transiblings · 9 years
This blog has been inactive for a long time because I (adhdjinx, original creator) don’t have the spoons to run it. If one of the mods/admins wants to run it, or another follower who’s over 18 wants to run it, please send me an ask before I leave the group.
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transiblings · 10 years
experimenting w gender identity is always something to be encouraged. transness is not a precious commodity. it’s not something u can appropriate. and even if u discover that you’re actually cis, that you feel most comfortable as a cis boy or girl, exploring gender will always teach u something new and important about yourself.
you’re not a “transtrender” if u aren’t or haven’t always been completely confident in your transness. u and your identity are 1000% valid.
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transiblings · 10 years
im interested in applying to be a little sibling, but if someone i've been paired w/ does anything bad (like sexual things when not wanted, abuse, etc.) do i let mods here know?
I know you said to ignore this in another ask, but I’m going to answer it just in case other people missed it.
If your big sibling does anything you don’t like at all, you have several options:
Let your sibling know you’re ending the pairing and then let us know, or if you don’t feel comfortable, just break contact and let us know. (adhdjinx [me] is on hiatus but I will still reply to very important things)
If they are breaking the terms of service (every big sibling has to electronically sign/agree to this) by engaging in sexual contact, abusing you, etc, let me know asap. Preferably bring me logs of the abuse/contact so I know exactly what they have done and can warn other people. They will be removed as a big sibling and the information provided will go public, with your name/contact info censored/removed.
If at any time you get negative vibes from your big sibling or simply don’t feel like continuing the relationship for whatever reason, feel free to let them know or simply break contact and inform us. You don’t have to put your mental health in jeopardy to continue a relationship with anyone!
I may have missed some things, but this is the basics. Hope that helps!
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transiblings · 10 years
Reminding you all that your identity is valid & that there's absolutely nothing wrong with trying to live authentically.
Again, “stop making up genders to feel ~special~” is honestly just “stop figuring out new ways to express your own identity, I don’t like it.”
Yall are so ridiculous trying to police other people’s feelings about themselves. People’s personal choices for their own identities & their own bodies don’t affect you at all. So mind your business. Live your own life. Chill.
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transiblings · 10 years
it’s okay to be genderfluid but usually a girl
it’s okay to be genderfluid but usually a boy
it’s okay to be agender one day and bigender the next
it’s okay to not identify as any specific gender
it’s okay to keep your gender to yourself
your gender is your own goddamn business
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transiblings · 10 years
this blog is for everyone who identifies as trans and/or non-binary. the only thing we disapprove of is truscum for obvious reasons and hostile individuals in general.
transibling mod applications!
applications are now open!
apply here: https://voidbear.typeform.com/to/JNNgFg
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transiblings · 10 years
Do you guys know of any coping mechanisms, or ways I could not feel so scared about my gender and sexuality? Because every time I think about it, and telling anyone about it, I get terrified and scared.
Yeah, definitely. I’ve picked up quite a lot over the years. There’s breathing techniques - slow, deep breathing, preferably with your  eyes closed and your body relaxed. Lying down helps. Also, there’s this great technique I learned from my counsellor where you basically start at your torso and clench the muscles and then release them slowly. And then you do your chest.. and release. Then your shoulders and release.. and arms… hands… thighs… shins.. toes. It really helps. You can also get a worry stone where it’s shaped to match your thumb and you can rub it when you’re feeling a bit anxious and disconnected. It also helps to feel your feet on the ground and push your feet down into the ground as much as possible. It’s a good grounding exercise.
Hope these help! And if anyone has any other suggestions feel free to let us know :)
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transiblings · 10 years
little siblings page updated with more applicants!
