truthofficial · 3 years
My first novel, Reckless Truth, is now available to read!
So I've finally put myself out there and decided to publicly post my first novel in its entirety for feedback and exposure.
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Want to read the manuscript FREE? Read it here! I know some of y'all have already read parts of this but this time I promise it'll be updated until it's finished! I'll be updating it VERY often (just need time to get tags and stuff in order). Constructive criticism and feedback are not just welcome but NEEDED. This is still technically not a finished, published product. There is a link to my Ko-Fi too if you'd like to tip me for 2.5 years of hard work :P
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truthofficial · 3 years
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E Coraline piange Coraline ha l’ansia Coraline vuole il mare ma ha paura dell’acqua E forse il mare è dentro di lei
Coraline by Måneskin did me a heckin inspire and I decided to doodle a potential Truth series novel concept uwu
reference under the cut
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truthofficial · 3 years
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super late but here’s a very specific ship dynamic i’ve been obssessed with recently
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truthofficial · 3 years
WIP of some of my trans characters for TDOV!
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Left to right:
Erik, the he/they nonbinary bae who could and would kick ur ass Mist, the he/him trans kid who is literally a demigod Evie, the they/them demigirl mother of Mist who can literally make you live out your worst fears (but usually won't)
they are all bae and we lov them.
A digitally drawn picture of three figures. The leftmost figure is a brown-skinned person with a masculine-presenting body, folding their arms. They are wearing a crop top in the Nonbinary flag colours adorned with two badges. One says "He/They" and the other is a pansexual flag. They are also wearing black jeans and boots, and have wild black hair and blue eyes. They are smiling and leaning slightly towards the second figure. There is a strange blue-ish pattern on their stomach like thick veins.
The second, middle figure is a child standing on a chair to be closer to the leftmost figure's height. He is a pale-skinned albino with white hair similar to the leftmost figure's and pink eyes, and is grinning. He also has his arms crossed and is wearing a turtleneck in the trans flag colours. He has a badge with He/Him written on it. He is also wearing blue trousers and black boots.
The third, rightmost figure is a femme-presenting person leaning against something we can't see. They have warm but pale skin, long wavy ginger hair and green eyes and are also smiling. One hand is tucked loosely into the pocket of blue jeans and the other is outstretched, holding a green parasol over the middle figure's head. They are wearing reddish-brown boots and a sweater in the Demigirl flag colours. They are also wearing two badges: One with "They/Them" written on it and one that is the Asexual flag.
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truthofficial · 4 years
I was told to shitpost, If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what happens when a doctor eats one?
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poof. no more doctor.
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truthofficial · 4 years
Surprise! I'm still working on this! Last minute panic is beginning to set in lmao, maybe we'll get some work done today. Come join me for our thursday productivity stream!
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truthofficial · 4 years
So. Lockdown, amirite?
I hate that I have to do this again. But my county has just been put back into lockdown just after I spent 2 weeks self-isolating.
I need help. My pay is pitiful, we won’t have enough for the rent next month let alone the internet, electric (which I’m in debt with) and food for the cat. The government are doing nothing to help us financially. I’m still having to work which means I have less time/energy to livestream (which is how I earn a little extra on the side).
So uh. Help a gay out? Please? I’m setting the goal high but every little bit goes a long way, honestly. Anything you can give will mean the world to me.
https:// paypal.me/SometimesRaven
£0 / £500
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truthofficial · 4 years
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Moodboard - Blade - General
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truthofficial · 4 years
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Bitter Truth
They were raised in violence and separated in fear. For years they relied on each other, closer than anyone could ever be. Now they rely on each other once more, thrown into a world that doesn’t want them -- but nothing is the same as it was.
Genre | Paranormal Romance (man x nonbinary)
POV | Third Person Limited Omniscient
Target Audience | New Adult
Themes | Love, heartbreak, betrayal, trauma, found family, self-discovery, death, anger and kindness
Warnings | Violence, abuse, brainwashing, sexual themes
I was torn about making this a romance at first but after skimming the gay paranormal romance section of goodreads I have decided there aren’t enough of the genre not written by horny middle aged women who just want to sexualise gay dudes so I’m doin it.
Blade: This dude was the most loyal of all the kid soldiers he grew up with. Disciplined, brainwashed and utterly deadly, his world is thrown into chaos when he finds himself separated from the Facility and training environment he’s used to. Gay af and punchy af, he’s gotta learn to be A Person and unlearn half of the stupid shit he’s been conditioned into believing.
