known for helping students and pushing them to a bright future to show the world what they can do with their Ultimates
UA is a school that is home to students who are born with extraordinary superpowers, known as quirks. The school is known for shaping and helping their students and lead them into becoming superheroes of their own one day
Of course, nobody just attends the schools all willy nilly, they moreso scout for those who would do great and would attend the school, it's how it always was
But one day UA and Hope's Peak came together and settled on an agreement to have UA merge into Hope's Peak Academy, so the school got a lot of renovations done to extend the prestigious school to how it is today
 or: Hope's Peak and UA decided to merge together and we take a look at what life is like there
Words: 567, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of I Love You So Whatever: Danganronpa x BNHA Crossover Main Story
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Hinata Hajime, Saihara Shuichi, Akamatsu Kaede, Midoriya Izuku, there's more characters but ao3 won't let me tag them all, Original Characters, mostly the family/parents of some of the cast tho
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Saihara Shuichi, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Kirigiri Kyoko/Uraraka Ochako, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Aoyama Yuuga, Sonia Nevermind/K1-B0, Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki/Tsumiki Mikan, Kaminari Denki/Shiroghane Tsumugi, Soda Kazuichi/Hatsume Mei, Amami Rantaro/Chabashira Tenko, Kamukura Izuru/Iruma Miu, Oma Kokichi/Saionji Hiyoko, Asui Tsuyu/Yumeno Himiko, Kuwata Leon/Mioda Ibuki, Celestia Ludenberg/Maizono Sayaka, Gokuhara Gonta/Nanami Chiaki, Hinata Hajime/Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinguji Korekiyo/Koizumi Mahiru, Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito, Asahina Aoi/Hoshi Ryoma, Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Iida Tenya/Kirishima Eijirou, Kimura Seiko/Komaeda Nagito, Akamatsu Kaede/Tanaka Gundham, Mitarai Ryota/Utsushimi Camie, Andou Ruruka/Monoma Neito, Tojo Kirumi/Fukawa Touko, Hadou Nejire/Gekkogahara Miaya, Kendou Itsuka/Yonaga Angie, Hagakure Tooru/Jirou Kyouka, Tokoyami Fumikage/Kuzuryu Natsumi, Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio, Shishikura Seiji/Fujisaki Chihiro/Ojiro Mashirao/Ikusaba Mukuro, Komori Kinoko/Kuroiro Shihai, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Izayoi Sonosuke, Awase Yosetsu/Honenuki Juuzou/Kaibara Sen/Naegi Komaru, Shindou You/Yoarashi Inasa/Kodai Yui, Owari Akane/Pekoyama Peko, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu/Tsuburaba Kousei/Sato, Nidai Nekomaru/Owada Mondo/Yanagi Reiko, Past Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi - Relationship, past Monoma Neito/Shindou You, Koizumi Mahiru & Sato, Komaeda Nagito & Nanami Chiaki & Saionji Hiyoko & Oma Kokichi, Hinata Hajime & Kuzuryu Natsumi & Shinsou Hitoshi, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu & Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako, Hinata Hajime & Komaeda Nagito & Nanami Chiaki & Kuzuryu Natsumi & Shinsou Hitoshi, there's a lot more friend groups but I don't think I can fit them all, Yasuhiro is flying solo here, same with Junko, Ultimate Imposter/Shiozaki Ibara/Tsunotori Pony/Tokage Setsuna/Fukidashi Manga
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, i think idk if this counts or not, Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Rare Pairings, Fluff and Angst, there's a actual plot...somewhere, Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru Are Twins, Everyone Is Gay, there's more tags but ao3 won't let me tag them all, half the cast is rich so everyone gets a sugar daddy/sugar mommy, I should clarify the lovers are the sugar daddies/sugar mommies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/yHL0XhN
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sero-pairo · 2 years
Paper Rings (Danganronpa x Boku No Hero Academia)
by hitoshis, shipping_my_idiots
Hope's Peak Academy, a school that is known to be the greatest of all of Japan
It is home to students who have extraordinary Ultimate talents from the Ultimate Pop Sensation to the Ultimate Baseball Star. From the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader to even the Ultimate Fashionista. The school is known for helping students and pushing them to a bright future to show the world what they can do with their Ultimates
UA is a school that is home to students who are born with extraordinary superpowers, known as quirks. The school is known for shaping and helping their students and lead them into becoming superheroes of their own one day
Of course, nobody just attends the schools all willy nilly, they moreso scout for those who would do great and would attend the school, it's how it always was
But one day UA and Hope's Peak came together and settled on an agreement to have UA merge into Hope's Peak Academy, so the school got a lot of renovations done to extend the prestigious school to how it is today