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transiblings · 10 years
still looking for more applications!
transibling mod applications!
applications are now open!
apply here: https://voidbear.typeform.com/to/JNNgFg
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transiblings · 10 years
only one application! need more :o
transibling mod applications!
applications are now open!
apply here: https://voidbear.typeform.com/to/JNNgFg
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transiblings · 10 years
transibling mod applications!
applications are now open!
apply here: https://voidbear.typeform.com/to/JNNgFg
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transiblings · 10 years
hey so is this blog for like matchmaking friends? im on mobile and i cant really find an about page. just wondering what this blog is for! thank you for answering
hey! it can be used for that, yes! here’s what our about says:
Transiblings is a group thought up by Ursa beargem, officially created on May 15th 2014. The inspiration came from a “Big Brothers / Big Sisters” organization in their area that they wished to take part of, but were declined due to being trans/non-binary. They sat on this idea for a while and, after receiving over 1,500 responses to a survey about this very page, decided to create it. We’ve received an amazing amount of applications & responses to this page and are extremely thankful to everyone for being so amazing and supportive. We are still new, so please bare with us while we get sorted out!
Our main admin is Ursa, but we also have a few others. (They are listed on the big siblings page at the very top two rows!) They oversee the group together, with Ursa taking over the brunt of the work and coding. If you have questions about the group itself, Ursa will be the one replying. Any asks directed towards any of the big siblings will be answered by them.
What is Transiblings all about?
Transiblings is made by trans and non-binary individuals, for  trans and non-binary individuals. It’s a safe space where you can talk to different people who share your experiences and interests, befriend them and share a platonic bond. (Unless that’s not your thing, of course!)
Once we get situated, we plan on adding group activities. Right now, check out the Big Siblings page and choose someone you think you’d best get along with. To start interacting with them, send us an ask with their name, introduce yourself and get things started! If you’re more comfortable on anon, that’s okay — just know we’ll have to reply to those asks publicly.
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transiblings · 10 years
Keep you (and your pets) safe on Halloween!
Just a quick reminder for everyone going out tonight!
trigger warnings/mentions for: #pet abuse, #pet death, #food, #violence
pet related
please do not let your cats out tonight! cats, especially dark/black cats, are being targeted by superstitious and/or malicious people. please keep them inside where they are safe.
do not bring your dog with you tonight!! very important!! there is a group going around killing dogs (specifically pit bulls but ALL dogs are being targeted) with blunt objects and poisoned food disguised as treats. keep your pets inside tonight!
trick-or-treating related
don’t trick or treat alone! make sure you are with at least one friend (or adult if you are younger). lots of older kids/adults are pretty mischievous on this night and you might get hurt. travelling with a friend/adult is important, even if you’d prefer to go alone.
make sure you wear something reflective! cars pass by quickly and might miss you, especially if you’re wearing something dark. some stores carry reflective stickers you can put on the back of your costume so the light bounces off and the cars can see you.
check your candy before you eat it, especially if it is “home made” and/or partially unwrapped! again, some people are dicks. i don’t want you to get hurt by ingesting something that might make you sick. “home made” candy is not a good idea to consume at all. if your candy is partially unwrapped, it is also probably a good idea to toss that piece away.
wear something warm under your costume! it’s cold tonight. wear a sweater and long pants, as well as warm socks.
do not egg/t.p. homes and/or vehicles!! you can get in a lot of trouble. i know it may seem fun and harmless but this can cause a lot of damage. please don’t.
if you’re hosting/at a party, make sure the music isn’t playing very loudly past 11pm! sound complaints can get your party crashed by the cops. alcohol complaints do the same.
cell phones are important tonight! especially if you’re going in small groups, at a party, etc. try to keep one on you for emergency purposes.
stay safe, friends!
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transiblings · 10 years
also little siblings page has been updated ^^
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transiblings · 10 years
transibling mod applications!
applications are now open!
apply here: https://voidbear.typeform.com/to/JNNgFg
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transiblings · 10 years
mio (transtrendad), you applied for little siblings but you changed your url! please let me know what your new url is so I can add you!
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transiblings · 10 years
updating the little siblings page with new applications as i speak!
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