Erik: He grew up in the same facility as Blade but escaped a handful of years ago and already knows a lil bit about being A Person. He’s still struggling but he loves Blade to pieces and is the only one who ever really understood or had the patience for him. Queer af and hot af, he’s gotta try and help Blade through this hard-ass transition and teach him to love himself for once in his damn life.
tagging the Truth taglist but lemme know if you want to be on/not the taglist for this specifically! @antiquedemon, @tracle0, @ocmaker
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truthofficial · 4 years
Day 3 of @shannaraisles Writing Challenge
pyrrhic - won at too great a cost
In which Erik has Many Emotions and Many Terrible Ideas
“But you got out -- isn’t it better to have your life out here than stuck down there?”
He’d heard it too many times before -- so many times, in fact, that he wasn’t certain the words held any meaning anymore. Memories of cold, featureless walls and empty, hopeless souls haunted his every step, reassuring him that life was better here, that he’d have gained nothing if he’d not escaped the Facility that made him. 
It was shallow. A cold, meaningless existence wrapped in the shimmering illusion of freedom. And at what cost? He knew now that his fellows -- his family -- were tortured in his place. Punished for his own escape. And now he was sitting in a world that knew nothing of what he was, forced to come to terms with aspects of himself and humanity that he would never have had to face. Back then, his powers were mundane. His disability was merely a momentary inconvenience. Gender meant nothing. Sexuality was a moot point. Morality was simply deciding whether to kill or be killed. Everyone was who they were and nothing was questioned. 
Now he was isolated, distant even from his closest friends as they tried so hard to connect with him. Lost in his own thoughts with every passing silence and stuck knowing that out here there was nothing he could do to help his family -- and worse, he had no idea what was happening to them. Josh was already dead. Who else would be gone by the time he could take any action for them? 
And Blade. Fuck, what mess had he given Blade to deal with? After all the stupid promises he made… He should never have left.
 “What happens,” he asked, staring at the ceiling with green eyes shining and his brow pinched in that constant scowl that always seemed to be stuck there, “when you die?”
“Nothing,” Erik had answered, smirking at the way Blade’s head shifted to watch him sign, “it won’t happen.”
“It will.” There wasn’t room for debate in his tone. The boy was certain, and Erik’s heart squeezed. “Who’s gonna be in charge?”
“Whoever the Controller puts there.”
“Not me.” He was always so blunt; so certain, but Erik watched his scowl dip further downward -- the surefire sign he was thinking far deeper than he let on. “Nobody listens to me.”
“That will change in time.” He put as much cheeky emphasis in his face as he could, encouraging him with every insincere gesture of hope he could muster. It wasn’t nearly so likely as he was letting on -- who would listen to Blade if he was gone? Nobody. He was just the Controller’s puppet to them: his golden boy ready to bow to his every whim. Only Erik knew what was going through his head at any given moment and he knew Blade was thinking that. “They’ll learn to respect you. Understand you. They have to.”
“Not with you gone, they won’t.”
“Good thing I’ll never leave you, then.”
Maybe it was time to go back. Leaving had always been a mistake; he could do far more for his family from the inside. 
taglist: @antiquedemon, @tracle0, @ocmaker
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truthofficial · 4 years
Day 2 of @shannaraisles Writing Challenge aspectabund - letting emotion show easily through the face or eyes
In which Lydia just fucking loves girls so goddamn much
Her words said she was fine, but her face said differently.
Tori had never been good at hiding her emotions -- at least not from Lydia. The girl floated from tree to tree with animals scurrying around her like a carefree Disney princess and yet her eyes glittered with tears almost constantly and she flinched just slightly with every sudden movement she didn’t anticipate. 
Was she the only one who noticed this? Everyone else seemed to take her at face value; all smiles and softness but Lydia could see it clear as day: the boiling behind those glittering hazel eyes threatening to burst at any moment. Every sweet thing Tori did was accompanied by the most hopeful little smile like she was desperate to please -- like she was terrified of what might happen if she didn’t. Every time she saw it Lydia didn’t know whether to go hunting for the people who did this to her, or simply to bundle her up and carry her away and wait on her for once. When was the last time someone did something nice for her just because they could?
There was something beautiful about it, though. Maybe it was just Lydia’s morbid tastes, but to see her glowing and somehow managing to enjoy herself out here despite… well, despite everything. It was stunning. Candids weren’t her thing; hadn’t been since she grew out of making her brother the subject of every piece of vent art. But her pocket camera was in her hands before she could think about it, snapping picture after picture of that bittersweet smile beneath sad, tired eyes. The shadows of the trees hit her just right, sunlight glinting across her face while the trees shielded her face from the glare -- the perfect contrast, ironic symbolism. Stupid, beautiful forest creature deserved the world and got nothing. 