 or: Hope's Peak and UA decided to merge together and we take a look at what life is like there
Words: 567, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of I Love You So Whatever: Danganronpa x BNHA Crossover Main Story
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Naegi Makoto, Hinata Hajime, Saihara Shuichi, Akamatsu Kaede, Midoriya Izuku, there's more characters but ao3 won't let me tag them all, Original Characters, mostly the family/parents of some of the cast tho
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Saihara Shuichi, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Kirigiri Kyoko/Uraraka Ochako, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Aoyama Yuuga, Sonia Nevermind/K1-B0, Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki/Tsumiki Mikan, Kaminari Denki/Shiroghane Tsumugi, Soda Kazuichi/Hatsume Mei, Amami Rantaro/Chabashira Tenko, Kamukura Izuru/Iruma Miu, Oma Kokichi/Saionji Hiyoko, Asui Tsuyu/Yumeno Himiko, Kuwata Leon/Mioda Ibuki, Celestia Ludenberg/Maizono Sayaka, Gokuhara Gonta/Nanami Chiaki, Hinata Hajime/Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinguji Korekiyo/Koizumi Mahiru, Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito, Asahina Aoi/Hoshi Ryoma, Naegi Makoto/Togami Byakuya, Iida Tenya/Kirishima Eijirou, Kimura Seiko/Komaeda Nagito, Akamatsu Kaede/Tanaka Gundham, Mitarai Ryota/Utsushimi Camie, Andou Ruruka/Monoma Neito, Tojo Kirumi/Fukawa Touko, Hadou Nejire/Gekkogahara Miaya, Kendou Itsuka/Yonaga Angie, Hagakure Tooru/Jirou Kyouka, Tokoyami Fumikage/Kuzuryu Natsumi, Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio, Shishikura Seiji/Fujisaki Chihiro/Ojiro Mashirao/Ikusaba Mukuro, Komori Kinoko/Kuroiro Shihai, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Izayoi Sonosuke, Awase Yosetsu/Honenuki Juuzou/Kaibara Sen/Naegi Komaru, Shindou You/Yoarashi Inasa/Kodai Yui, Owari Akane/Pekoyama Peko, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu/Tsuburaba Kousei/Sato, Nidai Nekomaru/Owada Mondo/Yanagi Reiko, Past Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi - Relationship, past Monoma Neito/Shindou You, Koizumi Mahiru & Sato, Komaeda Nagito & Nanami Chiaki & Saionji Hiyoko & Oma Kokichi, Hinata Hajime & Kuzuryu Natsumi & Shinsou Hitoshi, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu & Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako, Hinata Hajime & Komaeda Nagito & Nanami Chiaki & Kuzuryu Natsumi & Shinsou Hitoshi, there's a lot more friend groups but I don't think I can fit them all, Yasuhiro is flying solo here, same with Junko, Ultimate Imposter/Shiozaki Ibara/Tsunotori Pony/Tokage Setsuna/Fukidashi Manga
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, i think idk if this counts or not, Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Rare Pairings, Fluff and Angst, there's a actual plot...somewhere, Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru Are Twins, Everyone Is Gay, there's more tags but ao3 won't let me tag them all, half the cast is rich so everyone gets a sugar daddy/sugar mommy, I should clarify the lovers are the sugar daddies/sugar mommies
from AO3 works tagged 'Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta' https://ift.tt/utzSNF1 via https://ift.tt/kSbNjVL
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save-the-data · 11 months
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Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo | S01E03
Japanese Drama - 2023, 5 episodes
Episodes | Gaga | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Catalogue
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mimi-cantabile · 1 year
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Good kid💕💕💕💕💕. I’ve been trying messily sketching Ryota to understand how to draw him decently, but I’ve also……….Been playing with the logistics of often mixing him with Digimon🤣🤣🤣. He lives in Shinjuku, oh! Aoyama Missionaries are in Shibuya. All zones where Digimon anime has been set.
But I’m trying imagining what kind of Digimon he could have tbh hhhh. I feel like his connection with christian religion and Aoyama Missionaries could make him perfect for one of the angels. However, I could also take in account it seems the Grail makes vegetation grow around him…? So he could have some plant Digimon…?
Tbh I think I will land on one of the angels for real, eventually 🤣💕! Gabriel, Maria and Ryota could be the trio of the Holy Angels ahahah. Also because Maria and Gabriel seem to represent light and darkness? So they could be so perfect for Lopmon (Maria?) and Tailmon (Gabriel?). Ryota gets Patamon because I say so, even if he would be more fitting for Gatomon probably. Gatomon’s mega, Ophanimon, is tied to the concept of giving or giving life back. Just like he does. I wouldn’t really mind to give Maria Patamon while Ryota gets the female Digimon. Hhh Why does Housamo have to remind me of both Eva and Digimon!?
