trixterlmao · 5 days
I feel like ive seen quite a few gfms getting passed around and ive observed that a lot of them have stories of such exceptional people who have achieved so much, or were going to before the genocide cut it off. And i really commend them for it, i really do.
But it breaks my heart that palestinians reaching out to us feel the need to have to prove that they are they are good people who are worth the support, like theyre only worth being supported if they had a good gpa or were exceptional in some way.
They shouldnt have to prove that theyre beneficial to the economy somehow to be worth the support. They shouldnt have to be exceptional to deserve help. Our governments are putting them through this, both in the west and around the world too. They shouldnt have to prove anything. We owe them this
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trixterlmao · 12 days
worrying is like worshipping the problem
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trixterlmao · 2 months
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Happy birthday Baizhu genshin impact ! We share a birthday, how cool !
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trixterlmao · 2 months
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trixterlmao · 2 months
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trixterlmao · 2 months
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trixterlmao · 6 months
Repeat after me:
It is OKAY to have content preferences and to be uncomfortable with certain ships or topics, controversial or not. It is OKAY to distance yourself from such content and block certain tags or creators.
It is NOT OKAY to actively hate and harass real people for creating content of fictional characters that features things that make you uncomfortable.
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trixterlmao · 7 months
Headcanon that even though Toshinori is weak, he’s fast. That razor sharp gaze never slowed, his reflexes haven’t dulled with age or illness.
Everyone forgets this, of course. How could they not? He’s a different person nowadays, even though he really, actually isn’t. people know that he’s All Might, but they look at him and honestly see a completely unrelated person. He’s separate. He’s not the same.
So it’s only natural that sometimes they kind of, sorta, almost forget. Forget that he was the strongest hero of his time, that he could and did change the weather with only a swing of his powerful fist. That his mere existence kept crime and violence at a historical low, ushering in the longest era of peace since quirks dawned.
Oh sometimes though, sometimes, they’ll get a reminder. Bakugou will throw a pen at the back of his head in class when the man is turned around lecturing and Toshinori, without pausing for breath, without even a hitch in his perfect script, will snatch it out of the air and have it hurdling back even faster and so, so much harder before they know what happened. The class notices, and takes turns testing it on occasion. They forget the least of all, and Midoriya, he never does.
He’s sturdy, too. Toshinori may pay a higher tribute to a willow tree than his own youth nowadays, but he doesn’t get knocked on the ground. It’s something in his unbreakable stance, how he still holds himself like a 300 lb immovable object, like he forgets that his body has changed. The other teachers see this and realize that in his prime, All Might wasn’t always standing due to strength, but sheer insurmountable skill.
I like to think that rarely, during administrative meetings, Toshinori will begin speaking in his thundering voice like a leader again, slipping into that persona when he needs to be firm, and the other pros will go cold with the reminder. Subconsciously they will bend their opinions under that voice, instinctually following it like they did in times past.
Kind hearted, cold blooded Toshinori Yagi.
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trixterlmao · 7 months
Do you ship them?
[x] I just want to put them in a room together and observe their dynamic under different circumstances and what-ifs all the while making notes like I am some kind of animal behaviorist.
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trixterlmao · 10 months
hbd to the orb
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[Posted September 4th, 2020]
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trixterlmao · 1 year
i need to stop picking at my face but the problem is theres Textures On There and i would prefer if there Werent
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trixterlmao · 4 years
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[Posted September 4th, 2020]
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