transylgaynia · 2 years
My dysphoria is acting up today and it’s painful.
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transylgaynia · 3 years
I love trans people so much. Like wow we are so cool and hot.
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transylgaynia · 3 years
Trans men who wear skirts and dresses are super hot and should continue doing it please.
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transylgaynia · 3 years
the biggest lie that cis people have normalized is that all trans people are unlovable and unattractive, which is,,, no. actually, it's been so amazing with me seeing all of these trans celebrities and out trans people who are so beautiful and just amazing in general. i know beauty's not everything and i know it isn't indicative of the value of a person, but as someone who was so scared that being trans made him ugly and unlovable, this is kind of helping me cope with that. we're actually so lovely and beautiful and i love us. trans women, trans men, nonbinary people, we are all a beautiful community and we need more positivity. also, we don't need cis people to validate us. we are completely amazing and worthy without a cis person's approval.
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transylgaynia · 3 years
FACTUAL: Fat trans people are so very important and wonderful!! And deserve a lot of love!
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transylgaynia · 3 years
Hey my name is Anto, and I’m officially 1 year on Testosterone.
This past year has definitely been a journey with a lot of ups and downs. I’m learning to be myself, and figuring out what I want and need in life. I’m learning to put myself first, and be the best version of myself. I’m learning how to love, and let go of things, to smile even when things are sad.
I’m focusing on my mental health, specifically my bpd..I’ve hated myself for having it for so long. Now I just want to heal and love myself. I’m not the monster that I see myself as. My emotions don’t make me bad. I’m not a bad person. I’m just a person who was dealt a shitty hand in life.
I now have the best friends I could ever ask for. I may not know where I’m going in life. But I know I’ll be ok
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transylgaynia · 3 years
Trans masc people can dress fem if they want. It doesn’t make them any less trans, or any less of a man/ masc person.
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transylgaynia · 3 years
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More spooky pride flags! 👻
Send me an ask if you’d like another one or another design for a specific flag 🖤
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transylgaynia · 3 years
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I saw people designing Halloween themed pride flags so I thought I'd try it too!! I also posted these to my Instagram @_und3ad :)
Plz give credit if ur going to use these and feel free to request flags:) <3
Plz see pinned post for info
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transylgaynia · 3 years
Transfeminine and transneutral people not tucking is not sexual. Point blank.
Transmasculine and transneutral people not binding is not sexual.
Transfeminine and transneutral people using breast forms is not sexual.
Transmasculine and transneutral people packing is not sexual.
Trans people adjusting their bodies is not inherently sexual. While sexuality is not harmful, it is harmful to ascribe intent in order to have an excuse to demonize people. Not everything is done with ulterior motives. Sometimes, people want to live comfortably.
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transylgaynia · 3 years
My coworker asked me about me being trans. It wasn’t too invasive. I’m glad she wants to educate herself
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transylgaynia · 3 years
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Here’s a little information about Testosterone! ✨ Testosterone is the cornerstone of testosterone-based gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT), which uses synthetic testosterone. No singular gender identity is required for testosterone-based GAHT. But generally speaking, it is commonly prescribed to trans men, and trans masculine, non-binary, and intersex folks.
To learn more visit getplume.co And another huge shoutout to the amazing @megemikoart for creating these graphics for us!
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transylgaynia · 3 years
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transylgaynia · 3 years
i hope all transmasc people who are transitioning or who have transitioned all have a fabulous day <3
and i hope that all transmasc people who haven’t or can’t transition are having a wonderful day as well
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transylgaynia · 3 years
here’s to the transmasc people who still enjoy traditionally “feminine” things, you’re pretty rad :)
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transylgaynia · 3 years
It’s okay to need help in your transition! Whether that comes in the form of a role model, financial support, or even someone to make doctor appointments for you, it’s completely okay. You don’t have to do this on your own.
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transylgaynia · 3 years
To all my ftm/transmasc femboys, I love you and you're valid as fuck!😘
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