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siuxae · 2 years
Cosplays with a BLONDE WIG
A/N: This is a list of characters to cosplay with a blonde wig based on the animes and video games I have watched/played. I will update it as time goes on!
Lengths: short, medium, long, and pigtails.
Fandoms: My Hero Academia, Danganronpa, Haikyuu!!, Black Butler, Spy x Family, Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Bakugo Katsuki (My Hero Academia)
Kaminari Denki (My Hero Academia)
Ojiro Mashirao (My Hero Academia)
Monoma Neito (My Hero Academia)
Best Jeanist (My Hero Academia)
Hawks (My Hero Academia)
Ryukyu (My Hero Academia)
Fatgum (My Hero Academia)
Muscular (My Hero Academia)
Setsuno Toya (My Hero Academia)
Togami Byakuya (Danganronpa THH)
Ultimate Impostor (Danganronpa GD)
Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko (Danganronpa GD)
Izayoi Sonosuke (Danganronpa FA)
Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu!!)
Tanaka Saeko (Haikyuu!!)
Baldroy (Black Bulter)
Finnian (Black Butler)
Midford Edward (Black Butler)
Dagger (Black Butler)
Peter (Black Butler)
Minamoto Kou (TBHK)
Minamoto Teru (TBHK)
All Might (My Hero Academia)
Aoyama Yuga (My Hero Academia)
Togata Mirio (My Hero Academia)
Bakugo Mitsuki (My Hero Academia)
Mitarai Ryota (Danganronpa FA)
Kizakura Koichi (Danganronpa FA)
Yachi Hitoka (Haikyuu!!)
Chamber Aleister (Black Butler)
Forger Loid (Spy x Family)
Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Tsunotori Pony (My Hero Academia)
Ustushimi Camie (My Hero Academia)
Pixie Bob (My Hero Academia)
Mount Lady (My Hero Academia)
Shield Melissa (My Hero Academia)
Nevermind Sonia (Danganronpa GD)
Akamatsu Kaede (Danganronpa KH)
Iruma Miu (Danganronpa KH)
Redmond Edgar (Black Butler)
Camilla (Spy x Family)
Nakagame Tatami (My Hero Academia)
Toga Himiko (My Hero Academia)
Saionji Hiyoko (Danganronpa GD)
Midford Elizabeth (Black Butler)
Hope this helps! ❤
0 notes
noviceaoiryusei · 3 years
FAN REPORT 「 bonds ✨ 」
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The show started with the three boys introducing themselves. As you may know, they are now called 'the audition group' because two of them came from JUNON x AMUSE idol audition. Just a brief introduction about them Tomohiro Iwasaki // 岩崎友泰, 20, a college student hailing from Chiba Prefecture. He won LATCH Award in JUNON x AMUSE Idol Audition. Yuto Hayashi // 林優大, 18, also hailing from Chiba Prefecture. He also won LATCH Award in JUNON x AMUSE Idol Audition. Last but not the least, Fukuzaki Nayuta // 福崎那由他, 20, hailing from Ibaraki Prefecture. He is the senior amongst them because he has been in the industry for 10 years already. Maybe sometime I'll introduce Tomo and Yuto too. 🤔 The show started at 21:00 JST. The three boys introduced themselves one by one and then they introduced their guest for tonight, Ryota Aoyama // 青山凌大. (I guess I'll also introduce Ryota sometime. Haha). Just a brief introduction, the show is about the three of them and they'll go through some games and discussions to test their bonds as the three of them belonged to a unit in STATION IDOL LATCH. I am having problems with my data connection so there sure is a lot that I have missed because it keeps on lagging. OTL One of the things I understood from this was Tomo asking if Nayuta has done anything when he was reading his script or any routines in preparation for a stage performance and Nayuta responded that he doesn't do anything in particular and that he just doesn't think of anything and just enjoy the whole experience itself. The next corner was to test their bond. Ryota asked how many times they did get together and Nayuta can't even remember. Yuto responded that it's probably around three times, they had talk show events. Yuto explained the next corner. They will play a game to test their bond and Aoyama Ryota will be their judge. They are aiming to get 100% score for this game. Ryota took over the MC-ing for this part. The title of the game is called 'kyun kyun heart' game. They will give heart gestures to the tune of the song, it's all about timing and who had the same gestures with one another. The one who gets along with timing the most times, gets along well! (by Ryota) WHAT THE!? 🤣🤣 Lastly, they will do an original pose to end the song. The song that will be used is the song that they sang together entitled 'Everybody Say Yeah!!' They practiced first. -- The first practice part was so hilarious and Nayuta was so funny. 🤣🤣
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WHY ARE YOU CLAPPING?! 🤣🤣 Nayuta got carried away with the song that he forgot. Yes, you're included in here! Lol. After that, they danced twice. Tomo and Nayuta get quite in sync for the first one and on the second one, it's Yuto and Nayuta. The score Ryota gave them is 61 points which is I think fair enough for now. Haha. Ryota's final verdict is... 'it's Iwasaki-kun' (who'll get the punishment). Ryota explained the rules for the punishment game. He will dance to the tune of Everybody Say Yeah!! but he will do his own steps (not the heart ones) and for the final pose, he had to create his own original pose.