“Are you crying?”
taglist: @tracle0, @ocmaker, @antiquedemon
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truthofficial · 4 years
Day 1 of @shannaraisles Writing Challenge scrosciare - the action of rain pouring down or of waves hitting rocks and cliffs
In which Erik has some time to contemplate.
He didn’t need to hear the waves to know how high they lapped against the rocks. The cliff was sheer and impossibly high but Erik could feel the vibrations under his feet before he even reached the edge: the thrumming that built like an earthquake before crashing away all at once in the off-rhythm pulsing of water below. He always wondered how it must feel to his friends and family -- could they, too, feel every ebb and flow? Every tiny breath of wind like tendrils of soft smoke on their arms? Would it be different if he could hear them?
It didn’t matter much, these days. He was used to his deafness; used to seeing the world so differently to when he was a child. Sound was a distant memory now. Erik smiled as he reached the edge of the cliff, leaning precariously over the edge to watch the crashing waves and put sight to his senses. The blue-green water danced and struck against stone, slowly wearing it away with the patience of an ancient predator. One day, those waves would be all that was left of the world, he knew. It was a welcome thought. 
Something stirred, down there in the water. Something that broke into his perfect rhythm and set him off-balance. A slight break in the thrumming and crashing that had his brow pinching in confusion. Raising a hand, he journeyed the water’s vibration into his palm, feeling it there and shifting it sideways like pulling at fabric -- and the water obeyed, spinning and shifting as if simply flowing with a different current; parting to reveal a figure in the stillness. From this distance he couldn’t quite make it out, but the size and shape told him it was some kind of animal, entirely still without the force of the waves.
His heart sunk. With a soft puff of air from his nose and another graceful gesture the waves were moving again, carrying the creature to sit atop a rock that was not yet submerged. 
He wished there was more he could do. A part of him wanted to leap from this cliff, have the waves catch him and take him to the animal’s side, but there was no guarantee he’d be able to catch himself in that high of a fall and even if he did, well… there would be no way back up. If only his sister were here-- she’d know what the creature was at least, maybe even be able to help it. 
But she wasn’t, right now, so he sat. Perched on the edge of a sheer drop that scarcely bothered him -- no more than any other anxiety, at least. He sat, and stared over the waves; feeling the vibrations wash through the ground and up his spine as he held vigil for this beast lost at sea. Animals lived such a basic life: eat, sleep, fuck, die, all at the whim of whatever instincts they were built with. To die alone on top of that-- no. He couldn’t let that happen to the poor bastard. 
Sucking in a breath, he lifted both his hands, holding them in front of him and feeling for the waves again. You’ll be fine, buddy. 
He ignored the spiking pain in his head as he reached his senses as far as they’d go; paid no mind to the fireworks behind his eyelids as he felt for the changing currents, nor to the numbness in his fingertips as he pushed to his feet and allowed the feeling to surge through his spine. He moved with the water, ebbing and flowing in a precarious dance as the animal’s body was carried once more by the waves; through and away to the depths where it would be unbothered by the current.
His vision was black when he opened his eyes, fuzzing and swimming lights dancing in front of him, but that was okay. Sighing, he carefully lowered himself to the ground to wait it out; content despite the pain.
taglist: @antiquedemon, @tracle0, @ocmaker
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truthofficial · 4 years
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hi i suck but here’s an art it’s Erik and Blade from the Truth series because ugh these GAYS
are they gonna do the dirty in an alleyway? maybe
is Blade holding a knife? always
is Erik being a lil shit and winding him up? absolutely
Keep reading
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truthofficial · 4 years
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Understand my ships in 5 mins, Truth edition! Tori and Lydia are the main ship in Truth and Blade/Erik are a side ship which don’t appear much but Will Some Day feature probably in a story of their own uwu
taglist: @antiquedemon, @tracle0, @ocmaker
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truthofficial · 4 years
someone pls protecc tori
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my poor ADHD abused childe needs many hug
taglist bc this is technically a teaser: @antiquedemon​, @ocmaker​, @tracle0​
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truthofficial · 4 years
FORGOT TAGLIST  taglist:  @antiquedemon, @ocmaker, @tracle0
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He trusted me, and I left.
Erik x Blade
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truthofficial · 4 years
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He trusted me, and I left.
Erik x Blade
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