troublesomeasever · 7 years
Hello. I’m not dead.
Plan for tomorrow is going through and deleting some of my drafts. This by NO MEANS doesn’t mean I don’t want to RP with you any more. We can always start something new and I always like writing with new people as well.
Hope you’re all having a good day.
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
In Celebration of Father's Day, ask my muse (or the mun) anything about his/her father.
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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"Death is a consequence. It might not always be fair, but there's still a reason for it." For some it was a reason for morality, fearing what afterlife they would receive if they weren't. And who knew what other sort of anarchy might reign if people didn't at least have that slight fear of dying from their antics.
She moved forward however, still keeping her eyes on him as her lips pressed together all the more. It all sounded more like a belief in heaven except you had to die in order to get there. A part of her wanted to agree, but she was also scared. "I don't have your abilities. And even if it was everlasting life in this particular form, how do you leave behind everything and everyone you've ever known? Have you ever actually been in this other realm?"
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     “everyone takes a knife. blood flows at different rates from it’s slit. closing up. a horrid scar left for sight, but most fall blind. feel there’s is just no such resistance of prevention. without time. without death. loss’ blade can’t thrive.”
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     “you acknowledge it.” (but that does not equal to understanding.) once more focused on the woman much like a relic of a lost love. poking &&. prodding. itching &&. tearing. always creating theories of mad men. zealot as an old wolf shaking it all off like nipping fleas with disease that creeps into blood. “grief does not blind nor guide me. distortion merely caused by another dimension’s beauty. that may i take you along? everlasting life. dead time. peace. bliss. release &&. freedom.”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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“my words are unheard. misunderstood. why shall my song play? heard it may be. meaning &&. truth kept however.” tears form. abstract of stone features. monotone cords. traveling into chipped flesh of fluorescent purple hues &&. tar black. fading. withering. (what did he want?) end of time. death. which one has become. free of it’s terrorizing hold. not quite natural. denied. “paradise is ahead. steps forth, few, on my journey. this distorted path.”
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“You make it sound like you’re the only one who has experienced such a deep loss. Like I couldn’t possibly understand your motives.” Though it was her own losses that made seeing him like this hurt all the worse. She’d already failed Galen and while she wouldn’t admit any romantic feelings, had she now failed someone else as well? “If this makes you happy however... Then who am I to stand in the way of it? Just make sure you’re not so blinded by grief that it’s the reason the path ahead is so distorted.”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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there’s a paining silence. intestines twist, coil. tough knots that stir bile &&. over stimulation of nerves. (all psychological terror.) “not just for her.” lost kin fueled that blue flame of never ending grief. 
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“Then what is it? You can talk to me...” Did this really make him feel better? Fill whatever hole had been left behind by such terrible loss? “Is this really what you want, Kaecilius?”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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maw gaps ever so slightly, tongue twisted as the theory of identity being mistaken is erased quickly from behind a skull. roughly, aggressively by words that slip so easily. steadily. calm rain beating drums. insightful hazel taking another snip-it of that delicate shine. confused. baffled. perhaps not in intended ways. hypnotism never occurred. least with lyra. the arch would have been much aware. humanity were lambs. far from worthy. she was of that breed. not to say it alone will determine final response, nor bring full commitment. toying of nature.       “pray-tell reasoning. what must lead to this?”
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Well that still was not much of an answer to what he preferred to be called, but perhaps that would come later. After all he was the one with the higher power and had no need to actually respond to her if he didn’t wish to do so. Though admittedly her lips twitched upward slightly at the idea that he’d used the term ‘pray’ at all. Perhaps his follower still did pray to him.
“Why not? If one is looking for someone to commit their life, to, why not go for the best? Admittedly I did not quite expect such an attractive visage.”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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“And for what? For her?” Lyra swallowed her fear, standing her ground.
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     “&&. i have become d e a t h. &&. fear.”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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“The one of many names? Although perhaps first I should inquire which you prefer. His Infernal Majesty is a rather large mouthful to use on a regular basis.” Then she wondered if what she’d offered there hadn’t quite been satisfactory enough but she’d thought the 30 pieces of silver had been a good touch. “Lucifer? Sataniel? Beelzebub?”
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     “now. an answer has not yet left this maw. make no assumptions.” by god. had one lost it? queen ideal, but not searched for &&. surely bound by chains of unholy depths, not bands around digits. “f o r g o t t e n who am i, have you?”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
She wasn’t sure what to make of that other than she might very well be hearing from the boy’s parents eventually. “Alright. Do you want to help with dinner?”
“Yes please! I want to cut the vegetables!” She reaches to take mama’s hand. “Can I have a cookie?” 
“We’ll see how good of a job you do first.” She’d have to keep an eye on the little one with the knife. She’d been taught how to do it all safely, but Lyra preferred to be right there.
Holds mama forever and ever.
Holds her back forever more. “Keeping out of trouble?”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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“Forward. We’re going back to the ship.” Assuming it was still there. She’d find a way regardless, but as long as those plans got off Scarif that was the most important. “Or did you forget the way out?”
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“Back to your ship?” If she wanted to kill him, surely shed’ have done it already. He can’t imagine she somehow came here on his. Not that he particularly cared. His troopers could take care of the mess here. Leave Lyra to him. This time, he’d finish the job. 
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“No, yours.” She replied dryly. Though she hadn’t considered until just that moment how that might very well be the safer solution. And besides she hadn’t exactly just come here on her own ship but with the Resistance. It might even be better for him to not be around so many that would want to shoot first. “Get moving.”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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“Yes.” As if it were the most obvious thing in the world. She hadn’t stuttered, or at least she didn’t think she had. “Is that a no already?”
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“No, sir. This isn’t a summoning offering. This is a wedding proposal.”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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“No, sir. This isn’t a summoning offering. This is a wedding proposal.”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
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"Is this your first time on a survey team?" She smiled brightly, perhaps too young to really be leading this project but she was excited to have the chance. “Not that we’re getting started until morning anyhow.”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
Like/Reblog for a short starter.
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
She wasn’t sure what to make of that other than she might very well be hearing from the boy’s parents eventually. “Alright. Do you want to help with dinner?”
Holds mama forever and ever.
Holds her back forever more. “Keeping out of trouble?”
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
“You act like I meant it as an insult. I’m just glad you remember something.” A small bit that might lead to more with some time but until then... “So impress me. And I’ll try not to make it too difficult to do so.”
[TroublesomeAsEver] "Good morning, hope you don't mind me borrowing your shirt.."
“Are you sure it will fit?” Rubs his face with a yawn not quite registering what was happening in his half asleep state.
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troublesomeasever · 7 years
"How have you been doing, dearest?"
Gives flowers.
“Thank you. Are you coming to brunch?”
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