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✨✨✨✨ Yuto asked how was it and Ryota gave 25 points... out of pity, that is!! 🤣🤣 (he originally wrote 20 but added 5. lol). To end the show, they announced about the upcoming live event of STATION IDOL LATCH and also the next episode of this show (the date and the guest). The show only lasted for around 30 minutes but it's quite fun to see those three bonding together. To be honest, I was worried that Nayuta might find it hard to fit with those two but I'm glad that they get along pretty well. 😊
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Before I forgot, they already sang a song together and it's over spotify. I hope you'll give it a listen! 😉 And also, I encoded the romaji lyrics of the song here.
And yet one last thing, I didn't even noticed that Nayuta and Tomo are wearing turtleneck shirts and when Tomo posted a photo of them together on twitter, that's when I noticed.
0 notes
littlest-salomon · 3 years
Wild fan theory:
So, yeah, us not getting to hear much about their home lives makes Shiro, Kengo, and Ryota a bit more relatable... but in a lazy way, and the Housamo creators are rarely (if ever) lazy. What if the reason that we don't know many details about their families is because there'd be too many spoilers?
What if they're all descended from their Sacred Artifacts' Exceptions?
Among the other human characters, Arc, Claude, and Licht are each confirmed to share one of their ethnicities--at the very least--with the original bearer(s) of their Sacred Artifacts. Arc, in particular, was born into a cult that seems to have designed them for an experiment intended to open up human summoners to possession by their Exceptions (iirc). Even more connections may exist that don't need to be stated in such a way because both human and Artifact are connected to Japan: a few people, like Kenta, have Transients/Artifacts known to preferentially (or exclusively) select new summoners from their original masters' family lines in real folklore.
Now for our boys:
Toji doesn't just own his Exception's Sacred Artifacts: since the swords are never summoned outside the Sakimori clan, scores of other people inside them may have qualified to be the Exception, and the two men share a striking resemblance, Yukimura is most likely a blood relative and (to me at least) seems meant to be interpreted as Toji's direct ancestor. This one got me thinking about the others, because the relationship is all but textual.
The Protagonist's reaction upon seeing Thor for the first time is "wow, he looks exactly like Kengo" (something that doesn't come up with Oniwaka) and several different people throughout the Ikebukero dungeon reiterate that Thor and Kengo are just like father and son. What if they are--or, perhaps, ancestor and greatest grandchild? Unless Housamo gods have Percy Jackson genetics, it'd mean Kengo was part white, but like... he's almost 6 feet tall with a beard before age 20, it wouldn't be a huge surprise. For his part, Thor has children with a few different people in myth and, while my cursory search didn't reveal any human partners, one of the things that Marvel got right is that he loves humanity with his whole heart.
In "The Dunwich Horror," one of the Lovecraft tales most clearly tied to the author's childhood trauma, Yog-Sothoth's (almost successful) scheme is to sire a human/god hybrid to find the Necronomicon and use it to summon him so that he in turn can help his own father, Azathoth, destroy the planet. This happens in Housamo--but instead of Wilbur Whateley, the Necronomicon's owner is Shiro, who reports an eerily similar childhood of alienation and escape into books and his own intellect to those of Whateley, Lovecraft, and Yog-Sothoth himself. Yog-Sothoth probably just chooses to look like a grown-up version of Azathoth in Housamo because his true form is way past the boundaries of "anthropomorphic" or "body" or "corporeal," so it really doesn't matter what Shiro looks like for this thought experiment.
I don't know anything about the Fisher King (yet?) besides the TV Trope named after him; I'm also largely unfamiliar with Holy Grail legends in general, and I haven't gotten enough keys to play the Aoyama dungeon yet... so poor Ryota gets left out. For now. I have read on Tumblr that the Fisher King seems nice, though, and he does look a bit like Ryota.
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